Hugh Thompson
Nacimiento : , Nova Scotia
Una directora conservadora del coro de la iglesia se muda a San Francisco para dirigir el club de drag de su hijo gay fallecido.
Everyone has a different story to tell, especially when it comes to relationships. Lynda Boyd stars as Anna, a recently widowed cardiologist facing romantic challenges. While attending a wedding, Anna discovers she is not alone and bonds with six other women as they each share their unique stories of navigating the complex world of relationships. This anthology film weaves through the love lives of these women, charting their ups and downs in romance and rejection.
Thom Fitzgerald explores interconnections of sexual identity, family, and small-town Nova Scotia life in this intimate drama about a young woman reassessing her relationship with her mother following the death of her father.
A ghostly, psychological drama about a young woman who disappears from her building and her solitary landlord who tries to track her down.
El capitán Wolf Larsen, el famoso "Lobo de Mar", gobierna su barco, el Ghost, y su tripulación con mano de hierro. En una ocasión, hallándose en alta mar, rescata a un náufrago, el crítico literario Humphrey Van Weyden; pero, en lugar de desembarcarlo en el puerto más cercano, no sólo lo obliga a trabajar como grumete, sino que lo involucra en un juego perverso. Por otra parte, Larsen tiene que enfrentarse a un peligroso enemigo: su hermano Death, que compite con él por el dominio de las zonas de caza de focas. En el Macedonia, el barco de Death, viaja Maud Brewster, escritora e hija del armador del buque. Cuando la joven se da cuenta de que está atrapada en una trampa mortal, escapa en un bote salvavidas y es rescatada por la tripulación del Ghost. Sin embargo, su presencia a bordo crea un nuevo conflicto: la lucha entre Larsen y Humphrey por el amor de la joven.
The story of a teenage boy coming of age in a suburban grow-operation, where every day is paradise or fresh hell. But it's always a trip. Sheltered all his life and home-schooled by loving parents who are also committed criminals, Quinn Dawson yearns to experience the normalcy of the suburban world which surrounds him.
1964. El doctor David Henry es padre de gemelos, un niño y una niña. Pero ella tiene síntomas que indican que podría tener Síndrome de Down. El doctor prefiere decirle a su mujer que ha fallecido, y dejar el bebé a una enfermera. Nunca más vuelve a preocuparse por ella. Durante los siguientes 25 años, el doctor se guarda su oscuro secreto y ve cómo su familia se descompone por diversos problemas, al tiempo que se obsesiona por la fotografía, después de que su esposa le regale una cámara digital. Mientras tanto, su hija discapacitada, Phoebe, ha sido criada por la enfermera, y se ha convertido en una bella joven que ignora por completo quién es su padre.
Inspector Burns
Arthur Parkinson (Michael Angarano) reflexiona sobre su pasado, sobre los eventos más importantes de su juventud. Y esto le trae recuerdos dolorosos, como el divorcio de sus padres, nostálgicos, como su primer amor, e intrigantes, como la misteriosa muerte de su querida niñera.
Chrs Webb
Donnie fue a la cárcel por golpear a un joven de color de una forma tan brutal que le dejó minusválido. Nueve años después recobra su libertad. Es un hombre distinto con un solo lugar a donde ir: a su antiguo barrio, de regreso al ambiente racista y violento que forjó su carácter. Al otro extremo de la ciudad, la comunidad negra aún busca venganza.
Jean Marc
Olivia lives in a small town in Nova Scotia, Canada along with her son, Thomas, a daughter, Sarah, and has been separated from her French-speaking husband, Jean Marc. She has an estranged brother named Jack Walker who she has not seen for many years, as he refused to return her phone calls, and neglected to attend their father's funeral in Montana, U.S.A.. Due to opening of Cynaco and MacNeil Mining Company, the town expects to have about new 125 new jobs. One day she gets a surprise visit from Jack, both brother and sister update each other, and Jack also gets to meet Thomas and Sarah, as well as Olivia's attractive South Asian neighbor, Lia, a single mother. He soon starts an affair with her, and even moves in her house.
Jack Andrews
El doctor Nathan Andrews (Neil Patrick Harris) sufre una crisis cuando muere uno de sus pacientes en la mesa de operaciones. El joven decide regresar a su ciudad natal para reflexionar sobre si continuar o no con su trabajo como médico.
Socially isolated by his parents (Rebecca Jenkins, Robert Joy), an androgynous teen (Aaron Webber) enrolls in high school and develops a crush on his male teacher (Daniel MacIvor).
Bruce Connelly
While in Calgary on business for Lynx River Resources, Teevee Tenia is in the wrong place at the wrong time. A troubled young native woman reaches out to him for help and sets him up for a murder charge. Teevee is the perfect fall guy – young, alone and native. While Teevee struggles to hold his own in the urban justice system, Corporal Michelle Kenidi frantically searches for evidence that will exonerate him. Her efforts are thwarted and Teevee escapes and flees back to Lynx River. Michelle is left with a terrible choice: to turn Teevee in, or to betray the justice system that she has built her career on. Her only chance is to uncover the truth.
Jack Andrews
Two separate stories mesh - in the first, a young music teacher, Maggie Andrews, begins dying of a heart condition and her son Nathan tries to get a pair of Christmas shoes for her before she dies. In the second, lawyer Robert Layton and his wife Kate are slowly drifting apart and the matter comes to a head during Christmas when Kate takes over for Maggie for the school choir.
Sean Best
Ten-year-old Nikki is a precocious child suffering from Rett Syndrome. Unwilling to help her the doctors, instead, want to write her off as a mentally handicapped person.
Un bebé nacido el 24 de diciembre es sustraído a su madre por una falsa enfermera, con la excusa de realizarle una prueba rutinaria. Jane, una policía y madre de familia, deberá dejar a su familia en Nochebuena para buscar al bebé.
A Navy officer tries to set the record straight after the Navy blames a 1989 explosion aboard the USS Iowa on a homosexual affair between two sailors.
Everett Barkhouse
A sensitive and realistic portrayal of the families' grief after the devastating crash of Swissair flight 111, in which all 229 passengers and crew were killed. A woman whose daughter was among the victims meets a fisherman in Nova Scotia who took part in the recovery mission.
Elliot Saunders
One fateful dinner party ends in a complicated murder case where Carly Hunter forced to work against both the police and the media. Police Jack Brannigan commissioned to protect her when threats begin to pile up and a fiery unexpected love affair begins.
Det. Cotton Hawes
Once she'd been a dancer. Now she lies on a sidewalk, her blood seeping into the snow. The detectives of the 87th precinct are learning about ice: in a mulitimillion dollar showbiz scam, in the glittering diamonds that spill out of a dead man's vest, in the veins of a small time pusher. As the detectives scramble for evidence, as the city shivers, a killer is one step ahead, and the heat is still on.
Richard Beres
The story of Dan Jansen, champion speed skater, who confronts the challenges in his life.
Sgt. Greenway
True life drama about a working mum whose life is put back in jeopardy when the man who was convicted of stalking her and killing her cousin comes up for parole.
The surprise victory of the Paris Crew, a group of unheralded Canadian rowers, at the 1867 World Championships.
Young Cop
Un hombre aparece muerto en la cama de un tiro en la nuca. Frank (Al Pacino), el policía encargado del caso, sospecha que lo ha asesinado una mujer. Un compañero (John Goodman) que se ocupa de un caso idéntico coincide con su teoría. Las dos víctimas habían puesto sendos anuncios en verso en una revista de contactos. Poco después, otro hombre, que también publicó un anuncio similar en la misma revista, muere del mismo modo que los otros dos. Obviamente sólo hay un camino para llegar hasta el criminal: anunciarse en verso en la misma revista.