Paul Sarony


Juliet, desnuda
Annie está atrapada en una relación a largo plazo con Duncan, un fanático obsesivo del oscuro rockero Tucker Crowe. Cuando surge la demostración acústica del exitoso disco de Tucker de hace 25 años, su descubrimiento lleva a un encuentro que cambiará su vida con el esquivo rockero.
Vampire Academy
Line Producer
Como a la mayoría de las adolescentes, a Rose y a Lissa les gustan los chicos, van de compras al centro comercial y se sienten incomprendidas. Pero entre ellas y las demás hay una gran diferencia: son vampiresas. Lissa es una princesa que desciende de la dinastía Moroi, y Rose es la guardiana encargada de protegerla. Tras escapar de la Academia St. Vladimir, son obligadas a volver, y Rose queda bajo el estricto control de su estoico mentor, Dmitri, pero pronto se dará cuenta de que se siente atraída por él. Mientras tanto, Lissa se ve obligada a afrontar terribles peligros.
Line Producer
Inglaterra, Reino Unido, finales del siglo XIX. El doctor Joseph Mortimer Granville inventó el primer consolador eléctrico para tratar lo que se conocía como histeria femenina, cuyos síntomas incluían insomnio, retención de fluidos, pesadez abdominal, espasmos musculares, irritabilidad o pérdida de apetito.
Executive Producer
A woman tries to keep her family together when her son falls ill after he's bitten by a mysterious creature.
Babylon A.D.
Production Manager
Tras la caída de las instituciones mundiales más importantes, la humanidad vive en un estado de anarquía total. El aventurero y mercenario Hugo Cornelius Toorop recibe la misión de escoltar a una bella joven desde un remoto convento de Rusia hasta Nueva York. Cuanto más se acerca a su destino, más grande es su sospecha de que lo que debe proteger no es solo una simple muchacha.
Broken Thread
Line Producer
Ram, a London-based businessman of Indian and English descent, has been experiencing mind-shattering nightmares of a mysterious masked woman who torments him. As Ram mourns the loss of his father, he is assaulted with images, seemingly lost memories for which he has no explanation.
The Criminal
Line Producer
Jasper Rawlins, a none-too-successful musician, finds himself chatting with a beautiful woman at his neighborhood bar. She goes home with him, direct and frank in answer to his nervousness. During the night, someone breaks into his flat and cuts her throat. He runs into the arms of the police, who dismiss his story, but release him while they search for the weapon. He investigates the crime, and over the next few days, meets a knowing pornographer, hit men, and other schemers. As dead bodies pile up wherever he goes, the police are soon looking for him with guns drawn. As he discovers secrets about a shadowy corporation, the police close in. Can he find someone to trust?
A Rather English Marriage
Line Producer
A squadron leader and a retired milkman decide to bury their differences and move in together after they are both widowed on the very same night. They become a companionable if odd couple, until their unlikely friendship is threatened by the arrival of an alluring woman with a hidden agenda.
El viaje de Julia
Line Producer
Primeros años setenta. Desencantada de los convencionalismos de la vida inglesa, la joven Julia viaja a Marruecos con sus hijos, Lucy, de seis años, y la precoz Bea de ocho. Alojados en un destartalado hotel de Marrakesh, el trio sobrevive vendiendo muñecas fabricadas por ellos mismos y con los pocos cheques que les envía su padre.
Dad Savage
Line Producer
A wealthy, successful, East-Anglian tulip grower, Dad Savage is also something of a godfather in the local criminal fraternity but doesn't trust banks to take care of his money. On recommendation from his son, Sav, Dad hires two of Sav's unemployed school friends, Bob and Vic, to help with the business and the crime. After some careless talk from Harold, just known as 'H', about Dad's pension fund, Vic and Bob decide to steal the money from Dad if they can find it. The plans to liberate the money go awry and Sav is killed requiring Bob to call upon his sister Chris to rescue them. Dad intercepts their escape and forces a showdown to try to determine exactly the events of the night in order to identify his son's killer.
Bienvenido a Sarajevo
Line Producer
Un grupo de periodistas británicos y norteamericanos cubre desde Sarajevo la guerra de Bosnia. Uno de ellos, Michael Henderson, encuentra en la ciudad un orfanato sometido día y noche a implacables bombardeos. Allí conoce a Emira, una niña a la que promete ayuda. A partir de entonces, trata de convencer a Nina, una asistente social norteamericana, para que le ayude a sacar ilegalmente a Emira del país.
Production Artist
Lyddie (Tanya Allen) faces a daunting task: She's struggling to reunite her family and save their farm. To do that, she takes a job at a cotton mill and, with the help of Diana (who's toiled in the mills since age 10), learns that there are risks involved with being a factory girl -- namely, dangerous working conditions and low wages. Soon, Lyddie finds herself in the forefront of a suffrage movement to better those appalling conditions.
El inglés que subió una colina pero bajó una montaña
Año 1917. Al pequeño pueblo de Fynnon Garw llegan Reginald Anson (Hugh Grant) y George Garrard (Ian McNeice), dos militares retirados, cartógrafos de profesion, a quienes el gobierno ha encargado elaborar un nuevo mapa del País de Gales. Los vecinos, gente sencilla pero muy testaruda, están muy orgullosos de una colina cercana a la que llaman "la primera montaña de Gales". Cuando, después de hacer las oportunas mediciones, Anson les informa de que no es una montaña, sino una colina, todo el pueblo colaborará para corregir ese error de la naturaleza.
Antes de la lluvia
Line Producer
Tres trágicas historias de amor que se entrelazan para ilustrar los efectos devastadores de la guerra y de aquellos que, sin quererlo, se han visto obligados a participar en ella. Dos de los relatos están ambientados en Macedonia, que se encuentra al borde de la guerra civil, y el otro se sitúa en Londres.
U.F.O. The Movie
The legendary Roy 'Chubby' Brown stars in his very first feature length movie. Chubby is captured by a gang of feminist aliens from the 25th century and beamed up to their spaceship during his live show in Blackpool. Put on trial for crimes against woman, he is soon found guilty and sentenced to the ultimate penalty. Is this the end of the planet's favourite son? Will he escape? Or will Chubby be terminated? Co-starring super model Sara Stockbridge and Roger Lloyd Pack, 'Trig' from Only Fools and Horses. U.F.O. is the bawdiest, most outrageous celluloid experience of the year or indeed any year.
King of the Wind
French Ambassador
In 1727, an Arab colt is born with the signs of the wheat ear and the white spot on his heel: evil and good. And thus begins the life of Sham. He is a gift to the King of France, through a series of adventures with his faithful stable boy, Agba, he becomes the Godolphin Arabian, the founder of one of the greatest thoroughbred racing lines of all time.