Sara (Minka Kelly) decide compartir piso con una estudiante llamada Rebecca (Leighton Meester). Al principio todo va bien y la relación es de respeto mutuo; pero llega un momento en que la situación da un giro radical: la recién llegada empieza a involucrar a Sara en una serie de hechos muy turbios que pondrán en peligro su vida.
Kelly Canter (Gwyneth Paltrow) es una cantante de country en decadencia y muy aficionada a la bebida. Después de haber pasado por un centro de desintoxicación, su marido (Tim McGraw) la empuja a emprender una gira que debería ayudarla a renacer de sus cenizas.
Associate Producer
Un grupo de ladrones de banco de élite planea su golpe más atrevido después de que un antiguo compañero les convenza para asaltar un camión blindado con mucho dinero.
Derek Charles, un financiero de éxito que acaba de recibir un importante ascenso, es feliz en su carrera profesional y en su matrimonio con la bella Sharon Charles. Ambos tienen un hijo adorable y se acaban de trasladar a la casa de sus sueños. Un día Derek conoce a una nueva empleada temporal en la oficina: Lisa. Hermosa, desenvuelta y siempre alegre. Lisa es la perfecta compañera de trabajo. De repente, en la fiesta de Navidad de la compañía, Lisa se abalanza sobre él y éste firmemente le dice que se equivoca. Al día siguiente, vuelve a intentarlo. Lisa no acepta un no por respuesta y su locura va a más con cada uno de los rechazos. Pronto, Derek empieza a preocuparse por lo lejos que parece que Lisa está dispuesta a llegar...
Four troubled, inner city kids get a western-style shot at redemption when a cowboy pastor invites them to his country ranch and offers them a chance to put their lives in perspective. Korina, Rey, Anthony, and Marcus all grew up on the streets. Every decision they make in that volatile environment could affect the rest of their lives. Pastor John Gunn (John Schneider) runs the Power Company Kids' ministry, an organization dedicated to giving at-risk kids the tools they need to build brighter futures. He's convinced that the four teens would benefit from going back to the basics and experiencing the cowboy lifestyle, and with a little help from ranch owners Randy and Heidi Gunn, Pastor Gunn shows the kids that there's much more to life than hustling on the streets. Though reluctant to participate at first, the kids quickly adjust to their new surroundings as their eyes are opened to a whole new world of opportunity.
Four troubled, inner city kids get a western-style shot at redemption when a cowboy pastor invites them to his country ranch and offers them a chance to put their lives in perspective. Korina, Rey, Anthony, and Marcus all grew up on the streets. Every decision they make in that volatile environment could affect the rest of their lives. Pastor John Gunn (John Schneider) runs the Power Company Kids' ministry, an organization dedicated to giving at-risk kids the tools they need to build brighter futures. He's convinced that the four teens would benefit from going back to the basics and experiencing the cowboy lifestyle, and with a little help from ranch owners Randy and Heidi Gunn, Pastor Gunn shows the kids that there's much more to life than hustling on the streets. Though reluctant to participate at first, the kids quickly adjust to their new surroundings as their eyes are opened to a whole new world of opportunity.
Four perky, clueless cheerleaders from the Happy Valley High Hamsters are mistakenly blamed by the meddling Church Ladies for the invasion of the "Internet smut" into their children's bedrooms. The Church Ladies hire Stephen, a sexually ambiguous teacher from the local Parochial Reform School, to teach the cheerleaders a lesson. But the cheerleaders have more than Stephen to worry about...lurking in the shadows is Mr. X, an evil mastermind who is using the cheerleaders as guinea pigs to test his Internet Zombie Domination software!