Yasutaka Nagano


A Mother's Touch
Director of Photography
Satoshi become blind at his age of 9 and become deaf at the age of 18. Support from his family, Support from his friends. Satoshi's struggle of his meaning of "being alive" " His reason of existence" The story has a strong message of being a "HUMAN" and the deep relationship of "WHAT FAMILY IS" Based upon a true story.
Crazy Samurai Musashi
Director of Photography
En 1604, Miyamoto Musashi atacó a la familia Yoshioka en su dojo y derrotó al maestro Seijūrō y a su hermano menor Denshichirō en dos duelos. Para salvar su reputación, la familia Yoshioka decide luchar con los 100 miembros de la familia y contratar a 300 samuráis adicionales. Ahora Musashi se propone derrotar a los 400 enemigos en su batalla más famosa.
HiGH&LOW The Movie 3: Final Mission
Director of Photography
Con el fin de ocultar la corrupción pasada por el gobierno, el grupo Kyuryu procede a un plan para destruir una calle y construir un casino. Para detener el grupo Kyuryu, los miembros de SWORD comienzan a moverse.
HiGH&LOW The Movie 2: End of Sky
Director of Photography
Dos miembros de S.W.O.R.D ganan contra Wangan Rengogun, que es conducido por Kohaku. Sin embargo, aparecen las bandas más brutales. Las pandillas son Doubt, dirigido por Ranmaru Hayashi, y Prison Gang, dirigido por Jesse. Estas pandillas intentan dominar el área controlada por SWORD. Finalmente, Doubt, con la ayuda de Prison Gang, desafía a White Rascals a luchar.
Puedo oír el sol
Director of Photography
Kohei has suffered from hearing loss since middle school and had trouble fitting in with those around him. Now a university student, Kohei meets the outgoing Taichi in the university courtyard. Their friendship becomes one in which they can say whatever is on their minds, but Kohei, who has grown used to keeping people from getting too close, now faces escalating expectations and anxiety the stronger his bonds with Taichi becomes.
Blue Demon ver.2.0
Director of Photography
On the way to visit Shun, who didn't attend class, Hiroshi and Anna are drawn by a mysterious butterfly and enter the big house “Jail House”. They get lost and wander around the house. Meanwhile, Takuro, Mika and Takeshi, who bullies Shun, enter the “Jail House” to test their courage.
Use the Eyeballs!
A bizarre love comedy about a bullied schoolboy Kotaro. His problem is the eyeballs – not the normal pair, but the additional pair that pops up from his nose whenever he gets nervous. Needless to say, girls usually run away screaming.Tashiro is a fanboy director whose films are full of references (e.g. Kotaro gets self-confidence by watching The Toxic Avenger on VHS) and insider jokes. There’s also an amazing cameo at the end of the film.
Director of Photography
A publishing company is working on a book about Umezu’s life. The lead editor, Sakura, knows that Umezu’s late mother Ichie was very influential to his work. As the investigation continues, bizarre incidents begin occurring one after another. Soon, the grudge of a mother who should be dead sparks mounting fear around Umezu.
Jellyfish Eyes
Director of Photography
En el Japón de hoy en día, el pequeño Masashi se desplaza de un centro de evacuación a un pueblo pequeño. Allí descubrirá que cada niño posee la facultad de comunicarse con una criatura fantástica, pero estas están siendo usadas en un plan maligno para recolectar la energía negativa de los niños.
Deddo sushi (Dead Sushi)
Director of Photography
La hija de un gran chef de sushi, intenta seguir los pasos de su padre y comienza a trabajar a sus ordenes. Incapaz de seguir sus drásticas enseñanzas, la chica huye de casa y encuentra trabajo en unas termas. Allí llegan como clientes los altos cargos de una empresa farmacéutica, para probar la especialidad gastronómica de la casa, el sushi. Pero también les sigue un antiguo investigador de la compañía que, traicionado y desfigurado por culpa del presidente, decide vengarse inyectando en el sushi una sustancia que no solo le da vida, sino que le convierte en sushi asesino!. El virus del sushi se comienza a expandir por los humanos, convirtiéndoles en zombis sedientos de sangre. La chica deberá utilizar todos los conocimientos transferidos por su padre y frenar el caos que ha creado el sushi…
Karate-Robo Zaborgar
Daiman, un superhéroe que monta una motocicleta robótica que sabe karate, se enfrenta al Dr. Akunomiya y su secuaz.
Aiko and Hashimoto discovere a VHS videotape called "A Guide to Surviving Zombies From". This is a video with a set of instructions that will help them cope with the invasion of the undead living in Japan.
Tomie Unlimited
Tsukiko, es un fotografo, miembro de un Club en la escuela, pero siempre se ha sentido menos que su hermana Tomie. Ella es linda y muy popular entre los niños. Sin embargo, un día, Tomie muere en un accidente horrible, por lo que Tsukiko,le provoca pesadillas escalofriantes. Un año más tarde, cuando Tomie se supone que cumpliría 18 años, y un día alguien llama a la puerta. Tomie está de vuelta. Poco a poco, Tomie comenzará a mostrar su lado más oscuro, por lo que Tsukiko vuelve a tener las mismas horrendas pesadillas.
GeishaCop: Fearsome Geisha Corps - Go to Hell
Director of Photography
Spin-off short film to RoboGeisha, A woman infiltrates Kageno Steel Manufacturers to unravel their plot to take over Japan.
Gekijô ban kenka banchô: Zenkoku seiha
Based on a delinquent battle-themed video game series - a high school senior named Takashi the toughest fighter at Rashin High School. When he travels to Tokyo during a class field trip, he’s almost immediately attacked by a local thug. Takashi dispatches his opponent with ease, but he soon discovers gang leaders from all over Japan have gathered for a massive battle to determine who the toughest badass fighter is. During battle scenes, various recognizable fight moves from the game are incorporated for comic relief.
Psycho Shark
Director of Photography
Beautiful girls are in danger. At Sunny Beach, a huge shark is waiting for his prey. College students Miki and Mai arrive on a private beach on a tropical island. They can't find the hotel where they booked their reservations, and have gotten hopelessly lost, until a handsome young man shows up, offering to take them to his lodge. But something is not right about the place. The owner's fingernails are tainted with blood and Miki feels something sinister lurking nearby.
The Machine Girl
La vida de una joven estudiante japonesa es destrozada cuando un grupo de ninjas Yakuza acaba con su familia. Tras perder su mano, la reemplazó con diferentes armas de fuego y ahora busca venganza...
Sukeban Boy
A raucous teen boy with a feminine face is teased everywhere, so his odd biker father dresses him as a girl and sends him to an all-girl school. The lad introduces himself as Sukeban, and a classmate, Michiko, takes him to after-school activities. Lessons on humility turn violent when a masked hatchet-wielding woman turns up. Jealousy, syringes of hormones, bare breasts, a blood bath, and more figure in the resolution.
Executive Koala
Tamura, un koala trajeado que ejerce como ejecutivo en una empresa de Tokio, es el principal sospechoso del asesinato de su novia. La misteriosa desaparición de su esposa años atrás y los extraños lapsos de memoria que padece no harán sino motivar todavía más la investigación del detective encargado del caso.
Executive Koala
Photoscience Manager
Tamura, un koala trajeado que ejerce como ejecutivo en una empresa de Tokio, es el principal sospechoso del asesinato de su novia. La misteriosa desaparición de su esposa años atrás y los extraños lapsos de memoria que padece no harán sino motivar todavía más la investigación del detective encargado del caso.
Crazy Love
Director of Photography
Miwa is informed that her time is limited due to heart disease. Submitting a letter of resignation to her workplace, she says good‐bye to her boyfriend Shinji, afraid of becoming a burden to him. Throwing off Shinji's hand, Miwa sets off on a lonely journey. The one who comforts the broken‐hearted Shinji is his colleague, Kyoko. Soon, the two fall for each other and become lovers. Learning of their relationship, Miwa goes mad with jealousy. She tries to trap Shinji with whatever means she can. Becoming a stalker, Miwa persistently corners Shinji and Kyoko. How far will she go?