Rudy Jones


Jules of Light and Dark
Art Direction
In present-day Texas, Maya and her on again, off again girlfriend Jules total their car after a night of backwoods raving and teen mischief. They're rescued from the wreckage by Freddy, an oil worker whose stoic facade crumbles as he comes to see himself, and his repressed desires, in Maya. As Jules recovers, Maya and Freddy develop a rapport that dulls the debilitating silence of their small-town lives. Together, they subtly encourage one another to chase after what they want the most (or at least figure out what that might be).
Jules of Light and Dark
In present-day Texas, Maya and her on again, off again girlfriend Jules total their car after a night of backwoods raving and teen mischief. They're rescued from the wreckage by Freddy, an oil worker whose stoic facade crumbles as he comes to see himself, and his repressed desires, in Maya. As Jules recovers, Maya and Freddy develop a rapport that dulls the debilitating silence of their small-town lives. Together, they subtly encourage one another to chase after what they want the most (or at least figure out what that might be).
La ambulancia
Ambulance Driver
Josh conoce por casualidad a Cheryl, que le confiesa que es diabética cuando comienza a sufrir un ataque. Una ambulancia interviene rápidamente llevándola al hospital. Cuando, a la mañana siguiente, Josh decide hacerle una visita, Cheryl ha desaparecido sin dejar rastro. Cuando se da cuenta de que la policía no le hace caso, Josh decide investigar por su cuenta.
Amusement Park Patron
Durante los años sesenta, una adolescente ve cumplido su sueño de ser famosa cuando hace acto de presencia en el programa televisivo de Corny Collins. En Baltimore es una auténtica estrella y todo el mundo la adora...
Amityville II: La posesión
Después de trasladarse a una gran mansión en Long Island, Nueva York, una familia empieza a experimentar hechos sobrenaturales. Espíritus malignos están intentando controlar la casa y deshacerse de sus habitantes. Un espíritu posee al hijo de la familia, que lo fuerza a cometer asesinatos. Sólo un cura que ejerce exorcismos puede liberarlo del demonio que lo consume, pero no antes de dar algo a cambio.