Michael Spears
Nacimiento : 1977-12-28, South Dakota, USA
Matt, a loner alcoholic, struggles to maintain sobriety and honor his mother's dying wish to see him get sober. His AA sponsor offers him refuge at his farm where Matt finds Yup'ik, a stray husky with a unique talent. Their relationship struggles at first, but with the help of their Montana community, the two strays find a connection and discover what it takes to pull thru to the finish line.
During the 1973 occupation at Wounded Knee, two activists, Marvin and Bud "One Bull", are arrested and thrown in jail. Filled with righteous indignation, Bud fights with his captors while Marvin, is mourning his wife, Anna Ward, who died in a car accident months earlier. Claire Chapman, a young lawyer assigned to defend Bud and Marvin, investigates. The three of them will discover their case is part of a massive conspiracy involving the federal government and big business. Meanwhile, in jail, an advisor from the Nixon Administration, a sitting Senator, and even a famous Hollywood actor visit Marvin and Bud. What secret was Anna Ward hiding before she died? What do the activists know?
Durante décadas, Lefty ha cabalgado junto a Edward Johnson, ayudándole a sobrevivir en el salvaje Oeste. Cuando Lefty es elegido para ayudar al primer senador del nuevo estado de Montana, Johnson se va a Washington y deja su rancho a Lefty, lo que despierta cierta inquietud en la señora Johnson, que duda de sus capacidades.
Bud 'One Bull' Ward
A political thriller taking place during the Wounded Knee insurrection in 1973. Two activists are arrested and in the custody of the local sheriff's office. During their stay they are visited by a Nixon advisor, a lawyer, a senator and a movie star who is also an activist.
An imaginative teenage girl, living in a mystical and dangerous community built on a deserted drive-in movie lot along the Texas/Oklahoma border, struggles to realize her potential, and escape the world she was born into.
Raymond Long Knife
A young, self-destructive Montana Blackfoot Indian, his mind groggy with alcohol and tormented by childhood memories, discovers that his wife has left him, taking with her his prize rifle. He sets out to find her, but what he's really searching for is his own uncertain identity and a glimpse of salvation.
“Guns, girls and gambling”, dirigida por Michael Winnick y protagonizada por Gary Oldman, trata del robo de un valioso artefacto durante una partida de póquer en un casino. En la trama se ven envueltos diversos personajes, caso de varios imitadores de Elvis Presley, una escultural, educada, fría y letal asesina, un sheriff corrupto y otro sensato, entre otros.
Broken Wing
Cinco hombres entran en la misteriosa ciudad de Yellow Rock, con la esperanza de rescatar a un miembro de la familia y a su hijo perdido. El líder, Max Dietrich, contrata a Mountain Man, Tom Hanner, para que los guíe al territorio de la Tribu Black Paw para la búsqueda.
Basada en hechos reales, este cuento tejano descubre el misterio de los acontecimientos que rodearon a la llamada Puerta del Infierno.
James Conners regresa a la ciudad de Legend, Nuevo México en 1865 para vengar la muerte de su padre contra el despiadado Will Tunney. En el camino, vuelve a capturar a su amor perdido, Mary Cooper. Con la oportunidad de tomar Will Tunney, debe elegir venganza o redención.
Tom Greyhorse
Shayla Stonefeather, a Native American attorney prosecuting a Lakota teen in a controversial murder trial, returns to the reservation to say goodbye to her dying father. After the teen is killed, she hears ghostly voices and sees strange visions that cause her to re-examine beliefs she thought she left behind.
Stat Man
Mary Crow Dog, daughter of a desperately poor Indian family in South Dakota, is swept up in the protests of the 1960s and becomes sensitized to the injustices that society inflicts on her people. She aids the Lakota in their struggle for their rights: a struggle that culminates in an armed standoff with US government forces at the site of an 1890 massacre.
Young Lohaheo
The true story of Iroquois warrior Thayendanegea participating in the French and Indian War and the American Revolutionary War.
Adam 2
Un joven de Lakota llamado Adam es adoptado por David Norwell, de 26 años. A Norwell se le dice que Adam podría tener retraso mental, pero Norwell cree que el niño tendrá éxito en un ambiente amoroso. Tiene que lidiar con los problemas de criar a un niño con necesidades especiales, como tener que cuidar a un niño que tiene todo, desde problemas para ir al baño hasta convulsiones. Después del descubrimiento de una lesión en el cerebro de Adam, más tarde se dio cuenta de que Adam no tiene una discapacidad de aprendizaje como se creía anteriormente, sino más bien el síndrome de alcoholismo fetal.
En torno a 1860, en vísperas de la Guerra de Secesión y a punto de terminar el periodo de colonización del Oeste (1785-1890), el teniente John J. Dunbar se dirige a un lejano puesto fronterizo que ha sido abandonado por los soldados. Su soledad lo impulsa a entrar en contacto con los indios sioux y, gracias a ello, conoce a 'En pie con el puño en alto', una mujer blanca que fue adoptada por la tribu cuando era niña. Poco a poco, entre Dunbar y los sioux se establece una relación de respeto y admiración mutuos.
Silver Eagle
Epic remake of a Native American film originally done 100 years ago about a Shoshone band who lived in a secluded valley in the 1860's, during the time of the last 'free' roaming Native Americans in the midst of the US Civil War. They are discovered by a group of Union soldiers and squatters and forced to move from their home. They are moved from valley to valley as the Union takes more and more of their land in a plan to eradicate the country of 'savages' exterminating all Native Americans. But there is hope when the band find a new beginning.