Martin Jacobs

Martin Jacobs


Martin Jacobs


La verdad (Truth)
La productora de noticias de la CBS Mary Mapes y su socio, el presentador Dan Rather, descubren una historia que podría cambiar el curso de las elecciones. La emisión de un programa especial con la información desata una tormenta informativa que llevará a Mapes y Rather a pelear para demostrar la veracidad de su noticia y defender los valores de la verdad por encima de todo.
The Last Confession of Alexander Pearce
John Cuthbertson
Eight men escape from the most isolated prison on earth. Only one man survives and the story he recounts shocks the British establishment to the core. This story is the last confession of Alexander Pearce.
Passion concentrates on Grainger's unusual relationship with his mother and his sexual peculiarities (especially his obsessive self-flagellation, though homosexuality is also hinted at) which affect his relationship with a woman who comes to love him. It is set mainly in London in 1914, when Grainger's mother Rose was ill (she would later jump to her death in New York, upset by ill-founded rumours of incest with her son).
Joey, un canguro en la ciudad
Constable Walker
Billy McGregor tiene 12 años y vive en una granja, en una zona remota de Australia, con su cariñosa madre y rodeado de numerosos animales, entre ellos un joven canguro llamado Joey. Pero cuando unos cazadores secuestran a los padres de Joey, Billy sabe que debe hacer todo lo posible para que Joey vuelva a reunirse con su familia. Al subir a un tren con destino a la gran ciudad, los dos amigos emprenden una aventura fantástica y repleta de emociones, donde hacen nuevos y divertidos amigos. Al descubrir que las vidas de los padres de Joey corren peligro idean un audaz plan para rescatarlos, ¡con el apoyo y ánimo de toda la nación!
What I Have Written
Christopher Houghton / Avery
This intellectual, witty Australian drama offers an intriguingly sophisticated look into adultery. Too say too much about this plot would give away the secrets and surprises that gradually unfold, so what follows is the barest sketch. The story features two couples from Melbourne (both played by the same actors) whose lives and romantic troubles seem to overlap or perhaps intertwine in unexpected ways. University lecturer Christopher and his wife Sorrel comprise the main couple. A recent trip to Europe seems to have brought their marriage close to ruins. Avery and Gillian also experience marital turmoil when Avery gets involved with an older French seductress, Catherine.
Natural Justice: Heat
Clive Harivald
An idealistic solicitor heads to the bush after a disillusioning encounter with the legal system. In a small country town she witnesses an incident between police and two local Aborigines, and reluctantly becomes embroiled in a fight for justice.
The Leaving of Liverpool
Brother Matthew
A poignant and forceful saga which traces the fortunes of two English children uprooted from their beloved Liverpool dockside to the alien environment of Australia in the years following World War Two.
Over the Hill
Alma can't stand to have one more birthday without seeing her estranged daughter, Elizabeth, who lives in Sydney, Australia.
Turtle Beach
Reporter Judith Wilkes leaves her husband and two sons in Sydney and goes to Malaysia to cover the story of the Vietnamese boat people. She becomes romantically involved with Kanan, and strikes up a friendship with Lady Minou Hobday, who keeps a regular vigil at "Turtle Beach" where the refugees try to land secretly in the hope that one day her own children will arrive. Accompanying Minou one night, Judith witnesses a brutal massacre by the Malaysians which spurs her on to expose the horrors of the internment camps at Bidong.
Jekyll & Hyde
Young Man (as Martyn Jacobs)
En las calles de Londres una escurridiza figura ha despertado el temor de sus habitantes. Se le achacan varios asaltos a mujeres, incendios e incluso asesinatos. La policía cree haber identificado al sospechoso y lo persigue, pero en su huida empuja a un muchacho que cae bajo los cascos de un caballo y resulta gravemente herido.
S.A.S. Los invencibles
Policeman at Mews
Narra las arriesgadas hazañas de las S.A.S, la legendaria unidad de combate inglesa. Un agente reclutado para infiltrarse en un movimiento izquierdista se ve involucrado en una conspiración terrorista. Tras el secuestro del Secretario de Estado Americano y la amenaza de un ataque nuclear contra Holy Loch, las S.A.S. son llamadas para organizar una peligrosa operación de rescate.
Law & Order
Bryan Smith
Four-part drama serial about the British juicidal system, dealing with an investigation presented from the perspectives of the police force, the criminal, the solicitor and the prison system.