Frank (Nick Barkla, The Secret Life of Us) meets Madaline (Laura Gordon, Saw V) at a cocktail party held at a World Bank conference. He's a foreign correspondent whose recent work in Mali has left him traumatised. As the erotic connection between Frank and Madaline deepens, each gradually reveal secrets from their past that could have deadly consequences. The sensual, politically charged Embedded is an exciting anomaly in Australian cinema, marking a promising directorial debut for Sewell.
Frank (Nick Barkla, The Secret Life of Us) meets Madaline (Laura Gordon, Saw V) at a cocktail party held at a World Bank conference. He's a foreign correspondent whose recent work in Mali has left him traumatised. As the erotic connection between Frank and Madaline deepens, each gradually reveal secrets from their past that could have deadly consequences. The sensual, politically charged Embedded is an exciting anomaly in Australian cinema, marking a promising directorial debut for Sewell.
In February 1987, American artist Andy Warhol checked himself anonymously into New York Hospital for a routine gall bladder operation. As he lay recovering from this standard procedure, the nurse who was meant to watch over him fell asleep reading a bible. Thus neglected, Andy Warhol died and entered the land of legend. 25 years later film-maker Jim Sharman, writer Stephen Sewell and composer Basil Hogios interweave verse, song and imagery into a unique and dreamlike 40 minute exploration of this great artist's life, death and legacy. With Andy Warhol every yes contained a no and every beginning an end. Welcome to the mysterious and wonderful world of ANDY X.
Gary (Leon Ford), Brad (Chalie Garber), Emily (Lenka Kripac) y Tracey (Alex Vaughan) son dos parejas de jóvenes que se escapan a una playa desierta durante el fin de semana. Desafiando a sus padres, pretenden llevar a cabo una salvaje fiesta de fin de curso. Lo que no saben es que lo que van a descubrir es que sus sueños se convertirán en pesadillas.
Virginia, a young and adventurous woman, travels from England to Sydney, Australia, in search of her Australian ancestors.
Brett Sprague es un hombre violento y psicópata, que está en libertad condicional después de cumplir una condena por agresión. Cuando regresa a la casa de su familia y lo observamos a él y sus hermanos, Stevie y Glenn, durante las próximas 24 horas, queda claro que este día no terminará bien.
Script Editor
Hanif and Dean steal a cache of drugs from Dean's psychotic brother Jerry, and at the last minute get a lift with Mimi as she decides to drive to Perth. They pick up a drunken singer, Morris, as they cross the country, chased by Jerry.