Music fairy tale
Tercera entrega desarrollada por Art Pictures Studio y Vodorod. Continúa la historia tras el encuentro alienígena sobre Moscú.
¿Qué pasa si Cheburashka realmente existe? ¿Qué pasa si no es un juguete de peluche, sino un verdadero animal peludo que vive en un campo de naranjos en un país lejano? ¿Qué pasa si se encuentra en un pequeño pueblo junto al mar y conoce a un anciano poco comunicativo que no lo necesita en absoluto, conoce a un niño pequeño que no puede hablar y su madre, que hace un chocolate increíble, conoce a una tía extraña que quiere cómpralo y dáselo a su antipática nieta, y a muchas, muchas otras personas.
A story about twin brothers from a family of hereditary military sailors. Their father, a brave sea captain, dreams that his sons graduate from the legendary Nakhimov school and continue the family dynasty in the navy. However, the guys themselves do not think about the sea service at all. Like most teenagers today, all they want is fun and easy money. These desires lead the heroes to the gang of the local "leader" of youth, from which it will be extremely difficult for them to get out without the support of their native school.
Vice prime minister
La caída de un objeto extraterrestre ha dividido las vidas en un "antes" y un "después". Una chica normal y corriente de Chertanov (Moscú) -Yulia Lebedeva- se ve obligada a ser una cobaya de laboratorio; después de todo, ella es la única que ha estado en contacto con el alienígena. Los científicos tratan de desentrañar la naturaleza de sus crecientes poderes, pero lo más aterrador es que sus nuevas habilidades no son la única preocupación de los terrícolas: una amenaza de invasión se cierne sobre el planeta. Y ganar en la colisión que se avecina sólo puede ser de una manera: encontrando el poder de seguir siendo humano ¿Serán el amor, la lealtad y la piedad más fuertes que la fuerza bruta y la tecnología alienígena?
Shura - rukovoditel pokhoronnogo orkestra
Based on the works of Mikhail Zhvanetsky. The plot of the new comedy is based on the famous miniatures “Odessa Steamboat”, “Two Apples”, “Meeting at the Distillery” and other works by one of the country's most famous humor writers Mikhail Zhvanetsky. In total - 13 miniatures. The fates of the heroes of each story are intertwined, and the viewer will see a panorama of life in which the head of the transport department could not be heard, the plane’s crew wonders if passengers can land the plane, the barmaid stands at the helm of the ship, and the father teaches his son arithmetic, destroying all the apples in the house...
Gleb, director of publishing house
She always has a plan. For each his own. For everyone another name. One needs Vera (Faith), another Nadezhda (Hope). And almost all need Liubov (Love). She leaves every one at his own time. She finds a reason. But who knows where deceit ends which people buy only for the sake of money, and when genuine feelings begin? And who knows who she is: just a kept woman in the capital, or an artful swindler, or a talented actress, or a woman who is able only to love? To love them all.
«The Victory will be my gift to you!». This is the promise, which the 17-year old volunteer soldier makes to a very young hospital nurse, with whom he is madly in love. Many years later following a tragic accident the protagonist of our story will get hold of the volunteer’s diary. He lives is a bustling vicious city sparkling with steel and other expensive tinsel. He has achieved almost everything that a modern citizen might dream of – ha has successful career, a striking well-groomed wife and other attributes of his status. From time to time he shares his success formulas with hundreds of students of a business school dreaming of making a similar career.
Three young women living in Moscow found out that their partners are married to other women. Coping with this news at the bar, they decide to seek revenge for each other. When the job is done, it turns out that there are thousands of women caught in the same situation, hurt and cheated on by unfaithful husbands. All of these offended women want revenge. Our ladies can help with this.
Liuba Vasnetsova lives in a provincial boarding school, dreams of finishing it sooner rather than later and go to St Petersburg to become a stewardess. The future seems bright: after boarding school she receives the keys to a new apartment, with a new life ahead. But on the day of her graduation she learns that she is not an orphan: her father is alive and not dead, as she was told earlier. The girl is shaken and decides to find him.
Liuba Vasnetsova lives in a provincial boarding school, dreams of finishing it sooner rather than later and go to St Petersburg to become a stewardess. The future seems bright: after boarding school she receives the keys to a new apartment, with a new life ahead. But on the day of her graduation she learns that she is not an orphan: her father is alive and not dead, as she was told earlier. The girl is shaken and decides to find him.
Liuba Vasnetsova lives in a provincial boarding school, dreams of finishing it sooner rather than later and go to St Petersburg to become a stewardess. The future seems bright: after boarding school she receives the keys to a new apartment, with a new life ahead. But on the day of her graduation she learns that she is not an orphan: her father is alive and not dead, as she was told earlier. The girl is shaken and decides to find him.
Película basada en hechos reales ocurridos en los Juegos Olímpicos de 1972 en Munich. Se centra en el memorable partido final entre los equipos de baloncesto de la URSS y los EE. UU.
Alexandre III
La película cuenta la historia de la relación sentimental entre el heredero al trono ruso, Nikolay Romanov, y la bailarina del Teatro Imperial, Matilda Kshesinskaya, desde la época en que el príncipe heredero tenía 22 años y la bailarina 18 años en 1890, hasta la coronación de Nikolay y su esposa Aleksandra Fedorovna en 1896.
A police detective is going through different adventures while he is stuck in a little boy body.
By miracle he avoided death and returns to the house where he was born. In the house now lives the love of his life. But the hope for happiness turns sour with a terrible discovery: his beloved is the daughter of his enemy.
Vice-Prime Minister
Sobre Moscú es derribado un objeto no identificado, posiblemente de origen extraterrestre. Esto hace que la mayor parte de la capital quede acordonada, para evacuación a los residentes locales y para que un equipo del Ministerio de Defensa, trate de ponerse en contacto con los llamados “invitados”.
One-armed nobleman
Volviendo a San Petersburgo después de un largo exilio, el Yakovlev corriendo, un oficial retirado del ejército, hace una vida cómoda al ganar duelos de otras personas. Un profesional enigmática, enfocado y muy hábil, que deja un rastro de cadáveres detrás de él mientras se arremolina a través de la buena sociedad, con frecuencia llamados a empuñar una pistola como un sustituto en los duelos al amanecer. Pero cuando se encuentra con el Yakovlev ingenua joven príncipe Tuchov y su bella hermana, la princesa Marta, la mercenaria normalmente de corazón frío es sorprendido por las emociones que hasta ahora no detectados. Lo que sucede descubre una serie de revelaciones sobre su pasado y su presente auto.
The film covers a period from 1984 to 1991 and tells about the rise of new independent states, including Kazakhstan. In addition, it features the role of the first President of Kazakhstan in the reforms carried out in the country, as well as the initiatives, which today have turned into global scale projects.
Moran (voice)
Un cuento sobre la travesía de un niño de 10 años de edad dedicado a ayudar a su madre, Savva, y su compañero para ayudar a la gente del pueblo a liberarse de las hienas feroces.
Drama based on life and stories of one of the most popular Soviet/Russian writers - Sergei Dovlatov.
Uncle Misha
A coming of age story taking place in a small Soviet town in early 70s...
читает текст, озвучка
Es a finales de primavera de 1942 , y la Gran Guerra Patria está en pleno apogeo . Un largo camino desde la línea de frente, en algún cruce olvidado por Dios , los alemanes hacen una operación de desembarco aéreo en un intento de conseguir a través de la vía férrea Kirov y el Mar Blanco - Canal del Mar Báltico. Estos no son sólo paracaidistas ordinarios. Este es un equipo de infiltrados experimentados y altamente capacitados , la élite de las Waffen -SS , superhumanos . La única cosa en su camino es una unidad de artillería antiaérea de Vaskov corporal y cinco mujeres jóvenes en formación . ¿Pueden el cabo y sus pequeños ' novatos ' hacer para prevenir el sabotaje nazi y a qué costo ?
Kazbek (voice)
Pushok, un atrevido cachorro astronauta, está en una misión para encontrar a su padre, que se encuentra atrapado en la luna. Desafi ando todas las posibilidades, Pushok despega en un cohete para rescatar a su familia, pero rápidamente descubre que no se encuentra solo y se topa en su camino con un mono y con pequeños alienígenas. ¿Podrá Pushok salvar a su familia? ¿Será esta una misión imposible?
A story about a homeless boy and his best friend - dog.
Pavel Petrovich
A true story about an 11-year-old girl named Maria who makes her way back home to Lithuania from Siberia.
Змей Горыныч (озвучка)
With a cheeky wolf as a travel companion, a prince from a faraway kingdom embarks on a quest to win a princess's heart.
Viktor Shamanov
Big home of Shamanov family has everything - except love and understanding under the roof...
Slava Kolotilov es un maestro que llega a Moscú con el manuscrito de su novela debajo del brazo, decidido a conquistar la ciudad. Consigue ganarse el corazón de la preciosa Nadya. Se acerca el día de la boda; el restaurante está reservado, las invitaciones se han mandado, pero Slava no puede escapar de las garras de Dedos, el director del colegio, que le obliga a ser el entrenador del equipo de fútbol en los campeonatos de la provincia. Decide llamar a Nadya y contarle una increíble historia acerca de accidentes y catástrofes varias que le impiden llegar a tiempo a la ceremonia. Pero la celebración en la lejana Moscú ya está en pleno auge, a pesar de que el novio no esté.
Valeriy Sinitsyn
A collection of several interlinked stories that happen on the New Year's eve...
Ambientado en la Siberia de 1945, Ignat (Vladimir Mashkov), antiguo héroe soviético, llega a una pequeña y curiosa localidad para trabajar como maquinista, allí descubre la pasión de sus habitantes por las carreras de locomotoras. Para ganarlas (y aconsejado por un amigo) Ignat embarca en la búsqueda de una locomotora abandonada en una isla. Allí conocerá a una joven alemana que se ha pasado toda la Segunda Guerra Mundial viviendo en solitario.
Yuriko, a daughter of Yakudza boss is lost in Russia. Here she finds Alexey - a young man who is trying to help her.
Priest Alexander
Año 1941. Ha pasado un lustro desde que el destino del general Kotov y su familia cambiara de forma irreversible. Continuación de "Quemado por el Sol" (Burnt by the Sun, 1994). Esta secuela es la producción más cara de la historia del cine ruso.
Vladimir Drozdov
Two veteran meteorologists spend their days on a remote mountain weather station, accompanied by a young boy working as a cook. Their every-day lifestyle, made of creating matchstick models on one side, researching the big-foot myth on the other, and the boy's constant need to find places for hiding is briefly interrupted by a visit from two tourists: husband and his young wife - traveling to visit a cave near the weather station, so they'd mark their five year anniversary. Their arrival is the primer for an unknown series of events that puts an experienced inspector and his young colleague where we find them at the beginning of the movie: on a deserted weather station, where everyone seems to have vanished into thin air. The hank slowly unrolls as viewer discovers the truth behind everything, step by step, until the final loop of a long story line unravels and present him the final surprise.
Kazbek (voice)
La película Perros astronautas sigue la trayectoria de dos perros que son enviados al espacio a través de un programa del gobierno ruso. Belka y Strelka son sometidos a un intenso entrenamiento, junto con otros animales, con el fin de prepararlos para el viaje. Con fuerza de voluntad y la solidaridad de algunos colegas, se las arreglan para superar a sus oponentes y, finalmente, ascender en la cápsula Sputnik 5 junto con 40 ratas y un invitado especial.
Otets Dimy
El film nos cuenta como un estudiante normal del instituto de educación superior de Moscú llega a tener en sus manos a causa del azar un vehículo que usado de una manera concreta puede volar. Nuestro protagonista se convertirá de una persona normal en un superhéroe, el defensor de la ciudad, un misterioso luchador contra el mal.
In 16th-century Russia in the grip of chaos, Ivan the Terrible strongly believes he is vested with a holy mission. Believing he can understand and interpret the signs, he sees the Last Judgment approaching. He establishes absolute power, cruelly destroying anyone who gets in his way. During this reign of terror, Philip, the superior of the monastery on the Solovetsky Islands, a great scholar and Ivan's close friend, dares to oppose the sovereign's mystical tyranny. What follows is a clash between two completely opposite visions of the world, smashing morality and justice, God and men. A grand-scale film with excellent leading roles by Mamonov and Yankovsky. An allegory of Stalinist Russia
Govoryashchiy kon (voice)
A beautiful and kind girl, daughter of Baba Yaga, finds a magical stone Alatyr while walking in a field. It transforms her heart into a stone and puts her under a queer curse. She is to be the evil Countess of Stones and live in a stone tower. If the greatest gem-cutter in the world brings the stone of Alatyr to life, though, she'll become the ruler of the world. The Stone Countess, now cruel and selfish, is fascinated with the idea. She starts searching for the best gem-cutters and forces them to work with Alatyr, so the magical stone would become a living thing. Neither of the gem-cutters succeeds, so she kills them. While being imprisoned in her tower, they work on a large book about the secrets of gem-cutting. Each of them edits the book, so it's later named "the Book of Masters".
Alexander Dronov, the actor, didn't have many success in his life. But despite all the troubles he has an important life mission - he's the man at the window.
Vita, an employee of a private spy agency, is handed a case of tapping into and listening to the mysterious life of a new "client". By day, her work on the case seems all the more routine; by night she's involved in a steamy and passionate affair. Sooner rather than later however, Vita realizes that the man with whom she is having an affair with, is the same man she's been spying on for the agency. From this point on nothing is what it seems, as Vita becomes entangled into a deadly game of cat and mouse.
A gang of crooks robbing cash collectors, run into a police surveillance team and the inadequate police response results in a gunfight. A TV crew on assignment in the area happens to capture this humiliation on camera, and this example of police incompetence is soon the lead story in every news bulletin. Public confidence in law and order now suffers irreparable harm. The head of the Moscow force welcomes a public search-and-destroy operation against these thugs, the brainchild of Katya, his PR director. She proposes that the capture of this dangerous gang be transformed into a live TV show of a kind never seen before. At this point she cannot know that the gang leader's life-and-death struggle with the police is destined to lead to a media duel. Besieged in a huge apartment block, the crooks hold hostage a father and his son and daughter. A massive special forces rescue operation is mounted but fails miserably.
Alu Zef
Sigue la historia de Maxim, un joven astronauta que en un viaje espacial realizado en 2157 encuentra un nuevo planeta. Una vez allí, se encuentra un mundo que combina la crueldad medieval con armas tecnológicas
Mels' father
In this hit Russian musical, a group of friends flaunts Soviet authority in 1950s Moscow by embracing jazz. When Communist Mels falls for Polly, a free-spirited jazz fan, he risks losing his party membership by associating with her rebellious crew.
Young and talented programmers Andrey and Marina have created a unique computer program of great commercial value. By a tragic coincidence, Marina dies. To complete the program, Andrey needs an access key for Marinin. Andrey is faced with the task of unraveling the secret of Marina's key. Only one photo serves as a clue - a photo of Jose, an old friend of Andrei and uncle Marina. In search of a clue, Andrei sets off on the road along the M-8 Highway, which leads to Vologda, where Jose lives. Lena, the lover of an oligarch who wants to take over the program, becomes Andrey's fellow traveler. On their trail are several more interested persons: a former "super agent", a gangster music lover, a distraught politician, stoned bikers and many others.
Año 2157, una nave espacial rusa comandada por Maxim Kamerrer choca en el lejano planeta de Saraksh. Después de largos años de guerra nuclear, una crisis ambiental se cierne sobre el planeta, la sociedad se enfrenta a graves problemas sociales y la paz es muy inestable. El piloto informará sobre el misterioso planeta gobernado por los Unknown Fathers, cinco gobernantes anónimos que manipulan el conocimiento de los habitantes a través de emisores especiales. El piloto encontrará allí nuevo amigos y enemigos, incluso el amor, y acabará dirigiendo un movimiento rebelde que desafiará a estos gobernantes.
A funny adventures of two fifth-graders.
Vasily Osipovich Soborevsky
The year is 1917. We are in the Russian countryside. It is the middle of freezing winter. A pale young, newly educated doctor arrives. Having to deal with one medical challenge after another he soon becomes the center of everyone's attention. To soothe the impressions of human suffering he turns to morphine.
For two months a serial killer has been terrorizing the city of St. Petersburg. Every Wednesday a girl between 9 and 12 years old is the victim. The brutality of the maniac plunges city residents into horror. Parents are afraid of leaving their children alone on the street. The press reinforces the atmosphere of fear and hysteria.
Story of a successful businessman, who has to protect his business in difficult conditions. He gets entrapped into the net of law enforcement structures and after arrest the protagonist starts to notice weird things: some of his interlocutors appear to be not real persons, but phantoms, created by his consciousness. Fantomness, dematerialization of things that are obvious for common sense brings the author to the next stage of thinking - that the illusion of fear is also fruit of our imagination.
Peter A.
A drama about a group of criminals who are targeting rich and successful...
Молодая женщина Ирина, бизнес-вумен, одна воспитывает сына Кирилла 10-и лет. И все вроде бы хорошо: есть деньги, квартира в центре, сын учится в колледже.… Но мальчику катастрофически не хватает отца. Он завидует сверстникам, у которых есть папа и очень страдает…
дядька Константин Сазонов
Detective story set up in the time and place of young Pushkin, at Tsarskosel'sky Liceum.
Italian gambler who is well-skilled in the card trade owes people in authority, and leaves his country to win the money. Arriving in a small Russian town, he tries to show off his tricks to the local card swindlers but is caught and ends up agreeing to a friendship and a cooperation. It is hard not to find oneself liking the gallant Italian.
Captain Popow
El 1 de septiembre de 1939, la Alemania nazi invade Polonia, dando principio a la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El 17 de septiembre, el Ejército Rojo soviético cruza la frontera. El ejército polaco, incapaz de luchar en dos frentes, es derrotado. Miles de hombres polacos, tanto militares como funcionarios gubernamentales, son capturados por los invasores. Su destino solo será conocido varios años después.
Juror #3
Un chico checheno de 18 años es acusado de asesinar a su padrastro, un oficial del ejército ruso. Su destino está en manos de los los doce miembros del jurado. La decisión debe ser unánime, pero cuando es una vida lo que está en juego, siempre es posible plantear una duda razonable que implique la revisión por parte de cada uno de los miembros del jurado de su inicial punto de vista. Versión libre del famoso filme de Lumet "12 hombres sin piedad".
In nineteenth-century Russia, a teenage boy in search of love is drawn to two very different women.
Sergei Nikolayevich
A drama about a life of ordinary people in a small mining town.
Ira es rusa. Ivan Tashkov, también. Ella tiene 23 años, vive en Ginebra con su madre y sabe muy poco sobre su patria. Tashkov es un supuesto capo de la mafia rusa que está en la cárcel a la espera de ser juzgado. Como intérprete del abogado defensor de Tashkov, Ira, que está buscando sus raíces y su propio camino en la vida, en seguida cae bajo el hechizo de este hombre, poderoso, culto y manipulador.
El agente del departamento especial "Piraña" Kirill Mazur y su colega Olga van al norte con la misión de liquidar un laboratorio de armas secretas submarinas bajo la apariencia de unas vacaciones. De repente, se encuentran en el mundo donde las leyes de la civilización se olvidan, y las mortales armas son guardadas por unos gángsters que son controlados por un nuevo "maestro de la taiga": Prohor, cuyo tiempo libre se dedica a la caza de humanos.
Shameless slimeball Eduard "Edik" Letov - clad in an everpresent Hawaiian shirt - puts the sting on alien travelers hoping to connect with their roots, by having local phonies pose as the visitors' long-lost relatives. Complications abound when Letov attempts to pass off an entire village under the guise of a community wiped out during the Second World War. The arrival of a group of trouble-causing misfits, among them mobster Barukh - who wishes to bury his mother's remains, only to discover that someone keeps exhuming them - and the lech Simon - a Canadian with an insatiable fetish for his sexy translator - turn Letov's latest scheme into a veritable cat's cradle.
One day Pavel, a young man wounded in the war, suddenly shows up at the home of a Moscow scientist name Krymov and claims to be his illegitimate son. Krymov denies this, but out of compassion he helps arrange a necessary operation for Pavel. Then certain things begin happening which suggest to Krymov that he may have a psychologically unstable fellow on his hands.
Security Officer
It is August 1941. With the battle line far away in the east, three soldiers who have managed to escape from captivity find it difficult to hide: the territory is occupied by the enemy. The local woods are not safe: you can easily get embogged. Are the villagers loyal? Nobody can say. There is an old man who offers to help them. Is he reliable enough? He may kill them or report them to the local German authorities. Anything may happen, but one of them, the sniper, is his son who is his youngest, his dearest.
The goat and the ram ran away from the owner in search of a better life.
Nikolay Kraus
The film begins in the 1980s Soviet Union. Two best friends, Orlov and Muravyev, are serving at the Black Sea Navy Base in Sevastopol, Crimea. Both fall in love with one beautiful girl Nelly, and their friendship suffers a first blow. Because she picks Muravyev, his friend Orlov struggles with an inferiority complex and becomes a secretive alcoholic. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, both friends are transferred to the Northern Fleet on the Polar Ocean. One day their sub is performing a routine training. A disturbed WWII mine slowly moves on a collision course with the sub. A mighty blast knocks down everyone inside the wrecked sub, 72 meters below the sea level. Then ensues a nerve-racking struggle for survival.
Eight men, eight stories about the morning after party...
Vadim, a young script writer, is killed in Moscow. What's more, he had reached his height of popularity a long time ago. His friend, successful businessmen Maksim Krivoshein, begins his own investigation. Memories of their childhood and the chance discovery of Vadim's diary leads to some shocking discoveries.
отец Федотова
A young man who was raised in a children's home wants to go to the Chechen war. He believes in his heart that he belongs there and that in those difficult conditions he will make himself visible. After the training, Alexander enters the elite troops of the special forces and leaves for the harsh ordeals that wait for him in the war. He doesn't change his principles and manifests himself as a hero, who won't be a traitor, even if his life depends on it. The concepts of real friendship, love and honor are eternal values. After overcoming all hardships and learning the pain of loss, he finds his love and a home, where they will wait for him, where he comes home from the war...
The action of this intense criminal drama takes place against the backdrop of military events in Chechnya. Russian girl Anna, a sniper of Chechen fighters, and Maria, the mother of a soldier who was captured by them, meet in a train car heading to Russia. Anna is trying to remove her son from the war zone, Maria wants to force her to return the child to Chechnya - then her son will be released from captivity. None of the mothers can give in, because we are talking about the life and death of their children ...
This is a remarkably subtle film–a character study that focuses on Mitya’s attempts to cope with each new startling phase of discovery. At first he mourns for his dead wife, but then he discovers that he didn’t really know her.
Two colleagues go to fetch the body of their co-worker from a neighboring town where that man died unexpectedly. As this person has no kin, the director of the factory chooses to send Markerants and Mityagin to deal with the whole business. And here the adventures begin...
A movie which at first seems like a simple life story of an ordinary young man slowly evolves into an extraordinarily told ballade with twofold meaning - sad and optimistic at the same time...
Koshaev, police captain
A very typical post-Soviet era storyline. A bunch of vagabonds lured an innocent teenage girl to their apartment, offered her a drink, intimidated, then gang raped her. Local cops are incapable to undertake an adequate actions against the scoundrels - prevented by the superior chief of the local police, who is the dad of one of the scumbags. The case is closed. The girl's granddad tired of an endless circumlocution decides to take revenge in his own hands.
Oleg Viktorovich
At the heart of the picture is a common legend about the last days of Emperor Alexander the First Blessed.
A farmer who has been bankrupted by bankers goes to Moscow in search for the truth.
How can you continue to live when you are back from war which is still close?
Two detectives conduct an investigation into daughter kidnapping of an influential businessman. Criminals want no less than a million dollars. The search is complicated by the complete absence of any evidence. But the one who are they looking for is always close ..
Andrej Bubka
A story of love and hatred set during the Civil War in Russia.
Based on the motifs of M. Bulhakow's story with the same title. The thing about the scientist-zoologist Persikow, whose unique invention makes the rate of formation and development of organisms grow thousands of times. The experiment subjects eggs of the anaconda, which by mistake go to the mad director of the model chicken farm, dealing with rebuilding the hen population in the country. Irradiated reptiles, hatching from eggs, start to devour.
For eight years she was his wife, lover, nurse, but he escaped to Brooklyn with her best friend. The case rescues heroine from suicide and she meets someone who is also in mortal danger. New fears and sudden passion revive her hopes.
Set in a small Ukrainian village during the outbreak of war with Germany in 1941 Private Chonkin, not overly endowed with intelligence, is left to guard a downed military aircraft. The authorities appear to have forgotten about him so this leaves him free to work his chams on the village postmistress, Njura, untill the local militia are tipped off.
Ivan Bezdomny
Master is a talented writer in Moscow working on a manuscript about the biblical Jesus and Pontius Pilate. Authorities in Moscow are harassing Master by surveillance and intimidation. Victimized by their harassment, Master throws his manuscript into the fire, before he is locked up in a mental clinic. His assistant and Muse Margarita tries to help Master using the supernatural powers she got from the devil - Woland who is visiting Moscow..
Man in drinking-house
The films hero is a metal worker named Ignat who is as strong and tough as the steel that his sprawling factory produces in the Ural Mountains. Its a great cheerless environment; life is arduous and dangerous; conditions at the plant are nearly subhuman. The only excitement in the grimy industrial town is provided by robbing a train at gunpoint or stealing sheep from the Bashkiri tribe. The most renowned diversion, however, is the annual fist fight between the strongest metal worker and the strongest miner from the region. Against his better judgment, but with the support of his co-workers, Ignat decides to take part in this perilous venture.
From the American psychiatric hospital run by two maniac, confident that he was a spy, and a transsexual. Very soon they will want to return to their native madhouse — but it will be too late. Because the third psycho sent them on a secret mission to Russia. Yes, even in a balloon.
A single woman's and her dog's personalities are affected by tough life circumstances.
Шатов, прежде студент
Two men are searching for a woman between the shipwrecking accident victims.
A divorced young math teacher is tormented by her high school students.
The legendary commander of the Civil War, the winner of Wrangel arrives in the capital at the call of Stalin. In the capital, he is perplexed to learn that the Politburo at a special meeting decided to force him to operate on a long-standing ulcer. The attending physician is convinced that the operation is not needed, but, obeying party discipline, the old Bolshevik lies on the operating table.
Yakov Fedotovich Pavlov
The WWII pivotal battle of Stalingrad is shown through the eyes of the soldiers and officers on both sides of the war.
After the war ended, Bachurin returned home with awards, where his family and a huge garden, which he had loved since childhood, were waiting for him. But a decree was issued on the taxation of fruit trees in private estates. And Bachurin ruined the garden, scalding the apple trees with boiling water. So he got his first big term ...
Using an elaborate system of denunciation, the chief of the Zone keeps his prisoners in check. A new inmate, allegedly imprisoned for speculating on postage stamps, tries to rebel against the system.
The beginning of the 30s of the last century. A leak of classified information was found at the Soviet shipbuilding plant. Arriving under the guise of a scientist, the legendary chekist Karotin begins to unravel the threads of the conspiracy of the fascist spy organization. He is helped by inexperienced but active local detectives. Mastering the basics of the counterintelligence, they fall into a situation the other one funnier.
taxi driver
Second half of the 1960s.
Novikov, an employee of the apparatus, is a charming and successful functionary, married to the daughter of a former party leader. His life is a success — he has a status, a family, two children, as well as a young mistress — student Tanya, for whom he will never divorce... During the conflict at a youth construction site in Siberia, which he must repay, Novikov shows himself as an experienced dodger and a provocateur. Tanya's father, a war veteran and an honest worker, Ivan Dronov considers himself entitled to punish this scoundrel...
Костя Смагин
Nikolai Stambula soviet film.
History teacher Nikolay Echevin on his sixtieth birthday receives an anonymous letter in which he is called the "center of public infection" and threatened with murder.
Pavel Dybenko
Captain of a Russian battleship "Novik" Artenyev is in love with a beautiful lady Klara who is a German spy. They cannot be together because of the war and their professions. But they are in such love that all the war battles and battleships do not stop them, only their duties do.
The saleswoman of the village store Pasha Nikitina generously distributed all the money from the proceeds to the villagers in debt, when they were left without a salary through the fault of the Chairman. The audit appeared suddenly — and Pasha began to demand money back. Not having received debts, the heroine turned for help to her brother, who immediately responded to her misfortune: he sent money and came himself…
член клуба холостяков
The conceit is that Sherlock Holmes is, as in reality, a fictional creation of Arthur Conan Doyle, but that the place where his office would be is maintained by the brilliant detective Shirley Holmes, who both solves crimes and maintains a museum for people who think Sherlock Holmes is real -- accompanied by a phonograph playing music from the Livanov series which had not long ended. She is accompanied, as might be expected, by a woman Watson, and must fight off the affections of both a Scotland Yard inspector an a parody Latin lover from Spain.
In a poor provincial town, the ragamuffin boys are frenziedly drilled for combat, and at nights the local elite, gathered in a pool room, boasts of fictitious biographies, while bands of boys amuse themselves with bloody fights on trashy vacant plots… One of the most vivid staples of the postwar childhood were pigeons. They could be bought, sold or stolen. One day a beautiful white dove appeared over the town. Risking his life, Ivan caught the White. And immediately became the target of the "pigeon" mafia…
1918. A Red Army soldier Fyodor Krohov, authorized to withdraw farmers corn surpluses, comes to a small village, where White Guard can show up any day. He must persuade peasants to hand over the surpluses. But men are hesitating, some lend an ear to a wealthy peasant Mokey Zhlobin, unwilling to give away his hided corn. The only one person, backing up Fyodor is a local self-made inventor, living in the outskirts with his beloved beauty-wife, having equipped his house with electricity, power-saw bench and other gimmicks. The inventor takes him as a close friend and his young wife falls in love with Fyodor. The love triangle appears, but their ideals are above all. Together they manage to find the hidden corn and survive in uneven battle with bandits who rushed into a village.