Ville Virtanen

Ville Virtanen

Nacimiento : 1961-08-19, Espoo, Finland


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ville Virtanen (born August 19, 1961) is a Finnish actor. Description above from the Wikipedia article Ville Virtanen (actor), licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Ville Virtanen


Gracias, lo siento
Cuando Sara se ve obligada a afrontar la última etapa de su embarazo en solitario, su hermana mayor Linda, de la que estaba distanciada, aparece y se convierte en su inesperada salvadora.
Edvard Munch was one of the most important artists in the period between the 19th and 20th centuries. His motif Skrik (The Scream), repeated in several techniques, became part of the 20th-century world subconsciousness – an image of fear and loneliness most people probably know, even if they have no idea who created it.
Irwin Goodman
Cosmetics saleswoman Kirsi Viilonen dreams of a career as a star artist. When Kirsi meets DJ and radio journalist Paula, she decides to give in completely to her dream of becoming a singer. Despite the scorn of the male-dominated music world, Paula recognizes the star in Kirsi and together they get her a recording contract. Kikka's career takes off when her nipple is accidentally flashed on a TV show. Kikka immediately becomes a national celebrity and one of Finland's best-selling female artists.
Bordertown: Murales de sangre
Kari Sorjonen
Un mural sangriento, una encuesta mortal en redes sociales y un infame asesino en serie obligan al inspector Kari Sorjonen a enfrentarse al caso más difícil de su vida.
Una mujer sale de una sala psiquiátrica después de un ataque de nervios, solo para comenzar a escuchar misteriosos golpes en su apartamento.
The Jonsson Gang
Kantor Veikko Kusela
Following a failed heist, Charles-Ingvar ‘Sickan’ Jonsson ends up in prison. Once released, his gang have become law-abiding citizens and Sickan has to continue on his own. Crime broker Anita tasks him with a simple burglary, but it turns out to be something a lot bigger than Sickan thought it was. Now he needs the help of his past accomplices to carry out the most difficult heist in the history of the gang.
The Longest Day
This melancholy, dryly comedic Finnish-language film is the fourth of a five-part series on minority languages in Sweden.
Bergman Revisited
The Famous Actor's Psychologist
Un artista ha escogido a un famoso actor masculino para que juntos, en el contexto de un largometraje, se deconstruyan a sí mismos y a sus papeles invasivos. Se involucran en un juego sin límites con su entorno en una exploración de la identidad, masculina y femenina.
Miguel “Bayoneta” Galíndez is a retired boxer from Tijuana who finds himself living in a cramped flat in Finland. As his future begins to look up, a desire for redemption draws him back into the ring.
Scenes in the Night
Henrik lies in his death bed and his wife Marianne is there with him. For the first time she get to meet his lover Paula.
The Eternal Road
John Hill
Basado en hechos reales. Jussi Ketola, regresa a Finlandia desde la gran depresión golpeará a Estados Unidos solo para enfrentar una creciente agitación política en su país. Una noche de verano de 1930, matones nacionalistas secuestraron violentamente a Ketola de su casa. Golpeado y obligado a caminar por el Camino Eterno hacia la Rusia soviética, donde la crueldad parece no tener fin, su único sueño es volver a toda costa con su familia.
Law Of The Land
Un policía que se jubila, se ve atrapado entre dos hombres más jóvenes que intentan matarse entre sí. Un moderno Western occidental que tiene lugar a ambos lados de la frontera norte de Finlandia y Suecia.
Heroes of the Baltic Sea
Magnus Fleming
The movie version of the 2016 adventure series Heroes of the Baltic Sea.
El otro lado de la esperanza
Judicial Authority
Helsinki. El joven Khaled llega oculto en un barco de carga procedente de Siria. Su solicitud de asilo es rechazada, pero decide quedarse de todos modos. Mientras, un gris comercial cincuentón llamado Wikström decide cambiar su vida y abrir un decadente restaurante. Sus caminos se cruzarán cuando una tarde Wikhström se encuentra a Khaled en la puerta de su restaurante y, emocionado, decide ofrecerle techo, comida y trabajo. Pero el sueño del chico es encontrar a su hermana, que también huyó de Siria.
Reina Cristina
Doctor Van Wullen
Coronada en 1633, a los seis años, la Reina Cristina de Suecia fue una joven dirigente, enigmática y brillante, que combatió a las fuerzas conservadoras para revolucionar Suecia al tiempo que experimentaba el amor y exploraba su incipiente sexualidad. Huérfana de padre, rechazada por su madre y criada en una corte luterana dominada por hombres que pensaban que no tenía otra opción que casarse para tener un heredero, Cristina se vio envuelta entre la pasión y la razón. Revolucionaria, estudiosa de las artes y las ciencias, amiga de Descartes, librepensadora, precursora del movimiento feminista. Cristina era al mismo tiempo confusa, inquieta, excéntrica, solitaria, y en la corte todos subestimaban tanto su mente brillante como el despertar de la atracción que sentía por la condesa Ebba Sparre. Dividida por el conflicto que le planteaban sus aspiraciones políticas y sus deseos personales, Cristina tomaría una de las decisiones más controvertidas de la historia.
White People
The story follows a group of people who are kidnapped from the street and held hostage in an underground prison to await deportation. Will they escape? What will be the cost of freedom?
La acción transcurre en una pequeña comunidad sueca de idílica apariencia. Pero todo cambia cuando Jennifer, una muchacha de catorce años, asegura que ha sido violada por Alexander, su compañero de clase. El rumor se extiende rápidamente y cada vez son más los que creen que Jennifer miente. Así comienza un linchamiento en el que todo un pueblo exaltado se ensaña con una adolescente y su familia. En este ambiente embrutecido las pruebas y las resoluciones judiciales no significan nada frente a unos adultos decididos a tomarse la justicia por su mano. Nada es excesivo: lo único que importa es permanecer dentro del rebaño.
No Thanks
Matti Valkonen
Heli Valkonen is desperately in love with her husband. But Matti is just not in the mood. He is only interested in playing computer games, dressed in worn out fleece pants. For him, a shoulder massage is the highest form of intimacy. When subtle hints, nice words and fetching clothes won't help, Heli resorts in direct, and increasingly direct action - in vain.
Ella and Friends
A young girl and her friends try to save their small rural school from being demolished to make way for a race track.
Love and Other Troubles
Taisto Hietalahti
Ville, con 25 años, es una antigua estrella infantil un tanto pesimista, que ha logrado evitar exitosamente por años a su mujeriego padre roquero. Todo cambia cuando éste se va a vivir con Ville y ambos se enamoran de la misma profesora estadounidense de baile country.
Where Once We Walked
Kapten Halonen
The stories of the aristocratic Lilliehjelm family, the middle-class Widing family and the poor Kajander family from the Finland's independence through the Civil War and the Roaring Twenties ending during the Second World War.
Vares - The Kiss of Evil
Arto Ronimus
A young college student is found stabbed to death,and private detective Vares life takes an interesting turn when the girls family asks him to investigate the case.
Kimmo Moilanen
One morning just before Christmas, Leena receives a phone call from a hospital in her childhood hometown telling her that her mother is dying. This news takes her on a journey to face her mother for the first time in her adult life. Leena has fought all her life to let go of her grief over her lost and dark childhood. She is now forced to deal with her past to be able to move on.
Priest of Evil
Risto Mäki
Después de una sucesión de extrañas muertes en las estaciones de metro de Helsinki, la policía se encuentra desconcertada, nadie ha visto nada y las cintas del circuito cerrado de vigilancia no muestran nada. El sargento de policía Timo Harjunpaa de la unidad de crímenes violentos de Helsinki ha visto de cerca el lado más sórdido de la naturaleza humana a lo largo de su carrera, pero las fuerzas del mal no se había cruzado nunca antes en su camino de manera tan aplastante. Resulta que su adversario es un ser engañado pero peligroso que vive en un bunker subterráneo en medio de una ladera deshabitada de Helsinki. El Sargento Harjunpaa deberá afrontar ahora su caso más aterrador.
Under the North Star II
Akseli Koskela returns from prison and tries to learn living again. He's not allowed to take part in politics anymore, but he sees a lot of injustice around him. He raises a family with his wife Elina while another war is around the corner...
Bad Family
Mikael Lindgren
The story of an overly protective and controlling father who suspects incest is taking place between his own son and daughter. These growing suspicions and concerns cause the father to become delusional and unrelenting in his quest to end the love affair between his children.
En 1595, finalizada la interminable guerra entre Suecia y Rusia, los hermanos Knut y Erik dirigen una comisión encargada de trazar las nuevas fronteras. Tras protagonizar un terrible incidente, ambos llegarán a una aldea que no figura en los mapas y que cuenta con una sauna de piedra en la que se pueden lavar los pecados del cuerpo y del alma. (extraído de (FILMAFFINITY)
Jan Saras
The Year of the Wolf
Sari is a young, beautiful and intelligent girl who is busy studying at university,but she suffers from epilepsy and has to face death on a daily basis. Mikko is hersomewhat older university teacher, who is tired of life, and who one day decides toabandon his wife, children and idea of a perfect life. Both characters have been tooscared to live their lives to the brim for too long. But they meet, and in spite oftheir prejudices and reserved natures, they manage to create a dramatic and movingmodern romance which confronts numerous taboos. While the imagery explores theboundary between life and death in a most poetic way, the odd couple's romance istold with both bite and humour. Society - be it in the shape of angry ex-wives,overprotective parents, conservative aunts or embittered colleagues - is doing whatit can to put a spanner in the works."
La leyenda de Santa Claus
Una historia navideña sobre la ilusión, generosidad y amistad que se ha convertido en la película más taquillera de la historia de Finlandia.
Black Ice
Saara is a middle-aged doctor who one day finds out that her architect-husband Leo is having an affair with a younger woman, Tuuli. Instead of revealing her true identity, Saara pretends to be someone else and makes friends with Tuuli. At the same time she is planning the best way to revenge her husband and his lover
Kummelin Jackpot, was released in February 2006. It was about a divorced man portrayed by Silvennoinen, who realises a way to trick himself a jackpot in football betting.
The film tells about members of Finnish women's Lotta Service during the Second World War through the eyes of three young women.
Producing Adults
Marriage Councillor
Longtime couple Venla and Antero come to a serious impasse. After years with Antero, Venla wants to start a family, but her boyfriend, worried that parenthood will stifle his speed-skating career, secretly gets a vasectomy. Determined to have a child, Venla seeks help from a female fertility doctor, a decision that breeds new possibilities for the prospective mother when she falls in love with the doctor.
Dog Nail Clipper
Foreman Luti
Bright young soldier Mertsi suffers a permanent brain injury in the Second World War. In the late 1940s he wanders around the Finnish countryside looking for simple work and relying on other people's help. A workmate, Ville, tells him about his clever Spitz dog back home and the problems with her overlong dew claws. Together with his helpful war buddy Eetvi, Mertsi joins a lumber camp in the middle of a freezing winter, tries hard but finds the work there too strenuous for his body and mind. While he still sees nightmares about the war, in the daytime he keeps dreaming and worrying about the dog...
Young Gods
Jere's father Juhani
Taavi,the enigmatic 18-year-old lead, has just inherited his long-deceased wealthy parents home and estate. It is high school graduation and Taavi's birthday, and after his fiends greet him au natural and are arrested, Taavi invites his friends to the mansion for a wild party. Taavi lives with a recording camera to his eye, a machine that allows his to keep interpersonal distance from everyone. Among his friends are Jere who considers himself a woman's man, Markus (who appears the well-adjusted one, and chubby, pierced Sami whose sexuality is ambiguous. The party gets wild, guests sleep around, and Taavi records it all!
Katri y Janne son jóvenes, guapos y tienen una buena situación económica. El grupo de amigos de Katri y Janne practican viajes de aventura. Es importante estar un paso delante de los demás y vivir experiencias extremas. Katri y Janne llevan mucho tiempo sin compartir juntos tales experiencias. En la fiesta de su nuevo jefe Erik Stein, Janne conoce a un agente de viajes, que le ofrece una nueva manera de viajar. La empresa IH-tours organiza viajes de aventura a otras realidades en el país: 1) sin techo en Espoo, 2) trabajador por turnos en Vantaa o 3) una vida diaria como desempleado en el barrio de Jakomäki. Janne y Katri quieren mostrar que se atreven, y eligen la tercera opción, el de los cesantes. ¿Como se acostumbrarán a la nueva vida diaria en la cual el pan de cada día no esta garantizado?. ¿Qué queda de una persona, cuando se le quita todo lo superficial? En Jakomäki, Katri y Janne emprenden una aventura que ninguno de sus amigos ha vivido.
A Respectable Tragedy
Tauno Saarinen
In the 1930s, middle-aged museum curator Tauno Saarinen yearns for a young beautiful maid and writes a lengthy confession about his feelings which he gives his wife Elisabet to read. Elisabet shows the writings to her husband's sister Naimi, an art critic who tries to reconcile with her ex-husband despite a spiteful mother-in-law. Meanwhile, things gets worse between Tauno and Elisabet when the young maid, seduced by Tauno, becomes pregnant. Based on a novel by Helvi Hämäläinen, first published in 1941 but partly censored until 1995 because allegedly based on true incidents involving well-known people.
In a small village in Eastern Finland in 1918, Patrick, who has taken care of the chaplain, teacher and physician, has been filled with loneliness and brutal spirit of work for five years.
The New Adventures of That Kiljunen Family
Presidentin palvelija
That Kiljunen familys sets out find their two missing family members, who have been sent to Tampere by the Matalamäki boarding school for retraining due to poor school performance.
The New Adventures of That Kiljunen Family
President's Servant
That Kiljunen familys sets out find their two missing family members, who have been sent to Tampere by the Matalamäki boarding school for retraining due to poor school performance.
Vääpeli Körmy ja marsalkan sauva
Valkoisten kersantti
The colonel's wife's tin pints need to be cleaned up, and Sergeant First Class Körmy tasks two privates to do so.
Talvisota (The winter war)
Jaakko Rajala
Finlandia, Octubre de 1939. La crisis diplomática abierta entre el país finés y la URSS a causa de las exigencias territoriales de Stalin hace que el ejército finés se movilice. A través de la historia de los hermanos Martti y Paavo Hakala, enviados a combatir junto con su compañía al frente, asistiremos a las visicitudes de la cruenta guerra de invierno que Finlandia libró contra el ejército Rojo en unas durísimas condiciones climáticas y en franca inferioridad material frente al poderoso ejército sovietico. La versión extendida para televisión consta en total de 250 minutos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Hamlet suspects his uncle has murdered his father to claim the throne of Denmark and the hand of Hamlet's mother, but the prince cannot decide whether or not he should take vengeance. Direct television broadcast from Kino Helsinki. Students from Theatre Academy Helsinki working under director Jouko Turkka.