David Butler

David Butler

Nacimiento : 1894-12-17, San Francisco, California, USA

Muerte : 1979-06-14


Director de cine norteamericano nacido en San Francisco, California. Fue además escritor, actor y productor. Entre sus films destacan, El castillo de los misterios (1940), San Antonio (1945), Té para dos (1950), Abril en París (1952), Operación matrimonio (1953), Doris Day en el Oeste (1953), El talismán (1954) y El hijo de mama ((1956). C'mon, Let's Live a Little (1967), fue su último trabajo para la gran pantalla. Murió en Arcada, California el 14 de junio de 1979.


David Butler


C'mon, Let's Live a Little
Standard boy-girl malt shoppe doings, with a free speech on campus sub-plot dropped in.
Hollywood My Home Town
Ken Murray narrates his 16mm home movies shot over 35 years in Hollywood.
The Right Approach
An opportunistic young Hollywood singer, loyal only to himself, steps on everyone he meets in order to achieve success and fame.
El hijo de mamá
Un joven de buena presencia, perteneciente a una pudiente familia y que no sabe nada de la vida, es llamado a filas. Superando el trauma inicial, ingresa en un campamento como recluta para recibir instrucción militar. Poco a poco irá reaccionando ante su nueva situación.
A lovesick girl and her grandfather groom their filly for the Kentucky Derby.
Jump Into Hell
Arriving in IndoChina by parachute, Captain Guy Bertrand and his comrades make a courageous stand against the Communist forces. Jump into Hell is one of the first films to deal with the ongoing conflict in Vietnam or, as it was still known in 1955, French IndoChina.
El talismán
Durante la Tercera Cruzada, Ricardo Corazón de León se propone expulsar a los infieles de Tierra Santa. Mientras tanto, en el campo cristiano reina la discordia: Sir Gilles Amaury y Conrad de Montferrat conspiran contra el rey y, a pesar de que el fiel Sir Kenneth Huntingdon lo previene, Ricardo no le hace caso. Una noche, un arquero enviado por los conspiradores hiere gravemente al rey. En estas circunstancias, Sir Gilles Amaury expulsa a Sir Kenneth del ejército inglés. En su exilio, Sir Kenneth, descubre la conspiración urdida por Sir Gilles y logra desenmascarar a todos los hombres que han traicionado al rey Ricardo. Finalmente cristianos y musulmanes se unen en la batalla para salvar a Lady Edith del malvado Sir Gilles y devolver el poder al rey Ricardo.
Una caravana es escoltada por un pelotón de caballería. En una emboscada cae el oficial al mando, por lo que el médico deberá hacerse cargo del pelotón. (FILMAFFINITY)
Doris Day en el Oeste
Jane, una dura mujer que cabalga y dispara igual que un hombre, llega a la ciudad de Deadwood, en Dakota, donde es bien recibida por Will Bill Hickok y otras personas, que escuchan con entusiasmo sus historias sobre los indios. Esa misma tarde, el público del salón Golden Garter expresa su descontento cuando en lugar de una hermosa actriz de Nueva York aparece en el escenario un artista llamado Francis Fryer. Para calmar a la audiencia, Jane promete volver con Adelaid Adman, una estrella de Chicago adorada por los hombres.
Operación matrimonio
Marjorie y William son una pareja de prometidos que viven en una pequeña ciudad de Indiana. William acaba de regresar de la Primera Guerra Mundial y la pareja ha retomado su relación. Mientras consiguen ahorrar para poder casarse, los jóvenes deberán batallar con distintos problemas.
Abril en Paris
El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores quiere que Ethel Barrymore represente al teatro americano en una exposición de arte en París. Pero la invitación de Ethel Barrymore le llega por error a Ethel “Dinamita” Jackson, una corista muy rubia y muy ordinaria.
Where's Charley?
Musical version of the comedy by Brandon Thomas. As part of a simple enough ruse, a Cambridge student poses as his aunt but his scheme goes wrong, first when someone falls for the aunt, and then when the real aunt turns up.
Painting The Clouds With Sunshine
Tres chicas de revista deciden buscar marido en Las Vegas, y de ser posible, millonario.
Nana de Broadway
Una estrella del musical americano regresa a su ciudad natal de Londres para visitar a su madre. La joven no sólo tiene tiempo para cambiar el modo de vida descuidado de su progenitora, sino que también se enamora de un empresario de Broadway durante una recepción.
Té para dos
Basada en un espectáculo de Broadway de 1924, titulado No No Nanette, y llevado al cine en 1929, con el mismo título. Nanette Carter, una joven de familia adinerada que sueña con convertirse en una gran estrella, ofrece una inversión de 25.000 dólares a un productor de Broadway llamado Larry Blair, para el montaje de un espectáculo cuya protagonista sería ella. Su querido y rico tío Max acepta adelantar la suma a condición de que durante un día entero, Nanette conteste no a cualquier pregunta que le hagan... (FILMAFFINITY)
The Daughter of Rosie O'Grady
Ambientada al término de la Guerra de Cuba (1898), la película se centra en Dennis O'Grady, un irlandés viudo y sobreprotector, y sus tres hijas. La mayor, Katie, se reencuentra con su esposo James que viene de la guerra, con quien se ha casado en secreto y de quien está embarazada. Mientras tanto, Patricia y Maureen, actúan en un teatro de vodevil propiedad de Tony Pastor. Dennis intenta proteger a sus hijas de lo que considera es el comportamiento inmoral de la mayoría de los hombres, especialmente en el teatro. Patricia coquetea con Tony, y también le miente a su padre presentándolo como un estudiante universitario. Dennis está impresionado con el joven, hasta que su hija le cuenta la verdad antes de unirse a él en el escenario. Dennis se indigna y Patricia se escapa con Tony y se unen en el escenario y la obra se convierte en un gran éxito. Al poco tiempo Dennis se entera que una de sus hijas está esperando gemelos, y desmoralizado, se emborracha y se mete en problemas.
The Story of Seabiscuit
Horse trainer Shawn O'Hara and his lovely niece, Margaret, come to America to escape the memory of an accident involving Margaret's brother, Danny. Working with thoroughbreds in Kentucky, Shawn takes a liking to a yearling named Seabiscuit, and fights to convince the horse's owner that the tiny horse with big knees will become a top-notch racehorse. Meanwhile, Margaret begins a tentative relationship with jockey Ted Knowles, but is haunted by her brother's death in a steeplechase spill. Written by Ray Hamel
El amor no puede esperar
David Butler (uncredited)
Una empleada de los estudios Warner Brothers está ansiosa por entrar en el mundo del cine. Cuando los actores Jack Carson y Dennis Morgan le ofrecen su ayuda, piensa que ha llegado su gran oportunidad.
El amor no puede esperar
Una empleada de los estudios Warner Brothers está ansiosa por entrar en el mundo del cine. Cuando los actores Jack Carson y Dennis Morgan le ofrecen su ayuda, piensa que ha llegado su gran oportunidad.
Look for the Silver Lining
Musical biography of Marilyn Miller, who overcame heartache to become a Broadway star
John Loves Mary
After four long years apart, there are so many things returning World War II soldier John Lawrence wants to tell his sweetheart, Mary McKinley. That he loves her. That he's missed her. And that he's married.
Two Guys from Texas
Two vaudevillians on the run from crooks try to pass themselves off as cowboys.
My Wild Irish Rose
Musical biography of Irish 19th century tenor Chauncey Olcott.
The Time, The Place and The Girl
The stuffy manager of lovely opera singer Vicki Cassel and her uncle, a classical conductor, is determined to close down the noisy nightclub next door to the Cassels' home. The club's owners--Steve, a handsome ladies' man, and Jeff, his clownish sidekick--hatch a plan to keep the club open. Steve arranges to meet--and woo--Vicki and then invite her and her uncle to the club. When Vicki's snobbish aunt and the manager discover that Vicki now favors popular music over the classics, they arrange to get the club closed. But that doesn't keep Steve and Jeff down. Instead, they decide to put on a Broadway show if they can get a backer. They find their "angel" in Vicki's uncle who agrees to finance the show only if Vicki is the leading lady. But again, Vicki's aunt and manager may be the spoiler in everyone's plans.
Two Guys from Milwaukee
Balkan Prince Henry has two wishes, to meet Lauren Bacall and see the "real" America. He befriends cabbie Buzz Williams and, without knowing the microphone is live, the two stage a debate on democracy versus monarchy broadcast back to the Prince's homeland. A plebiscite there puts Henry out of a job. Flying to Milwaukee to become a beer salesman, he meets Bacall on the seat next to his, but a tap on his shoulder means he must give up his seat (and dream) to Bogie.
San Antonio
Clay Hardin decide dejar su refugio en México y volver a San Antonio para investigar los frecuentes robos de ganado que se producen en Texas. El recién llegado sospecha que el jefe de la banda de ladrones es el dueño de un saloon, en el que trabaja una joven cantante de la que se enamora.
La princesa y el pirata
Mientras huye en un barco del hombre con el que debe casarse, una bella princesa (Virginia Mayo) es secuestrada por un grupo de piratas al mando del temible y sanguinario capitán Hook (Victor McLaglen). Sorprendentemente, será otro pirata (Bob Hope) el que logre rescatarla.
Shine on Harvest Moon
Biographical movie about the early 20th century broadway stars Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth.
Adorables estrellas
Musical en el que las estrellas de la Warner cantan una serie de canciones para animar a los soldados americanos que estaban combatiendo en la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945).
Me tenían cubierto
Un periodista es despedido de su trabajo por haber dejado escapar una gran noticia. Se va a Washington a ver a la directora del sindicato de prensa en busca de consuelo. Los acontecimientos se precipitan cuando caen en sus manos unos documentos secretos: será acusado de varios crímenes por haberse implicado sin querer en un asunto de espionaje.
Ruta de Marruecos
Crosby y Hope son dos náufragos de un crucero por el Mediterráneo que acaban en Arabia intentando conquistar a una bella y exótica princesa.
Lulu Monahan, the press agent for John Barrymore, is attempting to get a sponsor for a radio program. To that end, she and the agent for bandleader Kay Kyser, plant a story that the great Shakespearean actor, over his heartfelt objections, will teach Kyser how to play Shakespeare, which isn't the same as playing Paducah, which soon becomes evident.
El recluta enamorado
Una estrella de cine trama un plan para evitar el servicio militar: casarse con la hija de un coronel del ejército, pero las cosas no salen como había planeado y acaba terminando en el frente de guerra.
El castillo de los misterios
El representante de la banda de Kay Kyser les consigue un contrato para actuar en la fiesta de cumpleaños de una rica heredera, en una mansión aterradora, donde fuerzas siniestras intentan matarla.
El castillo de los misterios
El representante de la banda de Kay Kyser les consigue un contrato para actuar en la fiesta de cumpleaños de una rica heredera, en una mansión aterradora, donde fuerzas siniestras intentan matarla.
El castillo de los misterios
El representante de la banda de Kay Kyser les consigue un contrato para actuar en la fiesta de cumpleaños de una rica heredera, en una mansión aterradora, donde fuerzas siniestras intentan matarla.
Con la música a otra parte
Un obrero de la construcción se hace cargo de la hija de un compañero, muerto en accidente laboral. Va con la chica a Nueva York para localizar a su tío. Cuando le encuentra, descubre que el hombre ha invertido los ahorros de toda su vida en un restaurante que es una ruina. Toma la decisión de ayudar a la chica y a su tío en convertir el local en un éxito.
Con la música a otra parte
Un obrero de la construcción se hace cargo de la hija de un compañero, muerto en accidente laboral. Va con la chica a Nueva York para localizar a su tío. Cuando le encuentra, descubre que el hombre ha invertido los ahorros de toda su vida en un restaurante que es una ruina. Toma la decisión de ayudar a la chica y a su tío en convertir el local en un éxito.
Con la música a otra parte
Un obrero de la construcción se hace cargo de la hija de un compañero, muerto en accidente laboral. Va con la chica a Nueva York para localizar a su tío. Cuando le encuentra, descubre que el hombre ha invertido los ahorros de toda su vida en un restaurante que es una ruina. Toma la decisión de ayudar a la chica y a su tío en convertir el local en un éxito.
That's Right - You're Wrong
J. D. Forbes, head of the almost-bankrupt Four Star Studios in Hollywood contacts band leader Kay Kyser, who puts on a radio and-live theatre program called "The Kollege of Musical Knowledge," to appear in films. When manager Chuck Deems gets the studio offer, he and band members Ginny Simms, Sully Mason, Ish Kabiddle, Harry Babbitt and the others are all fired up at the prospect of going to Hollywood and working in the movies, but band-leader Kay is all against it and says his old grandmother has told him to stay in his own back yard, but he relents. Once there, Stacey Delmore, a Four Star associate producer left in charge of the studio while Forbes is out of town, discovers that the screenplay writers have prepared a script that has Kay Kyser playing a glamorous lover in an exotic European setting.
That's Right - You're Wrong
J. D. Forbes, head of the almost-bankrupt Four Star Studios in Hollywood contacts band leader Kay Kyser, who puts on a radio and-live theatre program called "The Kollege of Musical Knowledge," to appear in films. When manager Chuck Deems gets the studio offer, he and band members Ginny Simms, Sully Mason, Ish Kabiddle, Harry Babbitt and the others are all fired up at the prospect of going to Hollywood and working in the movies, but band-leader Kay is all against it and says his old grandmother has told him to stay in his own back yard, but he relents. Once there, Stacey Delmore, a Four Star associate producer left in charge of the studio while Forbes is out of town, discovers that the screenplay writers have prepared a script that has Kay Kyser playing a glamorous lover in an exotic European setting.
That's Right - You're Wrong
J. D. Forbes, head of the almost-bankrupt Four Star Studios in Hollywood contacts band leader Kay Kyser, who puts on a radio and-live theatre program called "The Kollege of Musical Knowledge," to appear in films. When manager Chuck Deems gets the studio offer, he and band members Ginny Simms, Sully Mason, Ish Kabiddle, Harry Babbitt and the others are all fired up at the prospect of going to Hollywood and working in the movies, but band-leader Kay is all against it and says his old grandmother has told him to stay in his own back yard, but he relents. Once there, Stacey Delmore, a Four Star associate producer left in charge of the studio while Forbes is out of town, discovers that the screenplay writers have prepared a script that has Kay Kyser playing a glamorous lover in an exotic European setting.
Al Este del cielo
Por extrañas circunstancias, un hombre se ve convertido en padre de un niño de diez meses y se involucra en la vida turbulenta de su familia.
Al Este del cielo
Por extrañas circunstancias, un hombre se ve convertido en padre de un niño de diez meses y se involucra en la vida turbulenta de su familia.
Peter Goodwin es el patriarca de una familia que odia a los Dillon desde que ambos clanes se enfrentaron en la Guerra Civil; pero surge un pequeño problema cuando su sobrina Sally (Loretta Young) se enamora de Jack, el hijo de los Dillon (Richard Greene). Además, para echar más leña al fuego en este romance imposible, Jack ayuda a Sally a formarse como jinete y participar en el derby de Kentucky.
Straight, Place and Show
The Ritz Brothers go to the race track. They raise training end entrance money in a wrestling match and help a young man train the horse of his fiancée.
Kentucky Moonshine
The Ritz Brothers pretend to be Kentucky hillbillies in order to get a booking on a radio show.
You're a Sweetheart
A Broadway producer is in a quandary when he discovers that the opening of his newest big production coincides with that of a major charity event. He despairs that the show will close after opening night until an ingenious writer suggests that he simply give the production snob-appeal by making the tickets nearly impossible to get by fabricating a story that they were all purchased by a flamboyant Texas oil baron who is totally besotted by the show's star.
Ali Baba Goes to Town
While visiting Hollywood a starstruck movie fan (Eddie Cantor) fantasizes about himself cast in an Arabian adventure. Director David Butler's comedy--with many songs--also features Tony Martin, Roland Young, Gypsy Rose Lee (billed as Rose Hovick), John Carradine, June Lang, Virginia Field, Charles Lane, The Peters Sisters and many big-name guest stars playing themselves.
Locuras de estudiantes
El equipo de fútbol de un pequeño pueblo de Texas deberá enfrentarse al prestigioso equipo de Yale.
White Fang
A woman and her weakling brother inherit a mine. When the brother commits suicide the guide is accused of murder.
La Pequeña Vigía
Star es una niña de cuatro años que vive con un farero (el capitán Enero) desde que éste la rescató de un naufragio cuando era tan solo un bebé. Ahora su feliz convivencia se ve inesperadamente amenazada cuando el nuevo encargado de las escuelas del pueblo trata de alejarla del farero para internarla en un orfanato
The Littlest Rebel
El padre de Virgie Cary, un oficial rebelde, regresa a escondidas a su destartalada plantación para ver a su esposa moribunda y es arrestado. Un oficial yanqui se apiada y prepara un escape. Todos son capturados y los oficiales deben ser ejecutados. Virgie y el tío Billy piden al presidente Lincoln que interceda.
Doubting Thomas
A husband makes fun of his wife's theatrical aspirations when she agrees to appear in a local production. When she begins to neglect him, he decides to retaliate by also going on stage.
La Pequeña Coronela
A finales de la Guerra Civil norteamericana, un irascible coronel sureño (Lionel Barrymore) destierra a su hija (Evelyn Venable) por casarse con un yanqui del norte (John Lodge), y se niega a verla incluso cuando ésta regresa años más tarde con su pequeña hija (Shirley Temple). Pero la ingeniosa niña, tan directa como su abuelo, puede que disponga del encanto y la chispa suficiente para arreglar las cosas
Bright Eyes
Una familia de snobs se lleva a una niña huérfana ante la insistencia de su tío rico e irrespetuoso, incluso cuando su devoto padrino aviador lucha por la custodia.
Bright Eyes
Una familia de snobs se lleva a una niña huérfana ante la insistencia de su tío rico e irrespetuoso, incluso cuando su devoto padrino aviador lucha por la custodia.
Have a Heart
Sally (Jean Parker) is engaged to be married, loves dancing and kids. But her life is ruined when an accident cripples her and her betrothed magnanimously offers to not back out of the marriage. After rejecting his offer she starts a doll shop and tries to save for an operation. From her doll shop window she watches children and talks to Jimmie (James Dunn) the ice cream man. She wants to know Jimmie better, but is terrified of rejection.
Have a Heart
Sally (Jean Parker) is engaged to be married, loves dancing and kids. But her life is ruined when an accident cripples her and her betrothed magnanimously offers to not back out of the marriage. After rejecting his offer she starts a doll shop and tries to save for an operation. From her doll shop window she watches children and talks to Jimmie (James Dunn) the ice cream man. She wants to know Jimmie better, but is terrified of rejection.
Handy Andy
A small-town druggist is henpecked by his social-climbing wife to sell his pharmacy to a national chain. In addition, she tries to set up her pretty young daughter with the nitwit son of the chain's owner, even though the girl is in love with the handsome son of the town doctor. Finally the druggist decides he's had enough and takes matters into his own hands.
Hollywood conquistado
Tracy interpreta a un promotor que decide ayudar a una muchacha en su carrera como actriz. Cuando ella se convierte en una gran estrella, se enamora de Tracy, a pesar de tener muchos otros pretendientes.
Hollywood conquistado
Tracy interpreta a un promotor que decide ayudar a una muchacha en su carrera como actriz. Cuando ella se convierte en una gran estrella, se enamora de Tracy, a pesar de tener muchos otros pretendientes.
Hollywood conquistado
Tracy interpreta a un promotor que decide ayudar a una muchacha en su carrera como actriz. Cuando ella se convierte en una gran estrella, se enamora de Tracy, a pesar de tener muchos otros pretendientes.
My Weakness
A wealthy young man bets his uncle that he can transform a clumsy cleaning lady into a glamorous fashion plate, then marry her off to his bachelor cousin.
Hold Me Tight
Hold Me Tight is a 1933 American pre-Code drama film directed by David Butler and written by Gladys Lehman.
Handle with Care
Bill Gordon (James Dunn), whose lot-in-life is rising, falls in love with Helen Barlow (Boots Mallory), who is raising two cute motherless children who nearly wreck her romance when they can't understand why grown-ups kiss...and other complications.
Handle with Care
Bill Gordon (James Dunn), whose lot-in-life is rising, falls in love with Helen Barlow (Boots Mallory), who is raising two cute motherless children who nearly wreck her romance when they can't understand why grown-ups kiss...and other complications.
Down To Earth
Husband and father Will Rogers tells his spoiled wife and children that they have to economize.
Business and Pleasure
On a Mediterranean cruise, Earl Tinker, a manufacturer of razor blades, is the target of a femme fatale in the pay of a business rival, and he becomes embroiled in a feud between two Arab tribes.
A comic group of Europeans coming to the USA have romantic and immigration troubles.
Un yanqui en la corte del rey Arturo
Primera adaptación al cine sonoro de la célebre novela de Mark Twain, en la que un americano es transportado a la corte del Rey Arturo, donde le toman por un mago debido a la sapiencia que aporta del futuro.
Una fantasía del porvenir
Un ciudadano sufre un accidente y queda dormido durante medio siglo, despertando en los años 80. En tal época se enamorará de una bella chica y viajará a Marte...
High Society Blues
After selling his business in Iowa, Eli Granger and his family move to an exclusive Scarsdale area in New York, where by chance he occupies a house adjacent to Horace Divine, a wealthy businessman with whom he made his business transaction...
High Society Blues
After selling his business in Iowa, Eli Granger and his family move to an exclusive Scarsdale area in New York, where by chance he occupies a house adjacent to Horace Divine, a wealthy businessman with whom he made his business transaction...
Sunny Side Up
Molly and Bee, sweet young 'working girls,' live in a cheap room over a New York grocery store. Molly's idol, wealthy Jack Cromwell, lives in a Long Island mansion but is markedly less happy, since his fiancée Jane won't discourage her other admirers. Fleeing in his car, Jack ends up in an urban block party where he meets you-know-who.
Sunny Side Up
Molly and Bee, sweet young 'working girls,' live in a cheap room over a New York grocery store. Molly's idol, wealthy Jack Cromwell, lives in a Long Island mansion but is markedly less happy, since his fiancée Jane won't discourage her other admirers. Fleeing in his car, Jack ends up in an urban block party where he meets you-know-who.
El triunfo de la audacia
Navy Coach
West Point Cadet John y Annapolis Midshipman Frank centran su rivalidad fraternal en el gran partido de fútbol entre el Ejército y la Marina.
El triunfo de la audacia
West Point Cadet John y Annapolis Midshipman Frank centran su rivalidad fraternal en el gran partido de fútbol entre el Ejército y la Marina.
Masked Emotions
Fox Movietone Follies of 1929
Lila Beaumont is an understudy in a Broadway musical. Her boyfriend, George Shelby, arrives in New York hoping to take Lila back home with him to marry.
Fox Movietone Follies of 1929
Lila Beaumont is an understudy in a Broadway musical. Her boyfriend, George Shelby, arrives in New York hoping to take Lila back home with him to marry.
Prep and Pep
A boy finds it difficult to live up to his father's reputation at his school.
Win That Girl
A gridiron rivalry between two colleges is entering its third generation, and the Norton family (father and grandfather were members of teams defeated by rival squads captained by members of the Brawn family) rears Johnny Norton, 3d, to be a star football player. The lad is underweight, however, and initially shows a talent only for drop kicking. During the big game, Johnny is substituted for another player and leads his team to victory, winning for himself the love of Gloria Havens.
Should Second Husbands Come First?
The Widow's Older Son
A woman's two sons pretend to be insane in order to de-rail their mother's plans to remarry.
High School Hero
High School Hero
El séptimo cielo
Chico (Charles Farrell) es un joven que trabaja en la limpieza de las alcantarillas de Paris. Diane es una chica muy desgraciada que es víctima de los abusos de su atrabiliaria hermana mayor. Un día, mientras ésta la golpea, Chico la rescata y se la lleva a vivir con él a su buhardilla, en el séptimo piso de un edificio de Montmartre.
El campeón del amor
'Lumpy' Goggins
Elmer Stone, quarterback of the 1899 Colton College football team vows to remain a student until Colton beats its biggest rival, State University. Twenty-seven years later, Elmer is still in school and is a classmate of his son, Jack. Other than driving a milk wagon in his spare time, Jack is also the quarterback of the football team. A matter of his eligibility comes up but he is cleared and goes out to do-or-die for Colton against State University. Maybe they will win The Big Game, and Jack's father can get a life...and a job.
Womanpower (1926)
El águila azul
Nick 'Dizzy' Galvani
Los jefes de la pandilla callejera D'Arcy y Ryan, que son rivales en la vida civil y están enamorados de la misma chica, siguen enfrentados en la Marina, donde lo único que los contiene es la disciplina militar. El capellán del acorazado (que también era su cura en la parroquia) decide por fin permitirles que se peleen en el ring, pero el combate se ve interrumpido por el ataque de unos submarinos. Después de la guerra, cuando la misma banda de contrabandistas de drogas mata al hermano de D'Arcy y le pega un tiro a uno de los amigos de Ryan, los dos proclaman una tregua para derrotar a los criminales, y luego siguen peleándose.
Oh, Baby!
Billy, a diminutive manager of prizefighters, is priming Jim Stone for the heavyweight championship when Charley Burns (Arthur Graham?) discloses that for the past 8 years he has invented a mythical wife and daughter for the benefit of his Aunt Phoebe, who now requests a visit from them. He finally persuades Billy to pose as his daughter, Evangeline, while Miss Brennan, a magazine writer, consents to take the role of his wife.
Días de colegial
James Henley
Hugh Carver es una estrella del deporte que acaba de llegar a la Universidad de Prescott. Allí se enamora de Cynthia Day, una chica muy popular entre los estudiantes, a la que le encanta ir a fiestas y la vida nocturna. Hugh es consciente de que no puede satisfacer los deseos de diversión de su chica y a la vez dedicarse a los estudios y a su entrenamiento deportivo. Ambos tendrán que enfrentarse a difíciles decisiones...
His Majesty, Bunker Bean
Bud Matthews
His Majesty, Bunker Bean is a 1925 silent film comedy directed by Harry Beaumont and starring Matt Moore. It is based on a 1916 play, His Majesty, Bunker Bean by Lee Wilson Dodd, taken from a novel Bunker Bean by Harry Leon Wilson. It was produced and distributed by Warner Brothers.
Tracked in the Snow Country
Terry Moulton
When Rin-Tin-Tin's master is found murdered, Rinty is accused of the crime.
Code of the West
Bid Hatfield
Code of the West (1925)
The Narrow Street
Ray Wyeth
Simon Haldane works in the office of the Faulkner Iron Works, but he has been raised by his two maiden aunts in an extremely sheltered manner and is basically afraid of everyone and everything. One morning he finds a strange girl shivering in his bedroom, and although he's terrified of her, he manages to call a doctor for her. This starts a rumor that Simon is married. Complications ensue.
The Arizona Express
Steve Butler
A man is framed for the murder of his uncle, a bank president, and sentenced to hang. His sister and a mail clerk who's helping her discover information that may clear him, but they have to get to the governor in time to present their new evidence and get a stay of execution.
Hoodman Blind
Jack Yeulette
It is a remake of a 1913 film of the same name directed by James Gordon and a 1916 William Farnum Fox feature titled A Man of Sorrow and based on the play Hoodman Blind.
The Temple of Venus
Nat Harper
Venus, the Goddess of Love (Celeste Lee) sends Cupid to Earth to look for romance.
Cause for Divorce
Tom Parker
David Butler and Fritzi Brunette star in this melodrama about an agricultural student whose wife longs for life in the city.
Mary of the Movies
David Butler (uncredited)
Mary's kid brother needs an operation and, in order to pay for it, Mary goes to a Hollywood studio and applies for a job as an actress. Mary is given a job as a waitress in the commissary, and gets to meet 40 actors, actresses and directors, none of whom tip big enough to enable Mary to earn enough money to pay for an operation. Will Mary become an actress and make some big money?
Poor Men's Wives
Jim Maherne
Drama of two girls who married into different layers of society.
The Fog
Si Plumb
Silent World War I (WWI) romantic melodrama (based on the novel by William Dudley Pelly) .
El herrero de la aldea
Bill Hammond
De jóvenes, el escudero (Marshall) y el herrero del pueblo (Walling) están enamorados de la misma mujer (Boardman), con quien se casa el herrero. Esto enfurece al escudero. Años más tarde, el hijo del escudero, Anson (Yearsley), desafía al hijo del herrero, Johnnie (Hackathorne), a trepar a un árbol, del que cae y queda lisiado. De adultos, Anson y la hija del herrero Alice (Valli) se enamoran, lo que enfurece al herrero, que castiga a su hija. El otro hijo del herrero, Bill (Butler), regresa de la universidad y resulta herido en un accidente de tren. Anson roba $ 480 de un fondo de la iglesia que actualmente está en posesión de Alice. Alice es alcanzada por un rayo. El herrero lleva a Anson y al escudero a la iglesia, donde ambos se arrepienten.
According to Hoyle
"Boxcar" Simmons
"'Boxcar' Simmons, a tramp, represents himself as a mining millionaire in a small town. The population accepts him at his own valuation, and two of the town's 'slickers' make desperate efforts to 'take him for his roll.' One of their schemes is to sell him a worthless ranch, but he turns the tables on them by making them believe that the ranch is a veritable bed of silver ore, and then, after they buy it, he presents the major part of the proceeds to the girl who owns the place and with whom he had fallen in love." (Moving Picture World, 24 Jun 1922, p. 736.)
La fe de los valientes
Bill Hendricks
Al asentamiento de Swan Creek, en Canadá, llega el clérigo Arthur Wellington Moore (John Bowers) quien de inmediato se encontrará con unos ganaderos hostiles y sin interés alguno por cuestiones religiosas. Solo la ayuda de Bill Hendricks (David Butler), un empleado del Rancho Ashley, le abrirá un sendero por el que, Moore, podrá intentar ganarse un lugar entre aquella comunidad.
The County Fair
Joel Bartlett
"The County Fair" begins with a nasty rich guy threatening to turn an old lady onto the street--unless her niece (who lives with her) marries this man's son. While she's dead set against it, the niece is a sweet thing and would do anything to help her aunt--even marry the rich jerk. However, a possible way out is presented. When a poor young man is taken in and fed, he turns out (naturally) to be a jockey and thinks he can win the $3000 prize at the fair and save the farm.
Fickle Women
Calvin Price
The Triflers
Janet Randall, a department store clerk who longs for a fling at high society, ignores the love of the poor but honest Dan Cassidy. When vacation time comes, Janet goes to a fashionable hotel and there meets her idol, society favorite Monte Moreville. Upon requesting the bill at the end of four days, Janet discovers that the tariff is more than she can afford, and Monte comes to her rescue by offering to bail her out. In exchange, Janet must pose as his wife to fend off a woman who is threatening a breach of promise suit.
The Pointing Finger
Mary Murphy, the oldest waif in an orphanage, steals a dress and three dollars, then escapes to the city. Grosset, the superintendent of the institution, steals $10,000 on the same night, and Mary is suspected of the theft.
The Other Half
Cpl. Jimmy
Donald Trent, el hijo del dueño de una planta de metalurgia, no cree en la lucha de clases y paga su deuda para con el prójimo luchando en las trincheras de la Primera Guerra Mundial. A su regreso a casa, dice a su padre que quiere empezar desde abajo y se convierte en un operario. Trabaja con su colega del ejército, el cabo Jimmy, asimismo maquinista. Mientras que Donald y su novia Katherine Boone ayudan a Jimmy para tratar la enfermedad de su novia Jennie Jones, Donald se entera de que su padre ha muerto y debe asumir el control de la empresa...
A Petal on the Current
Ed Kinealy
Nugget Nell
Big Hearted Jim
Big Hearted Jim, the sheriff, loves the tomboyish Nugget Nell ( Dorothy Gish ), who runs a hash house in the mining country, but although she has romantic feelings, they are not aroused by Jim. Nell agrees to an old miner friend's request to care for his "child," Nell is shocked to meet the six-foot girl, but she cares for her just the same. Nell falls in love with the City Chap, out West to look after his mining property, but he barely notices her, having become intrigued by the Ingenue, whom he met on the stagecoach. The jealous Nell steals stylish clothes to allure him, but she has trouble walking in French high-heels.
Better Times
Peter Van Alstyne
Ezra Scroggs is a shiftless gambler who has let his hotel, the Lakeview, fall on hard times. Finally his daughter Nancy gets fed up seeing all the business go to his rival, Si Whittaker at the Majestic, and she decides to do something about it.
The Girl Who Stayed at Home
Johann August Kant
Ralph visits France with his father, a shipbuilder, and falls in love with Blossom, the granddaughter of his father's friend, a Civil war veteran not reconciled with the Union. Blossom, however, is engaged to a French nobleman. When the war breaks out, Ralph enlists, while his brother Jim, a heartbreaker, is drafted.
The Greatest Thing in Life
Mr. Le Bebe
A lost film. Leo Peret has a small quiet tobacco shop in Greenwich Village. Edward Livingston, a wealthy young clubman and man-about-town, comes in frequently ostensibly to buy cigarettes but in reality to talk to the daughter Jeannette, and he is soon in love with the little shop girl. Leo is homesick for his native France, but lacks the funds to make the passage. Edward, learning of their plight, sends $1,000 with a note saying that the money is payment for a good deed. Leo accepts the money and he and Jeannette embark at once.
Babylonian Soldier (uncredited)
Clásico del cine mudo que muestra a través de varios episodios históricos las injusticias provocadas por la intolerancia religiosa y social. La idea inicial de Griffith era narrar las sangrientas huelgas de 1912 en EE.UU. (un huelguista es acusado de la muerte de su patrón), pero después decidió rodar tres episodios más: "La caída de Babilonia, "La Pasión de Cristo" y "La noche de San Bartolomé" (sangriento episodio de las luchas entre hugonotes y católicos que tuvo lugar en París en 1572). De presupuesto y recursos desmesurados para la época -una sola escena reunió a 15.000 extras y 250 carros- aún hoy sigue asombrando por su espectacularidad.
El nacimiento de una nación
Northern Soldier / Confederate Soldier
Clásico del cine mudo que narra los acontecimientos más importantes de la creación de los Estados Unidos de América: la guerra civil, el asesinato de Lincoln, etc. Ha sido tachada de racista por su glorificación del Ku Klux Klan, pero tiene el mérito de ser la primera película que cuenta una historia de modo coherente: hasta ese momento una película era un conjunto de escenas con muy poca relación entre sí. Obtuvo un enorme éxito en su tiempo.