John Bonney

John Bonney


John Bonney


Ultraman Great: The Battle for Earth
The second and final compilation films for Ultraman Great (aka Ultraman: Towards the Future). Jack Shindo is an astronaut doing research on the planet Mars. On a routine mission to survey the desolate landscape, he discovers mankind's greatest threat, Gudis, whose monsters have been ordered to kill all life on Earth. Jack must work with the mysterious colossal alien Ultraman and the Universal Multipurpose Agency to save humanity from extinction!
Ultraman Great: The Alien Invasion
The first of two compilation films for Ultraman Great (aka Ultraman: Towards the Future). Jack Shindo is an astronaut doing research on the planet Mars. On a routine mission to survey the desolate landscape, he discovers mankind's greatest threat, Gudis, whose monsters have been ordered to kill all life on Earth. Jack must work with the mysterious colossal alien Ultraman and the Universal Multipurpose Agency to save humanity from extinction!
Assistant Commissioner Astill
Currently Unavailable
The Heroes
Rear Admiral
Based on a true story, The Heroes follows one of the most extraordinary and heroic exploits of World War II. After months of rigorous training in the north of Australia, a team of 14 men, most barely out of their teens, set sail from Cairns on board a leaky old fishing boat called 'The Krait'. Their mission, code-named Operation Jaywick, became a tense voyage through thousands of kilometres of Japanese held territory to launch a daring attack on Singapore Harbour. The raid is a success but within sight of safety they encounter a Japanese destroyer, and all prepare to die rather than be taken prisoner.
Escuadrón 633
Flight Lieutenant Scott
A un oficial canadiense y a un joven de la resistencia noruega se les encarga la misión de volar un importante depósito de combustible alemán, estratégicamente oculto en un fiordo casi inaccesible, por lo que tendrán que utilizar los llamados aviones "Mosquito".
Saturday Night Out
Five seamen and a passenger are intent on making the most of the 14 hours they will spend in London.
The Yellow Teddy Bears
A clique of girls in an English school wear a small yellow teddy bear on their uniform to signify that they have lost their virginity. Linda, the girls' leader, fears she may be pregnant from her window cleaner boyfriend, "Kinky", an aspiring pop singer. Desperate, and unable to confide in her parents, she must wrestle with her conscience and decide what course of action to take. Meanwhile, a concerned teacher learns the significance of the yellow teddy bears, and in trying to help the girls in question, puts her own career in jeopardy.
El alucinante mundo de los Ashby
Keith Kossett
Los Ashby son una familia marcada por la tragedia y un cierto grado de inestabilidad mental. Todo empezó con la muerte de sus padres once años antes, en un accidente de coche, y el posterior suicidio de su hermano pequeño. De repente, la aparición de un joven que afirma ser el hermano muerto desata una crisis en el inestable Simon y la depresiva Eleanor. (FILMAFFINITY)