Max Parker

Nacimiento : 1882-07-12, Prescott, Arizona, USA

Muerte : 1964-07-08


Una pastelería en Notting Hill
Una mujer que desea realizar el sueño de su madre de abrir una pastelería en Notting Hill, en Londres, pide ayuda a un viejo amigo y a su abuela.
My B.F.F.
Christopher Morgan
Inspired by true events and shot on location in New Orleans, LA. GEMMA BROWN and MARNI WILKINS and their families have been best friends since they were babies. At five, when Marni lost her mother, she was left with an unfulfilled soul. It was a devastating loss, but thankfully her best friend, Gemma and her family were always by her side
Secreto tras la puerta
Production Design
Celia, una rica heredera, conoce a Mark, un hombre atractivo y misterioso, se enamoran y pocos días después se casan. A medida que Celia va conociendo la vida de su marido, empieza a sospechar que oculta secretos que ella ni siquiera puede imaginar.
Deep Valley
Art Direction
A shy California farm girl falls head-over-heels in love with Barry Burnett, a fugitive from a chain gang building a road through the wilderness.
Nadie vive para siempre
Art Direction
Un estafador se enamora de una rica viuda a la que pretendía desplumar.
Clandestino y caballero
Art Direction
A punto de terminar la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), los aliados tratan de impedir que los alemanes fabriquen la bomba atómica. Con este fin, la Organización de Servicios Estratégicos (OSS) recluta al físico nuclear Jesper y le encarga que busque a su colega Katerin Lodor y la saque de Suiza para interrogarla. Pero, cuando la encuentra, una enfermera nazi impide que la rescate. A continuación, la misión de Jesper consiste en ir a Italia y convencer al doctor Polda, otro físico nuclear, para que abandone a los alemanes y colabore con los aliados. Pero Polda no podrá hacerlo mientras no libere a su hija.
Cautivo del deseo
Art Direction
Philip, un médico aficionado a la pintura, se enamora locamente de una camarera, pero ella lo rechaza. Éste será el punto de partida de muchas desdichas.
Tres extraños
Supervising Art Director
Según una antigua leyenda, si varios desconocidos piden a la vez un deseo al ídolo chino Kwan Yin, éste abre los ojos y los hace realidad. Crystal Shackleford decide averiguar qué hay de cierto en todo esto. Para ello, reúne en la calle a dos extraños con problemas diferentes y les propone pedir un deseo la noche en la que comienza el nuevo año chino.
Arsénico por compasión
Art Direction
Un crítico teatral que acaba de casarse decide visitar a sus ancianas tías antes de marcharse de luna de miel. Durante la visita descubrirá que las encantadoras viejecitas tienen una manera muy peculiar de practicar la caridad.
Princess O'Rourke
Art Direction
La princesa María, que visita de incógnito Nueva York, decide volar hasta San Francisco. Sin embargo, después de aterrizar el avión, una serie de enredos la llevan a pasar la noche en casa del piloto, que está convencido de que es una simple criada. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Hard Way
Art Direction
La ambiciosa Helen Chernen (Ida Lupino) empuja a su joven hermana Katherine (Joan Leslie) a casarse con el frustrado artista de variedades Albert Runkel (Jack Carson) y, de esta forma, las dos mujeres pueden abandonar la sucia ciudad donde viven. El socio de Runkel, Paul Collins (Dennis Morgan), sin embargo, intuye el plan de Helen. Helen continúa conduciendo la carrera de su hermana y finalmente Katherine se convierte en una estrella de Broadway, mientras que las actuaciones de Runkel y Collins se tambalean. Pronto el éxito se le sube a la cabeza a Katherine y se convierte en una chica de vida fiestera. El tiempo pasa y Helen y Katherine se tropiezan con Paul, ahora el líder de una exitosa banda. Katherine y Paul se enamoran. Las dos hermanas tienen finalmente un enfrentamiento en el estreno del último espectáculo de Katherine, cuando ésta descubre que Helen también está enamorada de Paul.
George Washington Slept Here
Art Direction
New Yorkers Bill and Connie Fuller have to move from their apartment. Without Bill's knowledge, Connie purchases a delapidated old farmhouse in Pennsylvania, where George Washington was supposed to have actually slept during the American Revolution.
Wings for the Eagle
Art Direction
Aircraft workers during during World War II become involved in a love triangle.
Alta tensión
Art Direction
Hank y Johnny trabajan como técnicos de una compañía de electricidad. Una noche, se encuentran en una reunión a la atractiva Fay, y la tensión aumenta porque ambos se disputan el favor de la chica.
Thieves Fall Out
Art Direction
Eddie Barnes, tired of being a nobody and living with his parents, decides to cash in his mother's legacy and use the money to buy a business. Unfortunately, Eddie's mother has to die before the broker can collect the full value of the policy and the broker's gangster partner doesn't want to wait for nature to take its course.
Pasos en la oscuridad
Art Direction
Errol Flynn es un superficial caballero de la alta sociedad. Su carácter frívolo poco hace sospechar a los que le rodean que tiene una doble vida. Compagina su faceta más exclusiva con una labor como escritor de novelas de misterio y colaborador de la policía.
Honeymoon for Three
Art Direction
Noted writer Kenneth Bixby, in love with his witty secretary Anne Rogers, is on a book tour when he meets up with a former college fling with a loopy Danish girl which he barely remembers. She remembers him, very well.
Lady with Red Hair
Art Direction
An actress hopes to regain her lost son by making it to the top.
De nuevo el amor
Production Design
Comedia donde una estudiante de violín con problemas económicos para seguir su aprendizaje recibe una sorpresa cuando un donante anónimo le consigue un contrato para grabar un disco.
El hermano orquídea
Art Direction
El gángster Little John Sarto viaja por Europa en busca de estilo, sin embargo nunca podrá poseer ese toque que anhela. Cuando regresa a América sin un dólar encuentra a su banda liderada por Jack Buck y a su novia convertida en una nueva rica.
It All Came True
Art Direction
After crooked nightclub owner murders a police informant, he blackmails his piano player to allow him to stay at his eccentric mother's boarding house.
Barreras invisibles
Art Direction
Cliff Taylor es un exconvicto que intenta llevar una vida normal, pero desde que salió de la cárcel en libertad condicional, su pasado criminal le impide encontrar y mantener un cualquier trabajo. Sin embargo, lo peor es que Tim, su hermano menor, siguiendo sus pasos, se une a la banda de Charles Martin
Muero cada amanecer
Art Direction
Aunque inocente, el reportero Frank Ross es declarado culpable de asesinato y es enviado a la cárcel. Mientras sus amigos del periódico tratan de averiguar quien lo engañó, Frank se va endureciendo por la vida en prisión y su optimismo se convierte en amargura.
Torchy Runs for Mayor
Art Direction
Torchy conducts a one woman campaign against a corrupt mayor and crime boss, and when the reform candidate is murdered, she takes up the banner.
The Adventures of Jane Arden
Art Direction
Reporter Jane Arden goes undercover to try to expose a gang of jewel thieves and smugglers. Her mission becomes more dangerous when her identity is discovered early on by one of the gang leaders.
Devil's Island
Art Direction
A French doctor sentenced for treason performs brain surgery on the prison commandant's daughter.
Brother Rat
Art Direction
Story of three buddies at the Virginia Military Institute. Cadet Bing Edwards is secretly married and soon to be a father.
Cuatro son multitud
Art Direction
La reportera Jean Christy trabaja para un periódico que está a punto de quebrar debido a las desavenencias entre Pat Buckley, el propietario, y Robert Lansford, el editor jefe. Mientras tanto, Lansford, que aspira a trabajar para otro director, le hace publicidad en el periódico de Buckley con el fin de ganarse así su confianza.
My Bill
Art Direction
An impoverished widow fights scandal for the sake of her four children.
Men Are Such Fools
Art Direction
Linda works at an advertising agency, but, unlike the other women in the secretarial pool, she hopes to succeed in the business rather than just find a husband. She rises through the ranks, becoming a copywriter, and attracts the attention of Jimmy, an amorous coworker who wants to marry her. But Jimmy is jealous of Linda's career and of Harry, a radio executive who works with Linda, and their marriage gets off to a very rough start.
A Slight Case of Murder
Art Direction
Former bootlegger Remy Marco has a slight problem with forclosing bankers, a prospective son-in-law, and four hard-to-explain corpses.
The Kid Comes Back
Art Direction
A ring veteran turns a Texas tenderfoot into a winning fighter.
Sh! The Octopus
Art Direction
Comedy-mystery finds Detectives Kelly and Dempsey trapped in a deserted lighthouse with a group of strangers who are being terrorized by a killer octopus AND a mysterious crime figure named after the title sea creature.
First Lady
Art Direction
A politician's wife plots for her husband to become the next U.S. President.
The Adventurous Blonde
Art Direction
The third of nine Torchy Blane movies. Angry that police detective Steve McBride (Barton MacLane) is giving preferential treatment to his reporter-fiancée, Torchy Blane (Glenda Farrell), reporters from a rival newspaper plan a fake murder with the idea that Torchy's paper will print the story and look foolish. The tables are turned when the fake murder turns out to be the genuine article.
West Of Shanghai
Art Direction
American businessmen and missionaries working in China are captured and held prisoner by a local warlord.
Love Is on the Air
Art Direction
A newscaster gets demoted for exposing the town's criminal activities over the airwaves.
Aquella mujer
Art Direction
Mary Donnell es una joven viuda que trabaja como secretaria del abogado Lloyd Rogers, un hombre casado pero secretamente enamorado de ella. Cuando Jack Merrick, hijo de uno de los clientes más importantes de Rogers, regresa de Europa, le declara su amor a Mary, que acepta huir con él y casarse esa misma noche.
La mujer marcada
Art Direction
El mafioso Johnny Vanning dirige un ostentoso club nocturno de Nueva York en el que explota a sus chicas y las tiene atemorizadas. Mary incita a un juerguista a ganar más dinero del que tiene y, cuando no puede pagar, le matan. El fiscal del distrito, David Graham, convencido de que el caso está ganado, lleva a Vanning a juicio.
Green Light
Art Direction
El joven doctor Paige, que dirige un equipo médico, supervisa una delicada operación, que acaba mal por culpa de la intromisión de un reputado médico. A pesar de ello, todos acusarán a Paige.
Gold Diggers of 1937
Art Direction
The partners of stage-producer J. J. Hobart gamble away the money for his new show. They enlist a gold-digging chorus girl to help get it back by conning an insurance company. But they don’t count on the persistence of insurance man Rosmer Peck and his secretary Norma Perry.
Give Me Your Heart
Art Direction
An American lawyer's wife is reunited with her child and his father, an English nobleman.
China Clipper
Art Direction
An aviator ignores skeptics to make the first commercial flight from San Francisco to China.
Satan Met a Lady
Art Direction
In the second screen version of The Maltese Falcon, a detective is caught between a lying seductress and a lady jewel thief.
Art Direction
Musical about dingaling millionaire businessman Cedric Ames and his various employees
La alegre mentira
Art Direction
Mirabel es una joven que gana 5.000 dólares en la lotería, lo que le permite vivir a cuerpo de rey en Nueva York. Un día conoce a Sandro, un apuesto muchacho que trabaja como botones; pero las cosas no son lo que parecen.
The White Parade
Art Direction
The title represents the hopeful, ambitious students at a hospital training school and is primarily a story of the stern discipline and laborious physical and mental toil they endure in order to become nurses and join the White Parade. It is told mainly through the character of June Arden who finds romance with Ronald Hall III on the way, with side stories of the other girls who find failure, success, laughs and tears on the way.
Springtime for Henry
Art Direction
A rakish fellow involves himself with a married woman. Later his secretary endeavors to win him away with the promise of a more stable relationship. The rake is tempted, but then decides he prefers the married woman, which is fine with her husband who has an eye for the secretary.
Grand Canary
Set Decoration
Based on an AJ Cronin novel, a disgraced doctor exiled to the Canary Islands, meets and falls in love with a married woman.
Poder y gloria
Set Decoration
Después del funeral de Tom Garner (Spencer Tracy), un magnate del ferrocarril muy poderoso y odiado, que se suicidó, su mejor amigo, Henry (Ralph Morgan), recuerda la vida de Garner, sus problemas familiares, y su ascenso desde simple operario a presidente del ferrocarril.
The Devil's in Love
Set Decoration
The French Foreign Legion is the setting for this episodic adventure yarn. Victor Jory plays a Legion doctor falsely accused of murdering his commander over the love of Loretta Young. Jory escapes prosecution by heading for parts unknown, but when a deadly illness strikes his old fort, he returns to aid his comrades. He is arrested, but clears himself of the murder charge and ends up with Young. Devil's in Love is distinguished by the surprise appearance of Bela Lugosi, who shows up unbilled as a relentless prosecuting attorney in the courtroom scenes.
The Warrior's Husband
Art Direction
The Warrior's Husband is a satire of the male and female roles in society set in 800 B.C.. Queen Hippolyta (Marjorie Rambeau) rules Pontus with masculine authority; in fact, it is the women of Pontus who do all the laboring, fighting, and governing. Hippolyta's husband Sapiens (Ernest Truex) is truly a sissy of the first order, and is not unlike most of Pontus' male inhabitants.
Too Busy to Work
Art Direction
A hobo searches the countryside for the daughter he lost when his wife left him...
Sangre rebelde
Art Direction
Nasa (Clara Bow) es una mestiza con sangre blanca e india. Rebelde e indomable, no respetará las tradiciones de su padre y huirá con un hombre que no la conviene, quedando embarazada. Como si de una maldición se tratase, la vida de Nasa irá degradándose irremediablemente hacia el vicio, el alcohol y la prostitución.
Art Direction
Roxor pretende dominar el mundo, para ello ha secuestrado al científico Robert Regent con su último invento, el rayo de la muerte, un arma capaz de destruir ciudades enteras y doblegar la mente de los seres humanos. La única esperanza se encuentra en Chandú, un poderoso mago que domina los poderes del ilusionismo. En compañía de sus aliados, Chandú se enfrentará a Roxor para liberar al mundo.
Bachelor's Affairs
Art Direction
A middle aged millionaire falls in love with a gorgeous, but stupid blonde gold digger, being guided by her ever-present shrewish friend.They marry but the man soon regrets his rash move when she's constantly bored and looking for dancing and excitement, leaving him feel his age. He conspires with a loyal friend to find a suitable man she might run away with so he can divorce her.
Enfermeras de noche
Art Direction
Lora Hart es una enfermera que, al acabar su turno, hace horas extras por la noche cuidando a dos niños pequeños en una gran casa. Inesperadamente, se verá involucrada en un complot criminal que la obligará a poner en juego toda su habilidad e inteligencia para librarse de esa situación.
Gold Dust Gertie
Art Direction
Early 30s pre-code comedy about a woman attempting to get her two ex-husbands to pay back alimony.
El enemigo público
Art Direction
Relato del auge y caída de Tom (James Cagney), un criminal de poca monta que asciende rápidamente gracias a la Ley Seca. Con la colaboración de su mejor amigo y cómplice (Edward Woods) Tom, seducido por el poder y el dinero, se involucra en turbios negocios.
The Yellow Lily
Art Direction
Archduke Alexander (Clive Brook) is better known for his sexual conquests than his diplomatic triumphs. After a lifetime of loving 'em and leaving 'em, the Archduke finally meets a girl he can't leave, Hungarian lass Judith Peredy (Billie Dove). She resists his advances but can't hide the fact that she's in love with him. The Yellow Lily was the second of four cinematic collaborations between star Billie Dove and director Alexander Korda.
Art Direction
The heir to a family business travels to Paris to try to stop his youth-obsessed mother from squandering the family fortune with her new husband, who's married her for her money. After he returns from service in World War I, he finds his mother, now broke and abandoned by her gigolo husband....
For Alimony Only
Art Direction
A stormy marriage of 6 months between Narcissa and Peter Williams ends in a bitter quarrel, and to gain his freedom Peter offers her more alimony than he can afford. Then he meets Mary Martin, who restores his faith in marriage. With business reverses, Peter falls behind in his alimony payments and neglects his new wife. Narcissa, however, manages to support Bertie Waring, a young sofa-hound; but she protests the delayed alimony and Mary is forced to take a job with an interior decorating establishment. Peter goes to Narcissa to appeal to her generosity, at the moment when Mary (unaware of Narcissa's identity as her husband's first wife) is working in Narcissa's apartment; seeing them together, Mary leaves in humiliation and accepts an invitation from Bertie....
Los bateleros del Volga
Art Direction
En la Rusia zarista, los bateleros del Volga viven una vida dura, caminando arriba y abajo por el río, por la orilla del agua, arrastrando pesadas cargas. Un día, mientras el príncipe Dimitri y su prometida, la princesa Vera, se detienen para que les echen la suerte en un campamento tártaro a lo largo del río, se encuentran con un grupo de bateleros que están descansando un poco. Uno de ellos, el osado Fiódor, provoca una confrontación hostil con los dos aristócratas. Más tarde, cuando estalla la Revolución, Fiódor se convierte en un líder en el Ejército Rojo, y encuentra de nuevo a Dimitri y Vera, sólo que esta vez con estacas más grandes.
Art Direction
Jim Warren, a crook, is married to Norma, but there was a flaw in their marriage papers and he must marry her again to protect their unborn child. He returns home and gives her some money but it has been stolen and she is sent to jail as an accomplice. To get her out, he is forced to marry another woman and Norma, thinking Jim has deserted her marries Phil Powers, and gives birth to Jim's daughter. Years later, Jim meets his daughter in the midst of a blackmail scheme against Norma over her earlier imprisonment. The daughter shoots the blackmailer, and Jim takes the blame.
La huella del pasado
Art Direction
Una esposa descontenta descubre que los problemas sexuales con su marido tienen su origen en una vida pasada. Durante el reinado de Isabel I, ella fue una gitana condenada a morir quemada en la hoguera...
Art Direction
Amanda Afflick is a lovesick laundress who daydreams about customer Horace Greensmith and cherishes the shirt he brought in for washing eight months and sixteen days ago. She tells her fellow workers that the garment belongs to her fiancé, a lord. Just wait, Amanda boasts, one day his lordship will return for his wash — and for her.
Art Direction
Cuando Pollyanna se queda huérfana, es enviada a vivir con su excéntrica tía Polly. Pollyanna descubre que muchas de las personas en la ciudad de Nueva Inglaterra en la casa de su tía están de mal humor como ella. Pero el optimismo incurable de Pollyanna - ejemplificada por su "juego alegre", en la que busca el lado bueno de cada situación - trae un cambio a la antigua comunidad.
The Hoodlum
Art Direction
A spoiled young rich girl is forced by misfortune to fight for survival in the slums and alleys, where she becomes involved with all manner of unpleasantness.
The Call of the East
Art Direction
While visiting Alan, who works in Tokyo, she attends a festival with her Japanese maid while wearing a Japanese kimono. There she meets the wealthy Arai Takada, who is taken by the mysterious woman. Alan has dishonored and betrayed O'Mitsu, and her brother Arai plans a terrible revenge.