Aaron Pope


Spreading Darkness
Stu Undercoffler (Eric Roberts) is a corrupt CEO whose drive for power has led him to make some highly unethical choices. Once Stu's self-serving decisions have begun to spread darkness through the world, there's no stopping it. After losing his wife, Stu begins to have a crisis of conscience but starts to believe he is being stalked and has been hallucinating. Is he losing his mind or have his former victims come back to wreck havoc on him?
Spreading Darkness
Stu Undercoffler (Eric Roberts) is a corrupt CEO whose drive for power has led him to make some highly unethical choices. Once Stu's self-serving decisions have begun to spread darkness through the world, there's no stopping it. After losing his wife, Stu begins to have a crisis of conscience but starts to believe he is being stalked and has been hallucinating. Is he losing his mind or have his former victims come back to wreck havoc on him?
Lou Ferrigno ("The Incredible Hulk") is back in action as a washed-up superhero trying to get his life back on the rails in this gritty short film.
Lou Ferrigno ("The Incredible Hulk") is back in action as a washed-up superhero trying to get his life back on the rails in this gritty short film.
Co-Executive Producer
The re-awakening of a seductive female vampire and the struggle of a lone vampire hunter who must overcome his desire for her in order to destroy her.
The re-awakening of a seductive female vampire and the struggle of a lone vampire hunter who must overcome his desire for her in order to destroy her.
A slow-paced, action thriller about a virus that strikes a New Mexico county and the local veterinarian who gets caught in the middle.
The Gold Retrievers
Un niño y su perro deben ir en busca de un tesoro local legendario en un esfuerzo por salvar la casa de la familia de una ejecución hipotecaria.
Dark Reel
Murder, mystery and mayhem as B movie fan, Adam Waltz, wins Walk on Role in a film Featuring Scream Queen, Cassie Blue (Tiffany Shepis). Thinking his luck had changed for the better he steps into chaos with a killer loose and no one on the production safe.
The Boston Strangler
Boston, Mass. 1962. The dawn of the serial killer was at hand. Thirteen innocent women were brutally slaughtered by a faceless monster. Now, through the eyes of the killer himself, we are taken on a sadistic journey from the jail cell to the grave, reliving each terrifying event one murder at a time.
El estrangulador de la colina
La psiquiatra Samantha Stone entrevista a Kenneth Blanch, "El estrangulador de la colina", para intentar descifrar las motivaciones que están detrás de su horrible reinado del terror.
London: Oscura obsesión
Script Supervisor
Syd (Chris Evans) es un yonqui neoyorkino de clase acomodada que va de mal en peor en su vida. Tras un reventón, se entera al recuperar la lucidez de que su ex-novia London (Jessica Biel) abandona la ciudad para mudarse a Los Angeles. Él la considera su único verdadero amor y se siente impulsado a visitarla por última vez antes de su partida. Así pues, ni corto ni perezoso, se hace amigo de uno de los invitados ocasionales y consigue infiltrarse en la fiesta de despedida. Sin embargo, ahí se enfrentará a la verdadera razón tras su ruptura y saldrán a la luz otros antecedentes...
Script Supervisor
A pesar de que Steven (McConaughey) pertenece a una familia de enanos, tiene una estatura normal. Su novia Carol (Kate Beckinsale) ignora esta circunstancia, pero acaba enterándose el día en que aparece en su casa Rolfe (Gary Oldman), el hermano de Steven. Cuando Carol se queda embarazada, la pareja teme que su bebé herede los genes de la familia paterna.
Policías del aire
Cuando Brett Prescott (Dean Cochran) dimite de los comandos de la sección de Fuerzas Especiales, no es para trabajar como vigilante en un supermercado... Hombre de acción acostumbrado a las misiones más delicadas, acepta el puesto de Air Marshal, agente especial que viaja de incógnito. Un jet comercial ha sido secuestrado a manos de un grupo de terroristas, y Prescott se encuentra a bordo. El destino de los pasajeros está en sus manos.
Vampire Clan
Basada en una historia real, la película cuenta la historia de un grupo de jóvenes de estética gótica que creen ser verdaderos vampiros. Se alimentan de su propia sangre, participan en rituales siniestros, pero esta vez han llegado demasiado lejos... El sheriff del pueblo debe resolver el caso para lo que se debe enfrentar al terrible grupo de jóvenes que se hacen llamar a sí mismos "El clan de los vampiros". (FILMAFFINITY)