Florence Loiret Caille

Florence Loiret Caille

Nacimiento : 1975-06-26, Paris, France


Florence Loiret Caille


La Directrice
Melissa is an experienced, exemplary prison guard. But a dangerous spiral is set into motion when she transfers to a Corsican jail, where she accepts help and protection from inmate Saveriu to get her bearings. Upon his release, he contacts Melissa expecting to collect.
La vida sin ti
Madeleine Verra
Sobrepasada por el regreso de una persona de su pasado, Joan Verra se escapa al campo con su hijo Nathan. Ahí experimentará recuerdos fragmentados de sus pasados encuentros amorosos.
It’s summer, the heat is overwhelming and the weather is out of whack. A group of friends are enjoying their yearly holiday in their favorite little village, wedged between the sea and the mountains. As usual, they are bored and eat and drink a lot. They do not pay attention to the fire which progresses on the mountain nearby, nor to the world around them. But this year, a mysterious man arrives from the sea and shakes up their seemingly balanced existence...
Los jóvenes amantes
Dos amantes se encuentran 15 años después, en el corredor de un hospital. Ella tiene 71, él tiene 45. Repelidos, pero atraídos el uno por el otro, vuelven a conectar. Viuda, madre, abuela, Shauma quiere reafirmar que sigue siendo mujer, ante todo.
The woman in the store
El joven Ibrahim le pasa una deuda inesperada a su padre, pero decide hacer todo lo posible para saldarla y ganarse el respeto de su padre.
C'est la vie
Chloé Fontaine
Wonders in the Suburbs
Juliette Beboult
Joëlle y Kamel Mrabti son dos miembros esenciales en el gabinete del nuevo alcalde de Montfermeil, Emmanuelle Joly. Sin embargo, son una pareja que se está divorciando. Toda la plantilla del alcalde trabaja para implementar una nueva política educativa que pasa por la creación de la denominada "Montfermeil Intensive School of Languages", una Escuela de Idiomas en el que se impartirán los 62 idiomas que se hablan en las afueras de la ciudad de París. Además, también pretende ser un centro educativo para cuestiones básicas en la vida de aquellos que estudien en él. Aunque la propuesta resulta ser un éxito, los miembros de la plantilla del alcalde atraviesa algunos momentos realmente complicados.
Private Eye
At the Swiss border, a detective is responsible for investigating a woman whose whereabouts worry her husband. The spinning takes place, the night falls and the desire resurfaces.
The Together Project
Agathe despacha a un seductor del tres al cuarto con un aplomo desconcertante bajo el cual, sin embargo, se adivina cierta fragilidad. Samir, que observa la escena tímidamente desde un rincón del café, se queda maravillado. En un momento, este joven amable y alelado con una mirada de una candidez desarmante, se enamora perdidamente de ella. Sin dudar ni un segundo, el joven compra un abono trimestral en la piscina municipal en la que Agathe da clases, rodeada por una curiosa tropa de empleados municipales. Cuando Agathe vuelve a marcharse para participar en un congreso internacional de monitores de natación, Samir hace la maleta inmediatamente.
The Clearstream Affair
Géraldine Robert
Journalist Denis Robert sparked a storm in the world of European finance by denouncing the murky operations of banking firm Clearstream. His quest to reveal the truth behind a secret world of shadowy multinational banking puts him in contact with an ever-expanding anti-corruption investigation carried out by Judge Renaud Van Ruymbeke. Their paths will lead them to the heart of a political/financial intrigue, which will rock the foundations of Europe and the French government itself.
Blue Pills
The shy comic book writer JB meets the newly divorced young mother Laura at a party. Love magic rises. But Laura and her son Oscar are both HIV positive.
A Little Man
La mère
On the day of his seven years, Simon is introduced to boar hunting by his father. His mother is pregnant and the boy will be confronted with the complexity of beings and learn of death.
Los canallas
Marco Silvestri, capitán de un carguero, recibe una llamada que reclama su presencia inmediata en París. Sandra, su hermana, está desesperada. Su marido se ha suicidado, la empresa familiar se aproxima a la quiebra y su hija ha sido internada en un centro psiquiátrico. Sandra acusa al poderoso empresario Edouard Laporte de ser el responsable de su situación. Decidido a encontrar el punto débil de este hombre de negocios y llevar a cabo una terrible venganza, Marco se muda al edificio donde vive Raphaelle, la amante de Laporte.
The Little King
The little king is called Mathieu. He is thirteen years old and has recently been living with his grandfather in an isolated farmhouse in the mountains. His mother left him there, in this lost house, far from everything, with no explanation, no time to hold on to, no hope of seeing each other again for a long time.
Queen of Montreuil
It's early summer and Agathe is back in France, at home in Montreuil. She has to get over her husband's death and return to her work as a film director. The unexpected arrival at her house of a couple of Icelanders, a sea lion and a neighbour that she has always desired yet never vanquished will give Agathe the strength to get her life back on track...
Last Winter
A young farmer in Central France tries to sustain his spiritual connection to the land amid the crushing pressures of modern agriculture in this brooding drama.
Rituels meurtriers
Clara Valère
The Little Bedroom
One day, a bad fall forces Edmond to accept Rose's help. Eventually, the two grow closer. The young woman finds relief in confiding painful memories to the older man; things she cannot even bring herself to tell her husband. Meanwhile, Edmond, too, opens up, sharing recollections of his beloved wife.
The Queen of Clubs
Aurélien and Argine have never been able to leave each other. Brother and sister, they have always lived together. Aurélien secretly makes ends meet for them by dealing in stolen metal. One night, his accomplice Simon suddenly arrives.
Au voleur
Isabelle teaches, Bruno steals. Together, they start believing that could be happy. The day when the police net starts tightening, Bruno fleesm taking Isabelle with him. Deep within the forest, they hide and love each other, outside of time, in a final attempt to hold at bay the world's violence.
Someone I Loved
One night, Pierre decides to reveal his painful secret to his daughter-in-law, who's just been abandoned by her husband. Pierre's secret is about his secret love to Mathilde, the woman he left to instead follow an easier path in life.
Háblame de la lluvia
Florence Loiret
Agathe Villanova (Agnes Jaoui), una feminista militante que se ha metido en política, regresa durante 10 días a su pueblo natal, en el sur de Francia, para tomarse un breve descanso y, de paso, ayudar a su hermana Florence a gestionar los asuntos de su madre, fallecida un año antes. En el pueblo, Karim (Jamel Debbouze) y su amigo Michel Ronsard (Jean-Pierre Bacri) deciden realizar un documental sobre Agathe, que formaría parte de una serie de documentales sobre las mujeres de cáracter. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Easy Way
Nathalie Goumard
Albert Spaggiari is arrested in Nice and brought to a judge's office for interrogation, but he escapes to South America where he meets a journalist who is investigating the event.
The Walking Man
The middle of the 1970s. A photographer encounters an emaciated and brooding man with a hawk-like face. The man is called Viktor Atemian and this film is his story. He's a man who tries his hand at writing, meets with success, then falls upon hard times and ends up in the street.
Waiting for Someone
Three story-lines run in parallel in a town in Ile de France. Louis, a divorced café proprietor, flirts with every woman he bumps into, but doesn't develop any deeper relationship with them, except a growing affection for Sabine, the prostitute he sees regularly at a local hotel. His sister Agnès is a teacher, and is apparently happily married to Jean-Philippe, but he works very hard and doesn't seem to have been giving her all the affection she needs recently. She bumps into Stéphane, a young man recently returned to the town whom she knew as a child. He is obsessively interested in a young family who live nearby. The film gradually explores the hidden feelings and desires of each of the main characters. Will any of them find happiness?
Two Worlds
A French tradesman travels in time and liberates an oppressed tribe in another world.
Petite faiblesse
While his wife is pregnant, Marc enters into a strange relationship with a young Polish man who is willing to do anything.
Only the Night
A video library clerk becomes obsessed with a sleepwalking woman and takes it upon himself to save her from catastrophe.
Pintar o hacer el amor
William y Madeleine, un viejo matrimonio que vive apaciblemente, siguen enamorados y ninguno de ellos ha sido nunca infiel al otro. Como él acaba de prejubilarse y su única hija se va a estudiar a Italia, les sobra tiempo. Durante un paseo por las colinas, Madeleine coloca el caballete en un prado para pintar una puesta de sol. Allí conoce a Adán, el alcalde del pueblo, un hombre culto y ciego, que le muestra una casa del prado que está en venta. William y Madeleine la compran inmediatamente. Se instalan en ella y durante unas semanas se sienten muy felices. Quedan a menudo con Adán y su joven compañera Eva, que viven bastante cerca. Cuando arde la casa de sus nuevos amigos, William y Madeleine los acogen en la suya. (FILMAFFINITY)
El intruso
Un ciudadano francés, ya sexagenario, saca una importante suma de dinero de un banco suizo para sufragar su transplante de corazón. Después de la operación, viaja a Corea del Sur para discutir sus planes de construir el barco de sus sueños. Más tarde, el hombre continuará con un viaje hasta Tahití en busca de un hijo perdido.
Victoire is sweet, sensitive, nice and understanding. She leads an existence which doesn't leave her much time to wonder.
Natural Enemy
Set in Brittany, a detective called Nicolas Luhel is asked to unravel the circumstances of a teenage boy's death. The main suspect is the boy's father. Shattered by the suicide of the main witness, Nicolas lets himself get snared by the strange and fascinating influence that the father exerts on everyone around him. Eventually, Luhel discovers the truth about the murder and feels that the law is inadequate to deal with it. As a consequence, he decides to destroy the evidence and keep it a secret.
El tiempo del lobo
Nathalie Azoulay
En la mitología germánica, el momento anterior al Apocalipsis, en el que se trastocan los valores y caen las más altas torres, se conoce como "El tiempo del lobo". Una familia de clase media (padre, madre y dos hijos) huye de la catástrofe ocurrida en la ciudad, y se refugia en su casa de campo. Piensan que así lograrán librarse del caos generalizado, pero pronto comprenderán que eso es de todo punto imposible.
Friday Night
Pinball Girl
Paris, 1995. Laure is about to meet friends for dinner. But on her way out, she discovers that the entire city is stalled by a massive transit strike. When she offers a handsome stranger a ride, Laure takes a highly charged, impossibly erotic detour.
Le Chignon d'Olga
Julien and Emma are brother and sister, living in rural France with their father, who writes children's books. Julien is a gifted pianist but the loss of his mother has sucked the joie de vivre out of him; his best friend Alice knows it although their platonic relationship is more about him supporting her in bad relationship choices than anything else. When he sees a beautiful woman called Olga in a bookstore, Julien is smitten and sets about to set up someway of impressing her and winning her affection.
We Need a Vacation
It is the end of the school year for the children of a dormitory town. Most of them leave the place for a vacation with their parents but not Lucien and Adama whose parents can't afford the expense. While the big brothers of the housing estate are busy breaking the law Lulu and Adama manage to sneak into their neighbors' trailer. The two stowaways are elated until they reach their destination: a nudist camp...!
2000 Cinématons
A film about an ongoing cinematic adventure that began in 1978: a vast anthology of personality portraits called Cinématons, dealing with people in the arts. Historical, ethnological, sociological and psychological, this anthology is a living record of the artistic community of the last 20th century which attempts to answer these questions: Why film everyone? Why choose cultural personalities? How do the subjects look at their image? How much exhibitionism and narcissism is involved in being filmed?
Problema cada día
El avión avanza silencioso a través de la noche, de Estados Unidos hacia París. Shane brinda con June, su joven esposa. Una vez que se duerme reclinada en su hombro, éste se deja penetrar un instante por el dolor que le produce la pesadilla que le espera vivir: en París, Léo no sale a recibir a Shane, no sale a recibir a a nadie. Está excluído de los hospitales, de los laboratorios donde se dedicaba a la investigación. Busca cobijo en Corea, en sus andanzas, en su coto de caza.
Maman à 16 ans
Bandits d'amour
A young woman who has gone over to the wrong side of the law with her new boyfriend begins having second thoughts about both crime and her new romance in this drama. Helene is an attractive 18-year-old who has fallen for Paul, a 25-year-old drifter, and one evening as they're having drinks in a cafe in the North of France, Paul decides to rob the bank across the street. Though wary, Helene agrees to help, and soon the couple is 40,000 francs richer -- and on the run from the law. The two hop a train to Marseilles, but it isn't long before Helene begins to think the robbery was a bad idea -- and isn't certain if her relationship with Paul is such a good thing either. Paul, however, isn't troubled by any second thoughts, and is very certain about his feelings for Helene -- so much so that he forces a priest to marry them at gunpoint. This is only the most recent manifestation of Paul's volatile personality, and rather than binding Helene closer to him, it only drives her farther away.
Final Exams
Four friends have taken their final exams and waiting for their results... and their lives to begin. In the mean time Wein is worrying about his Asian heritage, Cedric is struggling to come to terms with being gay and Gaelle and Chloe are trying to forget about everything until the results are in.
Código desconocido
Amadou's Friend
Una serie de acontecimientos desencadenados por un evento nimio conecta las vidas de los protagonistas de esta película: una inmigrante rumana, un profesor de música, una actriz y su novio que es fotógrafo de guerra, así como el hermano de éste, que intenta por todos los medios no heredar la granja de su padre.
The Mechanics of Women
Based on a notorious novel by Louis Calaferte, this erotic drama concerns a man exploring the boundaries of female sexuality through a variety of sexual encounters with beautiful women he barely knows. La Mecanique des Femmes features copious male and female nudity as the nameless leading character discusses sex and sensuality with his predominantly female supporting cast.
Laurent hasn't seen his father since the age of two. His father has just had an accident. He almost died. Laurent refuses to go see this father who always acted as if he didn't exist. Julie, his girlfriend, tries to convince him.
Troubled Waters
Inès share her appartment with Laura. Everything would be perfect if she had not fallen in love with her.
Five women, all in their forties, try to find out what's important for them in life.
Florence Loiret
Que demande le peuple
À la frontière
Marie, in her forties, lives in the Hautes-Alpes, cut off from her relatives. She only has her lover, Alex, a border policeman. Thanks to him, she smuggles cigarettes between Italy and France for her ' get out. On her way to France, she bumps into Mouneer, a 20-year-old Sudanese migrant, determined to join his little sister. He guesses her trafficking and persuades her to bring migrants across the border.
Le Syndrome des amours passées