Christian Skolmen

Christian Skolmen

Nacimiento : 1970-10-28, Norway


Christian Skolmen
Christian Skolmen


When the Robbers Came to Cardamom Town
Trikkefører Syversen
The three thieves Kasper, Jesper and Jonathan lives together with their always hungry lion in the little town of Kardemomme town, the home to a fair but kind police officer, and the strict Aunt Sofie.
The Things I Wish You Had Told Me, But Never Will
A meeting between a young woman and her dad at a hotel in Oslo.
Fools in the Mountains
Remake of Fools in the Mountains (1957).
La Navidad olvidada
Elise vive en un pueblecito nada común donde todos sus habitantes tienden a olvidar cosas. Tan olvidadizos son... que han olvidado hasta la Navidad. Elise no tendrá más remedio que hacer algo al respecto si quiere salvar las fiestas navideñas.
En busca del Palacio Dorado
Cuando el Rey y la Reina son envenenados, los hermanos Per y Pål son arrestados, sospechosos de estar detrás. El hermano menor Espen "Ash Lad" y la princesa Kristin emprendieron una búsqueda para encontrar el mítico castillo de Soria Moria, que se dice que está construido con oro puro. En Soria Moria, se asienta un pozo que contiene el Agua de la Vida; lo único que puede curar a los padres de Kristin. Pero algunos malvados daneses también están a la caza para encontrar el castillo. Si Espen y Kristin fallan, significará el final para los hermanos, el reino y quizás el mundo entero.
Doctor Proctor: Bubble in the Bathtub
Dirigent Madsen
The lovesick Doctor Proctor has traveled back in time in a desperate attempt to alter history. He wants to stop the wedding between his beloved Juliette and the terrible Claude Cliché, but is trapped in time. Lise and Bulle have to help him back.
The Wendy Effect
In the shadows of the outskirts of Oslo, every criminal has their place until the economical meltdown. The luxury prostitute Wendy might have the key to the problem, or at least to the heart of the bank, the criminals and even the police.
Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder
Dirigent Madsen
By helping Doctor Proctor getting recognition for his amazing invention in a world quite different from ours, two lonely children gets help to stand on their own two feet.
La noche del lobo
Durante una transmisión en vivo de un programa de debate en un canal de TV, un grupo de terroristas chechenos armados toman varios rehenes. Los terroristas demandan lo primero que el drama de los rehenes se transmita en vivo a todo el mundo. Mientras, detrás de la escena, el negociador de la policía y una unidad especial de la policía trabajarán para intentar rescatar vivos a los rehenes.
The Ten Lives of Titanic the Cat
A young girl finds excitement over the prospect of an ocean cruise, suddenly offset by a series of bizarre visions.
Alene menn sammen
Thomas breaks down after his girlfriend leaves him, and starts going to therapy groups.
Karsten (35) is at a standstill. He has been since his wife died four years ago. He thinks he's fine, until he meets what could be the love of his life - but isn't she all what he despises in a woman?
Monster Thursday
A quirky romantic drama set in remote coastal Norway takes the viewer on a tumultuous ride through surfing aspirations, extreme weather and love.
Kristoffer lives in Oslo with his friends Geir and Stig Inge. He works as a billboard installer, and in his spare time he makes a video diary with Geir and Stig, containing stunts of a Jackass-nature. When Kristoffer's girlfriend, Elisabeth, leaves him, his life seems to fall to pieces. Until his videos are featured on Norway's most popular talk show and Kristoffer becomes famous.
2nd. Anarchist
En el lavadero de su casa, Dina causa un accidente y pierde a su madre y el amor de su padre. Abrumado por la pena, el padre de Dina no puede ni mirar a su pequeña, y se separa de ella dejándola al cuidado de sus sirvientes. Pronto la niña se vuelve ingobernable, una criatura salvaje poco dispuesta a hablar e incapaz de leer. Su único amigo es Tomas, un muchacho estable. Viendo el estado de la niña, un amigo de la familia habla con el padre y consigue que éste acepte un tutor. Dina va poco a poco saliendo de su aislamiento gracias a su pasión por el violonchelo, pero sigue tan obstinada e imprevisible como siempre. Los años pasan y Dina se convierte en una joven bastante peculiar. A pesar de la diferencia de edad, y en contra de su padre, se casa con Jacob, el amigo de la familia. Jacob pronto se dará cuenta de que la voracidad de su mujer se extiende a todos los aspectos de la vida. Entusiasmado pero exhausto, comienza a cuestionarse si la pasión por la vida de Dina no acabará con él.
Tanya is almost sixteen and angry. She is in love with Henrik and unhappy. Her mother has decided they're moving the very same day Tanya gets the job as drummer in Henrik's band, Limbo. It really isn't much fun having to leave behind everything you care about. Nor is it much fun having a mother who keeps on changing her boyfriends. And who doesn't understand that sitting in a coffee bar in town with friends is infinitely better than rummaging about in a field in the country. In fact it just is no good being 16 and being forced to abandon the things that really matter in life - love, friends and music. Unless you can find a way to run away from it all. But that takes courage. And money. Tanya gets a little less angry the day Lisbeth gives her a ride. Lisbeth who's always running around on her moped. And is a good laugh. Lisbeth who's got a boyfriend - Iver. Tanya thinks. Tanya who's only got her sheep dog Floyd. And her little brother Joachim. She thinks.
De 7 dødssyndene
Feature film length collection of seven short films about the biblical seven sins by preliminary younger Norwegian directors.