Costume Design
Successful architect Robert has a one-night stand with a mysterious lady in red. The next day they meet again, but Carolin is now a corporate lawyer working on a major contract for Robert ...
Costume Design
Berlín, abril de 1945. En las calles de Berlín se libra una encarnizada batalla. Hitler y sus fieles se han atrincherado en un búnker. Entre ellos se encuentra Traudl Junge, la secretaria personal del Führer. En el exterior, la situación se recrudece. A pesar de que Berlín ya no puede resistir más, Hitler se niega a abandonar la ciudad y, acompañado de Eva Braun, prepara su despedida.
Costume Design
Llegaron a una cárcel ficticia buscando una forma rápida de ganar dinero fácil. Ahora sólo buscan la manera de sobrevivir. Todo empezó como un experimento científico protagonizado durante dos semanas por veinte hombres que cobrarían por su colaboración 4.000 marcos. El proyecto consistía en estudiar el comportamiento agresivo en un ambiente carcelario simulado. A los participantes se les asigna el papel de guardianes (ocho) o prisioneros (doce). Los prisioneros deben obedecer las órdenes, y los guardias deben mantener el orden. Pero dar a un hombre un poco de poder puede tener consecuencias insospechadas.
Costume Design
Costume Design
When Fritz returns from his studies in the United States he wants to walk on pink clouds with Maxie, a TV journalist, but they come upon a gun-running operation in which Fritz's father is involved.
Fritz is caught between his loyalty to his family and his love for Maxie, who also can't decide what's more important, a career as a journalist or Fritz. They both are caught unaware by the enormous amount of individuals involved in the scandal and their unscrupulous reactions. Finally they both attempt to gather proof of the activities of this Hydra-headed organization in spite of the risks involved and independently of each other. A pandemonium of fragments of the Noricum, Bundeswuerde and Lucona scandals. The evil spirit of the late eighties in Austria.
Set Designer
A film about a pair of sisters, whose parents are divorcing after their father leaves their mother for a younger woman, and who plot together to try to repair their fractured family.