Edward Buzzell

Edward Buzzell

Nacimiento : 1900-11-13, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

Muerte : 1985-01-11


Director y actor de cine estadounidense nacido en Brooklyn, Nueva York. Comenzó trabajando en Broadway, y más tarde fue contratado para protagonizar la versión cinematográfica de 1929 de Little Johnny Jones, dirigida por Mervyn LeRoy. A principios de 1930 escribió sus primeros guiones, que alternó con sus apariciones como actor. Entre sus mejores filmes se encuentran sus trabajos junto a los hermanos Marx, Una tarde en el circo (1939) y Los hermanos Marx en el Oeste (1940), y los musicales Best Foot Forward (1943) con Lucille Ball, La canción de los acusados (1947) con Myrna Loy y La hija de Neptuno (1949) con Esther Williams. Murió en Los Ángeles en 1985.


Edward Buzzell


Mary Had a Little...
A theatrical impresario tries to win a bet with a psychiatrist over the production of a perfect baby.
Ain't Misbehavin'
Rowdy young girl crashes high society when wealthy older man falls for her.
Ain't Misbehavin'
Rowdy young girl crashes high society when wealthy older man falls for her.
Confidentially Connie
Texas cattleman Opie Bedloe comes to Maine to visit his son Joe, a college instructor, and his wife Connie in the hopes of persuading Joe to give up his teaching career and come back to Texas and take over the ranch. When Opie finds out that Connie, who is expecting a baby, can not afford the steaks she yearns for on Joe's salary, Opie, who believes that pregnant women gotta have meat, arranges for the local butcher, Spangenberg to cut his prices in half (with Opie paying the difference) so that Connie can have the meat she desires.
Emergency Wedding
Dr. Helen Hunt is a physician married to millionaire Peter Judson Kirk Jr., who is jealous his wife is spending too much time with her male patients. He makes a fool of himself trying to prove her guilt.
A Woman of Distinction
Ice-cold college dean Susan Middlecott feels there's no room in her life for romance. Enter Prof. Alec Stevenson, British lecturer on astronomy, touring North America and in possession of a keepsake of Susan's he wants to return. Desperate for publicity, lecture bureau press agent Teddy Evans magnifies this into a great romance. The efforts of both dignified principals to quash the story have the opposite effect; matters get more and more involved.
La hija de Neptuno
Eva Barrett, una joven diseñadora de trajes de baño conoce, de forma fortuita, al masajista de un equipo de polo. Gracias a éste, Eva entabla relaciones con el atractivo capitán del equipo.
La ruleta de la muerte
A bordo del S.S. Fortune en una velada de apuestas para actos de caridad, las mesas están calientes, la música de Jazz aún más caliente, y antes de que te des cuenta, el director de orquesta está fiambre. ¡Están tocando vuestra canción, Nick y Nora Charles!. William Powell y Myrna Loy regresan como el matrimonio de detectives que son, sacando de la cama a los sospechosos a las 4 de la madrugada para interrogarlos mientras tratan de entender la jerga musical bebop del jazz de los años 40.
Three Wise Fools
Una huerfanita conquista el corazón de tres ancianos gruñones.
Que siga la boda
Connie, una millonaria, decide demandar con ayuda de su padre a un periódico por difamación. El rotativo le acusa de romper matrimonios porque seduce a hombres casados. Entonces el periódico contrata a un experto mujeriego para comprometerla.
Keep Your Powder Dry
Un variopinto grupo de mujeres intenta adaptarse sus nuevas vidas después de alistarse en el Cuerpo del Ejército Femenino.
La reina de corazones (Best Foot Forward)
Un cadete de una academia militar invita a Lucille Ball a participar en el gran baile de la academia. Su agente la convence de que vaya para dar un empujón a su carrera. Las cosas se complican cuando aparece sin previo aviso la novia del cadete.
The Youngest Profession
Una adolescente en busca de autógrafos causa problemas en los estudios de la MGM.
The Omaha Trail
The coming of the railroad to the West triggers an Indian war.
Ship Ahoy
Miss Winters is a dancer with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra and is asked to secretly transport a prototype magnetic mine to Puerto Rico. She thinks that she is working for the US Government, but fails to see why she would be involved.
Married Bachelor
A man's marriage suffers when he pretends to be a bachelor while promoting "his" best-selling book about married life (actually written by an eccentric professor) in order to pay off a debt to a gangster.
The Get-Away
A jailed cop befriends a mob chieftain and stages a breakout with him.
Los hermanos Marx en el oeste
Los hermanos Marx se dirigen al Oeste a hacer fortuna. Allí adquieren una propiedad de una mina sin valor pero cuyo terreno es muy codiciado por una compañía de ferrocarriles... Otra divertidísima comedia de los hermanos Marx con inolvidables gags entre los que destaca la delirante escena inicial del timo mutuo en la estación.
Una tarde en el circo
Los Hermanos Marx tratar de ayudar al dueño de un circo a recuperar algunos fondos robados antes de que se encuentre a él mismo sin trabajo.
Movie star Brooks Mason tries to avoid his fans and spend some weeks on vacation. When Hawaiian plantage-owner George Smith is mistaken by Mason's fans for Mason and brought to Mason's home. They decide to change their identities for a few weeks. But George Smith is mobbed by Mason's fans again on a personal appearance tour in New York, Mason falls in love to dancer Dorothy March, who also is on her way to Hawaii. Problems for Mason arise due to the fact that Smith is engaged with Cecilia Grayson, and her wealthy father believes, that Smith has double-crossed him. Mason isn't able to establish a connection with Smith in New York due to his agent's orders.
Fast Company
Un matrimonio librero aficionado a las historias detectivescas intenta ayudar a un amigo en aclarar un crimen de un rival también librero
Paradise for Three
A businessman mingles with German laborers to learn more about their lives.
As Good as Married
When a boss proposes marriage to his secretary, she discovers that the arrangement is solely for tax purposes.
The Luckiest Girl in the World
A wealthy society girl must live on $150 a month to prove to her father that she can stand being married to a poor man.
Three Married Men
Jennie Mullins and her fiancé Peter Cary are happily in love but their families are miserable about their relationship. The Carys and Mullinses have been feuding for years over the apparent failure of the Carys' business which was caused by the now-deceased Mr. Mullins. Despite familial pressure to the contrary, Jennie and Peter proceed with their wedding. Just before the wedding, Peter receives advice from his soon-to-be brothers-in-law, Jeff and Bill Mullins. Both men warn him about the drudgery of marriage, ply him with drink, and destroy his fantasy of an ideal, romantic marriage.
The Girl Friend
An actor and two songwriters become rural con men.
Transient Lady
A senator's brother turns up murdered, and the senator tries to pin the blame on a man he knows is innocent.
Transient Lady
A senator's brother turns up murdered, and the senator tries to pin the blame on a man he knows is innocent.
The Human Side
The story of a theatrical producer, his divorced wife and their four children.
The Human Side
The story of a theatrical producer, his divorced wife and their four children.
Cross Country Cruise
A young woman is involved with a married man, although she does not know that he is married. He kills his jealous wife and implicates her in the murder. However, a playboy character who had been flirting with the woman earlier turns amateur detective and clears her.
Ann Carver's Profession
Newlyweds experience marital problems when the wife's highly successful job as an attorney overshadows her husband's stagnant career.
Child of Manhattan
Paul Vanderkill is extraordinarily wealthy because his grandfather happened to buy farmland in what was to become Midtown Manhattan. The Loveland Dance Hall is one of the tenants of the Vanderkill estates. To reassure his aunt Sophie, Vanderkill visits Loveland to determine whether it is as disreputable as Sophie suspects. There he meets a dime-a-dance girl, Madeleine MacGonagal, who charms him with her quaint proletarian accent. They begin a secret affair, which turns into a secret marriage when pregnancy ensues. When the baby fails to survive, Madeleine decides that since he had married her only for the baby's sake, she should make haste to Mexico to secure a divorce. There she meets Panama Canal Kelly, a former suitor who now owns a silver mine. Her plans for divorce and quick remarriage are complicated when Vanderkill arrives to confront her.
Given a second chance after her arrest for prostitution, Mae decides to go straight. Mae is soon befriended by kindly cab driver Jimmy Doyle who gets her work at a diner, where she meets Gert, another former prostitute. Mae and Jimmy fall in love, marry and save to buy a small business. Gert then pleads for money from Mae, which results in her unwitting involvement in a crime. Believing Mae has lied and cheated him, Jimmy threatens to leave her.
Hollywood Speaks
The darkest side of Tinseltown is depicted in this drama that centers upon a Hollywood columnist determined to reveal the awful truth about entertainment business.
The Big Timer
Loud-mouth hamburger flipper, Cooky, thinks he can box. His big chance comes when everyone else quits the gym when it is inherited by a dame.
The Devil's Cabaret
Howie Burns
At Satan & Co., Inc., the devil is upset because too many people are going up to Heaven rather than down to Hades. He gives his assistant, Mr. Burns, the task of getting more people to his domain. In front of a nightclub, Mr. Burns invites a crowd of people to come inside to The Devil's Cabaret to be entertained. After they enjoy songs and dancing, the people go willingly to Hades.
The Royal Four-Flusher
Eddie, a modern man, suddenly finds himself in the palace in an ancient, mythical kingdom. This does not change his attitude or habits and, while pursuing a fair maid in the castle, he catches the attention of the Queen and forces him to make love to her. He slaps the King on the rump, thinking he is the Queen, and is sentenced to be beheaded.
Little Johnny Jones
Cuenta la historia de un jockey norteamericano que ganó el Gran Derby con un caballo llamado "Yanquee Doodle". Todo ello se adorna con unas tramas paralelas donde el jinete se ve atrapado por dos mujeres: una que realmente le quiere y una vampiresa que busca su perdición.
Little Johnny Jones
Johnny Jones
Cuenta la historia de un jockey norteamericano que ganó el Gran Derby con un caballo llamado "Yanquee Doodle". Todo ello se adorna con unas tramas paralelas donde el jinete se ve atrapado por dos mujeres: una que realmente le quiere y una vampiresa que busca su perdición.
Midnight Life
Eddie Delaney
When his buddy is murdered a dedicated cop, goes after the gang responsible.