Set in the magical Karoo town of Prince Albert the story revolves around forgiveness, acceptance and the meaning of miracles. When Maritjie Naude, an 18 year old farmgirl and the only child of Ella and Kallie the owners of Hoopfontein, comes home on Christmas Eve and tells them that she’s pregnant, it’s enough to shock any parents of a young daughter, but then she drops a real bombshell that will flabbergast not only her mum and dad, but the entire town. Maritjie assures them that she’s still a virgin. The only explanation to her pregnancy – it must be the work of the Holy Spirit!
Captain Lazareu
Los terroristas toman como rehenes a un barco capitaneado por el padre (Dale Dye) del líder (Michael McGrady) de Delta Force. Como era de esperar, se envía la fuerza para detenerlos.
Period drama Black Velvet Band takes us back to Victorian times when a gang of petty crooks find themselves sentenced to transportation to Australia, their ship, however, docks in South Africa and the gang manage to make their escape. The film starred Nick Berry, Chris McHallem and Todd Carty, who had all previously appeared in EastEnders together. The initial idea came from McHallem, whilst Nick Berry, thanks to being the darling of ITV at the time because of his hit show Heartbeat, had the clout to get it made.
Captain Gibbs
Un equipo de expertos militares y científicos persigue a un grupo terrorista que se ha apoderado de un virus mortal y está amenazando con liberarlo.
Dr. Phelps
Un policía intenta detener los experimentos de un científico que pretende transformar estudiantes en mercenarios cyborg.
Blake, un joven de vida solitaria y antiguo miembro de un comando de élite se enfrenta a un grupo de terroristas camuflados en una secta llamada El jardín del Edén, capitaneados por el Reverendo James. La lucha no va a ser fácil para Blake, pero cuenta con su inteligencia y su insuperable destreza con las armas. Dirigida por Yossi Wein.
Commandant Van Zy
Años treinta. Narra las vicisitudes de un muchacho sudafricano que tiene que abandonar su granja y la tribu de los zulúes con los que se había criado.
A big city police lieutenant travels to the tropics to find his daughter, who he finds involved with a very suspicious artist.
Gun dealer
A concluding movie to the Afrikaans television series that ran for two seasons, this movie focuses mainly on Bruce Beyers after he is released from jail (2 years after the second season ended). Many main characters from the TV series did not return for the movie. The movie also features Steve Hofmeyer's song, "Agter Elke Man", which he wrote for the movie.
When saxophonist Mike Teller's brother Mackie is killed before being able to deliver $500,000 to mob boss Jack Fisher, Mike is arrested as an accomplice and thrown into prison for five years. Upon his release, he finds Fisher has kidnapped his wife, Lisa, believing Mike has the stolen drug money. With the help of Mackie's old Vietnam war buddy, Harry Crawford, Mike and Harry rescue Lisa, but now have to escape the clutches of the mob in Harry's remote cabin. Will Jack Fisher retrieve his money or will Mike get his revenge?
El héroe terrestre Tarl Cabot (véase Gor) es nuevamente transportado al planeta Gor, donde será acusado del asesinato del Rey.