Tom Townsend


Zombie Doomsday
A live action, improvisational style movie which is more of an actual live scenario than a low budget independent feature film. It's a very intriguing look at what would happen if there was an actual Zombie outbreak. The actors were put in a restaurant understanding that a down on his luck movie star was coming back to his hometown to film a reality show.
Zombie Doomsday
A live action, improvisational style movie which is more of an actual live scenario than a low budget independent feature film. It's a very intriguing look at what would happen if there was an actual Zombie outbreak. The actors were put in a restaurant understanding that a down on his luck movie star was coming back to his hometown to film a reality show.
El caballero oscuro
Police Officer (uncredited)
Batman/Bruce Wayne regresa para continuar su guerra contra el crimen. Con la ayuda del teniente Jim Gordon y del Fiscal del Distrito Harvey Dent, Batman se propone destruir el crimen organizado en la ciudad de Gotham. El triunvirato demuestra su eficacia, pero, de repente, aparece Joker, un nuevo criminal que desencadena el caos y tiene aterrados a los ciudadanos.
From Within
Lindsay, que ha sido esmeradamente educada en el cristianismo, vive en un pequeño pueblo en el que, de repente, la gente empieza a morir en extrañas circunstancias. Todo apunta a un caso de suicidio colectivo, pero algo terrible se esconde tras esas muertes.