Sam Karmann

Sam Karmann

Nacimiento : 1953-09-23, Port-Saïd, Égypte


Sam Karmann


Heureux Gagnants
The Colors of Fire
Le faussaire
February 1927. The funeral of Marcel Péricourt, the most powerful banker in Paris. His daughter Madeleine must take the helm of the financial empire of which she is the heiress. But she has a son, Paul, who with an unexpected and tragic gesture will place her on the path to ruin.
L’épopée des vignerons
Amis d'enfance
Pierre and Aline, in their fifties, decide to take advantage of their guest house one last time by inviting friends. It's the turn of Max, Pierre's childhood friend, and his wife Charlotte to be invited. The week promises to be beautiful, between the Avignon Festival and good food and drink. But how can we keep these childhood friendships alive, when the life paths of each of them have diverged over time.
The Wannabes
Le gérant de l'EHPAD
Daniel and Stéphane, two salesmen working in the same store but who cannot stand each other, decide despite everything to team up to participate in television games so they can pay their debts.
On n'efface pas les souvenirs
When Anna disappears suddenly and without leaving a trace, the police feel it was probably deliberate. But her husband refuses to believe it. And rightly so, someone had tried to murder Anna. Saved by a local from the mountains, she wakes up in the Pyrenees, with no memory at all.
En plein coeur
Richard Leprince
Police cadet Fred Leprince is found dead inside the police academy. His sister Émilie, also a cadet there, doesn't believe the suicide theory.
Sobre las nubes
Père de Dorine
Con 18 años, Dorine fue la única superviviente de un accidente aéreo en el que quedó parapléjica. Esta tragedia le dio la fuerza interior para superar cualquier obstáculo que la vida le depare.
Asesinato en Moselle
François Leroy
En el parque de altos hornos de Uckange, se descubre el cadáver de Gilles Thouvenin, exdirector de la empresa. Clément Morel, gendarme de Metz, investiga con el apoyo de Laure, hija de la víctima.
Dr. Gérard Sanerot
En un mundo donde la tecnología digital ha invadido nuestras vidas, algunos de nosotros terminamos agrietados. Adicto o tecnófobo, con la familia o en la escuela, en el trabajo o en el amor, Smiley cuenta los destinos cómicos y salvajes del Homo Numericus al borde de una crisis nerviosa.
Hermanas por sorpresa
Lauren, una preciosa it-girl de 29 años, intenta introducirse en el mundo de la moda triunfando en las veladas parisinas. Olivia, una psicóloga de 28 años, tiene dos obsesiones: salvar la confitería de sus padres y encontrar el marido ideal. A la edad de 26 años, Salma, una fogosa joven profesora de historia, todavía vive con su madre en los suburbios. Sus caminos no tienen por qué cruzarse. Hasta el día en que, a la muerte de su padre biológico que nunca conocieron, heredan juntas un espléndido apartamento parisino.
Abdel et la Comtesse
Llenos de vida
Mickey Bonello
Castro es un antiguo presentador estrella de la televisión, ahora en plena decadencia. Un día, asiste como invitado a la inauguración de la nueva casa de su productora y vieja amiga, Nathalie, a las afueras de París. Hélène, hermana de la anfitriona y exmujer de Castro, también está invitada, al igual que muchos compañeros relacionados con el mundo de la farándula.
Le viol
Professeur Minkovsky
21 August 1974. In Marseille, two Belgian tourists, Nicole and Malia, are savagely attacked and raped by three men. Their attackers claim that the women consented and are allowed to remain free. Though their friends and family advise them to forget the ordeal, Nicole and Malia instead decide to fight. Helped by their lawyer, Gisèle Halimi, they request that the attackers be judged at the assize court. On 8 May 1978, after a long battle, they finally obtain justice. A trial which made history as until then rape had been considered simply as a misdemeanor, whereas now it became a crime.
Sácame de dudas
Le généticien
A sus 45 años, Erwan descubre que el viejo lobo de mar que le crió no es su padre. Tras la búsqueda, se encuentra con su progenitor, un hombre octogenario, y cae bajo su hechizo, así como bajo el de la impetuosa Anna.
Grand Froid
Le prêtre
In a small town lost in the middle of nowhere, Edmond Zweck's funeral business is on the wing. The company now has only two employees: Georges, Zweck's right-hand man, and Eddy, a young man still a novice in the trade. One fine morning, however, a dead man pointed his nose. Hope is born again. Georges and Eddy are responsible for leading the deceased to his last abode. But in search of the cemetery that can not be found, the funeral convoy goes astray and the journey turns into a fiasco.
Killing Mélanie Machin
Jean-Pierre Dardenne
Two men dressed up as the Dardenne's brothers go to a very select film buff club to be admitted. But they understand quickly that their references are not the good ones.
Les Gazelles
Marie and Eric, a couple in their thirties who have been together since college, buy their first apartment when Marie is suddenly overcome by doubt. Her encounter with a handsome, dark-haired man forces her to make a decision...
Le bonheur
Recorded in Paris, Theatre de l'espace Cardin. Louise is single, Alexandre is in the middle of a divorce, she has no children, he has three, she is more on the left, he is more on the right. Both are over fifty! If there is no age to fall in love ... love and life together are an equation that gets complicated with age! The charm of chance encounters is that they bring together people who attract each other without necessarily being compatible.
J.R. Jablonski
Ben, who dreamed of himself as a comic in New York, is back in Paris, his professional and emotional life in complete disarray. He encounters Alex, the star host of the Breakfast Club, a popular morning radio show. With Cyril, a forty-something who'd prefer not to be, and Arnold, the charismatic leader of the gang, they call the shots on Blast FM. In next to no time Ben is hired to write for them. He's barely joined the team when a tidal wave hits the station: Breakfast Club listenership is in free fall. They set out on a bus to travel to every corner of France to meet and win over their public once again. For these arrogant Parisians, a real journey of initiation arises from this radio-phonic road trip, shaking up all their certainties.
Jeux dangereux
Jean-Baptiste Pirelli
Los padres de Titeuf sufren una crisis de pareja y su madre decide dejar el hogar durante un tiempo. Además, una compañera de clase de la que Titeuf está enamorado, no le invita a su cumpleaños.
Raoul de Saint-Maur
After the Liberation of France during the World War II, ten former Resistant fighters meet again during a dinner organized by Marie-Octobre...
Vampire Party
Serge Krinine
Best friends and hardcore partiers Sam, Alice and Prune have scored invitations to 'Medici Night', the legendary VIP bash held every year at a remote castle. But when they discover that this wild party is being thrown by an elite race of blood-crazed vampires, they'll have to stake, stab, slice, bludgeon and blast their way out of a soiree where the hosts are thirsty and the bar is now open.
Opération Turquoise
True Enough
Dos personas, muy lejanas la una de la otra, acaban acercándose por el trabajo y porque la situación acaba provocándolo. Ella es una mujer casada, productora de un programa de televisión, llena de dudas sentimentales y profesionales. Él es un hombre, homosexual, autor de biografías de artistas más o menos olvidados, deprimido por el resultado de su última obra.
True Enough
Dos personas, muy lejanas la una de la otra, acaban acercándose por el trabajo y porque la situación acaba provocándolo. Ella es una mujer casada, productora de un programa de televisión, llena de dudas sentimentales y profesionales. Él es un hombre, homosexual, autor de biografías de artistas más o menos olvidados, deprimido por el resultado de su última obra.
True Enough
Dos personas, muy lejanas la una de la otra, acaban acercándose por el trabajo y porque la situación acaba provocándolo. Ella es una mujer casada, productora de un programa de televisión, llena de dudas sentimentales y profesionales. Él es un hombre, homosexual, autor de biografías de artistas más o menos olvidados, deprimido por el resultado de su última obra.
Joseph Wiznitzer
In 1943, Joseph, a Jewish man, was arrested by the Germans in front of his 13-year-old daughter, Suzanne, in the apartment where they were hiding. By abandoning his daughter, Joseph saved her life.
Casablanca Driver
John Driver, le père adoptif de Casa
This mockumentary follows the world's worst boxer and the events that led to his meteoric rise in the year 1969.
Nickel and Dime
Jacques is coming home after a long stretch behind bars. The boys are waiting, especially hi longtime friend Francis and new kid on the block Didier. They have a job lined up. but Jacques wants out of the life, Francis would rather be on the stage and wannabe mobster Didier has loser written all over him. Looks like someone's heading for a fall.
Monsieur Batignole
Max Bernstein
París, 1942. Durante la ocupación nazi, el charcutero Edmond Batignole (Gérard Jugnot), un hombre tímido y de carácter más bien débil, se convierte en proveedor oficial del ejército alemán gracias a Jean-Pierre, el novio de su hija, un colaboracionista que delata a los judíos. Cuando los Bernstein, vecinos de los Batignole, son arrestados y sus bienes confiscados, el piso que ocupaban es cedido a los Batignole. Un día, mientras Batignole ofrece una fiesta en su casa a los alemanes, llama a la puerta un niño: es el pequeño Simon Bernstein (Jules Sitruk), que ha logrado escapar y vuelve a casa para reunirse con los suyos.
Kennedy et moi
Comedy drama about an apathetic writer whose only interest is in his psychiatrist's watch which may have belonged to John F. Kennedy at the time of his assassination in 1963.
Kennedy et moi
Robert Janssen
Comedy drama about an apathetic writer whose only interest is in his psychiatrist's watch which may have belonged to John F. Kennedy at the time of his assassination in 1963.
Kennedy et moi
Comedy drama about an apathetic writer whose only interest is in his psychiatrist's watch which may have belonged to John F. Kennedy at the time of his assassination in 1963.
Le ciel, les oiseaux et... ta mère !
Le contrôleur du bus
Four guys from a Paris housing project fabricate a documentary about drug dealers working in the City of Lights. When a television network falls hook, line, and sinker for the prank video, the foursome are given a free three-week vacation in the upscale resort community of Biarritz. As they interact with both locals and fellow tourists, they learn about love, friendship, racism, and the differences between the rich and the poor.
Ça reste entre nous
Martin Lamotte made his directorial debut with this French comedy. Building contractor Patrick is unaware that Helene, his wife for 15 years, intends to celebrate their wedding anniversary with a surprise party. She's invited friends and relatives to spend the weekend at their blue house. Elsewhere down the road, at an identical blue house, Patrick and his other love, Elizabeth, the mother of his two-year-old daughter, are planning an engagement party for the son of their neighbor. Neither woman knows about the other, and this sticky situation requires Patrick to rush back and forth from one blue house to another throughout the evening. The story is told in flashback by Patrick -- from his hospital bed.
La vérité est un vilain défaut
The trials and tribulations of a good guy who feels obliged to confess the truth to his wife or his boss every time he makes a mistake.
Le rêve d'Esther
Esther, a Turkish emigrant, was naturalized French and now lives in Paris. Only her daughter Sarah has followed her. The child grows up in a cold boarding school, far from her mother, whose motives and stubbornness she does not understand, especially since Esther no longer visits or writes to her. Sarah thinks she has been abandoned. In reality, Esther, ill from so many hardships, does not want to reveal her condition to her daughter.
J'aime beaucoup ce que vous faites
Jean-Marc and Pamela attend the première of a film directed by one of their friends. They gradually lose control of things.
Cannes, ciudad del miedo
Disturbing man / Youri / Émile Gravier
Una mala película de terror, proyectada en el Festival de Cannes, se convierte en un éxito de ventas gracias a que todos los proyeccionistas encargados de pasar la película son asesinados.
Kitchen with Apartment
Jacques and Martine, an ordinary bourgeois couple, invite to dinner a friend whom they have not seen the last ten years. Since then he has become a media star and everything has to go just right at dinner.
A commuter suddenly realizes he's mistakenly boarded the express train and desperately tries to get off between stations.
A commuter suddenly realizes he's mistakenly boarded the express train and desperately tries to get off between stations.
A Lesson of Hope
M. Lanoselle
The teacher Odile Langlois starts her new job in the elementary school of a small French town. She is elegant and mysterious - but most of all, she is very friendly to her new students, whose confidence she gains so quickly. On the contrary, however, Odile's unconventional, alternative way of teaching does not appeal to some colleagues and parents who do everything to get rid of the young teacher ...
La Rumba
Paris, 1938. In a lavishly decorated nightclub, couples dance the syncopated rhythms of Latin America: Rumba, Cucaracha, Tango, and also the Charleston, Foxtrot and Boston. Among beautiful women, local pimps and Mussolini's spies brush each other on the dance floor, and in the streets. A police inspector is charged with a difficult task, to clean-up the city streets - just when bodies start falling around, as the Mafia and the spies tend each other deadly traps.
Under the Cherry Moon
Police Inspector
Two friends from Miami are in the French Riviera enjoying life by scamming money off of rich women. One day, they read about a young woman set to inherit $50 million from her father. At first, Tricky has Christopher Tracy talked into romancing her for her money, but in getting to know her, Christopher falls in love with her. This love comes between the brothers, and Tricky tells about the plan.
Ladrones en la noche
François, violoncelista, e Isabelle, historiadora del arte, se conocen en una oficina de desempleo, donde surge una agria discusión entre Isabelle y uno de los empleados. François sale en su defensa y, así, nace entre ellos una relación amorosa. Juntos tratan de conseguir algún dinero como músicos callejeros, pero no tienen éxito. Entonces a Isabelle se le ocurre la idea de robar a los tres dependientes de la oficina de desempleo, pero durante el atraco muere uno de ellos.
Le grand carnaval
The story follows Americans in Algeria at the time of the Allied invasion of North Africa in 1942.
El membrillo
Nicole, una prostituta parisina, es utilizada por los policías de la Brigada 13ª para llegar a Dede, su novio, el cual les interesa para reemplazar a su antiguo soplón, liquidado por orden del capo de una peligrosa banda a la que la policía quiere detener a toda costa.
La expiación
William Benamou
Clan Bettoun: Raymond (el patriarca), Maurice (hijo), Jacky (el sobrino), Roland (el sobrino), Albert (primo de Raymond), Pepe (el amigo de Raymond), Samy (la guardia cuerpo) son un clan familiar de los agresores los pies de negro los judíos de la delincuencia organizada francés. Leurs activités sont la gestion de casinos. Sus actividades son la gestión de casinos, juego de la organización de boxeo clandestino de juegos de azar, ilegal, el proxenetismo, la extorsión y el ajuste de cuentas sangriento contra otros clanes en árabe y francés.
Je ne suis pas un héros