Herb Mitchell

Nacimiento : 1937-06-18, Bar Harbor, Maine, USA

Muerte : 2011-01-04


Acadia Always
Theodore Roosevelt (voice)
A brand new look at one of America's favorite national parks. Jack Perkins, former NBC News correspondent and host of A&E's Biography Series, lends his powerful narrative to this hour long tribute to the people who created Acadia National Park and to those who keep and preserve it.
Al servicio del presidente
Admiral Harrington
Connely, agente especial del servicio secreto del Presidente de los Estados Unidos, tiene como misión acompañarlo a todas partes.
Hefner: Unauthorized
Clifford Schabile
The unauthorized biography of Hugh Hefner and the birth of the Playboy empire.
Santa and Pete
The Governor
This warmhearted Yuletide tale tells the story of Grandpa Nichols (James Earl Jones) who is spending his first Christmas alone as a widower. His grandson Pete (Flex Alexander from SHE'S ALL THAT) is riveted by his grandfather's story of St. Nick, and Pete decides that it is his desire to do all he can to help out old St. Nick in any way he can. A delight for the whole family.
Silk Hope
Claude Osteen
Frannie Vaughn (Fawcett) comes back home after being away a long time, only to find that her mother has died. She also finds out that her sister, Natalie (Crow) and her husband, Jake (Bryce), are planning to sell the acres once owned by Frannie and Natalie's family. To buy the land back from her sister, Frannie gets a job and falls in love with a fellow worker, Rubin (Johnson). In the end, Frannie's dreams come true and Natalie comes to her senses and moves in to the old family house with Frannie and Rubin.
Austin Powers: La espía que me achuchó
Austin Powers es un agente secreto de los años 60 que, tras ser congelado, vuelve a la vida en los años 90. En esta nueva entrega de sus aventuras, Austin Powers se enfrentará con nuevos villanos, pero deberá volver a luchar con el Doctor Maligno, su máximo enemigo. El malvado doctor tiene un siniestro plan: ha inventado una máquina del tiempo que le permitirá volver a los años 60 y destruir a su archienemigo, que deberá unir sus fuerzas a una bella agente para derrotarle.
Ajuste de cuentas
Cuando un falsificador experto se encuentra en deuda a un corredor de apuestas peligroso y que huye de la mafia, él compite para limpiar su nombre y ajustar cuentas.
Surface to Air
General Davis
Two feuding half-brothers are both assigned to the same aircraft carrier. The carrier is sent to the Persian Gulf and their personal problems are put behind them, while they deal with a Iraqi military officer who has decided to stage a coup. The brothers move in to deal with the problem, but soon find themselves fighting the rebels as well as regular Iraqi troops. When one brother gets in trouble, the other comes to the rescue.
Fuerza máxima
Trooper #1
Año 2008. Toby Wong escapa de los hombres de la siniestra corporación Leung. En su huida, Toby acaba por involucrar a un pobre perdedor. Los dos son sometidos a una brutal persecución. Los hombres de Leung van detrás de un prototipo que está en poder de Toby: un artefacto biotecnológico que aumenta la fuerza física de quien lo lleva implantado....
Abandoned and Deceived
The film is the story of woman who is denied the pensions for her children by her ex-husband. Therefore she has to fight for her rights by appealing the courts of justice and the bureaucracy of the state.
La última seducción
Bob Trotter
Bridget Gregory (Linda Fiorentino) es una mujer fría y calculadora que huye con un millón de dólares que ella y su marido (Bill Pullman) habían conseguido traficando con medicamentos. En un pequeño pueblo conoce a Mike Swale (Peter Berg), un hombre que se enamora perdidamente de ella, pero a Bridget él sólo le interesa como instrumento para librarse definitivamente de su marido y quedarse con el dinero.
A Murderous Affair: The Carolyn Warmus Story
Judge Carey
A married man meets a beautiful woman and they begin an affair.
Cambiadas al nacer
Dr. Marvin Cook
Dos recién nacidas son cambiadas accidentalmente en el hospital en el que sus madres dan a luz. Al cabo del tiempo, una de las mujeres fallece víctima de una enfermedad congénita que acabará también con la vida de su hija natural. Los padres de esta niña comprenderán entonces que su verdadera hija está viva en algún lugar y lucharán contra viento y marea por recuperarla.
Una Gran Promesa
Capt. Summers
Para no ser expulsado, Alex, el peor alumno de la historia de la Universidad, tendrá que superar la más difícil de todas las asignaturas: transformar a un salvaje, jorobado, melenudo e incontrolable novato en un chico ejemplar.
El chip prodigioso
Camera Store Clerk
El temperamental piloto Tuck Pendelton se presta voluntario para un experimento que consiste en miniaturizarle en el interior de una cápsula que debe ser introducida en un conejo. Pero unos delincuentes intentan apropiarse del invento, y Pendelton acaba por casualidad en el interior de Jack Putter, un ser humano hipocondríaco. A partir de ahí, ambos se verán obligados a colaborar para conseguir que Tuck pueda salir del cuerpo de Jack.
Juventud rota
Dos estudiantes de secundaria, no están preparados para la realidad de la paternidad cuando ella se queda embarazada
Do You Remember Love
Barbara Wyatt-Hollis is an English professor who begins to experience the effects of Alzheimer's. The film documents her decline and the emotional turmoil it causes for her. It also shows how the changes impact her husband, George, and their children. The film also looks at the process by which families can be educated and supported to deal with the impact of the disease, as well as what is done for those afflicted.
A toda marcha
Mr. Russell
Al comienzo del último año de instituto, el padre de Morgan Hiller ha perdido su empresa, así que la familia se traslada desde Connecticut, donde formaban parte de un club naútico, a un pequeño apartamento en el Valle de San Fernando. Morgan ha crecido a la sombra de su hermano mayor, y parece tener una gran destreza para meterse en líos. Además es muy obstinado, y cuando se siente atraído por Frankie, la novia de Nick, el líder de una banda local de gamberros, no duda en intentar una relación con la joven.
Breakdance 2: Electric Boogaloo
Kelly (Lucinda Dickey), Ozone (Adolfo Quiñones), y Turbo (Michael Chambers) intentarán detener la demolición de un centro de recreación de la comunidad.
Sam's Son
Coach Diener
Michael Landon's semi-autobiographical sketch of his earlier life. It's the story of Gene Orowitz, a high school student struggling with his identity, who finds success as a javelin thrower on the track team.
Baby Sister
Mr. Girard
Sultry college dropout Annie Burroughs moves in with her older sister Marsha and proceeds to break up the relationship between Marsha and her live-in boyfriend David Mitchell so Annie can begin a sensuous love affair and have David all for herself.
I, Desire
Bernard McDougal
A coroner's assistant, who is also a law student, gets involved in a strange case involving his girlfriend's place of employment (a hospital), prostitutes, a defrocked priest, and vampires.
Pray TV
A newly ordained minister accepts a summer job with a dynamic TV evangelist only to find deep conflicts between the latter's conventional activities servicing his community's spiritual needs and his power wielded as a TV celebrity.
On Fire
Joe is an arson investigator for the fire department. He has a loving and devoted wife and has two just as loving and devoted sons. Things couldn't be better for him until he learns that the department wants to retire him. He does so reluctantly. He then falls into a deep depression because, while most people look forward to retirement, he doesn't. So, his wife and children do their best to lift his spirits but all he does is push them away.