Martin Mull
Nacimiento : 1943-08-18, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Offbeat funnyman Martin Mull was born in Chicago, Illinois, the oldest of three children, and raised in Ohio. The blond-maned, blue-eyed comedian with the sad, droopy mustache first came in contact with the arts by honing in on his innate talents as a painter. In order to pay his art school tuition, he started organizing bands. At around the same time, he discovered that stand-up comedy was another way to allow his creative juices to flow.
Martin's early recognition as a humorist led to a recording contract, and, over the years, he would be Grammy-nominated several times for a number of eccentric comedy albums. His gimmick and allure came in the form of a dry, humorless delivery and a bland, highly conservative-looking demeanor, which masked a sly, witty and ultra-hip philosophy.
Gaining popularity in the 1970s, he finally broke into TV with the cult soap opera parody "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman" (1976) in which he played Garth Gimble, a volatile wife abuser whose comeuppance occurred in the form of an aluminum Christmas tree (impaled) in his home closet. Martin was so popular on the show that he was resurrected in the spin-off series "Fernwood 2 Night" (1977) as twin brother Barth Gimble, who was a co-host of the town's television program along with Fred Willard's Jerry Hubbard character.
After this peak, Martin became a sought-after guest on the talk show circuit, not to mention variety specials and TV movies. He tried his hand at producing and starring in his own sitcom "Domestic Life" (1984) but the series failed. He also added his special brand of merriment to films over the years, some of them being decent, such as FM (1978), Serial (1980), Mr. Mom (1983) and Clue (1985) in the role of the tweedy-looking Colonel Mustard, while most have been either formula schtick or just plain drivel, as in Take This Job and Shove It (1981), Rented Lips (1988), which he produced and wrote, Cutting Class (1989), Far Out Man (1990) with Cheech & Chong, and Mr. Write (1994).
Martin's first passion has always been art and the distinguished multi-media artist's work has been showcased in galleries throughout the world. He also authored the book "Painting, Drawing and World," which is a compilation of ten years of his work. Mull is married to a composer and musician, Wendy, and they have a daughter. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Gary Brumburgh
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Clue (1985) has become a cult classic film and is loved by multiple generations. Yet there has never been a documentary created to tell the behind the scenes stories...until now.
Mr. Sunnyside
A jolly, but meek, grocery store manager learns to stand up for himself after a sexual harassment misunderstanding brands him as public enemy #1.
'Modern' Douglas Kenney
En los años 70 y 80, el éxito y la influencia de la revista National Lampoon dio pie a que se creara un nuevo imperio mediático supervisado en parte por el brillante y afligido Doug Kenney.
El inventor Tim Jenison busca comprender las técnicas de pintura utilizados por el maestro holandés Johannes Vermeer.
Eleven-year-old Oliver has a unique ability to see "full-bodied apparitions," otherwise known as ghosts. When his family moves from the bustling city to an older home in the suburbs, only Oliver is able to see the spirit of Clive Rutledge (Martin Mull), the previous owner. Clive causes every manner of destruction to force Oliver and his family to leave. But perhaps Oliver's special talent, along with the help of a kind neighbor (Rhea Perlman), will show Clive how to release his earthly regrets so he can leave the house and the family in peace.
Comedia centrada en un fallido entrenador de caballos que quiere desesperadamente volver al círculo de ganadores.
Tras sufrir una repentina ruptura de la que intenta recuperarse, Jen Kornfeldt (Katherine Heigl) cree que nunca volverá a enamorarse. Sin embargo, cuando accede a regañadientes a acompañar a sus padres a un viaje a la Costa Azul francesa, Jen acaba conociendo al hombre de sus sueños: el atractivo Spencer Aimes (Ashton Kutcher). Tres años más tarde, su sueño aparentemente inalcanzable se ha hecho realidad: Spencer y ella son unos recién casados que llevan una vida idílica en un barrio residencial... al menos, hasta la mañana siguiente al cumpleaños de Spencer en la que empiezan a silbar las balas a su alrededor. Literalmente.Resulta que Spencer nunca se había molestado en contar a Jen que había sido un superespía internacional, y ahora el mundo perfecto de Jen se ha venido abajo.
Jeffry Morton
Un joven empresario (Livingston) de buena posición y que está a punto de casarse vive obsesionado con la idea de conocer a sus padres biológicos. Cuando, por fin, decide buscarlos, sus pesquisas lo conducen hasta un extravagante y hortera matrimonio (DeVito y Bates) que vive en la pobreza. (FILMAFFINITY)
Twelve-year-old Annie Lamm's first day of summer break quickly turns into a disaster. She realizes that her parents have not only decided to fly her to Hilton Head Island during their second honeymoon, but they also plan to coerce her to spend half her summer with her 76-year-old Grandpa Donald whom she hardly even knows.
Aclamado documental sobre la comedia y los cómicos.
Martin Grant
A los 13 años, Holly pide a Santa Claus un regalo navideño muy especial: un novio. Sin embargo, el tiempo va pasando y la joven aún no ha visto cumplido su deseo. Se acerca una nueva Navidad y Holly vuelve a ver a Santa, quien no ha olvidado el peculiar encargo. A la mañana siguiente, un apuesto joven llama a su puerta, diciendo que es el regalo esperado.
Wayne Simonelli
The Year That Trembled is a coming-of-age story set in 1970 in the shadow of Kent State that focuses on a group of young people facing the Vietnam Draft Lottery.
Skeptical Husband
As Sister Mary delivers a lecture on sin and its consequences, she's interrupted by several of her former students, who have little positive to say about how a Catholic education has impacted their lives.
An actor's promotional appearance at a new shopping centre is ruined when a popular rival shows up at a nearby store.
Showtime's "In the 20th Century" is a millennium-related strand of feature-length documentaries in which famous directors take on major subjects of their choosing. In the third of the six films, "Yesterday's Tomorrows," filmmaker Barry Levinson delves into what we, as Americans, thought the future would be as we traveled through the 20th century. Houses and cars of the future, the promise of technology, and the other hopes and dreams of the early part of the century gave way to the fears and anxieties brought about by the atomic age and the Hollywood disaster films that followed. Soon we wondered if we could control technology, or if it would control us. This film is by turns light-hearted and thoughtful, and rare historical and archival film, produced by government and industry, alternates with on-screen interviews with people as diverse as consumer advocate Ralph Nader, cartoonist Matt Groening, futurist Alvin Toffler, comedienne Phyllis Diller, and actor Martin Mull.
Richard Rich
Después de sufrir duras críticas por arruinar la Navidad, el niño más rico del mundo desearía no haber nacido. Desafortunadamente, una máquina de los deseos inventada por el profesor Keenbean recoge su deseo y lo convierte en realidad. Ahora Richie se encuentra en un mundo paralelo, en el que su única esperanza es hallar al profesor para que le devuelva a casa.
Virgil Payne
Zack y Reba tienen algo en común: sus respectivas parejas murieron en circunstancias trágicas. Zack vive casi recluido desde entonces, y Reba siente un insoportable sentimiento de culpa por el suicidio de su novio. Cuando Zack y Reba se conocen descubrirán que están hechos el uno para el otro.
Doug Robinson
Marsha Robinson es una famosa cocinera de la televisión, que llevará a su familia a unas vacaciones de trabajo. Su yate será atacado por piratas y la familia Ronbinson tendrá que sobrevivir en una isla desierta. (FILMAFFINITY)
Howard Langston es un atareado hombre de negocios que llega tarde a la clase de karate de su hijo Jamie. Para que le perdone le promete que le regalará lo que le pida por navidad: Jamie le pide un muñeco Turboman. El problema es que el juguete es el más popular y está agotado en todas las jugueterías. Con sólo unas pocas horas para Navidad, Howie inicia una cómica odisea por toda la ciudad a la caza y captura del preciado objeto.
Johnnie Sparkle
In this comedy, two women head for Reno to get simultaneous quicky divorces and end up becoming friends. Edie was married years ago, but her husband abandoned her two weeks after the wedding. Pen spent nine years married to an ice-cold businessman who neglected her.
Quote Reader
Explores sexuality and censorship over a hundred years of motion pictures.
Bart Gafooley
Dos gemelas ayudan a una mujer a salvar su rancho turístico, de unos urbanistas que quieren construir un parque.
Dan Barnes
Aspiring writer (with no talent) gets a job on a TV commercial, falls for an advertising executive.
Norman Roberts
An irresponsible teen examines his life after his fed-up parents leave him to fend for himself.
Justin Gregory
Willams es padre y esposo. Sus hijos lo consideran un padre maravilloso, pero su mujer está cansada de que se comporte como si también él fuera un niño. Tras un accidentado divorcio, aunque lucha con todas sus fuerzas para conseguir la custodia de los niños, el juez no se la concede. Decide entonces hacerse pasar por una señora mayor para poder ser, al menos, la canguro de sus hijos.
“Love Thy Neighbor" Host
Newswoman Fay Sommerfield takes a morally outraged look at excessive violence, bad language and sacrilege that pass for entertainment in the early 90s. She illustrates this with clips from (fake) current hit films and music videos.
Donald Burbank
Scott McKay es un chico que creía que lo tenía todo hasta que una mañana se levanta y se da cuenta de que lo ha perdido todo, su trabajo, su apartamento e incluso a su novia. Después de estar en una fiesta junto a sus mejores amigos, Soup y Lars, acaba borracho en la playa donde se encuentra a Jeanie, una preciosa chica que además es un genio que tiene la misión de ayudar a la gente a hacer realidad sus sueños. Lo primero que pide Scott es que Dana, la chica de sus sueños, se fije en él. Pero no todo será tan fácil como parece.
Martin Mull
Griffin Mill, productor cinematográfico de Hollywood, recibe amenazas escritas de un guionista al que rechazó un proyecto. Intentan llegar a un acuerdo, pero tras una terrible discusión, Griffin lo mata. Dada la crisis económica por la que atraviesan los estudios, estos harán todo lo posible para que eluda la responsabilidad de los hechos.
A string of murders at a local strip joint give a reporter the chance to do undercover investigation. She gets a job as a stripper at the establishment, where she befriends some of the other women, who know more about what is happening than they have publicly admitted. As she gets closer to the truth, her life is put in jeopardy.
Ted's Attorney
Ted is a 1970s Venice Beach poet who spends his days drifting along the boardwalk, reciting his poetry to anyone who will listen. His life changes when a bikini-clad beauty named Linda strolls by him. Instantly, Ted believes he's found his "Venus" and becomes obsessed with Linda. He tries to woo her with poetry, obscene phone calls and romantic overtures, all to disastrous effect.
El cómico Tommy Chong (antiguo miembro del dúo Cheech y Chong) es fiel partidario del consumo de marihuana y así lo demuestra en esta enloquecida historia. La hija de un trasnochado hippy llevará a su padre a un psiquiatra cuando éste no dé la menor señal de vida tras un masivo abuso de hierba.
Una patrulla de esquí intenta salvar una estación que está a punto de cerrarse a causa de que un individuo pretende adueñarse de ella. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dr. Bruekner
Two truckers hired to transport toxic waste across the country get caught up with a teen genius who stows away on their truck.
William Carson III
La estudiante de instituto Paula Carson tiene dos pretendientes entre sus compañeros de clase: Dwight, el "chico malo", y Brian, un joven algo perturbado que acaba de salir de un hospital mental donde estuvo ingresado tras la sospechosa muerte de su padre. Poco después de la salida de Brian, varias muertes comienzan a suceder en el instituto.
Martin Mull
Funny satire of middle America and talk shows, featuring cast members of "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman" and 2/3 of Spinal Tap!
Funny satire of middle America and talk shows, featuring cast members of "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman" and 2/3 of Spinal Tap!
Executive Producer
A documentary filmmaker, who has spent the last 15 years making films like "Aluminum: Our Shiny Friend," is finally given the chance to make the documentary on Indian farming he has always wanted to. The catch? He must simultaneously direct a porn film. But as he tries to make the porn film, which he turns into a musical called "Halloween in the Barracks," he must deal with a temperamental actor, a fundamentalist preacher, and other obstacles.
A documentary filmmaker, who has spent the last 15 years making films like "Aluminum: Our Shiny Friend," is finally given the chance to make the documentary on Indian farming he has always wanted to. The catch? He must simultaneously direct a porn film. But as he tries to make the porn film, which he turns into a musical called "Halloween in the Barracks," he must deal with a temperamental actor, a fundamentalist preacher, and other obstacles.
Archie Powell
A documentary filmmaker, who has spent the last 15 years making films like "Aluminum: Our Shiny Friend," is finally given the chance to make the documentary on Indian farming he has always wanted to. The catch? He must simultaneously direct a porn film. But as he tries to make the porn film, which he turns into a musical called "Halloween in the Barracks," he must deal with a temperamental actor, a fundamentalist preacher, and other obstacles.
Carson Boundy
Nurse and con artist Belle Haimes (Valri Bromfield) lives with her dull-witted husband Rex Haimes (Stephen E. Miller) in the Hart Mansion in British Columbia. There she cares for the invalid, 103 year-old Slim Hart, aka Pappy, (Joe Austin) and his wife, Minnie (Enid Saunders) who is in a coma. Waking up from a sleep, Belle is not enthusiastic about returning to her job and overhears the night nurse (Leslie Jones) reading a postcard from the Hart's two twin boys, Martin Hart (Eric Christmas) and Art Hart (Ted Stidder) that they will be returning home soon. Belle plots the death of old Mrs. Hart and the kidnapping of Old Pappy but things don't go quite according to plan.
From an uproarious news spoof to a luncheonette that specializes in some sandwiches, Jonathan Winters and his wild bunch wreak comedy havoc in this wacky walk on the wild side.
Tang / Arthur Lyle
A parody of Saturday afternoon matinee's, including coming attractions and a cartoon.
Steve Guttenberg portrays Pecos Bill, the "King of the Cowboys," in this rootin' tootin' epic. Raised by coyotes, Bill puts the "wild" in the Wild West settlement of Petunia City. When his rowdy behavior gets him run out of town, he heads for Mexico. There, Bill lassos a cyclone to save the state of Texas from drought. His heroics become campfire legend, proving that selflessness and bravery are never forgotten.
The sequel to The History of White People in America
Himself - Host
The sequel to The History of White People in America
Tony Dugdale
Un empleado de una importante empresa se haya agobiado con su trabajo (quiere ascender de puesto) y con su propio matrimonio (su mujer no le da el hijo que desea). Es entonces cuando su jefe invita a la pareja a pasar un fin de semana en su apartamento de vacaciones para ofrecerles descanso y, al mismo tiempo, hablar de negocios. La esposa del jefe, una atractiva e inteligente mujer, seduce al empleado, que tendrá que decidir si se arriesga o no en ese posible romance.
Colonel Mustard
En una gran y apartada mansión victoriana se reúnen varios personajes pintorescos para cenar ante una misteriosa invitación de un anfitrión desconocido. Todos ellos tienen secretos que ocultar, por los que son vilmente chantajeados desde hace años. Cuando la casa se queda a oscuras por culpa de un momentáneo apagón de luz, el chantajista aparece asesinado en el salón. Ahora deben averiguar quién de ellos ha sido el culpable, una tarea muy complicada teniendo en cuenta que todos ellos tenían motivos de peso para cometer el crimen.
A New Jersey auto mechanic travels to California to find the girl of his dreams and woos a bikini fashion model while the time quarreling with her high-powered manager and avoiding his New Jersey girlfriend who comes looking for him.
Frank Maris
A middle-aged Annette Funicello stars in this made-for-Disney film about a blue-collar family whose lives are forever transformed when they win the lottery.
In this parody of documentaries, host Martin Mull discusses the contributions that white people have made to the USA, visits the Institute of White Studies, and follows a typical white family as they go about their everyday lives.
In this parody of documentaries, host Martin Mull discusses the contributions that white people have made to the USA, visits the Institute of White Studies, and follows a typical white family as they go about their everyday lives.
Pat Coletti
O.C. y Stiggs dos jóvenes desencantados de los suburbios cuyo principal objetivo es hacer la vida imposible a la familia Schwab, cuyos miembros representan lo que ambos chicos más detestan: la clase media.
Warren Fitzpatrick
Piper (Georg Olden) es llevado a un orfanato por la policía. Allí conoce a otros niños internos, entre los que están Mouse (Michael Hentz), Blackie (Christopher Brown), Whitey (Joey Coleman) y Joey (Pamela Segall). Tanto Kurtz como Serena, la administradora del centro, tratan con muy malos modos a los chicos. Estos van a unirse para rescatar al joven Mouse, quien ha sido adoptado por los Fitzpatrick (Martin Mull y Karen Black) una familia de locos y raros personajes.
Mel Shaver (uncredited)
Alan pierde su empleo y a su novia. Gracias a un amigo encontrará un trabajo como conductor en una agencia de alquiler de coches de lujo. A partir de ese momento, su vida estará llena de peripecias y peligros.
Cuando Jack se queda sin trabajo, él y su mujer Caroline deciden que hasta que encuentre otro se encargue de las labores domésticas y de los niños. Lo malo es que Jack no tiene la menor idea de cómo hacerlo, y convertirá todo en un desastre.
Drug Store Clerk (uncredited)
Un instituto de chicas justo enfrente de un instituto de chicos. En medio, sólo una estrecha calle que los separa. Christine está locamente enamorada de Jim, un apuesto y atlético chico, con el que pretende fugarse en busca de una aventura amorosa de locura. Sin embargo, su archienemiga Jordan también lo desea, y hará todo lo que pueda para conseguirlo, cueste lo que cueste.
A celebration of how the very young and the very old appreciate and enjoy each other via sketches and variety performances.
Television parody. Sketches include: Women Who Have Made It With Me, No-Arms Bandits, Pee-Wee's Playhouse, & Funky High School. Features a performance by Riders in the Sky & Devo's "Beautiful World" music video. Also, excerpts from Tom Tom Club's "Genius of Love" video, & QUASI AT THE QUACKADERO.
Dick Ebersol
A junior executive is ordered to boost output in the hometown brewery where his old friends work.
Mr. Peache
Clifford Peache (Chris Makepeace) es un joven que llega nuevo a un colegio donde se le recibe con hostilidad en este film juvenil que obtuvo excelentes críticas en USA
A man resists the California fads that his wife, friends and wealthy Marin County neighbors embrace. Based on the serial by Cyra McFadden in the San Francisco Chronicle in the 70s, satirizing the lifestyle trends of the local elite - from open marriages and organic food to New Age cults.
1979 comedy special starring Chevy Chase in the vein of Saturday Night Live.
1979 comedy special starring Chevy Chase in the vein of Saturday Night Live.
Eric Swan
Q-SKY is the #1 radio station in Los Angeles mainly because of the music they play; running the station the way they want to, it has made them a ratings success.
Music Producer
A Southern stock-car driver puts his rising career in the hands of a race promoter.