John Archer
Nacimiento : 1915-05-08, Osceola, Nebraska, USA
Muerte : 1999-12-03
John Archer (May 8, 1915 – December 5, 1999) was an American movie and television actor.
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Dr. Paterson
Biography follows the life of famed woman pilot Amelia Earhart, including her marriage to a famous publisher and her disappearance during a flight in 1937.
Mr. Wood
Esta divertida comedia narra los problemas de un marido que se encuentra sin trabajo y las situaciones mas disparatadas que tiene que vivir con su mujer... Al borde de la separacion, vive las situaciones mas joscosas que pueda imaginarse.
Don Knotts is Hollis Figg, the dumbest bookkeeper in town. When the city fathers buy a second-hand computer to cover up their financial shenanigans, they promote Figg to look after things, knowing he'll never catch on. Their plan backfires when Figg becomes self-important and accidentally discovers their plot.
John Austin
Dos chicas adolescentes pasan el rato gastando bromas telefónicas, llamando a números al azar y susurrando "Sé lo que has hecho...". Cuando una de sus víctimas resulta ser un asesino que acaba de matar a su mujer y cree que las chicas han sido testigos del crimen, empieza la caza.
Col. Nathan Perry
A un joven oficial de caballería se le asigna la tarea de capturar a una banda de apaches que han estado aterrorizando a las zonas rurales. (FILMAFFINITY)
Jack Kelman
Tras servir al ejército de su país, el joven Chad Gates regresa a Honolulu. Chad demuestra muy poco interés en el negocio familiar, él prefiere trabajar como guía turístico. Esto le permite cantar y bailar, que es lo que a él le gusta, y sobre todo, estar junto a las mujeres más hermosas de Hawai.
Lt. Mark Richards
An escaped convict gets a hold of some radioactive material after his escape. Authorities desperately try to find the man that unknowingly is threating the lives of everyone in the city.
Dr. John Storrow
Un tejano que luchó en la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865) llega a Sundown acompañado de un amigo. Su intención es vengarse de un hombre que resulta ser el terrateniente más rico de la comarca y que está a punto de casarse. (FILMAFFINITY)
Bob Dudley
Un magnate norteamericano se prenda de una joven italiana cuando compra un hotel en Roma. Para casarse, ha de casar previamente a sus tres hermanas mayores.
Barton Kendall
Basándose en la teoría de que la recuperación de una enfermedad es simplemente una cuestión de adaptación, el Dr. Scott crea un suero milagroso. Lo prueba en Kyra Zelas, una paciente moribunda. Los resultados superan todas las expectativas, la joven se cura, pero, cuando sale del hospital empieza a cometer actos criminales.
Tony Lamarr
The story of a PR man hired by a millionaire to go to Reno to prevent his daughter from marrying an opportunistic gambler.
Dr. Ellis
About the lives and loves of the staff of an emergency hospital as reflected in a single frenetic night of business-as-usual.
Mike Dodd
A frustrated big-band promoter runs in to rock-and-rollers Bill Haley and the Comets at a small-town dance. He quickly becomes their manager and, with the help of Alan Freed, hopes to bring the new sound to the entire country. But will a conniving booking agent, with a personal ax to grind with the manager, conspire to keep the band from making the big time?
Harlow Grant
A greedy, scheming woman is found murdered in her studio, and the police find that there is no shortage of suspects who wanted to see her dead--among them a rich husband she wouldn't divorce unless he paid her a huge settlement, a lover she caused to be fired from his job and an assistant whose fiancé she tried to seduce.
Mack Rossiter
Murder and intrigue follow an insurance investigator Mack Rossiter (John Archer) after he is dispatched to China to investigate the disappearance of 7M worth of gold.
Dave Parish
After she enters the United States illegally, 15-year-old Polish singer Katri Walenska (Anna Maria Alberghetti) finds herself under the wing of aspiring singer Terry Brennan (Rosemary Clooney). Soon Terry has Katri booked on a TV talent show -- but her immigration status may cause a problem. This musical classic boasts a host of famous performers, including Metropolitan Opera star Lauritz Melchior. [netflix]
Ben McGrun
Murder ensues when owners and hired help contrive against each other to obtain diamonds and gold ingots secretly hidden on a derelict and abandoned Japanese freighter left lying in anchor in a New Guinea cove at the end of WW II.
Maj. Paul Whiteside
Un insoportable cómico de club nocturno es reclutado por el ejército de
Estados Unidos cuando estalla la guerra de Corea. Cuando llega a su campamento, se enamora de una teniente y trata de seducirla. Cuando desaparece en su persecución, le condenan a treinta días de trabajos forzados, que le convierten en un hombre. Después, le mandan a ultramar, a los Servicios Especiales.
Slim Martin
Nancy Cartwright is determined to collect an $1,800 feed bill owed to her father Harry Cartwright by a rodeo association. Instead, she is talked into assuming management of the rodeo by Slim Martin and the other performers when they learn the promoter has run off with the cash receipts.
Frenchy LeCroix
California, año 1900. Jim Fallon, un hombre sin escrúpulos que trabaja en una explotación forestal, y su amigo Yukon Baurns llegan a la tierra de las grandes secuoyas. El propósito de Fallon es estafar a los empobrecidos granjeros que acaban de enterarse de que las reclamaciones que han hecho de sus tierras carecen de validez.
Un cómico de cabaret es contratado para suplantar a un espía internacional en Tánger. Allí conoce a la bella novia del suplantado, una espía que se halla en tratos con su enemigo.
Curley Ringo
Jeff Clanton, un ex oficial de la Unión, persuade a un grupo de guerrilleros pro-Confederación para deponer las armas y llevar una vida honrada; mientras tanto, un hombre de Pinkerton quiere cobrar las recompensas por las cabezas de los guerrilleros. Para ese fin, encierra a Jeff por asesinato, pero Jeff conseguirá escapar y se convertirá en uno más de los guerrilleros a los que había querido volver al buen camino.
Clint Canfield
Britt Canfield (Randolph Scott) y sus hermanos se vieron despojados de la plantación familiar en Virginia por culpa de unos políticos corruptos. Britt no tiene más remedio que empezar de nuevo y acepta un puesto de trabajo en el ferrocarril de Santa Fe, que están construyendo los yanquis. Como capataz contrata indios, tahúres, viudas de guerra sedientas de venganza y, lo que es peor, a sus tres hermanos, que odian a muerte a los yanquis y que no se detendrán ante nada con tal de impedir que se acaben las obras del ferrocarril, aunque ello implique enfrentarse a su hermano mayor. (FILMAFFINITY)
Pat Farrell
Cuando una repentina serie de asesinatos tienen lugar en el condado de Big Bend, todas las sospechas recaen en un joven que acaba de llegar a este lugar. (FILMAFFINITY)
Police Detective Lou Sampter
El maestro ladrón Gerard Dennis (David Brian) se escapa de la granja de una prisión canadiense y se dirige a Buffalo con Peggy Arthur (Perdita Chandler), quien le proporciona el dinero necesario para los papeles falsificados. Dennis, Peggy y un camarero corrupto en un hotel de Buffalo hacen un robo en el que casi atrapan a Dennis, pero él escapa y descubre que sus cómplices lo han abandonado. Más tarde, enfrentándolos, es brutalmente golpeado y llevado a un hospital donde conoce a la enfermera Martha Rollins (Marjorie Reynolds), quien se enamora de él. Van a New Rochelle donde es herido intentando otro robo ...
Jim Barnes
El empresario Archer, el general retirado Powers y el investigador aeroespacial Anderson colaboran en la puesta en órbita de un cohete propulsado con energía atómica. Construyen la nave espacial "Luna" en una base secreta del desierto de Mojave, pero agentes de una potencia extranjera intentan sabotearles. Cuando ven peligrar la misión, deciden adelantarse a sus enemigos y despegar con destino a la Luna...
Philip Evans
Cody Jarrett y su banda asaltan un tren que transporta 300.000 dólares, asesinan a los conductores y huyen con el dinero. Poco después, los agentes federales inician la persecución, convencidos de que él es el autor del asalto. Cody se entrega a la policía y es condenado a sólo dos años de prisión, ya que ha preparado una coartada perfecta. Sin embargo, los agentes del tesoro están convencidos de que fue el cerebro del asalto y le tienden una trampa.
Reno Blake
Al forajido Wes McQueen le ayudan a escapar de prisión para que colabore con su banda en un último asalto al tren. Pero no le agradan sus nuevos compañeros, excepto Colorado Carson, una bella mujer ex-bailarina de music-hall.
Charles Russell
El editor Lewis Venable, un hombre enamorado de su profesión, va a Venecia con la esperanza de que Juliana Bordeau ponga a su disposición las cartas de amor que, a mediados del siglo XIX, le escribió el poeta Jeffrey Ashton. Para conseguir su propósito se presenta en casa de la dama haciéndose pasar por escritor. (FILMAFFINITY)
FBI Agent Kerrigan
Set during Prohibition, the movie centers on Touhy's rise from small time thug to the city's most powerful bootlegger whose empire is rivaled only by that of Al Capone (who is referred to, but never named in the story). It is his rival who frames Touhy for kidnapping and arranges for him to serve a life-long term in Stateville prison. Determined to be free again, the desperate Touhy and his cellmate Basil "the Owl" Banghart, begin plotting a violent break out.
Pvt. Carter
Quizz West is conscripted into the United States Army in late 1940. Prior to being shipped out first to San Francisco, then the Philippines, Quizz and his hometown girlfriend Janet discuss their future plans.
Letter Writing Soldier / Narrator
Short subject intended to promote unified action and sacrifice by Americans on the home front during the war.
Curly Bowman (uncredited)
Al teniente Ward Stewart y a su equipo les han asignado una importante misión dentro del submarino Albacore. Investigan a un pequeño barco que resulta ser un Q-ship nazi. Los miembros del Albacore consiguen escapar de la emboscada, pero cuando llegan a Nueva Londres, Stewart y el capitán del submarino se ven envueltos en un triángulo amoroso que afectará a la misión más peligrosa que jamás hayan tenido que afrontar en toda su vida.
Bill Allen
Liz lives with her mother and stepfather in a boarding house on the "wrong side of the tracks"
Ned Clark
In turn-of-the-century San Francisco, an ambitious vaudevillian takes his quartet from a honky tonk to the big time, while spurning the love of his troupe's star singer for a selfish heiress.
Naval Lt. Pete Merriam
En la II Guerra Mundial, un agente secreto británico que lleva consigo un valioso y vital documento es secuestrado de camino a Washington. El gobierno británico llama a Sherlock Holmes para recuperarlo.
Jimmy Thorne
German expatriate Fritz Kortner plays the largest role, as an anti-Nazi schoolmaster who helps a downed American flyer (John Archer) reached Allied lines with vital war information. As usual, the Nazis are incredibly stupid and lead-footed, enabling the flyer to accomplish his mission.
Lt. Thurmond
Guadalcanal sigue a un entregado pelotón de marines a través de los horrores de la guerra en el sur del pacífico. Soldados que no sólo luchan contra el enemigo, sino también contra la enfermedad, un terreno peligroso y un clima implacable.
Richard Dennison
A seemingly charitable soup kitchen operator (who moonlights as a criminology professor) uses his Bowery mission as a front for his criminal gang. Police attempt to close in on the gang as they commit a series of robberies, murders and bizarre experiments on corpses.
Dr. Robert Redmond
In the shanty town called the Cabbage Patch, Mrs. Wiggs scrabbles for survival with her brood of children and hopes for the return of her husband, who left many years before.
Dunker Gilson
Rural sage Scattergood Baines (Guy Kibbee) shows big-city newsman how to solve a mystery.
Prof. J. Thomas Quincy
A gangster running a protection racket gets information that he's about to be prosecuted on income-tax-evasion charges. He hires a man with a photographic memory to memorize his books, then destroys them all so the police won't have any evidence to link him to the racket.
Dr. Hall
A financially strapped college is transformed into a summer holiday resort with the help of music and radio stars.
Jim Westlake
Feature length promotional film presented by The Coca-Cola Company during World War II, focuses on a small town bottler as he looks back on his company's past and plans for an optimistic future.
William Allen
In this MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short, a man and his racketeer buddies devise a scheme to bilk those already seemingly desperate for money of what little they have.
Dr. Ed
A cyclone destroys the Weaver family farm leaving only the old stone chimney. When the chimney is torn down for building supplies, found secreted inside is an old metal box containing a promissory note, dated 15 Dec 1777, stating that one of their ancestors loaned $50,000 to the US government. The township chip in money to send the Weavers to Washington, DC to attempt to reclaim the money.
Bob Elliott
Una joven marcada por el pasado delictivo de su padre se autoinculpará de un homicidio perpetrado por su novio. El paso por la cárcel le transformará en una persona fría y cerebral y le convertirá en toda una reina del hampa.
Bill Summers
During World War II, a small plane somewhere over the Caribbean runs low on fuel and is blown off course by a storm. Guided by a faint radio signal, they crash-land on an island. The passenger, his manservant and the pilot take refuge in a mansion owned by a doctor. The quick-witted yet easily-frightened manservant soon becomes convinced the mansion is haunted by zombies and ghosts.
James Horton
A female reporter goes undercover to investigate the series of mysterious disappearances of young women, who were all linked to a local drama school.
Johnny Bones
Young Scattergood Baines arrives in the small New England town of Coldriver. Through some shrewd business maneuvering, he manages to open up a hardware store. Twenty years later he has become a prosperous and respected member of the community, a member of the local school board and the owner of a railroad that transports timber to the local sawmill. Problems begin to arise, however, when a young schoolteacher he has hired turns out to be not quite what he expected, and the mill owners pressure Scattergood to sell them his railroad, with the idea of raising the transportation fees paid to them by the local loggers.
Richard Clark (as Ralph Bowman)
Ella Bishop is an inhibited girl whose frustrations grow as she approaches womanhood. As a women, her ambitions to teach cause her to lose her only opportunity for true love. Ella's life becomes one of missed chances and wrong choices. As she reaches old age, she reflects back and realizes she allowed the years to go by without achieving what she believes to be her true fulfillment. However, her years have not been without glory, and her moment of triumph arrives when her numerous now-famous students from over the years, return to honor their beloved Miss Bishop.
Jeff Hill
A country orphanage puts on a show with some musicians to save their 4H club from being shut down by greedy politicians.
Ted Palmer
Two theatrical producers plan to get even with a demanding actress by tricking her into starring in the worst play they can find.
Ray Cruthers
Set in a tiny midwestern town, this sentimental drama centers on the rivalry between two life-long acquaintances whose early friendship falls apart when they woo the same woman.
Dartmouth College Student
Un estudiante de Harvard corteja a una compañera de otra universidad cercana.
Bob Whitney (as Ralph Bowman)
Stony, Tucson y Lullaby, "Los Tres Mosqueteros", deciden dejar sus negocios de la ganadería e invertir en el negocio de las aerolíneas. Compran un avión para enviar oro, pero el dueño de la aerolínea contrata a unos delincuentes para secuestrar el avión y quedarse con toda la riqueza. Los tres amigos tendrán que buscar el avión para recuperar todo su oro.
Tom Grant
Tom Grant has found a rich gold vein and Bart Eaton is after it. Tom's sister Mary heads for the gold fields and Eaton and his men follow. Eaton teams up with Ace Daggett who plans to doublecross him and get the gold for himself. They frame Tom for murder and then try to get him to sign over his claim. The famous scout Tex Houston is on hand, escaping the attempts on his life, saving Mary from various perils, and trying to bring in the real killer and clear Tom.