Sylvester McCoy

Sylvester McCoy

Nacimiento : 1943-08-20, Dunoon, Argyll and Bute, Scotland, UK


Sylvester McCoy (born Percy James Patrick Kent-Smith; 20 August 1943) is a Scottish actor and physical comedian. He is best known for playing the seventh incarnation of the Doctor in the long-running science fiction television series Doctor Who from 1987 to 1989—the final Doctor of the original run—and briefly returning in a television film in 1996. He is also known for his work as Radagast in The Hobbit film series (2012—2014).


Sylvester McCoy
Sylvester McCoy


Talking Doctor Who
The Doctor (7) (archive footage)
As part of the 60th anniversary celebrations of Doctor Who, David Tennant time travels back through the BBC archives to tell the story of the Doctor’s classic era, with a selection of rarely seen interviews and clips covering William Hartnell’s first incarnation right through to the seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy.
Bug-Eyed Monsters Invade the Earth!
Fans of an obscure Canadian TV series embark on a location bus tour. When the bus breaks down in a junkyard, this band of misfits find themselves at the centre of a real alien invasion - can their childhood hero help them save the planet?
The Munsters: Return to Mockingbird Lane
A behind-the-scenes look at the production of Rob Zombie's The Munsters (2022). Included as a special feature on the blu-ray.
Los Monsters
Reboot de "The Munsters", que sigue las desventuras de una familia de monstruos que se muda desde Transilvania hasta un suburbio de los Estados Unidos.
The Hobbit: Part 1
Bilbo Baggins is chosen by Gandalf to embark on a quest with 13 Dwarves to reclaim the lost kindgom of Erebor. Thorin Oakenshield leads the company to the mountain and the beast that laid waste to his people and claimed their land. Through mountains, forests and unforseeable dangers, witness the epic quest to reclaim a homeland through the eyes of a Hobbit as he learns the value of courage and friendship in the face of darkness.
Christmas with Strangers
A behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of the Scottish Indie feature film Lost at Christmas (2020). The stars and filmmakers take us on their journey from script to screen as the world braces itself for a global pandemic.
Lost at Christmas
Set in the remote Scottish town of Fort William on Christmas Eve, when life is turned upside down for Jen and Rob. Suddenly finding themselves heartbroken, single and stranded, they team up to try and reach home 100 miles away to be with their families. "Borrowing" Jen’s now ex-boyfriend’s classic car, the pair hit the road, but it’s not long before the weather turns for the worse forcing them to continue their journey on foot.
The Owners (Los propietarios)
Richard Huggins
Un grupo de amigos cree que encuentran un blanco fácil en una casa vacía con una caja fuerte llena de dinero en efectivo. Pero cuando la pareja de ancianos que vive allí llega temprano a casa, las cosas cambian de repente. Mientras se produce un juego mortal del gato y el ratón, los posibles ladrones deben luchar para salvarse de una pesadilla que nunca hubieran imaginado.
The Circuit
The bold crew of the hit Sci-Fi TV series "Star Crew" are in for an adventure that will push them to their limits while they fight to find the heroes inside in time to save the world.
The Doctors: The Sylvester McCoy Years
This documentary contains the best in-depth interviews with Sylvester McCoy (the Seventh Doctor), Sophie Aldred (Ace), Angela Bruce (Brigadier Bambera), Jessica Martin (Mags), Lisa Bowerman (Bernice Summerfield) and Script Editor Andrew Cartmel ever undertaken! Presented by Robert Dick, “voice of the Daleks” Nicholas Briggs and “Ace” Sophie Aldred.
Hangover in Death Valley
General Zwick (archive footage)
Two Las Vegas entertainers find themselves in a mysterious town whose occupants may be cannibals. Re-cut version of the film Eldorado (2012).
Slumber: El demonio del sueño
Alice es un médico que estudia los sueños, y que se verá abocado a abandonar las tesis científicas para aceptar que una familia está siendo aterrorizada por un parásito demoníaco, que ha existido en todas las culturas humanas desde el principio de los tiempos, y que paraliza a sus víctimas mientras duermen.
Punk Strut: The Movie
A feature-length tribute to the age and spirit of Punk, which begins as a gentle ramble through the pasture of popular culture and spirals into a story of comic absurdity. 30 years after the release of his cult record 'Punk Strut' Kevin Short has assembled the original musicians to record a new kicking version of the track, and to mark the event, Richard Gibson becomes Rik Shaw once again to present a wild and highly entertaining rockumentary of Kevin Short and His Privates 30th year reunion. In the process, they explore the world of punk today, and meet some of the surviving bands and fans. Mixing documentary, music, and fiction, the film also looks at the reality of punks approaching their sixties.
El hobbit: La batalla de los cinco ejércitos
Después de haber recuperado el reino del Dragón Smaug, la Compañía ha desencadenado, sin querer, una potencia maligna. Un Smaug enfurecido vuela hacia la Ciudad del Lago para acabar con cualquier resto de vida. Obsesionado sobre todo con el reino recuperado, Thorin sacrifica la amistad y el honor para mantenerlo mientras que Bilbo intenta frenéticamente hacerle ver la razón por la que el hobbit toma una decisión desesperada y peligrosa. Pero hay aún mayores peligros por delante. Sin la ayuda aparente del mago Gandalf, su gran enemigo Sauron ha enviado legiones de orcos hacia la Montaña Solitaria en un ataque furtivo. Cuando la oscuridad se cierna sobre ellos, las razas de los Enanos, Elfos y Hombres deben decidir si unirse o ser destruidos. Bilbo se encontrará así en la batalla épica de los Cinco Ejércitos, donde el futuro de la Tierra Media está en juego.
Doctor Who: The Ultimate Time Lord with Peter Davison
Peter Davison, the Fifth Doctor, meets the talented people and stars who have helped create the show both past, present and future, and asks 'Who is the Doctor? What makes him tick? What will make the Twelfth Doctor unique?'
The Seventeenth Kind
Black comedy scifi about a washed up TV presenter who doesn't let small things like alien invasions stop him from broadcasting.
El hobbit: La desolación de Smaug
Tras sobrevivir al inicio de su inesperado viaje, la Compañía sigue hacia el este y se encuentra por el camino con Beorn, el cambiador de piel, y con un enjambre de Arañas gigantes en el peligroso monte Mirkwood. Tras evitar que los Elfos del Bosque los capturen, los Enanos prosiguen su viaje hacia Ciudad del Lago, y finalmente llegan a la Montaña Solitaria, donde tienen que enfrentarse al mayor de los peligros, una criatura más terrorífica que cualquier otra que pondrá a prueba no solo lo profundo de su valentía sino también los límites de su amistad y la sabiduría del viaje: el dragón Smaug.
Doctor Who Live: The Afterparty
Zoe Ball and Rick Edwards get the party started for the celebration of 50 years of Doctor Who, with Doctors and companions past and present, celebrity fans and special surprises.
Doctor Who: el día del Doctor
The Doctor (7) (archive footage)
Episodio especial de "Doctor Who" realizado con motivo de la celebración del 50º aniversario de la serie. En la Tierra, el Undécimo Doctor y Clara descubren una peligrosa conspiración en una galería de arte. En 1562, el Décimo Doctor caza Zygons con la ayuda de la Reina Isabel. El último día de la Guerra del Tiempo, un hombre que ya no quiere llamarse "El Doctor" toma una terrible decisión: debe cometer un genocidio contra su propia raza para impedir la destrucción del Universo. Todos estos sucesos resultan estar conectados cuando tres encarnaciones del mismo Doctor deben enfrentarse al momento más terrible de sus vidas.
The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
Con el 50º aniversario muy cerca, los fans de Doctor Who se preguntaron qué Doctores aparecerían en el especial. Los Doctores clásicos Peter Davison, Colin Baker y Sylvester McCoy esperan la llamada, pero parece que el malvado Moffat no los quiere en el episodio. En esta parodia llena de cameos y chistes privados, Davison, Baker y McCoy emprenden un viaje desesperado para aparecer como sea en "The Day of the Doctor".
The Christmas Candle
Edward Haddington
En la pequeña población rural de Gladsbury, un ángel visita cada 25 años al hombre que hace las velas de Navidad y enciende una de las velas. La leyenda dice que todo aquel que es iluminado por la vela recibe el milagro de la Navidad. Pero en 1890, tras la llegada de un joven y misterioso sacerdote, David Richmond (Hans Matheson), todo cambia… pues la vela desaparece.
Doctor Who Explained
A BBC America documentary explores the mysterious and two-hearted alien who is the Doctor with exclusive interviews with cast members from the show's 50-year history.
El hobbit: Un viaje inesperado
Precuela de la trilogía "El Señor de los Anillos", obra de J.R.R. Tolkien. En compañía del mago Gandalf y de trece enanos, el hobbit Bilbo Bolsón emprende un viaje a través del país de los elfos y los bosques de los trolls, desde las mazmorras de los orcos hasta la Montaña Solitaria, donde el dragón Smaug esconde el tesoro de los Enanos. Finalmente, en las profundidades de la Tierra, encuentra el Anillo Único, hipnótico objeto que será posteriormente causa de tantas sangrientas batallas en la Tierra Media.
General Zwick
The Stranger, a tall striking creature dressed in white sets into motions a series of events whilst reciting the Edgar Allen Poe Poem "Eldorado", which will have an effect on those heading towards the mythical city.
Doctor Who: Tales Lost in Time
Go behind the scenes of Dr Who as never before - and discover the 'lost tales' of the show! Doctors David Tennant, Paul McGann, Peter Davison and Sylvester McCoy are joined in providing insights by Rula Lenska, Simon Pegg, Adam Garcia, John Barrowman, Russell T. Davis and Graham Cole!
King Lear
The Fool
Adaptación del drama homónimo de William Shakespeare. Forma parte de la serie "Great Performances", que adapta para la televisión famosas obras de teatro que han estado mucho tiempo en los escenarios más importantes del mundo. En este caso se trata de una producción de la Royal Shakespeare Company que estuvo en cartel el New London Theatre.
Davros Connections
(archival footage)
Exclusive to this boxset is Brendan Sheppard's new documentary, Davros Connections, which pulls together the whole of the Davros Boxset into a single chronology, as well as being a fascinating documentary in its own right. This is an in-depth look at the history of the Daleks' creator, Davros, as portrayed in both the TV stories from the BBC and in audio adventures from official licensee Big Finish. With actors Terry Molloy, David Gooderson and Peter Miles, producer/director Gary Russell, director Ken Grieve, writers Eric Saward, Ben Aaronovitch, Gary Hopkins and Joseph Lidster. Narrated by Terry Molloy.
Skill vs. Will: The Making of 'Rocky Balboa'
An overview of the making of Rocky Balboa (2006)
Manilla Envelopes
Also known as The Battersea Ripper, this is a comic crime thriller set in London concerning a young girl's kidnapping and the hapless police and reporters trying to get to the truth. It has never been released to DVD and has only ever had a limited theatrical screening in 2006.
The Story of Doctor Who
Documentary to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of this popular cult sci-fi television series.
My Doctor Who Diary
It seemed like a great idea! Yee Jee recording a video diary during his first signing tour of the UK. But after a gruelling flight over and jumping into a car to be at Memorabilia the same day – all he wanted to do was sleep, not record a diary! But he stuck with it, through signings, two long studio sessions with Big Finish, and finally a photo call at Battlefield with Sylvester McCoy! During all this, Yee Jee managed to record a highly personal video diary of his trip…
Then & Now
In the 1980’s US public television station New Jersey Network produced some groundbreaking documentaries about DOCTOR WHO following the programme’s huge success in America. Doctor Who – Then & Now was made in 1987. Presented by Eric Luskin and recorded in the NJN studios it features unique interviews with Terry Nation talking about the creation of the Daleks and Patrick Troughton discussing his portrayal of the Second Doctor.
Do You Have a Licence to Save this Planet?
The Foot Doctor
The time traveling Foot Doctor discovers that the Cyberons and Autons are ineffectually trying to invade the Earth yet again. Can he and a helpful salesman save the day or will his arch enemy The Licensor defeat him for good?
Adventures in Space and Time
A documentary on the history of Doctor Who (1963) featuring new interviews with cast and crew, transmitted as part of "Doctor Who Night" on BBC2.
Where on Earth Is Katy Manning?
By her own admission, Katy Manning is ‘as blind as a bat’ and never knows where she’ll end up. When she suddenly arrived in the UK, Katy was probably as surprised as the rest of us! Determined to thank the legion of Doctor Who fans who had written and supported her during her years abroad, Katy embarked on a whirlwind tour of British conventions and shops before leaving (yet again) for Australia… Along the way bump into Nicholas Courtney, Richard Franklin, John Leeson, Sophie Aldred, Sylvester McCoy, Michael Sheard and other surprise guest stars!
Beyond Fear
Michael Samms
The true story of Stephanie Slater, a British estate agent who was kidnapped, raped, and held for ransom by Michael Sams, who imprisoned her in a coffin-like box for eight days.
Spellbreaker: Secret of the Leprechauns
Fairyhill Ireland is a place filled with mysteries and legends,Leprechauns and Magic. And for an American Kid like Mike Dennehy, it's a world of wonderous adventure. Vacationing in Fairyhill for the summer, Mike makes friends with a fascinating group of rather unlucky leprechaunsby Nula, Queen of the Dead - an unbelievably beautiful and sinister witch. can the Queen destroy centuries of Leprechaun power? Will evil triumph? Gather up your lucky charms(you'll need them!) and get ready for Spellbreaker, the adventure of Mike's lifetime... and yours!
Doctor Who: La película
The Doctor (7)
San Francisco, 1999. Una nave espacial con forma de cabina de teléfono se estrella y de ella surge el Doctor, un alienígena viajero del tiempo que transportaba los restos de su enemigo derrotado, el Amo. Pero en el accidente, la esencia del Amo consigue escapar ocupando un cuerpo moribundo. Ahora planea robar las regeneraciones restantes del Doctor, su nave… y destruir la Tierra en el intento. Sólo el Doctor, recién regenerado, se prepara para salvar el planeta en el borde del nuevo milenio.
Bidding Adieu: A Video Diary
In January 1996 filming began on a new episode of Doctor Who set in San Francisco, but shot in Vancouver, Canada. Sylvester McCoy flew out to join the production team to re-create his role as the Seventh Doctor and to hand over to Paul McGann. In this behind-the-scenes video diary, Sylvester gives us a personal account of his final days as the famous Timelord. Reminiscing about the "old days" and drawing comparisons with the experience of working on this latest adventure, he talks to Paul McGann, Daphne Ashbrook (Dr Grace Holloway) from the new production and Anneke Wills (Polly) from the show's past. All shot on Hi-8 camcorder.
Bidding Adieu: A Video Diary
Camera Operator
In January 1996 filming began on a new episode of Doctor Who set in San Francisco, but shot in Vancouver, Canada. Sylvester McCoy flew out to join the production team to re-create his role as the Seventh Doctor and to hand over to Paul McGann. In this behind-the-scenes video diary, Sylvester gives us a personal account of his final days as the famous Timelord. Reminiscing about the "old days" and drawing comparisons with the experience of working on this latest adventure, he talks to Paul McGann, Daphne Ashbrook (Dr Grace Holloway) from the new production and Anneke Wills (Polly) from the show's past. All shot on Hi-8 camcorder.
Bidding Adieu: A Video Diary
In January 1996 filming began on a new episode of Doctor Who set in San Francisco, but shot in Vancouver, Canada. Sylvester McCoy flew out to join the production team to re-create his role as the Seventh Doctor and to hand over to Paul McGann. In this behind-the-scenes video diary, Sylvester gives us a personal account of his final days as the famous Timelord. Reminiscing about the "old days" and drawing comparisons with the experience of working on this latest adventure, he talks to Paul McGann, Daphne Ashbrook (Dr Grace Holloway) from the new production and Anneke Wills (Polly) from the show's past. All shot on Hi-8 camcorder.
I Was a Doctor Who Monster!
To coincide with a new era for Doctor Who we take a nostalgic look back at the glory days of the programme in a tribute to its unsigned heroes. Ever wondered what it’s like inside a Dalek? How, exactly, of you portray a Fish Person? What was it like recording Doctor Who during its 26 year run? And just how do you get to be a Doctor Who monster? Now you can find out as, for the very first time, we speak to the men and women who ensured we spend out Saturday nights behind the sofa. Their stories are funny, moving, unbelievable and sometimes tragic. Presented by the seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy, and containing unique film and newly discovered photographs, this all adds up to an entertaining trip down memory lane – go on treat yourself to a slice of nostalgia!
The Doctors: 30 Years of Time Travel and Beyond
More than 30 years have now passed since a certain time traveling police box first materialized on our television screens, and the exploits of its various crews have enthralled audiences ever since. Here is the story of Britain's Number 1 Science Fiction programme told in order of the various actors who have played the Doctor.
La magia de los gnomos
Michael Denneny tiene un simpático hijo pequeño, llamado John. Después de un viaje por su Irlanda natal, Michael ha regresado con un extraño comportamiento. Su hijo le ha observado mientras que hablaba solo. No es que haya perdido el juicio, sino que unos graciosos duendes se colaron en su maleta, dispuestos a pasárselo en grande en Estados Unidos, la tierra de la que tanto han oído hablar. Los gnomos tienen un sentido del humor increíble, y alegrarán la vida de John, de Michael y de su esposa Sarah. Pero ya está bien de bromas, porque el hogar de los gnomos en Irlanda está en peligro, y éstos deberán utilizar todos sus conocimientos para ponerlo a salvo.
Stranger than Fiction 2: From Script to Screen
In the second "Stranger Than Fiction" documentary, Mark Gatiss explores the three latest BBV productions; "The Terror Game", "Breach of the Peace" and "The Zero Imperative", from the writers perspective. Using behind-the-scenes Hi-8 footage, outtakes and interviews with Colin Baker, Jon Pertwee, Sylvester McCoy and Nick Briggs, this fascinating documentary examines the script from initial beginnings, through character and narrative development to its eventual realisation on the screen.
Myth Makers 28: Sylvester McCoy
How can a personality like Sylvester McCoy be contained within the format of Myth Makers? Point the camera at him and say ‘Action!’ During a non-stop trek around the location for the Doctor Who story Battlefield, Sylvester gives us a hysterical history tour of his life and career. As always, Nicholas Briggs is there to ask the questions – but this time he’s so enthralled by Sylvester’s incredible story that he has to rely on emergency questions supplied by his Ace production assistant Sophie Aldred! And which famous, splendid, military fellow from Doctor Who awaits the team at journey’s end for a pint?
Stranger than Fiction
Gary Russell of Marvel Comics' Doctor Who Magazine investigates the world of BBV. In a relatively short space of time and with relatively small amounts of money, Bill Baggs has produced a series of videos which have a special appeal for Doctor Who fans. Stranger Than Fiction looks at the development of BBV's production techniques, through story, rehearsal and shooting. There's a chance to discover the origins of the scripts, as well as to see lost scenes from the Stranger videos and The AirZone Solution. This fascinating behind the scenes story is told with revealing, on the spot Hi-8 footage, together with exclusive star interviews.
The Zero Imperative
Dr. Colin Dove
Former UNIT luminary Liz Shaw and her assistant Bayliss are investigating a series of bizarre murders, all committed near a soon-to-be-closed psychiatric hospital. When the hospital is unexpectedly reprieved by rich Industrialist Peter Russell events seem to move out of Liz's control. Are the incumbent director of the clinic, Doctor Dove and his predecessor Doctor O'Kane harboring the killer? What is the centuries-old horror hidden in the grounds? And what exactly is the secret of room zero?
Doctor Who: Dimensions in Time
The 7th Doctor
All of the Doctor's incarnations are in crisis when The Rani creates a time-loop in the East-end of London in this 30th Anniversary Special.
The Airzone Solution
Anthony Stanwick
The Airzone Solution takes place in a future Britain where pollution has reached a point where the populace must often wear filtration masks when they venture outside. AirZone, a powerful corporation, signs a lucrative deal with the government to deal with the problem. The public is told that AirZone plans to build giant filtration plants to clean the atmosphere, but environmentalists are skeptical, especially when people begin dying and disappearing around AirZone facilities.
Doctor Who: The Hartnell Years
Documentary about the era of the first doctor, William Hartnell. It includes the pilot version of An Unearthly Child that was never broadcast. Hosted by Sylvester McCoy
The PanoptiCon Tapes V
5. Dragonfire - How is a Doctor Who story made? Cast and crew from the Doctor Who story Dragonfire got together at Panopticon IX in a lively and sometimes hilarious discussion which covers every aspect of the making of a television programme. However, you’ll see lots of other personalities from other eras as we stop along the way to look at particular aspects of the programme.
The PanoptiCon Tapes IV
4. The JNT Years - Peter Davison and Colin Baker’s portrayals of the Doctor conceded with one of the most controversial periods of the programme’s history. Was the programme as good as it used to be… or just different? What did the production staff, both past and present, think? However, you’ll see lots of other personalities from other eras as we stop along the way to look at particular aspects of the programme.
The PanoptiCon Tapes III
3. The Pertwee Years - We take an in-depth look at the Jon Pertwee era, which has been featured more thoroughly at PanoptiCons than any other. Experience the special mix that made this period one of the most popular in Doctor Who’s history. However, you’ll see lots of other personalities from other eras as we stop along the way to look at particular aspects of the programme.
The PanoptiCon Tapes II
2. The Early Years - The stars and production team give a unique insight into Doctor Who from its beginning with William Hartnell to Patrick Troughton’s portrayal of the Doctor. However, you’ll see lots of other personalities from other eras as we stop along the way to look at particular aspects of the programme.
The PanoptiCon Tapes
1. The Main Event - What are PanoptiCons like to organise? What do the fans think of them? What do the stars think of the fans? All this, and there’s still time for a liberal sprinkling of stories from the production team! However, you’ll see lots of other personalities from other eras as we stop along the way to look at particular aspects of the programme.
Doctor Who: Survival
The Doctor
Ace returns to Perivale to visit her friends, only to find they have been abducted to an alien planet by a race called the Cheetah People who were shown the way to Earth by the Master. The Doctor must find a way off the planet before they all succumb to its savage influence.
Doctor Who: The Curse of Fenric
The Doctor
The Doctor and Ace arrive at a secret military base during World War II, where an ancient evil from the Doctor's past prepares to make his final deadly move. As hideous vampires rise from the sea and Russian commandoes begin to close in, they are confronted not only with a mystery from the distant past but also a terrifying vision of mankind's future...
Doctor Who: Ghost Light
The Doctor
The Doctor takes Ace on an initiative test to a strange Victorian old house where she is forced to confront her darkest fears.
Doctor Who: Battlefield
The Doctor
Knights from a parallel universe arrive on Earth to find the legendary sword Excalibur. Only the Doctor and Ace, with the assistance of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, can save the Earth from total catastrophe.
Doctor Who: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
The Doctor
The Doctor and Ace head for the Psychic Circus on the planet Segonax, where they meet a disparate group of performers and visitors, including a self-centred explorer named Captain Cook, his companion Mags and a biker known as Nord.
Doctor Who: Silver Nemesis
The Doctor
The arrival of a mysterious comet heralds impending danger from enemies both old and new. As Ace helps the Doctor defend Earth, she is confronted with a dangerous question..."Doctor Who?"
Doctor Who: The Happiness Patrol
The Doctor
The TARDIS arrives on the planet Terra Alpha, where the Seventh Doctor and Ace discover a society in which sadness is against the law - a law enforced zealously by the brightly uniformed Happiness Patrol. The planet is ruled by Helen A with the aid of her companion, Joseph C, and her carnivorous pet Stigorax, Fifi.
Doctor Who: Remembrance of the Daleks
The Doctor
London, 1963: The Doctor returns to the place where it all began — alongside his latest companion, Ace, with unfinished business. Not for the first time, unusual events are unfolding at Coal Hill School. At 76 Totter's Lane, the Doctor discovers that his oldest foes — the Daleks — are on the trail of stolen Time Lord technology that he left on Earth long ago. The Daleks are planning to perfect their own time-travel capability, in order to unleash themselves across the whole of time and space.
Doctor Who: Dragonfire
The Doctor
As trouble brews on the space trading colony of Iceworld, the Doctor and Mel encounter their sometimes-ally Sabalom Glitz and a new friend who goes by the name "Ace".
Doctor Who: Delta and the Bannermen
The Doctor
The Doctor and Mel go for a holiday trip to Shangri-La aboard a Nostalgia Tours bus, only to get dragged into the battle against genocide of their fellow passenger Delta, a Chimeron Queen fleeing from the Bannermen who wish to make her species extinct.
Doctor Who: Paradise Towers
The Doctor
The Doctor and Mel visit Paradise Towers, a residential complex that promises a peaceful life to its residents. However, the establishment is far from what its name suggests: A conflict persists among the Kangs, humanesque multicolour beings who gather in opposing gangs based on which colour of the rainbow they bear; killer cleaning robots prowl the halls, and a secret in the complex's basement poses the greatest threat of all.
Doctor Who: Time and the Rani
The Doctor
The Rani has returned with another malicious scientific scheme. Taking advantage of the post-regenerative trauma the recently regenerated and unstable Doctor is going through, she hopes to achieve control of an approaching asteroid composed entirely of strange matter. Can the Doctor figure out he is being used for the Rani's evil experiment, and what is behind the door the Rani won't allow him past?
Three Kinds of Heat
Harry Pimm
Three friends persecute a gang of criminals from Harlem to the parties of the High Society of London.
The PanoptiCon Tapes VI
6. Panopticon VII - 1986 was the 10th Anniversary of the DWAS and for the first time professional cameras were there to record the event. This special production includes highlights from the convention, home movies from early Panopticons (featuring Tom Baker and Patrick Troughton) and the reminiscences from organisers, actors and production staff about the early days of fandom. However, you’ll see lots of other personalities from other eras as we stop along the way to look at particular aspects of the programme.
The Secret Policeman's Ball
Various Roles
Una serie de conciertos a beneficio de Amnesty International. El film incluye varias actos de comedia y números musicales por un variado grupo de artistas, mayormente británicos. Entre ellos, varios miembros de Monty Python, Rowan Atkinson y Peter Cook.
El conde Drácula, un personaje tan seductor y atractivo como peligroso y carente de escrúpulos, entabla amistad con el Doctor Seward y su entorno. Al poco tiempo, Mina, una conocida del Doctor, muere misteriosamente sin una gota de sangre en su cuerpo...
The Ken Campbell Roadshow
The Ken Campbell Roadshow brings entertainment to the streets and pubs of Kirkby New Town.
Thrill Kill Video Club
Four bored serial killers turn to shooting snuff movies and the Thrill Kill Video Club is born. Enter their looney upside down world of comedy, carnage, laughter and mayhem.