George Khan
Salford, 1971. George Khan wants to raise his family in the traditional Pakistani way, but his children have other ideas. Abdul and Tariq aren't ready to be married off, Saleem is pushing artistic boundaries, Meenah's skirt is too short and Sajit just wants to hide in his parka. As relations reach breaking point, their English mother, Ella, is torn between her loyalty to George and the happiness of her children.
On a distant island a man waits. Robbed of his position, power and wealth, his enemies have left him in isolation. But this is no ordinary man, and this no ordinary island. Prospero is a magician, able to control the very elements and bend nature to his will. When a sail appears on the horizon, he reaches out across the ocean to the ship that carries the men who wronged him. Creating a vast magical storm he wrecks the ship and washes his enemies up on the shore. When they wake they find themselves lost on a fantastical island where nothing is as it seems.
Un día James Bowen, un músico callejero de Londres, se encuentra en su apartamento un gato herido abandonado al que llama Bob... Basado en un bestseller del propio James Bowen (A Street Cat Named Bob, and How he Saved my Life) que estuvo en Inglaterra 52 semanas consecutivas en la lista de los más vendidos.
Security Guard #2
Simon (James McAvoy), un empleado de una casa de subastas, se asocia con una banda criminal para robar una valiosa obra de arte. Pero, tras recibir un golpe en la cabeza durante el atraco, descubre, al despertarse, que no recuerda dónde ha escondido el cuadro. Cuando ni las amenazas ni la tortura física logran arrancarle respuesta alguna, el líder de la banda (Vincent Cassel) contrata a una hipnoterapeuta (Rosario Dawson) para que le ayude a recordar.
Un misterioso francotirador está disparando contra los ocupantes de un bloque de pisos semiabandonado con un poderoso rifle de alta precisión y silenciador especial. Nadie del exterior puede escuchar los disparos y ninguna ayuda está en camino. Si las aterrorizadas víctimas no consiguen encontrar pronto una vía de escape serán asesinadas una tras otra.
2nd Lord Dumaine
National Theatre Live is an initiative operated by the Royal National Theatre in London, which broadcasts live via satellite, performances of their productions to movie theaters, cinemas and arts centres on the world. The second production, All's Well That Ends Well, showed at a total of around 300 screens, and today, the number of venues that show NT Live productions has grown to around 700.
White House Guard
La hija del presidente de los Estados Unidos, una bella jovencita de 18 años, echa de menos la libertad que disfrutan los ciudadanos anónimos. Ella no puede llevar una vida normal, pues siempre está rodeada de guardaespaldas y sometida a medidas de seguridad que limitan sus movimientos y le impiden pasar inadvertida. Durante un viaje por Europa, consigue eludir la vigilancia del servicio secreto y conoce a un atractivo chico inglés de que se enamora.
Dr. Nina Jekyll, a recluse who finds friendship with her newly hired help, Rob. They must work together to prevent Hyde from destroying her life.