Paul Rosenblum


Boys on the Run
Executive Producer
When Jessy burns down his adoptive parents garage he is put into a youth prison. There he meets Roark another troublemake with whom he escapes and ends up in deserted woodlands. On their way they meet Rain, a girl that flees from her militia-captain Father. Together and with the Militia on their trail they try to escape in the hope of finding somewhere to make a new start of their lives.
El protector
Executive Producer
Jennifer Barrett no sabe que es la hija de Angelo Allighieri, un poderoso capo de la mafia. Cuando éste es asesinado durante un tiroteo en un restaurante, su leal guardaespaldas Frankie Delano jura proteger a Jennifer de los enemigos de su padre, que supone que intentarán deshacerse de ella. Pero lo primero que tiene que hacer es revelarle a Jennifer su verdadera identidad y advertirla del grave peligro que corre.
Tiempo límite
El inspector de la policía de San Francisco Ray Nettles y su compañero Fuzzy detienen a una joven prostituta, pero la llevan a un albergue para mujeres en vez de a la cárcel, para que pueda rehacer su vida en compañía de su hija. Más adelante, cuando el dúo investiga un robo en una zona industrial, son cercados por una violenta banda terrorista dirigida por el sádico Swan. Fuzzy es herido de muerte durante el espectacular tiroteo, pero Swan consigue escapar. Durante la carniceria Nettles consigue detener a una terrorista, la preciosa Claire Manning. Arrestada Claire, Fuzzy amenaza con hacer explotar una serie de bombas por toda la ciudad si no la liberan.
Executive Producer
After decades of terror, two deadly street gangs reach a delicate truce and young MJ (Silkk the Shocker) sees a way out of the hood once and for all. Only Corrupt (Ice-T) stands in MJ's way, resulting into a violent and brutal roller coaster ride of action!
Urban Menace
Executive Producer
An insane preacher seeks retribution from the local crime syndicate for the violent death of his family and the burning of his church in a horrendous ghetto crime spree.
Malas Armas
Executive Producer
Moon, líder del sindicato del crimen más poderoso de América, reúne a los más crueles, sádicos y peligrosos asesinos dentro de un recinto de máxima seguridad. A pesar de que todos ellos han actuado alguna vez contra su organización, Moon les ofrece el perdón a cambio de que se maten entre ellos, prometiendo una recompensa de nada menos que 10 millones de dólares a los tres únicos supervivientes.
Tierra del crimen
Una década después de que la Unión Soviética se deshiciera en una caótica mezcla de países, poderosas familias mafiosas emergen de la anarquía para hacerse con el lucrativo contrabando de armas y tecnología. El centro de estos negocios es Praga, encrucijada entre el Este y el Oeste.
Bajo la ley del terror
Executive Producer
Un grupo de terroristas toma como rehenes a unos deportistas que van a participar en los Juegos Olímpicos. Están dispuestos a todo si sus exigencias no se cumplen.
Nemesis 4: Death Angel
Executive Producer
Alex shoots again. She has to kill a man, but shoots the wrong one. A high ransom is set on her, so she is visited by some head hunters. Well, she only could sit and wait and hope for a friend's help.
Adrenalin: Fear the Rush
Executive Producer
In a not-too-distant future, a lethal virus sweeps across Europe, prompting the creation of quarantine refugee camps in the United States. Police officers Delon (Natasha Henstridge) and Lemieux (Christopher Lambert) learn of a grisly murder in the Boston camp and team up to investigate. Suspecting the ruthless killer is infected with the virus, the pair have just hours to stop him before he becomes contagious and infects the entire population.
Nemesis 3: Time Lapse
Executive Producer
Using footage left over from Nemesis 2 and a very thin story line sees Alex again fighting the cyborg mercenaries in 1998 East Africa. This time, Alex finds that she has 20 half sisters who are waiting for her to return to 2077. Central Command wants Alex captured alive and scanned to see if her DNA is a strong and more powerful strain than the normal. But Alex may be too tough for Farnsworth to capture.
Apocalipsis Omega
Executive Producer
La larga guerra entre máquinas y personas ha colocado a ambos bandos al borde de la extinción. En una de las ciudades, se esconde un arsenal que podría dar la victoria a quien lo encuentre. Un ejército de humanos avanza hacia allí.
Nemesis 2: Nebula
Executive Producer
It has been 73 years since Alex failed and the Humans lost the Cyborg Wars. Since then, the Humans have been enslaved. Scientists have developed a new DNA strain, which could signal the end of the Cyborgs, and they inject it into a volunteer. When the Cyborgs learn of the woman and the baby they list both for termination.
Hong Kong 97
Executive Producer
Hong Kong 97 takes place in Hong Kong right before the transfer of power from Britain to China. Reginald Cameron, an assassin affiliated with a large corporation with interests in the colony, guns down key members of the Chinese envoy which will take charge of Hong Kong the next day. Suddenly, he becomes a target for every two-bit mercenary in the city. With the help of his company mentor, a clueless friend, and his ex-girlfriend, Cameron must unravel the motives behind his sudden target status and escape Hong Kong alive.