Against the tranquil backdrop of a game reserve, South African thriller Night Drive tracks a group of tourists left stranded during a night-time game drive after their vehicle breaks down. As a series of terrifying events unfolds, the tourists realise that wild animals are the least of their fears.
Judy's Ghost
Mr. Punch is left in charge of the baby. When Judy returns, the baby is dead. This is only the first murder. Others follow as this live action version of the children's favourite Punch & Judy unfolds.
Mr. Punch is left in charge of the baby. When Judy returns, the baby is dead. This is only the first murder. Others follow as this live action version of the children's favourite Punch & Judy unfolds.
Mrs. Malaga
Set at the end of the 1960s, as Swaziland is about to receive independence from United Kingdom, the film follows the young Ralph Compton, at 12, through his parents' traumatic separation, till he's 14.
Ruth Arnold
Two Peace Corps volunteers in Africa are framed and put into an oppressive women's prison.
Sister Eugenia
Un grupo de terroristas árabes secuestran un avión en vuelo a Nairobi. Entre los pasajeros se encuentra Tommy aquejado de una grave enfermedad, y tiene que llegar urgentemente al hospital es el nieto predilecto del coronel Shaw, curtido militar que decide planear el rescate.