Yoshi Kazamatsuri
The annual kabuki show is the main attraction in a rural Japanese mountain town. However, Yoshi's life is thrown into disarray days before the performance when his estranged wife and former best friend arrive back in town...
Los protagonistas son el dúo cómico infantil Maeda Maeda. Dos niños, hijos de una pareja divorciada. viven separados: uno con su madre en Fukuoka, y el otro con el padre en Kagoshima. Los dos sueñan conb la reconciliación de sus padres. Cuando conocen la noticia de la inauguración de una línea de tren que uniría ambas ciudades, se aferran a un rumor, según el cual cuando los primeros trenes se crucen, ocurrirá un milagro.
Katagiri, a highly ambitious young detective, teams up with older detective Takiguchi, who is about to retire, to investigate a murder that took place by Sumida River. Katagiri is annoyed by Takiguchi's pushiness, but is surprised to hear that the victim was a suspect in the 300 million yen robbery.
El masajista y espadacín ciego Zatoichi, decide que ha llegado la hora de dejar la carretera y establecerse con su esposa (Satomi Ishihara) en su pueblo natal. Pero, como de costumbre, los problemas le persiguen y Zatoichi es de nuevo provocado a luchar en una batalla en la qué serán tan importantes su ingenio como su espada oculta.
Nursing home "Yuyoso". Many lonely old people live there, including botanist Taro Makiso, a physicist, an actor, a bar mom, and a chef. Maki has spent most of his life studying botany, and has lived without regard for entertainment, drinking, women, or everything else in the world. Then came my 80th birthday. He and a young staff member go digging for wild yam and find a mysterious golden flower. It was the flower of immortality, the "Golden Flower", which was said to bloom beside the Himalayan Virgin, which he had been looking for for many years. From that day onwards, fragments of memories from his youth, which he had intentionally sealed off in order to immerse himself in botany, surged into Maki in a whirlpool.
Shozo murata
Hi no Sakana (火の魚, Fish of the Fire) is a Japanese novel by Murō Saisei; it was first published in 1960, and was later adapted into a single episode TV drama that was broadcast on NHK Hiroshima in 2009. The story describes the interactions between an elderly author and a young staffer from a publishing company as they collaborate on a book cover design for the author's latest novel.
Dr. Misawa
Youjin es un estrambótico granjero que vive en Aomori y que se enamora de una recién llegada al pueblo, una profesora de Tokio.
Nobuo Kanzaki
A humorous wedding story fueled by a rather no-good father and son, disguised as the old and new “good guys.” The father Nobuo, and his son Tamio, are unable to mature, unable to break the parent-child roles, have no sense of responsibility, and keep holding on to the past. The pair is overwhelmed by all the colorful characters around them telling them what to do. They go to strenuous and humorous efforts to make Tamio’s wedding an event to remember.
Kyohei Yokoyama
Un día de verano, unos hijos vuelven a la casa familiar para visitar a sus ancianos padres. Los dos llegan con sus respectivas familias para conmemorar la trágica muerte del hijo mayor en un accidente ocurrido hace quince años. Aunque la casa y la comida familiar apenas han variado, el paso de los años permite observar ligeros cambios en cada uno de los miembros de la familia: el amor se mezcla con el rencor y todos guardan algún secreto.
Yuji Takasaki
Taro is a 12-year-old into baseball and radio, especially "Music Express," a song-request show. Sound quaint? But it is 1977 and a small town in Hokkaido, a more innocent, pure-hearted time and place, we are told. Taro, however, has a blood disease that lands him in the hospital where his aunt is a nurse. Rounds of tests, transfusions and injections sap his spirit, despite the kindness and dedication of his young doctor and the Doctor's hospital-director father. The latter, a music buff who broadcasts classics over the hospital's PA system, asks Taro to relieve him as DJ — and soon the boy is ensconced in the hospital director's well-stocked library-cum-studio, spinning popular J-Pop tunes. He also becomes acquainted with Tamaki, a girl he first calls "the mummy" because of her bandages and full body cast — she was injured in a traffic accident. He later changes his tune when she is revealed as a cute 13-year-old — for him, an older woman...
Based on the short story from the best-selling collection "Poppoya" by Jiro Asada, "The Invitation from Cinema Orion" tells the story of a couple's undying love for the cinema and each other.
The film is told in three acts, beginning with a historical background of Japan's student movement of the 1960s and early 1970s, mostly using archive footage and a narrator. The second act follows the formation of the group to their mountain training camps in the southern Japanese Alps. It emphasizes the dogmatic (and eventually hypocritical) bullying of the group by Mori and Nagata, with 12 members being killed for infractions as small as improperly cleaning a gun, wearing make-up, and kissing. The third act shows the splitting up of the group after two members run off. It follows one group of five members to Karuizawa and a hostage-taking and police standoff known as the Asama-Sansō incident.
Narra la particular vendetta que Hyakkimaru mantiene con los 48 demonios que se repartieron buena parte de su cuerpo, tras el pacto satánico que firmó su propio padre. En su epopeya contará con la ayuda de Dororo, una ladronzuela que también guarda una cuenta pendiente...
Keizo Oishi
Dos hombres sin aparente conexión entre sí marcan en sus móviles el cero y a continuación se suicidan. El misterio se acentúa cuando la esposa de uno de ellos asegura que mientras dormía al lado de su marido este fue atacado por alguien, por algo... Arranca así uno de los casos más extraños a los que tendrá que enfrentarse en su vida la detective Keiko Kirishima. Kirishima toma las riendas y pone a su equipo a investigar. Tras las primeras indagaciones todo resulta tan incomprensible, tan inaprensible, tan irreal que Keiko recurre a la ayuda del único hombre en el mundo que posee el poder de introducirse en las mentes cuando estas sueñan.
Steel-worker Saito Tetsuo, driven by an unexplained anxiety, steals bike after bike to move away from his hometown to Tokyo. Through snow-storms and empty landscapes, the breathtaking photography allows us to look deep into the mindscape of a man searching for an answer - although the question itself is never quite articulated.
Works commemorating the 70th anniversary of the founding of Japan mapping Supervision Association
Junai Onodera
En el siglo XVIII, los samuráis que llevaban a cabo actos de venganza eran compensados económicamente por los clanes a los que pertenecían. Un joven samurái que llega a Edo (actual Tokio) con el propósito de vengar a su difunto padre busca a su enemigo por toda la ciudad. El problema es que, además no saber manejar la espada, no tiene realmente ganas de ejecutar su misión. Alojado en una vivienda pobre, pero rica en relaciones humanas, aprende a apreciar de la vida y empieza a cuestionarse el sentido de la venganza.
Seven young Tokyoites get scammed into working as hosts for "Dog Days" bar. Will they be able to overcome their individual differences and keep the club open?
Koichiro Kajimoto
The Isokaze, an Aegis-class escort vessel, sets sail on a routine training exercise, playing host to a platoon from the Fleet Training Group. No sooner is the Isokaze on open water, however, then the FTG reveal themselves to be terrorist stowaways who kill the ship's captain, send the rest of the crew overboard and take control of the vessel. The ship is carrying a secret biological weapon which the terrorists are now threatening to use to level Tokyo! Only a stowaway NCO, Sengoko (played by Sanada Hiroyuki from Ring and Twilight Samurai) is in a position to stop them - but does he really have what it takes to save the day? Playing like a cross between a sea-faring version of Top Gun and Die Hard, director Sakamoto Junji shows that it's not just Hollywood that can produce thrill-a-minute action spectaculars.
A bordo de un ballenero, un inmenso molde relleno de vaselina se haya en perenne estado de transformación. Dos visitantes del barco, occidentales y ataviados con el tradicional ves-tido de boda sintoísta, serán partícipes de la metamorfosis. El talento del prolífico artista multimedia Matthew Barney se une por primera vez al de la popular cantante Björk en el capítulo nueve de un ambicioso proyecto iniciado en 1987, numéricamente desordenado, y en el que Barney propone la idea de la resistencia física como vehículo para la creatividad a través de su experimentación con los diversos campos artísticos.
El grito de Izo resuena en el lugar de ejecución, donde acaba de ser crucificado acusado de un asesinato. Muere, pero deja una profunda maldición. Su alma no puede ir al cielo ni al infierno, y quedará flotando en el espacio y el tiempo. Años después un vagabundo aparece entre los edificios. Es la reencarnación de Izo y tiene un claro objetivo: matar... (FILMAFFINITY)
Takezou Fukuyoshi
Based on a play by Hisashi Inoue, it focuses on the sufferings of the survivors of Hiroshima. The film takes place during 4 days in the summer of 1948, as the ghost of her father visits Mitsué (Rié Miyama). He had somehow learned that she has fallen in love, and tries to convince her to start her new life. But Mitsué obstinately refuses his warm and humorous encouragements : « People were killed in my place. I do not have the right to find happiness », she says.
Heaven's Bookstore is a 2004 Japanese film directed by Tetsuo Shinohara about a struggling classical pianist who is sent to heaven to work in a bookstore. It is based on two novels, written by Atsushi Matsuhisa and Wataru Tanaka.
Hirota - the Shop Owner in Gunma
One of a gang of karaoke loving middle aged women is murdered by a young man. Her friends track him down and kill him. His friends track them down and kill the killer ..... and it escalates!
Torakichi Hasegawa
After discovering a hole in their crowded cell, nine prisoners escape their confinement to track down the key of the universe, which a fellow prisoner known as the Counterfeit King said he had hidden.
Mizusawa (Takenouchi Yutaka), an explosives expert, is arrested and charged with a string of bank robberies. Because he is a flight risk, Detective Kayama (Ogata Ken) is assigned to transport Mizusawa to Shizuoka for questioning. On the way, Kayama receives word that the hotel where his wife and daughter are attending a party has been rigged with a time bomb. Being a "by-the-book" kind of cop, Kayama refuses to abandon his job and return to help his family. Meanwhile, the hotel is swarming with police and the bomb squad who are searching for the bomb and the culprit. Time is almost up. Mizusawa claims that he is the only who who can deactivate the bomb.
Gessai Obata
Azumi, joven huérfana, es acogida por un anciano guerrero del Japón feudal, maestro de artes marciales, que la entrenará junto a otros nueve jóvenes en el dominio de las mejores técnicas del combate de sable. Tras muchos años de perfeccionamiento, los diez compañeros, convertidos en guerreros asesinos, tendrán que enfrentarse a la prueba definitiva: derrotar a un ejército de despiadados tiranos feudales. Premios:
Mike Yokohama es un detective privado contratado por el padre de una joven que se fue de la ciudad a una casa aislada para retirarse del mundo. Su misión es hacerla salir a tiempo para su boda. A su llegada se le asigna un número. El contacto con el mundo exterior está prohibido. Encuentra a la joven, pero esta se niega a salir...
Commencing well-respected Nippon director Kazuo Kuroki's sixth decade behind the camera, "A Boy's Summer in 1945" (literally "A Beautiful Summer in Kirishima") is a lyric, novelistic drama set in the countryside in the last days before Japan's surrender ending WWII. Striking a welcome retro note in its languid pacing and delicate handling of seriocomic ensemble threads, handsome production is a natural for fests. It might also prove a cornerstone for retrospectives or ancillary releases of works by a helmer ("Preparation of the Festival," "Ronin-gai") who's long been appreciated at home but has won just limited attention abroad.
Yamaguchi, Ichikawa and Kosuge dress in white military-style uniforms to "clean" the streets of Shibuya from bad elements. After rightist gang boss, Aota takes an interest in the three, the boys gradually become influenced by him, but start to go their different ways.
Akikazu Kamikawa
En 1973 Kim Dae-jung, fuerte opositor del entonces presidente Park Chung-Hee, se exilia en Japón desde donde continúa ejerciendo la oposición, manifestándose a favor de la reunificación de Corea del sur y Corea del norte. Kim desaparecerá del hotel de Tokio donde está alojado y 5 días más tarde aparecerá sano y salvo cerca de su casa en Seúl. Todo parece apuntar a que las agencias coreanas y japonesas hayan cooperado en el secuestro.
Onna Kuni Shuu Ikki is a 2002 Japanese historical drama directed by Takashi Miike. It is one of three historical films included in the 2002 DVD compilation, Kumamoto Monogatari. The other two are Kikuchi-jo Monogatari: Sakimori-tachi no Uta and Zuiketsu Genso: Tonkararin Yume Densetsu, both also directed by Miike.
Kaido is a professional pickpocket who works the Tokyo subway with his young foster-daughter, Rei: She lets herself be groped while Kaido relieves the groper of his wallet. More often than not they're observed by a middle-aged cop, who generally lets Kaido go free. Rei is unsettled when Kaido takes on a young street punk, Kazuki, as an apprentice -- with instructions to make Kaido stop drinking. Kazuki, however, would like to go into business with Rei.
Captain Banana
Siete personajes introducidos al inicio del film, son mezclados en una habitación de un hotel: un yakuza de poca monta con un maletín robado, su ex-novia, el novio obsesionado por la misma, otro yakuza enviado a recoger el maletín y otro mas enviado para matar a todos... además del Capitán Banana y su nuevo aprendiz, Mister Yellow.
Director Jun Ichikawa spins this affectionate portrait of the people who populate Shimokitazawa, a bohemian corner of Tokyo filled with small theater companies and smoky coffeehouses.
Detective Tobitaka
Un par de policías de Tokyo están investigando un espantoso asesinato: después de matar a la víctima, el asesino abrió el cráneo y guisó su cerebro. A medida que tratan de localizar al asesino, descubren que, literalmente, todo el mundo es sospechoso. ¿Van a llevar el terror a su fin, o formarán parte de él?
Fu and Suzu are two pretty anarchist girls who decide to take to the road. They set off on a journey to visit the tomb of a small pig by name Pupu. On the way, they meet Suzu's ex-lover, a gay couple, and a golf player; always getting in trouble. But whenever trouble comes, 'Trunk Man' the hero appears to save them.
When an innocent young country girl falls for a low level yakuza, she enters a completely different world in which the line between good and evil are quickly blurred. Through great ups and downs their love will be tested, but the ultimate test lies in whether or not they will survive the downward pull of the lifestyle they have chosen.
Noriyuki Kunihiro
After spending over half his life in prison, ex-hitman Kunihiro is determined to go straight. But the shortcomings of the new gangs mean that he is soon having to call on his old-school yakuza talents. And when he falls for Asako, a beautiful piano player, she unknowingly ignites a fire within Kuni that will immolate everything and everybody around him. Regarded by many as his masterpiece, Onibi has all the hallmarks of a Mochizuki film, with the gangster elements tightly compressed and controlled to allow space in which a subdued romance can bloom. Coming from a background in porno cinema, this master of sexual relations injects a fresh passion and tension into the macho world of the yakuza film.
A detective, a mysterious beauty Ekin and other characters appear in the film. It creates a mysterious visual world that takes us one step further into the world of Ekin. This is the second art documentary film produced by the Museum of Art, Kochi, following Hiroyuki Oki's HEAVEN-6-BOX. This time, the stage performances of butoh greats Maro Akaji and Dairakudakan were documented by Hayashi Kaizo.
The main hero of this film is the spirit of the once very popular wooden statuette called Billiken. It's a small god with a pointed head, a fat belly and a characteristic smile. When the casket in which the statuette was found is broken, the spirit of Billiken is free. After that he tries to fulfill the wishes of all those who had prayed to him, but it doesn't always works.
An entertainment drama depicting the conflict of yakuza, centering on the female torso and her sister's feud.
Yoshio Eguchi
Sobre un establecimiento donde los ancianos pagan para dormir, además de las jóvenes que habían sido narcotizadas y que estaban desnudas, las bellezas dormidas. Se espera que los ancianos tomen pastillas para dormir y compartan la cama durante toda la noche con una chica sin intentar nada de mal gusto, como meterse un dedo en la boca.
Haida, once a famous private detective, is now down and out and running out of reasons to live. One day, while engaging in a group volunteer project to clean up a river, he loses what's left of his will to live and lets the water carry him away. He ends up rescuing a drowning man who alters his view of life totally. Soon he gets a job investigating the mysterious disappearance of a student who sent her mother a cryptic letter, "Wait a bit, Mother. I'm sending my breath. It will arrive soon."
Ryuji Takayama
En diferentes partes de Tokio, cuatro jóvenes, aparentemente sanos mueren súbitamente por insuficiencia cardíaca exactamente en el mismo momento. Kazuyuki Asakawa decide investigar la muerte, y descubre que los cuatro habían estado en una posada rural juntos una semana antes. En la posada, Asakawa se encuentra con un video extraño que termina con un mensaje advirtiendo que morirán en 7 días. (FILMAFFINITY)
Shizuo Tanaka
14 year old Nakamura is sexually abused by her stepfather. She invents a friend who is coming to her rescue when she really needs it.
Edogawa Rampo is a writer whose latest work is censored by the government, deemed too disturbing and injurious to the public to be allowed to be published. However, after burning his drafts, his publisher shows him a newspaper with an account of events just like his forbidden story. As the film progresses, fantasy and reality intermingle in a tale that draws heavily on influences from Poe and Stoker's Dracula. The film's strongly Expressionistic direction skillfully combines a variety of media (animation, computer-generated imagery, grainy black-and-white fast film stock, color negatives) for artistic effect.
Un hombre de negocios americano, en uno de sus múltiples viajes a Japón, es testigo en la ciudad de Tokyo del asesinato de una mujer a manos de un grupo de "ninjas" conocidos como los Makatos. El siguiente objetivo de los asesinos es acabar con el americano que está bajo la protección del matrimonio Takeda.
A man must overcome many obstacles as he works his way through the dangerous crime world to the level of yakuza.
Tatsuya is on a honeymoon in Australia. A couple of unfortunate encounters land him in jail, where he’s imprisoned without a chance of ever getting out again. His wife tries her best to launch an appeal, but it’s Tatsuya’s inmates who are his best chance of escaping his current predicament.
An omnibus featuring the work of three different filmmakers.
Koji Wakamatsu adapted the Kouhei Tsuka's play of the same name into a human comedy about the members of a traveling acting troupe.
Following the bloody aftermath of a heist, three robbers are double-crossed by a new accomplice, who is then tracked down amid escalating carnage and spectacular car chases.
Sukezo, un artista de cómic manga agricultor, tiene el negocio del arte rupestre mediante la creación de una tienda en un cobertizo junto al río. Él se esfuerza mucho para tener éxito, pero el negocio no va bien y la familia se vuelve cada vez más pobre.
Following the life of Japanese artist and poet Yumeji Takehisa through the imagining of an encounter with a beautiful widow with a dark past.
Dr. Akira Aryo
Professor Sarusawa and his psychic daughter Mai live together after the suicide of the Professor's wife years earlier - which was caused by a suicide plague running rampant throughout the city. Dr. Aryo lives in a nearby castle with his wife, whom Dr. Aryo created, and a hunchbacked assistant. Dr. Aryo once worked at the same university with Professor Sarusawa but was fired for his morbid experiments. Now, Dr. Aryo may hold the key to unlocking the origins & cure for the suicide virus which Professor Sarusawa may now have. Meanwhile Professor Sarusawa's daughter Mai can be bring to life Dr. Aryo's stitched up cadavers which Dr. Aryo hopes to create a new race with.
Katsu, who belongs to the Murai group of the Sakagami Union, was frustrated by the distance from the yakuza world he had envisioned. At that time, Katsu, who met Osamu who belongs to the conflicting Dainippon Kyokushinkai, feels the real gangster scent of Osamu.
A directionless young man, recently released from prison, tries to make a new start in life as a boxer...
Katsuhiko Goda
A middle-aged man discovers an injured refugee woman trembling in the corner of his bar in Kabukicho. He quickly becomes aware that her life is in his hands when he learns she is hiding from the yakuza.
Gennai Aramaki
Un burdel en una zona rural es el punto de encuentro habitual de diversos ronin, samuráis sin amo que desahogan en la bebida y las chicas sus frustraciones. Alcohol y pasión no suelen combinar bien con espadas y gente desesperanzada, el conflicto está servido.
Aida, a daredevil detective who isn't afraid of power or challenges. The great evil has begun investigating a major corruption case involving a leading trade company and the nation.
Two brothers, Jinta and Wataru, are raised in a travelling circus. After an accident, Jinta decides to leave the circus and travels the countryside working as a con-man. After a run-in with a local gang of yakuza, he is invited to join their ranks, where he makes the mistake of falling for a boss's mistress. Wataru stays with the circus and works hard to regain its former glory
Makio Sajima
A Japanese boxer stages a dramatic and dangerous comeback after suffering brain damage in the ring.
Mori Masahisa
A comedy about the lives of people living in the shopping district of Osaka.
Mr. Roku
After the death of her mother a young woman wants to meet her real father
On August 9, 1945, the Americans dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. This film, based on a story by Mitsukaru Inoue, describes the daily life of people in Nagasaki the day before that fateful event. It presents the human drama of people's lives, and their feelings of joy and sadness. These include a newlywed couple, an expectant mother, and lovers who must say farewell because the boy is called to serve in the army. Each of these people, like others in the city, hoped to live with their dreams for ‘tomorrow’. But tomorrow never comes for them, as their lives are brought to an abrupt and unexpected end. Knowing how the story ends, in this case, doesn't detract from it at all; rather, it enhances the emotional impact, which is further heightened by the poignant musical score from Teizo Matsumura. 'Ashita' is the first film in Kazuo Kuroki's 'War Requiem Trilogy,' which also includes 'Utsukushii Natsu Kirishima' (2002) and 'Chichi to Kuraseba' (2004).
A young woman aspires to be a motorboat racing champion.
Life and love stories of stunt men and women.
A hardened gangster encounters by chance a woman he hasn't seen since childhood. They are both engulfed in the underground world of intergang warfare.
Harry Callahan
All the protagonists move about in a Tokyo Bar that has an entire wall taken up with a black-and-white reproduction of a photo of Monument Valley. The action starts as Billy the Kid, in full living color, walks out of the photo and gets a job as a waiter. Along with him on the working staff are a samurai straight out of the history books, a G.I. from World War II, and several other anachronistic characters. The plot (as such) revolves around keeping away the brutal mobsters and thugs who dominate the city streets outside of the bar, making the tavern safe for its easily recognized facsimiles of well-known characters.
A young jazz musician's desire to advance in his career runs afoul of organized crime in this thriller from Haruki Kadokawa. After a saxophonist starts playing at a particular nightspot, a thug from the Yakuza adopts him as a special friend for no greater reason than he plays one of his favorite songs well. As the dangerous life of the gangster intertwines with that of the musician, it brings harm to the musician's girlfriend, who is raped. This changes the young saxophonist's attitude about his patron, but his Yakuza "friend" is still too embroiled in his own problems to worry about anything else.
Coming of age film about rock musicians.
Stuck doing show-biz schlock, an investigative reporter stumbles on a scheme to swindle pensions through an attractive gold futures scam, a potential news-story.
takahata yoshio
A man returns to his seaside roots to confront a yakuza boss. Along the way, he charms young men, softens a hard woman and busts a few heads.
Barbara, a dancer, is coming home to Nagoya after a long absence. She lives above a bar in an area whose inhabitants are mainly from Okinawa. Upon her return, Barbara faces problems beyond her control. Her brother and two friends take one of their teachers hostage to extort money to go on a school trip. Miyazato, the man who loves Barbara is there, but not Aiko, her best friend. Miyazato, a yakuza and manager in a nuclear power plant has forced Aiko into prostitution for the workers of the plant. Barbara plans to help her escape from this hell. Aiko has been sent to Mihama. Without even thinking for a moment, Barbara decided to go see her friend.
The second of Kazuki Omori's pre-Godzilla idol trilogy starring Koji Kikkawa. Omori's mid-1980s opus is full of excess; a shining example of what Japan was like during the 80s when it was lost in the dream of the bubble economy.
A magazine publisher called Out Of Focus hires a new female camerawoman. This company is located in Tokyo. The new photographer moves from outside the city to Tokyo and upon arrival and on her first day is tasked with immediately snapping pictures. Her boss sends her on a mission with a senior colleague. The senior cameraman uses rogue ways surprising his new colleague. A new assignment related to a former Japanese Prime Minister falls on her lap. The court does not look fondly at photography of this kind.
Daisaku Tokito
Su-e (Mayumi Ogawa) y su primo Sutekichi (Tsutomu Yamazaki), quieren vivir juntos, pero su padre les prohibe tener contacto sexual. Al igual que otros lugareños, creen que si tienen hijos primos juntos, los niños sufrirán graves defectos de nacimiento. Su remedio es escapar con Su-e. Después de algún tiempo transcurrido, los dos hacen el camino de regreso a la aldea, pero para entonces Sutekichi sufrirá los efectos de sus acciones.
In Okinawa, a Japanese-Filipino gangster named Joe kills an Okinawan mobster. Joe temporarily escapes the pursuing mob by fleeing to the Philippines, hoping to find there safety and perhaps to link up with his father. He meets Yoko, a saloon girl, who looks after him, but soon Joe's enemies show up, determined to make Joe pay.
Tsutomu Yahagi
Musical star vehicle for a young Kikkawa Koji.
Japanese drama film.
Takeshi Kakeuchi
Kleptomaniac Sonoko and young, beautiful Mitsuko begin an unusual love affair which develops fast into a kinky sexual love triangle when Sonoko’s husband gets involved.
Bookstore Father
An ardent culture-vulture youth, previously charged for the murder of a woman when he was young, plans to hold hostage a local bank.
Tras salvar a una joven de ser violada una noche, un hombre se obsesiona con las pocas medidas de seguridad que ponen en sus casas las mujeres que viven solas. Harto de trabajar rodeado de gente durante el día, por las noches va merodeando por las habitaciones en que sensuales jóvenes duermen solas y da rienda suelta a sus deseos.
A 1920s playwright meets a beautiful woman who may be the ghost of his patron's deceased wife.
Teruo Miyazato
A runaway cat-loving girl begins a love triangle with a reckless older man and a young biker in high school. The film follows their subsequent chaotic relationships.
Eisuke Misaki
Two men and a woman plan to steal 1.5 Billion yen.
A surreal period film following an university professor and his eerie nomad friend as they go through loose romantic triangles and face death in peculiar ways.
Yataro Tanigawa
Yataro Tanigawa, a one-eyed hired assassin, impresses yakuza boss Gomyo Kiyoemon with his skill. Gomyo hires Tanigawa as his bodyguard, or yojimbo, to protect him during an inter-clan conflict. Tanigawa quickly rises in stature in the clan, but finds his boss's enemies almost overwhelming.
Set at the height of the Japanese student rebellion in 1968, the film tells the story of the friendship between two very different men—a fortyish film maniac who spends nearly all his time at the movies and a 19-year-old going through the final rites of passage from adolescence to adulthood.
A police detective tries to investigate the mystery of a victim who was shot in the head, but no bullet was found.
Tadao decides to comes back from Tokyo to live in his home town, in the countryside. He stays at his parents place and finds a job, repairing transistor and television. He catches up with his friend Tetsuji, the only that haven’t left yet. But one night, Tetsuji decides to leave for Tokyo with a bar hostess.
In this crime thriller produced by Toshiro Mifune (who has a supporting role), hard-boiled Shiro Akitsu goes on a relentless search for his abducted 7-year old daughter, with the aid of an Ainu dog summoned by a whistle she gave him.
At a seaside city somewhere in the Tohoku area, the corpses of Nozomi, daughter of an affluent family, and Yamazaki, son of an engineer at the local nuclear power-plant, are found tied-to on a beach, as if they intended to commit double suicide. Nogami, a reporter, begins to investigate.
Sanza Nagoya (Flute Player)
Tras la muerte del segundo shogun Tokugawa, se revela que fue envenenado por los servidores de su hijo Iemitsu con la esperanza de obtener el shogunato a pesar del tartamudeo y la marca de nacimiento que socavan su respeto. Iemitsu y su hermano Tadanaga se convierten en amargos rivales para el shogunato, y la tierra se divide en facciones, eventualmente estallando en guerras. El mentor de Iemitsu, su instructor de esgrima Yagyu, está obsesionado con asegurar a Iemitsu el shogunato y termina traicionando a todos, incluso a su propia familia, en pos de la meta.
Orin es una cantante ciega que se gana la vida en una compañía de músicos ambulantes. Tras ser violada, es expulsada de su compañía por haber perdido la virginidad. Abandonada, a Orin no le queda más remedio que seguir ganándose la vida sola de pueblo en pueblo con sus actuaciones. Durante el camino será presa de personas mezquinas que intentarán aprovecharse de ella, pero también conocerá el amor.
Reiko, una joven modelo, es proyectada hacia el estrellato del golf japonés por parte del editor de una revista de golf y moda que pretende aprovechar su imagen para promocionar su última gama de ropa deportiva. Su victoria en su primer campeonato profesional le brinda la oportunidad de tener un programa en la televisión. Sin embargo, su vida se verá afectada por el acoso de una envidiosa vecina. Diez años después de ser despedido por la productora Nikkatsu a raíz de la película "Branded to Kill" (1967), Seijun Suzuki volvió a la dirección con este filme en el que no abandona su estilo bizarro y extravagante.
Japanese action film.
Detective Yamura
A tough prosecutor is falsely accused of theft and goes on the run to clear his name. He is assisted by the beautiful daughter of a rich man.
Tsuyoshi Nishino
Un mal policía participa en una violenta persecución para atrapar a un jefe yakuza. En su ausencia su esposa huye con otro hombre, que resulta ser el mismo hombre que él está persiguiendo. Cuando descubre esto, pierde los nervios y entrega su placa. La persecución se convierte en una venganza personal en la que el ex policía planea acabar con toda la pandilla.
Toshihiro Nakajima
Tateo, young and neurotic, wishes to leave the village his mother has raised him in.
Un chico decide escapar de su casa con la mujer de su vecino porque está enamorado de ella.
Ryoma Sakamoto
Story of the last three days in the life of Sakamoto Ryoma (1836-1867), imperial loyalist who tried to unite the Choshu and Satsuma clans and prepared the way for the Meiji Restoration (1868).
Shusuke Tokunaga
Esta secuela nos muestra a Yuki unos años después. El sacerdote Doukai ha muerto y ella es una proscrita perseguida. La historia gana en complejidad, ya que al ser finalmente capturada y sentenciada a la horca, Yuki es rescatada por unos sospechosos personajes enmascarados que en el más puro estilo “Nikita” le ofrecerán salvar la vida a cambio de espiar a un anarquista, en cuyo poder se encuentra (o se encontrará) una carta que revela los trapos sucios de importantes cargos políticos.
Jokichi of Mikogami
In feudal Japan, women are vulnerable, in need of protection, and capable of deception. Jokichi of Mikogami, a drifter, has not yet fully revenged the death of his wife and son. He searches for Kunisada Chuji, who in turn has hired the knife-throwing Windmill Kobunji to kill him. Kobunji and Jokichi meet in the winter, near Sasago Pass, when both have rescued women: Jokichi has saved the lute-playing Oyae whose clan and whose lover want her dead; Kobunji has rescued Oharu, a well-born woman married to an innkeeper. Is this rescue a whim or something deeper? And why does Jokichi become the consumptive Kobunji's protector? What ultimately will Jokichi do about Oyae?
A young outlaw can’t escape his rebellious past despite connections to a well to do family.
Jokichi of Mikogami
Thirsting for revenge, Jokichi rashly attempts to assassinate the evil Chogoro but ends up being captured by Yakuza. His life is spared by Boss Juzaburo, in order that the harmony of an important commemoration not be further disturbed. Though now even more of an outcast, Jokichi is asked by another Yakuza boss, Umezo, to guard Oyuki, the wayward daughter of Juzaburo. The tragic consequences of this assignment will lead him into a deadly trap and a final confrontation with Chogoro.
Can a sinful man change and find peace? It's unlikely in gang-plagued Japan. Jokichi of Mikogami, a drifter (and hired sword), goes straight after protecting a woman in distress: they marry, have a son, and Jokichi pursues his father's craft. After three years, the gangs he embarrassed when he saved his wife find the family and leave Jokichi in grief, vowing revenge. To parry his terrible swift sword, rival gangs join forces, hiring a prostitute to pose as a woman needing help and breaking the code of honor to double cross the drifter. He finds unlikely allies: a thief who aids him for fun and a one-eyed swordsman who may be Jokichi's equal in skill and honor.
Several high-school friends spend their final summer together indulging in sex and leisure; their halcyon days are soon coming to an end.
Young man returns from prison and sets out to destroy the gang that killed his friends and boss of his former gang.
The series swansong, Beat '71, sees Kaji framed and sent to prison by her boyfriend's father and with the help of some hippies she strives to be re-united.
Yūji, fresh out of prison on parole, meets a stranger named Nao that asks for his assistance...
Tetsu Tsukada
The disbandment of the Tanno clan left gang member Tetsu to stray from the crime family's fold. He roamed the streets as a one man band, wearing a denim jacket and long hair with sunglasses to cover his piercing eyes. Befriending a like-minded lone wolf by the name of Gebasaku, Tetsu builds a coalition against higher forces. A graphic portrayal of irrepressible anger and a friendship worth dying for.