Cy Endfield

Cy Endfield

Nacimiento : 1914-11-10, Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA

Muerte : 1995-04-16


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cyril Raker Endfield (November 10, 1914 – April 16, 1995) was an American screenwriter, film director, theatre director, author, magician and inventor, based in Britain from 1953.


Cy Endfield


Amanecer Zulú
1879 el Imperio Británico trata de imponer su voluntad sobre el poderoso rey zulú Cetshwayo, que controla parte de la zona de ZuluLand. Al negarse Cetshwayo a cumplir las órdenes de su Majestad la Reina de Inglaterra, los británicos deciden movilizar sus tropas lideradas por el General Chelmsford hacia los dominios de los zulús para someterlos confiando en su aparente superioridad táctica, técnica, militar y armamentística.
Universal Soldier
Derek Bowden
A life-long mercenary commander and weapons expert is commissioned to train an army for an exiled African leader. But as his conscience finally catches up to him, he is seen as a threat to the powers behind the operation.
Universal Soldier
A life-long mercenary commander and weapons expert is commissioned to train an army for an exiled African leader. But as his conscience finally catches up to him, he is seen as a threat to the powers behind the operation.
Universal Soldier
A life-long mercenary commander and weapons expert is commissioned to train an army for an exiled African leader. But as his conscience finally catches up to him, he is seen as a threat to the powers behind the operation.
De Sade
Un hombre extraño, una historia inusual.
Las arenas del Kalahari
Cuando un avión que recorre el sur de África choca con un emjambre de langostas que lo inutilizan, el piloto tendrá que realizar un aterrizaje forzoso en pleno desierto de Kalahari. Los supervivientes deberán soportar entonces unas pésimas condiciones de subsistencia, pero, sobre todo, tendrán que hacer frente a una manada de mandriles que los acosan salvajemente. Por si esto fuera poco, la presencia de una sola mujer en el grupo desencadenará una tormenta de pasiones entre los hombres. (FILMAFFINITY)
Las arenas del Kalahari
Cuando un avión que recorre el sur de África choca con un emjambre de langostas que lo inutilizan, el piloto tendrá que realizar un aterrizaje forzoso en pleno desierto de Kalahari. Los supervivientes deberán soportar entonces unas pésimas condiciones de subsistencia, pero, sobre todo, tendrán que hacer frente a una manada de mandriles que los acosan salvajemente. Por si esto fuera poco, la presencia de una sola mujer en el grupo desencadenará una tormenta de pasiones entre los hombres. (FILMAFFINITY)
Hide and Seek
A professor of astronomy helping on a missile development program. An old friend of his is a Russian chess champion. The Russian is working with shady businessman Marek and they plan to kidnap the professor and make it look as though he has defected to the Soviet Union.
Sudáfrica, 1879. Un centenar de soldados ingleses esperan el ataque de 4.000 guerreros zulúes. Tienen órdenes de resistir en su puesto y, a pesar de la aplastante superioridad numérica del enemigo (40 a 1), están dispuestos a luchar hasta el final.
Sudáfrica, 1879. Un centenar de soldados ingleses esperan el ataque de 4.000 guerreros zulúes. Tienen órdenes de resistir en su puesto y, a pesar de la aplastante superioridad numérica del enemigo (40 a 1), están dispuestos a luchar hasta el final.
Sudáfrica, 1879. Un centenar de soldados ingleses esperan el ataque de 4.000 guerreros zulúes. Tienen órdenes de resistir en su puesto y, a pesar de la aplastante superioridad numérica del enemigo (40 a 1), están dispuestos a luchar hasta el final.
La isla misteriosa
Durante la guerra de secesión norteamericana, un grupo de prisioneros sudistas logra escapar a bordo de un globo. Sin rumbo y en medio de una gran tormenta, llegan a una isla desconocida. Su primer paso es sobrevivir y explorar la isla, para saber si existe alguna clase de vida en ella.
Jet Storm
Crisis in the air: A passenger aboard a commercial airplane flying from London to New York threatens to detonate a bomb over the Atlantic.
Jet Storm
Crisis in the air: A passenger aboard a commercial airplane flying from London to New York threatens to detonate a bomb over the Atlantic.
Sea Fury
The captain of a tugboat harboured off a Spanish village is lured into a romantic involvement with a young girl at the behest of her father, in the hope of getting his hands on the vessel. Meanwhile, a handsome English sailor, signs on to the boat and before long he and the girl fall for one another. Meanwhile a sinking freighter carrying explosive cargo has to be salvaged....
Ruta infernal
Intentando olvidar su pasado, Tom (Stanley Baker) acepta un trabajo en una compañía de camiones. Pronto entabla amistad con Gino (Herbert Lom) y Lucy (Peggy Cummings), la secretaria de la compañía. Por el contrario, su relación con Red (Patrick McGoohan), un camionero que ostenta el record de viajes, es de rivalidad. Los intentos de Tom por superarlo provocarán un conflicto.
Ruta infernal
Intentando olvidar su pasado, Tom (Stanley Baker) acepta un trabajo en una compañía de camiones. Pronto entabla amistad con Gino (Herbert Lom) y Lucy (Peggy Cummings), la secretaria de la compañía. Por el contrario, su relación con Red (Patrick McGoohan), un camionero que ostenta el record de viajes, es de rivalidad. Los intentos de Tom por superarlo provocarán un conflicto.
Ruta infernal
Intentando olvidar su pasado, Tom (Stanley Baker) acepta un trabajo en una compañía de camiones. Pronto entabla amistad con Gino (Herbert Lom) y Lucy (Peggy Cummings), la secretaria de la compañía. Por el contrario, su relación con Red (Patrick McGoohan), un camionero que ostenta el record de viajes, es de rivalidad. Los intentos de Tom por superarlo provocarán un conflicto.
Child in the House
A lonely child must stay with her uncaring aunt and uncle after her mother is hospitalized. Her estranged father is a fugitive. For love and companionship, the eleven-year old girl becomes friends with the housemaid. When at long last, she meets her dad, she must vow to never reveal his location to the police.
Child in the House
A lonely child must stay with her uncaring aunt and uncle after her mother is hospitalized. Her estranged father is a fugitive. For love and companionship, the eleven-year old girl becomes friends with the housemaid. When at long last, she meets her dad, she must vow to never reveal his location to the police.
The Master Plan
Following WW II, a U.S. army officer stationed in West Germany is assigned with keeping classified information away from the Communists. Unfortunately, Red spies know that he suffers from sudden black-outs and use this to hypnotise him, and make it appear that he is a traitor.
The Master Plan
Following WW II, a U.S. army officer stationed in West Germany is assigned with keeping classified information away from the Communists. Unfortunately, Red spies know that he suffers from sudden black-outs and use this to hypnotise him, and make it appear that he is a traitor.
Colonel March Investigates
This is a feature-length compilation of three short episodes taken from a TV series called 'Colonel March of Scotland Yard' (1954-56, 26 episodes) starring Boris Karloff as Colonel March, head of Scotland Yard's Department D.3, otherwise known as The Bureau of Queer Complaints.
The Secret
An American loses all his money and finds himself stranded in England. He finds hope when he meets a female smuggler who has brought jewels into the country inside a teddy bear, but unfortunately, things quickly get out of hand.
The Secret
An American loses all his money and finds himself stranded in England. He finds hope when he meets a female smuggler who has brought jewels into the country inside a teddy bear, but unfortunately, things quickly get out of hand.
An American realtor living in England is dissatisfied with what he believes to be his humdrum life. One weekend while his wife is out of town, he gives a ride to a woman he sees stranded on the road. One thing leads to another, and he soon finds himself enmeshed in a plot involving a diamond robbery, gangsters and murder.
An American realtor living in England is dissatisfied with what he believes to be his humdrum life. One weekend while his wife is out of town, he gives a ride to a woman he sees stranded on the road. One thing leads to another, and he soon finds himself enmeshed in a plot involving a diamond robbery, gangsters and murder.
The Limping Man
An American veteran returns to England after WWII to learn that his London lover has become involved with a dangerous spy ring and their search for a limping sniper.
Tarzán, furia salvaje
Tarzán salva al pequeño Joey, un niño que era utilizado como cebo para cazar cocodrilos. Mientras tanto, Oliver, el primo de Tarzán, que estaba de caza en África, es asesinado por su guía Rokov, el cual convence a su socio Edwards para que se haga pasar por Oliver. Los dos hombres se presentan ante Tarzán para pedirle que les ayude a llegar a una mina de diamantes, mencionada en su diario por el padre de Tarzán, Lord Greystoke, y que, según los dos socios, es imprescindible para la seguridad de Inglaterra.
The Sound of Fury
Un padre de familia en paro, acuciado por las necesidades económicas, conoce a un individuo que le propone ser su chófer en pequeños atracos. Todo se complica cuando se ve envuelto en un secuestro.
The Sound of Fury
Un padre de familia en paro, acuciado por las necesidades económicas, conoce a un individuo que le propone ser su chófer en pequeños atracos. Todo se complica cuando se ve envuelto en un secuestro.
Historia del Hampa
Después de ser despedido del periódico donde trabaja, Mike Reese se hace socio de un pequeño periódico de provincias en donde intenta poner en práctica los métodos de la prensa de la gran ciudad. Un asesinato en el que está envuelto un magnate de la prensa será la oportunidad perfecta para sus planes.
Historia del Hampa
Después de ser despedido del periódico donde trabaja, Mike Reese se hace socio de un pequeño periódico de provincias en donde intenta poner en práctica los métodos de la prensa de la gran ciudad. Un asesinato en el que está envuelto un magnate de la prensa será la oportunidad perfecta para sus planes.
Joe Palooka in the Counterpunch
Original Story
Joe heads for South America to fight the Latin champ. Shipboard, he helps federal agents fight counterfeiters. He also spars with love interest Anne Howe.
Joe Palooka in the Counterpunch
Joe heads for South America to fight the Latin champ. Shipboard, he helps federal agents fight counterfeiters. He also spars with love interest Anne Howe.
Joe Palooka in the Big Fight
Additional Dialogue
Gangsters frame Joe on a drunk charge and a murder rap so they can put their own fighter into a big event. Joe investigates in an attempt to prove his innocence.
Joe Palooka in the Big Fight
Gangsters frame Joe on a drunk charge and a murder rap so they can put their own fighter into a big event. Joe investigates in an attempt to prove his innocence.
The Argyle Secrets
A framed reporter and the crooks on his trail scramble to locate a book containing the names of American war profiteers and traitors who collaborated with the Nazis during the war.
The Argyle Secrets
A framed reporter and the crooks on his trail scramble to locate a book containing the names of American war profiteers and traitors who collaborated with the Nazis during the war.
Stork Bites Man
A man engages in a boycott of a no children allowed apartment house, with the help of an imaginary stock and a large department store, after his wife become pregnant and they are evicted.
Stork Bites Man
A man engages in a boycott of a no children allowed apartment house, with the help of an imaginary stock and a large department store, after his wife become pregnant and they are evicted.
Hard Boiled Mahoney
Sach just lost his job as an assistant to a private detective, but he wasn't paid. Slip goes with him down to the detective's office to demand payment, but finds the office empty. A woman enters the office and mistakes Slip for the detective and convinces him to take on a case to find her sister after offering a $50 retainer.
Mr. Hex
Associate Producer
Sach is given a post-hypnotic suggestion that turns him into a championship prizefighter.
Mr. Hex
Sach is given a post-hypnotic suggestion that turns him into a championship prizefighter.
Gentleman Joe Palooka
In the second film of Monogram's Joe Palooka series, Joe is 'used', by two state senators scheming to obtain oil-rich lands, in a publicity campaign to get the land transferred to the state, supposedly for a park. When Joe learns that he has been used as a dupe he becomes disillusioned and leaves the prize=fighting profession. But, his manager, sparring partners, and fiancée manage to expose the land-grab scheme, clear Joe's name and discredit the crooked politicians.
Gentleman Joe Palooka
In the second film of Monogram's Joe Palooka series, Joe is 'used', by two state senators scheming to obtain oil-rich lands, in a publicity campaign to get the land transferred to the state, supposedly for a park. When Joe learns that he has been used as a dupe he becomes disillusioned and leaves the prize=fighting profession. But, his manager, sparring partners, and fiancée manage to expose the land-grab scheme, clear Joe's name and discredit the crooked politicians.
Our Old Car
In this John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short, a man traces his history by the succession of cars his father owned. [This short appears in its entirety during MGM's short feature "The Great Morgan".]
Joe Palooka, Champ
After losing heavyweight contender Al Costa to mob boss Florini fight promoter Knobby Walsh recruits small town boy Joe Palooka to take his place. First in the series.
Magic on a Stick
This MGM Passing Parade series short recounts how English chemist John Walker invented the wooden friction match during the 1820s.
The Great American Mug
This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short takes a look at the typical American barbershop throughout the years.
Dancing Romeo
Froggy plans a dance recital to win over Marilyn.
Tale of a Dog
When Bigshot Jones gives his unnamed dog to the All-For-One Club, Buckwheat quickly names the canine "Smallpox", inadvertently causing a city-wide panic.
Radio Bugs
When Froggy discovers the fabulous salaries paid to radio stars, he gets the idea that the gang should be in on the action. But success in radio requires a sponsor. They audition comedy skits at the dentist's office, and Shakespeare at the mortuary. Their efforts to snag a sponsor are without success until . . .
Nostradamus IV
This Carey Wilson Miniature takes a further look at prophecies by 16th century seer Nostradamus.
The Devil works with Adolf Hitler to cause inflation in the United States.