Julia Blake

Julia Blake

Nacimiento : 1937-05-13, Bristol, England


Julia Blake (born 13 May 1937) is an English-born Australian actress of theatre and television. She is best known to television audiences for her three roles in the cult series Prisoner – Evelyn Randall in 1981, Alice Dodds in 1983 and Nancy McCormack in 1986.


Julia Blake
Julia Blake


Años de sequía
Barb Hadler
El agente federal Aaron Falk regresa a su ciudad natal afectada por la sequía para asistir al trágico funeral de un amigo de la infancia. Pero su regreso abre una herida de décadas: la muerte sin resolver de una adolescente.
Un mes de domingos
El agente de bienes raíces Frank, cuyo negocio está fallando y su relación con su familia está en el punto mas bajo de todos los tiempos, conoce por casualidad a Sarah, una mujer agradable que le recuerda a su madre. Su amistad comienza a sanarlo emocionalmente.
Looking for Grace
Nell Norris
When rebellious 16-year-old Grace takes off, her exasperated mum and dad enlist the help of a close-to-retirement detective, and begin the long drive from Perth out to the West Australian wheatbelt to try to find her. On the journey, the two must confront the realities of their changing relationship to one another, and to their daughter…
La modista
Irma Almanac
Australia, años 50. Tilly Dunnage, una glamurosa modista, regresa a su casa en el turbio pueblo de Dungatar tras muchos años trabajando en exclusivas casas de moda de París, con el objetivo de cerrar heridas del pasado y vengarse de quienes la forzaron a marcharse años atrás.. Allí, no sólo se reconciliará con Molly, su enferma y excéntrica madre, y se enamorará inesperadamente de Teddy, sino que armada únicamente con su máquina de coser y su excepcional estilo, conseguirá transformar a las mujeres del pueblo y logrará de esta peculiar forma su dulce y ansiada venganza.
Is This the Real World
In the real world you can't just do what you want. In the real world you have to compromise. Mark Blazey does not want to live in the real world. Living in a semi-industrial coastal town, seventeen-year old Mark is a smart kid from a chaotic family who has just thrown away a scholarship to a private school and found himself at the local high. At school Mark is zeroed in on by an overbearing principal who dominates everything around him. At home Mark is dealing with a jail-bound brother, his grandmother is fighting for her life, and a mum who's short fuse is kept doused with cask wine. His little sister is someone he wants to protect. When Mark finds his first real love he tries to escape all the forces in his life with her. But his love is with the daughter of his nemesis, the school principal. Simmering tensions boil over between the student and the teacher, between the son and his mother.
Last Dance
Australian thriller film about a Muslim man (Firass Dirani) who kidnaps an elderly Melbourne Jewish woman (Julia Blake) and holds her hostage.
No tengas miedo a la oscuridad
Basada en un telefilm de la ABC del año 1973, la película “No tengas miedo a la oscuridad” nos cuenta la historia de una niña (Bailee Madison) que se muda con su padre (Guy Pearce) y la novia (Katie Holmes) de éste a una casa en la que habitan unas criaturas demoníacas. Cuando la pequeña las descubre, primero sentirá cierta fascinación por ellas, pero luego comprobará lo peligrosas que son.
Un donante para Jack
Una mujer lucha para hacer frente a la enfermedad de su hijo y a la infidelidad de su marido, pero, después de un encuentro casual con un marinero irlandés y su hijo, su vida da un vuelco.
Ellie Hawke
The story of Bob Hawke - Australia's most loved Prime Minister as he faces his greatest challenge: a battle within his own party. As he fights for his life, we discover his incredible transformation from a hard-drinking womanising trade union leader into a visionary world leader. For a man who once sacrificed his family to his job, he must now rely solely on his friendships and allegiances to defeat his challenger and remain in power.
Sólo ellos
Tras la trágica muerte de su segunda esposa, el conocido periodista deportivo Joe Warr (Clive Owen) tiene que hacerse cargo de su hijo, Artie, de tan solo seis años. Las cosas se complicarán aún más para Joe cuando el hijo de su anterior matrimonio, Harry, de catorce años, se mude a Australia para vivir con él durante una temporada. A partir de este momento, Joe tendrá que arreglárselas para llevar adelante un hogar formado exclusivamente por chicos.
X-Men orígenes: Lobezno
Heather Hudson
Precuela de la película X-Men. Situada 17 años antes, narra los inicios del arma X y la forma en la que Wolverine se convirtió en mutante. Logan, convertido en un mutante que se hace llamar Wolverine, y que es capaz de sacar unas afiladas garras y de una fuerza y agilidad sobrehumana, ultima su venganza contra Victor Creed, culpable de la muerte de su novia. Mientras tanto, otros mutantes se acogen al programa X para unir sus fuerzas.
Asesinatos de la Sociedad
Margaret Wales-King
Basada en un caso real, este film se centra en la desaparición de Margaret Wales-King y su esposo, Paul, un matrimonio de avanzada edad de la clase alta australiana.
Grandma Maggie
Claire y Hailey son dos grandes amigas de trece años de edad que se embarcan en la aventura de sus vidas cuando descubren a una sirena llamada Aquamarine dentro de una piscina. Aquamarine ha aparecido en tierra tras una gran tormenta que ha golpeado duramente el club de playa de una pequeña ciudad de Florida, en la que Claire vive con sus padres. La sirena, guapa y de pelo azul, de dieciocho años, ha abandonado su hogar justo antes de su matrimonio arreglado, en busca del amor verdadero. Si logra demostrar a su padre que ese tipo de amor no es un mito, la dejará cancelar la boda bajo el agua; pero sólo le ha dado tres días. Aqua reclama la ayuda de Claire y Hailey, quienes supuestamente son dos grandes expertas en el tema, las cuales se han instruido a través de las páginas de las revistas que leen y citan a diario.
Three Dollars
Tanya's Mother
Eddie es un hombre de principios, con una esposa, una hija y una hipoteca y lleva una vida aparentemente estable y feliz como asesor de tierras del gobierno. Sin embargo, cuando las fuerzas del cambio económico y social amenazan esto, se da cuenta de cuán frágil es su realidad y seguridad. Después de perder su trabajo, revisa su saldo bancario y descubre que solo tiene 'tres dólares' a su nombre.
After more than forty years apart, Andreas and Claire embark on an affair as reckless and intense as when they were young lovers. Widowed musician Andreas decides to get back in touch with his one great love, Claire, who is still married to her first husband, John. Andreas and Claire find that the connection they shared when they were young is still there and they soon become involved in a rekindled love affair.
Queen Alexandra
Passion concentrates on Grainger's unusual relationship with his mother and his sexual peculiarities (especially his obsessive self-flagellation, though homosexuality is also hinted at) which affect his relationship with a woman who comes to love him. It is set mainly in London in 1914, when Grainger's mother Rose was ill (she would later jump to her death in New York, upset by ill-founded rumours of incest with her son).
A Difficult Woman
Mrs. McKenzie
Anne (Caroline Goodall) is a successful pathologist for a top pharmaceutical corporation, and her life couldn't be better. That is, until one of her oldest and dearest friends is murdered, turning Anne's world upside down. Not satisfied with the status of the investigation, she takes it on herself, and what she finds out could threaten her career -- and her life.
Hotel de Love
Edith Dunne
10 years ago at a party, Steven thinks he sees the girl of his dreams, Melissa. Just as he's about to make his move, his twin brother Rick gets to her first and they fall in love. Steven watches his brother's relationship bloom, longing for Melissa all the while. Eventually, Melissa leaves to go to college and the brothers go on with their lives. Steven becomes a workaholic to block out his feelings about Melissa and Rick becomes a spineless bellboy at the Hotel de Love, after a later girl friend stood him up at the altar. Enter Steven and Rick's warring parents visiting the Hotel de Love for their anniversary. Re-enter Melissa with her current boyfriend, Norman. Suddenly Rick and Steven have a second chance at Melissa. Also there's Alison the palm reader, Susie behind the counter, the owner/piano player, and the freshly married couple.
The Thorn Birds: The Missing Years
Fee Cleary
In the tradition of Arsenic and Old Lace, comes this morbidly funny Australian tale of murder and mayhem at the hands of two charming old ladies.
Iya Zetnick
On a TV tabloid show, Iya Zetnick exposes Joe Mueller as the Nazi war criminal who killed her family.
A young woman investigates the death of her mother, who drowned when her daughter was still a baby. The question is: was it murder, suicide or merely an accident?
Travelling North
An aged couple decide to move from Melbourne to north Queensland.
The Dunera Boys
At the start of WWII the British Government decided to arrest all Germans in the UK no matter how long they had been there. Among those arrested were many Jewish refugees and many who were fully assimilated. This film records the story of a group who were sent to a POW camp in Australia aboard the Dunera.
An Indecent Obsession
Sister Honour Langtree (Wendy Hughes), is in charge of a military hospital for psychiatric patients. She however transgresses boundaries by developing a sexual attraction for a new patient.
My First Wife
My First Wife is about the dramatic collapse of the marriage between John and Helen. It is also a film about our children and the future we offer them. Helen has decided to leave, and it is John who lacks the inner resources to cope with the impending tragedy. Slowly he is sucked into a tunnel of despair – fighting his conservative nature and the romantic memories of his married life.
Lonely Hearts
In this offbeat comedy, an unlikely romance develops between a flamboyant, middle-aged piano tuner and an extremely timid office worker
Mi brillante carrera
Sybylla, una chica de Australia a finales de siglo XIX, tiene la oportunidad de casarse con un joven hombre, Harry, un pretendiente rico y amigo de la infancia, pero rechaza el fin de mantener su independencia. Después de regresar a casa, de nuevo rechaza otra propuesta de Harry así ella podrá escribir su novela, "My Brilliant Career".
Escondite mortal
Mrs. Bailey
Una joven peluquera entra en el mundo del modelaje al temer represalias de su madre puritana y su ex novio, el acosador.
Matron Cassidy
Un asesino está en estado de coma. Pero como tiene poderes telequinéticos, es capaz de devastar al personal del hospital en donde está siendo tratado.
The Forbidden
An early experimental short film based on Faust.
A stylised interpretation of Oscar Wilde's play "Salome".