Henry Salter


The Battlers
Uncle Shamus
Fairly sensitive melodrama about life on the back-roads in Australia at the height of the Great Depression. Centring on the developing romance between two drifters this presents a commendable level of period detail. Based on the novel by Kylie Tennant.
Struck by Lightning
This little comedy is set in a small factory come halfway home, employing only handicapped people. Ollie Rennie is the boss and sometime minder of all his workers. He employees Pat Cannizzaro to help get all his workers into some sort of sport, and Pat just happens to be a soccer teacher. He forms a team and tries to take them all the way, with some funny results.
El guerrero del cuarto milenio
Corre el año 4039, la Tierra se ha convertido en un desolado campo de batalla. Hordas de robots asesinos creados por el hombre, tratan de imponer su particular reino del terror, destruyendo todo a su paso y amenazando con llevar a la humanidad a la extinción total. Como otras veces, la ciudad que guarda el arcano el tiempo, inicia un viaje al pasado en busca de una época segura. Esta vez, Ballard, el guardián del tiempo, es enviado a reconocer el terreno a finales del siglo XX. En pleno outback australiano conoce a la geóloga Annie Lassiter y juntos se embarcan en una desesperada lucha contra el reloj. (FILMAFFINITY)
Playing Beatie Bow
Abigail Kirk was an ordinary enough sixteen year old growing up in todays Sydney. An intriguing chain of events finds Abigail, through some eerie time shift, transported back one hundred years after watching some children playing a scary game called Beatie Bow.