Anjanette Comer

Anjanette Comer

Nacimiento : 1939-08-07, Dawson, Texas, USA


Anjanette Comer (7 de agosto de 1939) es una actriz estadounidense nacida en Dawson, Texas. Hizo su debut en el cine como la protagonista femenina en la comedia de 1964 Quick, Before It Melts, seguida de un recordado papel en la sátira de 1965 The Loved One. Obtuvo un papel principal como el interés amoroso de Marlon Brando y John Saxon en la película de aventuras The Appaloosa (1966). Durante su carrera, Comer apareció en más de 50 producciones de cine y televisión en Estados Unidos y México entre 1962 y 1999.


Anjanette Comer


A Bird of the Air
Mrs. Weber
A man in search of his past, and a woman who lives in the moment, are brought together when they pursue the origins of a stray parrot in this comedic and romantic drama.
Mrs. Palmer (segment "Resurrection of the Damned") (archive footage)
Forbidden Worlds establishes itself as the premier purveyor of Horror and Mayhem with a trilogy of gothic tales of demonic possession. The Devil's Spell Bodies drop in a night of terror as an evil witch comes back to kill the descendants of the witch hunters who burned her...300 years earlier! Witches' Dolls A literal demon disguised as a sweet little old lady is hell-bent on capturing the souls of unsuspecting boarders and imprisoning them in her hideous book of paper dolls. Resurrection Of The Damned A man haunted by the ghost of his dead father and enticed by black magic enters a world that goes beyond the wildest imagination.
Secretos de familia
Hilda Potter
Tras una ausencia de quince años de su pequeña ciudad natal, Martha (Loni Anderson) decide regresar para ver a su hermana, Linda. Sin embargo, su regreso se convierte en una auténtica pesadilla cuando es testigo de un brutal crimen. Martha, aterrorizada, intenta llamar a la policía, pero un giro extraño del destino la pone cara a cara con el asesino, por lo que se siente incapaz de hablar con nadie sobre el crimen. Ansiosa y conmocionada, Martha intenta evitar la sospecha de que su propio cuñado sea un psicópata y quiera convertirla en su próxima víctima.
Bajos fondos
Mrs. Chambers
Michael Chambers es un seductor que cree que puede saltarse las reglas impunemente. Después de traicionar a Rachel, su mujer, decide volver con ella. Pero, durante su ausencia, las cosas han cambiado: Rachel está ahora con un hombre que la cuida como nunca había hecho Michael. Sin embargo, Rachel se encuentra ante un dilema: ser libre y dueña de sí misma o depender de un hombre que se ocupe de ella.
Perry Mason: El caso del Romeo imprudente
Nora Turner
Un presentador de televisión publica un libro escandaloso en donde se habla de sus numerosos romances con varias mujeres conocidas. Una noche aparece asesinado en su apartamento.
El otro mundo
Mrs. Palmer
Un joven investiga a su misterioso y finado padre viajando hacia una plantación en el sur en la que abunda la magia negra y la brujería, estando su padre involucrado en estas artes non sanctas.
The Long Summer of George Adams
A middle-age man, in small-town Middle America, lives a momentous year in the mid-20th century.
Fire Sale
Marion Fikus
Benny and his wife Ruthie are getting set to drive down to Florida, but Benny needs someone to look after his department store while he's gone. Though he doesn't think much of him, Benny hands the responsibility over to his son, Russell. While Russell doesn't get much respect from his parents, he's better off than his brother, Ezra, whom Benny has gone so far as to disown. Ezra is currently battling with his work (coach of a high school basketball team that hasn't won in ages) and his wife (who keeps nagging him that she wants to have a baby as soon as possible) at the same time.
Muerte de noche
Antología de sketches de terror que contiene tres cuentos macabros; uno sobre un coche viejo que llevará a su nuevo propietario en un viaje en el tiempo, otro sobre vampiros, y el último sobre una madre que ha perdido a su hijo y hará cualquier cosa para recuperarlo.
Bernice Meyer
Biografía de Louis Buchalter, un jefe mafioso estadounidense de familia judía, conocido como Lepke.
The Manchu Eagle Murder Caper Mystery
Arlevia Jessup
Film noir parody with a private eye trying to solve the murder of his milkman.
Death Stalk
Pat Trahey
The whitewater raft trip of two couples is interrupted by a visit from four prison escapees who take the women hostage to aid in their escape. The husbands break free from their bonds and raft down the river in hopes of rescuing their wives.
Terror on the 40th Floor
Darlene Foster
A number of business people, keeping the Christmas Eve office party going longer than was originally intended, are beset by a fire that starts in the basement of their office building and creeps up at them from floor to floor.
Night Games
Jenny Kenedisis
A Harvard-educated, big-city lawyer moves to a small Arizona town to set up practice. His first case is defending a beautiful socialite accused of murdering her husband. This is the pilot TV movie for what would become the Petrocelli TV series.
Shadow of Fear
Danna Forester
A rich woman, an industrialist's wife, finds her home nearly destroyed and with menacing phrases painted on the walls. Besides calling the police, her husband calls his security manager, an ex-cop, who hesitates before accepting the task of protecting her and finding the responsible party.
Jaula sin techo
Ann Gentry
Ann es una asistenta social que recibe un caso muy especial, tiene que visitar a la familia Wadsworth: la madre, dos hijas y un bebé. Lo que hace más difícil este caso es que el pequeño tiene 21 años y Ann, que atraviesa un mal momento en su vida personal, se dedica plenamente al niño.
The Night of a Thousand Cats
Millionaire playboy Hugo flies around Acapulco in his private helicopter to pick up sexy young women. He whisks them away to his secluded old castle, where he wines and dines them. With the aid of his bald, mute little helper, Dorgo, he kills his dates, keeping their heads in a crystal cage and feeding their chopped up body parts to his 1,000-strong army of bloodthirsty, flesh hungry cats.
The Deadly Hunt
A young couple on a forest holiday become unwitting targets for paid killers, and a forest fire helps them escape.
Five Desperate Women
Five young women find themselves at the mercy of a mysterious killer while vacationing on an isolated island.
Diane Jennings
Miles C. Banyon is a private investigator in 1930s Los Angeles. In this TV movie—which served as the pilot episode for the short-lived TV show—Banyon's new client, a young woman, is found dead in his office...shot with his own gun.
The Firechasers
Toby Collins
Insurance investigator must find out who is setting fires. Along the way he meets and works with a beautiful newspaper reporter and falls in love.
Rabbit, Run
Ruth Leonard
Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom comes home one day from his dead-end job to find his pregnant wife Janice asleep, splayed in front of the TV, highball glass in hand. After a moment's contemplation, he decides to leave. Taking his coat and car keys, he's off and running on a rambling, aimless journey.
The Young Lawyers
Bonnie Baron
TV-pilot that was an ABC Movie of the Week in October of 1969 and then became a TV-series as part of the 1970-71 season.
En país enemigo
Durante la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), dos agentes secretos americanos deben infiltrarse en territorio nazi. Su objetivo es boicotear un nuevo tipo de torpedo. En Alemania recibirán la ayuda de una mujer, que es la prometida de un noble germano. (FILMAFFINITY)
Los cañones de San Sebastián
En 1750, León, un patriota rebelde que ha sido herido, huye por las calles de un pueblo mejicano y se refugia en la iglesia, donde el padre José, un viejo franciscano, lo acoge y se niega terminantemente a entregarlo a las autoridades. Condenados los dos al destierro, no tienen más salida que refugiarse en San Sebastián, un mísero y apartado poblado, donde se verán acosados por toda clase de peligros.
Carol Lindquist
Al encargarse profesionalmente del mantenimiento del campo de golf del Presidente Country Club después de un periodo de inactividad, Mike Banning se ve envuelto en una espiral de problemas y turbios asuntos. El interés de Banning por ingresar en el club se debe a la voluntad de ayudar a su amigo Doc Brewer, un jugador que adeuda una importante suma de dinero. Las mismas intenciones parecen perseguir a Cynthia, la esposa del director del club, Jonathan Linus.
Sierra prohibida
Matt Fletcher es un cazador de búfalos que regresa a su pueblo, en la frontera de Río Grande, con un semental appaloosa. Pero cuando un bandido mexicano, Chuy Medina (John Saxon), le roba el caballo, Matt hace todo lo posible para recuperarlo. Aunque es humillado y torturado por Medina y sus hombres, no se da por vencido y se enfrenta al bandido. Matt resulta herido pero es rescatado por Trini (Anjanette Comer), la amante de Chuy. En el violento clímax de la película, Matt se verá obligado a elegir entre Trini y su valioso semental.
Los seres queridos
Aimee Thanatogenos
Basada en una novela de Evelyn Waugh. Un aspirante a poeta (Morse) entra en contacto con un estrafalario empresario de pompas fúnebres (Winters) y otros extravagantes personajes. (FILMAFFINITY)
Quick, Before It Melts
Tiara Marshall
A reporter and a photographer become entwined with women, marriage, and a defecting Russian scientist while on an expedition to Antarctica for their magazine.
Étude in Black
Jenifer Welles
Young and talented concert pianist Jenifer Welles is threatening to go public with details of her affair with brilliant symphony orchestra conductor Alex Benedict. Since Alex's strong-willed mother-in-law, Lizzi Fielding, is the chairman of the symphony board, he cannot risk the scandal.