Sara Bernstein

Sara Bernstein


Sara Bernstein is an award-winning producer and Executive Vice President at Imagine Documentaries the newly launched documentary division of Ron Howard and Brian Grazer's, Imagine Entertainment. Recent feature films she has executive produced include Once Were Brothers: Robbie Robertson and the Band (2019) and Dads (2019) which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. The Ron Howard-directed documentary film, Rebuilding Paradise (2020), for National Geographic Films, D.Wade: Life Unexpected (2020) for ESPN Films and the documentary feature film on legendary chef Julia Child, Julia (2021) directed by Academy Award nominees Julie Cohen and Betsy West. Prior to joining Imagine, Bernstein was Senior Vice President, HBO Documentary Films over seeing nonfiction development and production for HBO. Credits include Academy Award-winner Citizenfour (2014), Academy Award-winner Music by Prudence (2010), Academy Award nominees Burma VJ: Reporting from a Closed Country (2008), Iraq In Fragments (2006), The Children of Leningradsky (2005), Poster Girl (2010). Emmy-nominated The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley (2019), Emmy-nominated The Case Against Adnan Syed (2019), Judd Apatow's Emmy-winning The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling (2018), Emmy winners Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (2015), White Light, Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (2007) and Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God (2012). Emmy-nominated The Case Against 8 (2014), Mapplethorpe: Look At The Pictures (2016), Chris Hegedus & D.A. Pennebaker's Emmy-nominated Unlocking The Cage (2016); Beware the Slenderman (2016), I Love You Now Die (2019) and Mommy Dead and Dearest (2017). Bernstein has garnered 10 Emmy wins, 29 Emmy nominations and 11 Peabody Awards. Documentaries she has supervised have garnered 2 Oscars and 13 Oscar nominations.


Sara Bernstein


Executive Producer
Delve into the life and times of Stormy Daniels as she shares her story and account of events that have become part of American history.
Follows Santana's journey from 14-year-old street musician to a 10-time Grammy winning global sensation. Features unseen archival footage and tracks.
Bono & The Edge A SORT OF HOMECOMING con Dave Letterman
Executive Producer
Bono y The Edge, del grupo U2, regresan a Dublín acompañados por David Letterman y recuerdan sus vivencias como músicos y como amigos. Este especial, dirigido por Morgan Neville, incluye imágenes inéditas y entrevistas donde explican su proceso de composición de canciones y lo que inspiró sus mayores éxitos. Esta es la historia de una de las amistades más importantes de la historia del rock and roll.
Judy Blume Forever
The radical honesty of the books by young adult fiction pioneer Judy Blume changed the way millions of readers understood themselves, their sexuality, and what it meant to grow up, but also led to critical battles against book banning and censorship.
The Volcano: Rescue from Whakaari
Relato de la erupción volcánica de Whakaari / White Island de 2019 en la que se perdieron 22 vidas, un día en el que se pidió a la gente común que hiciera cosas extraordinarias.
Personality Crisis: One Night Only
Shines a light on David Johansen, the lead singer-songwriter of the androgynous 1970s glam punk groundbreakers the New York Dolls, and his complete reinvention as hepcat lounge lizard Buster Poindexter.
El lado oscuro de los boy scouts
Leave No Trace investiga un caso encubierto durante un siglo con la denuncia de 82 000 hombres declarando que les abusaron sexualmente y exponiendo así que la organización Boy Scouts de América no consiguió proteger a sus jóvenes Scouts.
Alimentando al mundo
Una crónica de cómo José Andrés y su organización sin fines de lucro reconstruyen naciones tras un desastre, brindando alimentos saludables a los afectados.
Caída en picado: El caso contra Boeing
Los investigadores revelan cómo la supuesta prioridad de las ganancias de Boeing sobre la seguridad podría haber contribuido a dos accidentes catastróficos con meses de diferencia.
Lucy and Desi
Executive Producer
Explore la asociación improbable y el legado perdurable de una de las parejas poderosas más prolíficas en la historia del entretenimiento. Lucille Ball y Desi Arnaz arriesgaron todo para estar juntas.
Paper & Glue
A documentary following JR's artwork giving a global voice to everyday people.
Using never-before-seen archival footage, personal photos, first-person narratives, and cutting-edge, mouth-watering food cinematography, the film traces Julia Child's surprising path, from her struggles to create and publish the revolutionary Mastering the Art of French Cooking (1961) which has sold more than 2.5 million copies to date, to her empowering story of a woman who found fame in her 50s, and her calling as an unlikely television sensation.
¿Quién es Carlitos?
Executive Producer
Un documental sobre Peanuts y su creador, Charles M. Schulz. Famosos fanáticos, incluidos Drew Barrymore, Kevin Smith y Al Roker, comparten su influencia sobre ellos, y una nueva historia animada encuentra a Charlie Brown en una búsqueda.
Coded: The Hidden Love of J.C. Leyendecker
Executive Producer
Coded tells the story of illustrator J.C. Leyendecker, whose legacy laid the foundation for today's out-and-proud LGBTQ advertisements.
D. Wade: una vida inesperada
El próximo documental de Dwyane Wade ofrece una mirada a los altibajos de la vida y carrera de la superestrella de la NBA.
Once Were Brothers: Robbie Robertson and The Band
Executive Producer
Contará la historia de un grupo que pasó de respaldar a Bob Dylan para convertirse en uno de los grupos más influyentes de su época.
Rebuilding Paradise
En la mañana del 8 de noviembre de 2018, una devastadora tormenta de fuego envolvió la ciudad de Paradise, California. REBUILDING PARADISE, del director RON HOWARD y el productor BRIAN GRAZER, es una historia de resiliencia frente a la tragedia, mientras una comunidad devastada por un desastre se une para recuperarse.
Co-Executive Producer
Documental que analiza el renacimiento del festival Drag de Nueva York, "Wigstock", en el que muchos de los artistas más conocidos de la escena se dan cita para regocijo de las nuevas generaciones.
The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley
Executive Producer
En 2004 Elizabeth Holmes abrió una empresa que pretendía revolucionar la atención médica. En 2014 Theranos tenía un valor de nueve mil millones de dólares. Dos años después la SEC acusó a Theranos de ser un gran fraude y la compañía perdió todo su valor.
La verdad sobre los robots asesinos
Executive Producer
El documental se centra en varios casos en los que un robot ha sido el responsable de la muerte de un ser humano. A través de la opinión de ingenieros, periodistas, filósofos, escritores e incluso del propio Isaac Asimov (uno de los padres de la robótica), Maxim Pozdorovkin ofrece una reflexión sobre el futuro de una industria que sigue creciendo a pasos agigantados.
War Dog: El Mejor Amigo De Un Soldado
This poignant documentary explores the unbreakable bond between multi-purpose K9s and their handlers.
Peligro: Esta Droga Puede Matarte
A harrowing, unflinching look at the devastating effects of opioid addiction in the U.S. told from the perspectives of four families devastated by the deadly epidemic.
Madre muerta y querida
Supervising Producer
El documental explora el asesinato en 2015 de Dee Dee Blanchard, llevado a cabo por su hija adolescente Gypsey Rose, una joven enferma y con discapacidad mental, así como las circunstancias que llevaron a ello. Descubriremos de primera mano la historia que salió en todas las portadas, y exploraremos una de las patologías más controvertidas: el síndrome de Münchhausen por poder.
Bebedores al límite
Senior Executive Consultant
Documental que explora los riesgos del consumo de alcohol en la sociedad norteamericana. Casi una tercera parte de los adultos en Estados Unidos se enfrentan con el problema del alcohol en algún momento a lo largo de sus vidas.
Clínica de Migrantes: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Executive Producer
Puentes de Salud is a volunteer-run clinic that provides free medical care to undocumented immigrants in south Philadelphia. Here, doctors and nurses work for free to serve people who would otherwise fall through the cracks. Clinica de Migrantes, a potent film by Maxim Pozdorovkin, follows the workers and patients of Puentes through months of routine care and growth. Along the way, the film puts a face to the millions of people who exist on the margins of society: people displaced from their homelands, separated from their families, unfamiliar with the customs, unable to obtain health insurance and terrified to come forward to seek medical help. Along with revealing these patient stories, Clinica is also a look at the heroic doctors and nurses who work pro bono to ensure these people receive care, offering a deeply moving look at the limitless potential of humanity.
Going deeper than fine fabrics and silk linings, Suited takes a modern, evolved look at gender through the conduit of clothing and elucidates the private and emotional experience surrounding it. With heart and optimism, the film documents a cultural shift that is creating a new demand—and response—for each person’s right to go out into the world with confidence.
The Latin Explosion: A New America
Supervising Producer
With more than 50 million Latinos now living in the United States, Latinos are taking their seat at the table as the new American power brokers in the world of entertainment, business, politics and the arts. As Latinos’ influence in American society has soared, they have entered mainstream American culture, and the proof is in the music. Executive produced by legendary music mogul Tommy Mottola, THE LATIN EXPLOSION: A NEW AMERICA features a dazzling array of artists at the center of Latino cultural power and influence, including Marc Anthony, Emilio Estefan Jr., Gloria Estefan, José Feliciano, Eva Longoria, George Lopez, Jennifer Lopez, Los Lobos, Cheech Marin, Ricky Martin, Rita Moreno, Pitbull, Romeo Santos, Shakira, Thalía and Sofía Vergara. Narrated by John Leguizamo.
Una chica en el río: el precio del perdón
Supervising Producer
Historia de una joven paquistaní que se casó en contra de los deseos de su familia y escapó por los pelos de la muerte 'por honor' que su padre y su tío intentaron imponerle.
Crímenes del pensamiento: el caso del policía caníbal
Supervising Producer
Un análisis a fondo sobre la posibilidad de que en el futuro exista "la policía del pensamiento", a través del caso que ocupó tantos titulares del "policía caníbal" del Departamento de Policía de Nueva York, a quien se le acusó de conspirar para secuestrar y comerse a mujeres.
Cobain: Montage of Heck
Executive Producer
El pequeño Kurt crece en Aberdeen, Washington, un niño feliz que conquista a la gente. Su enorme potencial creativo se manifiesta desde el principio, pinta, hace música, escribe. Desde esos comienzos hasta su increíble éxito como líder de Nirvana, cuenta el primer documental autorizado por la familia. También de accidentes, dudas, drogas, depresión y muerte prematura. A partir de fotografías de niños lanzadas para su publicación por primera vez, material de archivo previamente desconocido, entrevistas con padres, familiares, amigos, futuros compañeros musicales y su viuda Courtney Love, Brett Morgen compone un retrato íntimo e intenso de la vida y el arte del legendario cantante, que rara vez se enfrenta a los medios. abrió.
Supervisor of Production Resources
En 2013, el analista informático Edward Snowden filtró documentos clasificados que había obtenido de la NSA, la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional Norteamericana, detallando la vigilancia que el gobierno estadounidense ejerce sobre sus ciudadanos. Después de pasar a la clandestinidad para evitar la extadición y el arresto, Snowden pasó a convertirse en noticia. Tanto que su notoriedad amenazaba con eclipsar las implicaciones de la información que había revelado.
My Depression (The Up and Down and Up of It)
Supervisor of Production Resources
Based on Elizabeth Swados’ picture book of the same name, this animated short film charts one woman's struggle with depression.
Crímenes de amor en Kabul
Supervising Producer
Mirada íntima a tres jóvenes mujeres afganas acusadas de cometer "crímenes morales" como tener sexo premarital o huir de su casa. Las seguimos desde prisión hasta el juicio, y descubrimos la opresión y las paradojas a las que se enfrentan hoy en día las mujeres de Afganistán, y las peligrosas consecuencias que puede tener para ellas negarse a acatarlas
Hot Coffee
Supervising Producer
Hot Coffee revela lo que realmente pasó con Stella Liebeck, la mujer de Albuquerque que derramó el café sobre ella y demandó a McDonalds , mientras que la exploración de cómo y por qué el caso obtuvo tanta atención de los medios, que financió el esfuerzo y con qué fin.
The Education of Dee Dee Ricks
The story of one woman's mission to defeat cancer and help others do the same.
Secrets of the Tribe
Supervising Producer
What happens when western anthropologists descend on the Amazon and make one of the last unacculturated tribes in existence, the Yanomami, the most exhaustively filmed and studied tribe on the planet? Despite their "do no harm" creed and scientific aims, the small army of anthropologists that has studied the Yanomami since the 1960s has wreaked havoc among the tribe - and sparked a war within the anthropology community itself.
Katie Morgan's Sex Tips 2: Any More Questions?
Supervising Producer
Adult-film star Katie Morgan answers a series of sex-related the buff, of course!
Katie Morgan's Porn 101
Coordinating Producer
The candid, and naked, Katie Morgan takes us through a history of porn. From ancient paintings and sculpture, to early pornographic silent films, to modern day adult films.
Katie Morgan on Sex Toys
Coordinating Producer
Adult-film star Katie Morgan leads a candid, and naked, virtual journey through the history of sex toys, from stone age toys to the latest modern devices.
Los Niños de la Estación Leningradsky
Production Coordinator
Since the fall of the Iron Curtain an estimated four million children have found themselves living on the streets in the former countries of the Soviet Union. In the streets of Moscow alone there are over 30,000 surviving in this manner at the present time. The makers of the documentary film concentrated on a community of homeless children living hand to mouth in the Moscow train station Leningradsky. Eight-year-old Sasha, eleven-year-old Kristina, thirteen-year-old Misha and ten-year-old Andrej all dream of living in a communal home.
And Along Came a Spider
Associate Producer
A shocking portrait of the world of a recently captured serial killer, who sees his killing of prostitutes as in accordance with Islamic teaching. Over the space of a year, 16 women were murdered in the Iranian city of Mashad. Because the victims were lured into the killer's traps, the press soon called these the "spider killings." All but one of the victims had previously been arrested for prostitution and drug-related crimes. When a 39-year-old contractor is arrested and confesses to the crimes, he claims divine support for his crimes. His mother, wife, son, and many neighbors agree. AND ALONG CAME A SPIDER visits with the families of the victims, with the perpetrator and his family, and with prostitutes in this holy city. Most chillingly, the killer's son proudly re-enacts a murder, and suggests that he wants to grow up to be like his father. This is a chilling film about cycles of moral vengeance.
Coordinating Producer
Documentary of S.K. Thoth, a multi-ethnic street performer whose music marries cultures and blurs gender lines.
Untitled John Williams Documentary
Executive Producer
The medium-defining composer who's breathed belief into over one hundred movies now receives his own.