Jerry Frankel


Will Ferrell: You're Welcome America - A Final Night with George W. Bush
Especial grabado por el cómico Will Ferrell que se basa en la figura del polémico ex presidente George W. Bush. El programa está basado en la exitosa actuación teatral que el actor ha estado representando en Broadway justo desde el mismo día en el que el mandatario abandonó su cargo.Ferrell fue, a lo largo del mandato de Bush, su más famoso imitador, sobre todo a través de sus actuaciones en el programa Saturday Night Live. Ahora, el humorista repasa toda la vida de su objeto de sátira favorito, desde sus aventuras extracurriculares en Yale hasta su vida en la Casa Blanca. El resultado ha sido un especial que rompió récords de audiencia en la cadena HBO.
Death of a Salesman
An aging salesman is fired from his job after a long career in it. Broken, without much to look forward to, he tries reconnecting with his wife and kids who he had always put down as he dedicated himself to work.
Cheaper to Keep Her
Executive Producer
A newly divorced swinger on the prowl goes to work as a detective for a neurotic feminist attorney.
Fast Break
Executive Producer
David Greene is a New York basketball enthusiast, who wants to coach. He is then offered the coaching job at a small Nevada college. He brings along some players, who are a bit odd but good. Like Swish who unknown to the rest of the team is a girl. Preacher, who's being sought by some nefarious characters. And D.C., who's a fugitive. And along with some of the students at the college, he turns them into a contender. In order to give the tam the respect they deserve and some exposure, Greene schemes to try and get the number 1 team led by Bo Winnegar, to play them.