Josie Ho

Josie Ho

Nacimiento : 1974-12-26, Hong Kong, China


Josephine "Josie" Ho Chiu-yi (Chinese: 何超儀)) is a singer and actress from Hong Kong.


Josie Ho
Josie Ho


Tokyo is a mere five-hour flight from Hong Kong but it is a totally different world. Sarah (Josie Ho) has come to Japan seeking to buy an investment property and to have a brief and restful holiday after a bad break-up with her boyfriend. Everything has been precisely arranged in advance; from the schedule, to the hotel, to the real estate broker and the site visits. Immediately after her arrival, things start to go terribly wrong.
Finding Bliss: Fire and Ice
Executive Producer
Resignation, frustration and helplessness is what we all face as humans living on this planet. In a place like Hong Kong these conditions are intensified and magnified by the densely populated living conditions. The pressures of just trying to survive in the big city are already enough to drive people into extreme physical, emotional and mental conditions. These extreme conditions can cause humans to lock-up in every way. In this documentary, "Finding Bliss: Fire and Ice", we get a group of well-known but reserved musicians and music students from the bustling streets of Hong Kong and send them halfway around the world to the natural landscapes of Iceland, Fire and Ice.
Finding Bliss: Fire and Ice
Resignation, frustration and helplessness is what we all face as humans living on this planet. In a place like Hong Kong these conditions are intensified and magnified by the densely populated living conditions. The pressures of just trying to survive in the big city are already enough to drive people into extreme physical, emotional and mental conditions. These extreme conditions can cause humans to lock-up in every way. In this documentary, "Finding Bliss: Fire and Ice", we get a group of well-known but reserved musicians and music students from the bustling streets of Hong Kong and send them halfway around the world to the natural landscapes of Iceland, Fire and Ice.
El rey del fin del mundo
Sarawak, en el noreste de la isla de Borneo, 1839. Casi por casualidad, el aventurero británico James Brooke es nombrado rajá por el sultán de Brunei, y ya como soberano independiente emprende una cruzada personal para erradicar la piratería, la esclavitud y la caza de cabezas, al tiempo que intenta frenar las malévolas ambiciones expansionistas del Imperio británico.
El rey del fin del mundo
Madame Lim
Sarawak, en el noreste de la isla de Borneo, 1839. Casi por casualidad, el aventurero británico James Brooke es nombrado rajá por el sultán de Brunei, y ya como soberano independiente emprende una cruzada personal para erradicar la piratería, la esclavitud y la caza de cabezas, al tiempo que intenta frenar las malévolas ambiciones expansionistas del Imperio británico.
La historia de una chica fiestera que se ve envuelta en un violento negocio de drogas y encuentra una posible salida, haciéndose pasar por una monja católica.
Executive Producer
La historia de una chica fiestera que se ve envuelta en un violento negocio de drogas y encuentra una posible salida, haciéndose pasar por una monja católica.
Two Komachis
One of the Angels of Death comes to the Earth in order to take the 25-years-old Komachi. Desperately trying to escape from her unfortunate destiny, the young girl makes up a pregnancy and begs him to deceive the Underworld and take another 25 years-old Komachi, who is friend of hers. Death falls in love with two women and has to come to terms with itself, in this story that takes inspiration from a Japanese classic, here set in a misterious and seductive Hong Kong, shown over the course of decades.
Lucky Day
Mrs. Kok
Red, un ladrón que acaba de salir de la cárcel, intenta mantener a su familia unida mientras su pasado le alcanza por culpa de Luc, un psicópata asesino a sueldo que busca venganza por la muerte de su hermano.
Category III: The Untold Story of Hong Kong Exploitation Cinema
An insightful look at the history of Hong Kong's exploitation cinema, from the early days of the Shaw Brothers and such shockers as "Killer Snakes" through to the advent of the Category III rating in 1988 and then the June 4th massacre in Beijing. The latter led to a panic in Hong Kong, before the Handover of the former UK colony to Mainland China, and a number of motion pictures proceeded to take freedom of speech (and sometimes political symbolism) to the extreme. This is the story of one of the most curious and invigorating periods in exploitation filmmaking.
Cómo enamorar a una chica punk
Executive Producer
Gran Bretaña, 1977. Un tímido rockero punk adolescente llamado Enn (Alex Sharp) y sus dos amigos se cuelan en una fiesta en donde conocen a un grupo de chicas extrañas y etéreas; al principio piensan que se trata de una secta, pero pronto se dan cuenta de que son en realidad de otro planeta visitando la Tierra para completar un misterioso rito. A pesar de ellos Enn se enamora de la bella Zan (Elle Fanning), una joven y rebelde alienígena.
House of Wolves
Set in old rural district, Charlie pretends to be an ALS patient so he can gain sympathy from others. He runs a charity organization where he secretly carries out all sorts of nasty business. The village chief Fung Yan-bing is a dishonest man who likes to test others with money and take advantage of them. Along comes a beautiful woman named Yu Zan, a materialistic lady who loves money more than anything. However, the woman is carrying the baby of her ex-boyfriend who is a well-known tycoon's heir. The arrival of the baby will soon change the mentalities and nature of the three problematic human beings
In the Room
This sensitive and sensual film draws together several narratives spanning several decades, all of them transpiring in the same room of the same Singaporean hotel — and all of them involving sex.
Full Strike
Beast Ng Kau Sau
Ng Kau Sau was once Queen in badminton, she gave up herself after being expelled from the sport. One day she met a brunch of terrible weirdoes: the Drunken Master who was lying on the ground, one-armed Lam Chiu, visually-impaired Ma Kun, and the scar-faced boss Lau Dan who suffered from loss of hearing. They were the most notorious robbers 10 years ago, but they decided to be good men after they got out from jail and formed the "Lau Dan Badminton Club". Sau was impressed by them and decided to join Dan and practice seriously and go to the competition together.
The Seventh Lie
Unfaithful Wife
Lying is a universal language, spoken and understood by 7 billion people. none of us can evade the jinx of The Seventh Lie - Self Deception. Chauffeur Song claims to be a part-time killer. Or is he a womanizer, tries to get in the heart of his chum's wife Julianne? Julianne checks into a hotel with Song to discover his frightful plan. A sneaky Hotel Bellhop bumps into them. Could he come to Julianne's rescue? Or is he a brilliant con-artist who attempts to rip off moneyed guests of the hotel? In this hotel, he uncovers his darkest secret and comes across a Runaway Bride Gwen. The lives of these seemingly unassociated souls are interlaced together to face the appalling truth beneath their lies.
Naked Ambition 3D
Shodaiko Hatoyama
Una comedia sexual que parodia la industria del cine para adultos japonés a través de varias escenas icónicas con expresiones exageradas…
The Apostles
Luo Yun
Lorraine es una joven novelista que ha estado sufriendo dolores de cabeza, pesadillas y perdida de memoria a corto plazo a causa de un accidente automovilístico. La medicación diaria es parte de su vida. Un día, su marido muere en un accidente aéreo. Poco tiempo después, recibe una llamada realizada desde el móvil de su marido. Al otro lado de la línea se encuentra un hombre llamado Ben, cuya novia también falleció en el mismo accidente de avión. Ben cree que su novia y el marido de Lorraine mantenían una aventura y planeaban huir a un pueblo conocido como X, por lo que deciden ir a ese pueblo para averiguar la verdad. (FILMAFFINITY)
Tumba Abierta
Brown Eyes
Completamente amnésico, John despierta en una tumba abierta y llena de cadáveres. Una mujer lo ayuda a salir y lo conduce hasta un pequeño grupo de personas en circunstancias parecidas. Las dudas comienzan a planear sobre los supervivientes: ¿y si el responsable de la masacre es uno de ellos?
Furia y honor
Head Chief
Una ola de asesinatos sacude Hong Kong. El joven detective Wang Bu Er está seguro que son obra de un asesino en serie y, junto a su compañero Huang Fei Hong, maestro de kung emprenderán una trepidante aventura para investigar el caso.
Madam Wei
Producida por Johnny To. Sean es un novato en una curiosa unidad secreta de la policia; los Stealth Riders son los mejores conductores en la policia, preparados para neutralizar el mundo de las carreras ilegales, o para atrapar a criminales fugados. Un dia Sean cruza su camino con el de Jensen, una leyenda en el mundo criminal como conductor de huídas, que nunca ha llegado a ser arrestado, con lo que el policia inicia una dura persecución que acaba con Jensen, por primera vez, entre rejas. Poco después el criminal protagoniza una fuga con otro de los reclusos, con lo que la verdad sale a la luz: Jensen se dejó atrapar para poder sacar al otro preso. El humillado Sean encuentra consuelo en el detective Lo, un antiguo miembro del cuerpo de conductores que tuvo que dejar los coches después de un incidente con Jensen, y le anima a ayudarle a buscar al criminal.
Floating City
Chuen's Mom (Youth)
Set in Hong Kong in the 1980s, the film follows a fisherman’s son who rises to become a powerful tai pan.
The Courier
La película se centra en un temerario mensajero, que es perseguido a través de todo el país por la policía y criminales rivales, mientras lleva un maletín a una destacada figura del mundo criminal que no debe ser encontrada.
Li Fai's Sister
De repente, sin saber cuál es su origen, aunque todo hace sospechar que comienza con el viaje de una norteamericana a un casino de Hong Kong, un virus mortal comienza a propagarse por todo el mundo. En pocos días, la enfermedad empieza a diezmar a la población. El contagio se produce por mero contacto entre los seres humanos. Un thriller realista y sin efectos especiales sobre los efectos de una epidemia.
Dream Home
Una mujer que desde niña vivía en un viejo edificio frente a Victoria Bay, el puerto de Hong Kong, del cual tenía una vista no solo al mar sino a toda la ciudad. Según fueron pasando los años, las constructoras iban demoliendo los edificios, haciendo sitio para un gran complejo residencial.
Dream Home
Cheng Lai Sheung
Una mujer que desde niña vivía en un viejo edificio frente a Victoria Bay, el puerto de Hong Kong, del cual tenía una vista no solo al mar sino a toda la ciudad. Según fueron pasando los años, las constructoras iban demoliendo los edificios, haciendo sitio para un gran complejo residencial.
Poker King
Ms. Fong
Although Randy's family is involved in the casino business, he has never shared an interest in gaming until he played Texas Hold 'Em on the Internet. Rival Uno is the manager at Randy's casion. These two bitter enemies will now face off in the Asian Poker King Championships.
A Hong Kong-set mystery centered on a detective who has been framed for a series of gruesome murders.
The film tells the story of a futuristic inhabited planet that has seemingly perfected a system of justice and imprisonment, called “Lamination”. Individuals convicted of serious crimes are encased in laminated suits, which results in virtual slavery. The criminals are referred to as “LaMBs”. The protagonists struggle with the political and ethical system of laminated imprisonment, leading to the eventual development of a romantic relationship between a free citizen and a LaMB. LaMB is an animated film produced by Animax. The film has been developed into four different episodes for Mobile and PSP users.
Street Fighter: La leyenda
Siendo sólo una niña, Chun-Li (Kristin Kreuk) ve, impotente, cómo su padre es secuestrado. Diez años después, recibe la visita de Gen (Robin Shou), un antiguo delincuente reconvertido en defensor de los más débiles. Éste le revelará que su padre está en manos de Bison (Neal McDonough), un peligroso criminal. Gen se ofrecerá a entrenar a Chun-Li para que pueda enfrentarse a Bison y rescatar a su padre... Basado en el videojuego Street Fighter (dentro del arco Street Fighter Alpha)
El latido de la montaña
Sid, hijo de un importante jefe mafioso de Hong Kong, se ve obligado a huir a las montañas de Taiwán. Allí entra en contacto con los miembros de una pequeña comunidad que vive entregada a perfeccionar la mente y el cuerpo mientras se entrenan con dureza y disciplina. Son además, consumados músicos de los tambores zen, un arte milenario que procede de China. Sid llega a ser uno más de esta comunidad hasta que un día llegan noticias de Hong Kong: su familia está inmersa en una lucha entre bandas y lo necesita. Sid tendrá que elegir entre la lealtad a los suyos y el sistema de valores recién aprendido.
Simply Actors
Working Girl
When undercover cops start losing their lives to drug lords who blame their demise on "poor acting", the Police Force counters by sending Hong Kong's Finest to acting school.
Men Suddenly in Black 2
Mrs. Turtle
Dos asesinos a sueldo, llegados a Macau para ejecutar a un colega que pretende empezar una nueva vida, se enfrentarán a un dilema cuando otros dos antiguos socios intenten trastocar su misión. Abierta la negociación, aparecerá un quinto asesino que pondrá en peligro la incipiente tregua. Secuela de su celebrada The Mission.
Woman at Herbal Tea Shop
A Macao police officer's bachelor life is interrupted by the daughter he never knew he fathered.
McDull, the Alumni
Dieting office lady
In McDull, the Alumni, our protagonist has grown up. He is no longer the little boy who banters with his mates at school. How he wishes he could just go on bantering all day long with his mates at the renowned Flower on the Spring Field Kindergarten. But that is not to be. Like all grown-ups, he has to grapple with harsh reality. McDull and his mates are scattered all over the place. Each one of them has to find his or her own path. In each of their hearts, they know they have failed. Meanwhile, life goes on in the kindergarten. Someone strums a guitar and the pupils chime in to the song: Puff the magic dragon, lives by the sea… A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys. With hindsight, McDull believes this could well be the maxim of the Flower on the Spring Field Kindergarten alumni.
House of Fury
La vida de Yue Siu Bo es, aparentemente, tranquila. Viudo y padre de dos hijos, dirige una pequeña clínica quiromántica hasta que un día es misteriosamente secuestrado. Es aquí cuando Nicky y Natalie, sus hijos, descubrirán el pasado de su padre como agente secreto del gobierno de su Majestad y, con la ayuda de su tío y unos amigos, utilizarán las enseñanzas en artes marciales que su padre les enseñó de pequeños para intentar liberarlo de su temibles captores.
Hu Die
Flavia parece tenerlo todo: un esposo maravilloso, un hermoso hobar y una hija. Sin embargo, el encuentro casual con la joven cantante Yip despierta el recuerdo de un trágico amorío lésbico que tuvo durante su adolecencia, en los tiempos del movimiento pro-democracia en China. Flavia debe confrontar su pasado y tomar una decisión. ¿Podrá dejar su vida perfecta para comenzar una nueva junto a esta joven mujer?
And Also the Eclipse
And the Elipde
Naked Ambition
John and Andy, comic section editors of a magazine, become unemployed because of the winding-up of the publisher. Together with three other colleagues, they publish their own porn magazine, which turns out to be very well-received in the market. Their sexual fantasies are realized, and on the other hand, they become the tycoons in the porn circle. Yet, with a change in their moral values and a seducing environment surrounding them, challenges await their love...
Efecto Vampiro
Corre el año 2046 cuando una tropa de vampiros comienza a asolar una ciudad. Después de la matanza, la gente decide tomar las riendas del asunto y deciden crear unas fuerzas especiales de cazavampiros. Entre todos ellos, el apuesto Reeve es el mejor. Reeve, sin embargo, vive con el karma de haber perdido a sus compañeras en acción, hasta que le asignan a la estupenda Gypsy, una joven extrovertida que lo tiene como su máximo ídolo.
My Lucky Star
Mrs Ma Lau Mei Mei
Yip is attractive but for some strange reason, no man has ever been interested in her. Yip meets Lai, a famous feng shui expert and she thinks that Lai can change her luck. But Duen, also a famous feng shui expert continually cast all kinds of spells on Yip. A fierce battle of feng shui and horoscope techniques ensues. Will Lai and Yip live happily afterwards?
Frugal Game
Cheung's sister
Diana and Wai have become overburdened with debt, and in a scheme to make some quick cash, they put together a fake "family" to go on a reality TV show. Their family is pitted against another one, and they must compete to see who can live off the smallest amount of money. But as the game approaches the end, the show's producer forces the director to make a few changes to boost ratings, which may inadvertently expose Diana and Wai for the frauds they are.
Women from Mars
Tom's ex-girlfriend
A hairdresser, a village leader and a veterinarian each have girlfriends but still insist on playing the field. One night, a demon spirit arrives to teach them a lesson by taking their "goods" away. To get their "goods" back, the trio must each have a woman tell them "I love you."
El control de la venganza
Las hermanas Lynn y Sue son dos asesinas a sueldo que utilizan el último invento de su padre, un científico ya fallecido, para burlar los sistemas informáticos de seguridad de cualquier lugar en el que quieran entrar. Su último trabajo las pone en el punto de mira de la detective Hung, sin embargo, las tres acabarán uniendo sus fuerzas para resolver una compleja trama criminal.
Dead or Alive III: Final
Sin un hogar al que sentirse vinculado, y sin obligaciones pendientes con la sociedad japonesa, el gángster chino Ryuichi y sus hombres de acción deciden enfrentarse a los Yakuza y a las Tríadas por el control del barrio de Shinjuku, en Tokio, y el dominio sobre el comercio de drogas con Taiwán. Mientras planean un último asalto sobre los reyes de las mafias china y japonesa, el detective Jojima parece ser el único capaz de interponerse entre ellos y su dominación total del crimen asiático. (FILMAFFINITY)
Color of Pain
A professional hitman receives brain trauma that leaves him with a week to live. With absolutely nothing to lose, he goes on an insane crime spree that will garner the attention of both the police and all the city's criminals.
Horror Hotline... Big Head Monster
Mavis Ho
A reporter and the producer of "Horror Hotline", a popular radio call-in show, investigate a caller's tale about a terrifying mutant infant that caused several deaths in the 1960s and seems to be making people disappear today.
City of Desire
Sandra (Sandra Ng) is in for a serious dose of culture shock when she returns from her studies abroad to her home in Macau, where her father is the head of a major network of underground gambling, prostitution, and other assorted super-vices. Sandra's father is putting on the pressure for her to inherit his morally-corrupt throne, but her morals dictate that she have nothing to do with it. However, Sandra's childhood friend Josie (Josie Ho) has gotten herself into serious debt and desperately needs any help Sandra can offer. Will Sandra help her friend at the cost of her own morals? It's now up to her to decide between upholding her own beliefs and making serious ethical sacrifices for the sake of her friend.
The Legend of a Professional
Anthony Wong takes a page from Luc Besson's Leon (a.k.a. The Professional) to portray a working class assassin in this sometimes intriguing, but ultimately just so-so attempt at film noir.
Forever and Ever
Based on a true story, Xiao Fu was contracted HIV virus through blood transmission due to hemophilia. He made his difference by writing a book before his death to change the public's view toward patients with HIV.
Hong Kong Superstars
Hong Kong Superstars is a documentary
For Bad Boys Only
The Bad Boy Squad, a variety of private detective agency, is composed of King (Ekin Cheng Yi-kin), Queen (Kristy Yeung), and Jack (Louis Koo Tin-lok), whose primary source of business is the reuniting of clientèle with their first flames, and when the trio of young operatives returns to Hong Kong from an assignment in Thailand and the Squad's next three customers supply photographs of lost loves, the women in the pictures appear to be the same individual.
Sexy and Dangerous 2
Cocky, Log, Mistress and Pepper are called "The 4 Queens" in Yau Tsim areas. They have a good friend Nozzle who looks cool and mysterious . The girls conflict with Dragon of Hung Hing. Prince, also a rascal of Hung Hing, comes and brings the girls out of the adverse situation. But he is badly tortured by heads of Hung Hing. The girls take revenge in a life and death battle...
Purple Storm
Guan Ai
Khmer Rouge terrorist Kieron Chow and his unit arrive in Hong Kong for their latest mission. Todd, Chow's son and fiercely loyal right-hand man, sustains a serious head wound. Now a total amnesiac, Todd wakes from a coma to find he's been given a new life, one that may be the death of him. With the help of psychiatrist Shirley Kwan, anti-terrorist officer Mark Chan tries to convince Todd that he is actually an undercover cop sent to infiltrate Chow's group. As fragments of his shattered memory return, Todd is forced to choose between his dark past and this one shot at redemption
Anna Magdalena
Two young men fall for the woman staying upstairs when she practises J.S. Bach's "Notebook for Anna Magdalena".
La caja china
Hong-Kong, Nochevieja de 1996. En la colonia británica, donde se entremezclan como en ningún otro lugar del mundo, comunismo y capitalismo, tradición y modernidad, se celebra la entrada de un año histórico: el que pondrá fin al colonialismo inglés. John (Jeremy Irons), un periodista británico, especializado en finanzas, que vive en Hong Kong desde hace quince años, está enamorado de Vivian (Gong Li), una antigua prostituta que vive con Chang (Michael Hui), un hombre de negocios que no se casa con ella por su pasado. John recibe la noticia de que tiene leucemia y de que sólo le quedan unos meses de vida, más o menos lo que falta para que Hong-Kong vuelva a estar bajo soberanía china.
All's Well, Ends Well '97
Kung's Secretly Loved Girlfriend
Old Mr. Lo has three sons and the youngest one Lo Kung is his favorite. However, Kung does nothing but fool around all day long. Old Mr. Lo is very annoyed about this. The relationship between father and son is thus affected. So on Kung's birthday, his two brothers decide to play a joke on him. They trick him into believing he has won the lottery. Kung is so happy that he spends a tremendous amount of money. When he realizes he is in huge debt, he pretends to go insane and the whole family believes him.
Lost and Found
Where is the end of the world? A rich girl diagnosed with leukemia wants to follow a sailor friend to St Kilda, Scotland to find out. but first she must search him out, who is missing.
Those Were the Days
Liu Man Sze
Those Were the Days is a Hong Kong Drama starring Eric Tsang
Black Dream
Tea cafe cashier
Black Dream is a crime movie starring Chan Wai-Man.
Tragic Commitment
Alex is happily married to maternal doctor Hiu-Tung for five years. When Alex is fatally wounded in an accident, he reveals to Hiu-Tung about his affair with Black, who is impregnated with his baby.
A clumsy science teacher gets talked into coaching the volleyball team when no one else will take on a losing team.
Mother Tongue
"Mother Tongue" is the story of a high-profile relationship between an Academy Award-winning actress (Josie Ho) and her much-younger partner, who has yet to find his true career path. The actress had a baby when she was very young, a daughter whom she was forced to give away because she wasn't financially independent and wanted her little girl to have a better life. But now that she's older, she realizes that it's time to find her long-lost daughter, now in her twenties, and hires a detective to find her. The mystery of what happened to her provides the film's drama and tension; also, the actress' partner doesn't know about her search--and the urgency and distraction of the search begins to erode their relationship, until he suspects that she's having an affair. By the end, the actress reunites with her daughter and salvages her marriage.