Hans-Uwe Bauer

Hans-Uwe Bauer

Nacimiento : 1955-08-26, Stralsund, Germany


Hans-Uwe Bauer


Cerca de tu enemigo
Uwe Holmer
Enero de 1990. Alemania está a punto de ser reunificada. El régimen moribundo de la RDA se vuelve contra su propio líder: el exjefe de Estado Erich Honecker quien enfrenta cargos de traición. Abandonado a su suerte, encontrará refugio en casa de un pastor protestante con quien confrontará moral y política.
Das Lied des toten Mädchens
Sebastian Waldheim
Sauerland, autumn 1995: In the middle of the forest on the Wilzenberg, a walker finds the body of high school graduate Sonja Risse. However, the fact that the killer left a music box with the lullaby "Hush Little Baby" at the crime scene does not lead to a clear solving. 25 years later, the investigative journalist Stefanie Schneider, known as "Mütze", made a surprising discovery in Cologne. In a disused multi-storey car park, she films an undressed corpse of a man with a music box running next to it! When her colleague Jan Römer, who reported on the spectacular Sonja case as a young journalist in 1995, recognizes the melody from back then, he immediately believes there is a connection. He goes to Wilzenberg with his ambitious colleague to interview Sonja's mother Maria, her former teacher Waldheim and her best friends. The more the journalists compile, the clearer the contradictions and gaps that the investigators should have noticed at the time.
Comisario Dupin: Legado Bretón
Brecan Priziac
Justo al lado de Dupin, un respetado hombre de negocios, aparentemente golpeado, cae y muere. El Comisionado comienza a investigar.
Der Wunschzettel
Birger Schwebe
La sombra del pasado
Horst Grimma
Kurt Barnert es un joven estudiante de arte en la Alemania del Este. Está enamorado de su compañera de clase, Ellie. El padre de ella, el Professor Seeband, un famoso médico, no aprueba la relación de su hija y está decidido a destruirla. Lo que ninguno de ellos sabe es que sus vidas están conectadas por un terrible crimen cometido hace décadas.
Verliebt in Masuren
Dengler - Die schützende Hand
Prof. Stern
Zwei Bauern und kein Land
Günter Fuchs
El joven Karl Marx
Arnold Ruge
En el París de 1844, tras exiliarse, Karl Marx conoce a Friedrich Engels, quien investigaba el nacimiento de la clase obrera británica. Engels proporcionó la última pieza del puzle a la visión del mundo del joven Marx. Juntos, entre censuras, represión policial, revueltas y conflictos políticos, lideraron el movimiento obrero durante su desarrollo hacia la era moderna.
Fanny und die gestohlene Frau
Kurt Basinski
Mordkommission Berlin 1
A crime movie directed by Marvin Kren.
Tobias Winkler
Karos handball team is facing a big international competition. When it becomes public that her boyfriend is an active member of a far-right party, the team, the club, Karo's family and last but not least she is put to the test: Does Karo have to be marginalized in order to signal against exclusion in society?
Bis zum Ende der Welt
Mark Brodersen
Open the Wall
A lighthearted look at the opening of the border crossing of Bornholmer Straße in Berlin from the point of view of the confused border guards.
Alleine war gestern
Eckart Fröhlich
Operation Zucker
Hans Neidhart
Una discoteca de Berlín es investigada en relación a una red internacional de tráfico y prostitucion de niños.
Shores of Hope
In this vivid historical drama set in 1980s East Germany, two dockworkers and best friends who dream of escaping the repressive regime are forced to choose their loyalties when the state police promise them safe passage out of the country — if they inform on their co-workers and union leader.
Hotel Desire
Antonia , madre soltera, lleva a su niño de siete años a una parada de autobús en Berlín, desde donde el niño a solas con su padre viajará a París de vacaciones. Debido a su trabajo como camarera en un hotel requiere mucho tiempo, ella se mete en problemas con sus superiores.
205 La habitación del miedo
Katrin's Father
Katrin es una estudiante nueva en la universidad. Ahora vive sola en los dormitorios y tiene la libertad de hacer lo que quiera. Una noche comienzan una serie de accidentes que la ponen en el centro de una terrible maldición de pasados estudiantes que como ella, vivieron en el cuarto 205.
Set in the Summer of 1988 and based on real events, the film tells the story of East-German twins Isabel and Doreen, two aspiring oarswomen, whose lives are changed dramatically during a training camp at Lake Balaton in Hungary. There, the girls make the acquaintance of West-German friends Arne and Nico. The holiday flirt soon turns serious when Doreen and Arne fall in love. As the end of their stay approaches, Arne asks the inseparable sisters to flee to the West with him…
Promising the Moon
Margas Vater
Throughout her life Marga has shown little feeling for her daughter Sofia. But now she reveals fear, wounds and a deep longing for her long-deceased husband Juris. She becomes increasingly lost in her forgetfulness and suddenly demands, like a child, gentleness. It’s an uncomfortable situation for Sofia who must now take care of her mother. Sofia’s growing realization that Marga’s past also affects her own gives Sofia impetus to make a sudden journey with her mother to Riga. This is where Marga grew up and where she married Juris. But the more Sofia learns about her mothers, the less clear it becomes who she herself is.
Dr. Wissmer
Berlín. Época actual. Hanna y Simon son una pareja que viven juntos desde hace años. El amor, el trabajo, el sexo y la vida cotidiana se entremezclan en una combativa armonía. Son atractivos, modernos, maduros, sin niños, cultivados y con los pies en la tierra. Pero Hanna conoce a Adam. Y Adam conoce a Simon. E inesperadamente los tres se enamoran.
Tod einer Schülerin
Der beliebte Pädagoge Alex Berger (Brandt) steht entgeistert vor seinen Bücherbergen: Eine Schülerin, mit der er Sex hatte,wurde erschlagen am See der brandenburgischen Kleinstadt aufgefunden, nun plant das Kripoteam (Lavinia Wilson, Peter Lerchbaumer) einen Massen-Gentest. Berger beichtet seiner Frau (Corinna Harfouch) den angeblich einmaligen Seitensprung, mit dem Mord habe er aber nichts zu tun. Bergers Familie droht an der Belastung zu zerbrechen… Die Auflösung steht im Hintergrund, der Film konzentriert sich auf das Drama im Hause Berger. Fabelhaft: die dynamische Kamera und das auch in kleinen Rollen nuanciert agierende Ensemble.
Boxhagener Platz
Jochen Gundorff
Feature adaptation of adaptation of Torsten Schulz's novel set in East Berlin in 1968.
A young man from East Germany travels to San Francisco to search for his father, who fled 12 years ago. Together with his best friend, he starts the journey from New York with no money and the only word they ever learned in english-lessons: "friendship".
Ein Dorf sieht Mord
Uli Barkemeyer
Meine schöne Nachbarin
Doro is young, beautiful and a trained opera singer that gets by with occasional jobs. Her neighbour, a former criminal detective, is dying and she cares for him in his last moments. His dying wish is to see his son Michael. Doro fulfills the old man's wish and they meet for the first time since twenty years.
Mein Mörder kommt zurück
Hans Förster
La vida de los otros
Paul Hauser
El capitán Gerd Wiesler (Ulrich Mühe) es un oficial extremadamente competente de la Stasi, la todopoderosa policía secreta del régimen comunista de la antigua República Democrática Alemana. Pero, cuando en 1984 le encomiendan que espíe a la pareja formada por el prestigioso escritor Georg Dreyman (Sebastian Koch) y la popular actriz Christa-Maria Sieland (Martina Gedenk), no sabe hasta qué punto esa misión va a influir en su propia vida...
Good bye, Lenin!
Dr. Mewes
Berlín, octubre de 1989. Unos días antes de la caída del Muro, la madre de Alex, una mujer orgullosa de sus ideas comunistas, entra en coma. Cuando despierta ocho meses después, su hijo hará lo posible y lo imposible para que no se entere de que está viviendo en una Alemania reunificada y capitalista. Su objetivo es convertir el apartamento familiar en una isla anclada en el pasado, una especie de museo del socialismo en el que su madre viva cómodamente creyendo que nada ha cambiado.
Vaya con Dios
Tres monjes se dirigen desde Alemania a un monasterio en Italia, porque ya no pueden pagar el alquiler de sus instalaciones ...
Zeit der Rache
Edgar Templin
Hasta donde los pies me lleven
Narra el increíble y eterno viaje que el soldado alemán Clemens Forell emprendió en su dramática huida de un campo de concentración de Siberia después de la II Guerra Mundial. A través del crudo invierno siberiano, y con la única obsesión de regresar con su familia, Forell tiene que recorrer, paso a paso, un difícil camino hasta llegar a Irán y así poder salvar su vida y conseguir la libertad.
Kelly Bastian - Geschichte einer Hoffnung
Hartmut Detlefsen
Silent Country
A young, naive and enthusiastic theater director named Kai comes to a grim provincial town to put on Beckett's Waiting for Godot. Although the lethargic theater company shows no interest in the play, his spirit remains undaunted.Meanwhile, it is fall 1989. The world is changing and somewhere, far away in the capital, a revolution is taking place and it seems that wishes might come true. Great hopes emerge in the little town and unexpected events overtake Kai's mutating production.
Im Sog der Angst
To gain lands from the prince of Saxony, a group of orphans seeks Mozart, in order to obtain the very rare score of one of his compositions.
Versteckte Fallen
Georg Rattey
Claudia and Georg Rattey, a married couple, have everything what people in their mid-thirties might wish for: a car, a farmhouse for vacations on the weekends, and their son Oliver. But their contentedness does not turn into happiness but into an inner void: Claudia and Georg have nothing left to say to each other and just live alongside each other. One day, they discover a ten-year old burglar in their half-finished vacation home.
The Dancer
Fritz Krüger
Based on a semi-autobiographical story by Ogai Mori, about a Japanese medical student who goes to Berlin to study in the 1880s and falls in love with a German ballet dancer.
The Ascent of Chimborazo
Georg Forster
The life of Alexander von Humboldt up to his attempt to climb the Chimborazo in 1802.
Time in the Jungle
Armin Bauer
Defectors from Hitler's army join the French Foreign Legion and end up in Vietnam in the late '40s.
The Brigade-Leader’s Hat
Young construction worker Ralf Reider leaves his home village Katzsprung in the Rhön mountains during the "Berlin Initiative". In the capital, he wants to earn enough money in construction to build his own house for his wife and his child. But Ralf is an unconventional character who soon becomes an outsider because of his behaviour.
La mujer y el extraño
Verwirrter Soldat
Dos soldados alemanes capturados por los rusos durante la I Guerra Mundial se hacen amigos. Richard comparte historias íntimas sobre su esposa Anna, y Karl se enamoran de ella en sus pensamientos. Un día, Karl se escapa y se dirige a la casa de Richard.
Wo andere schweigen
Ten days in the life of socialist politician Clara Zetkin. In August 1932, she is summoned from Archangelskoje near Moskow to open the new legislative session because at seventy-five, she is the oldest representative in the German Reichstag. Although she is ill and almost blind, she see this as her chance to make her voice heard amid the growing Nazi influence in Germany.
The Turning Point
Obergefreiter Fenske
In the fall of 1945, nineteen year-old Mark Niebuhr, is accused of murder and is jailed as a prisoner of war in Warsaw, Poland. He maintains his claim of innocence throughout long periods of solitary confinement. When Mark is placed among a group of Polish criminals, he becomes the target of their aggression. Later, Mark experiences true hell in a communal cell with fanatical German war criminals. Turning Point is based on actual events from Hermann Kant's novel of the same name.
Little Alexander
May of 1945. Soviet soldiers conducting an operation to rescue the children in a small town in the territory of Germany.
When he reaches age 18, Peter is released from the children's home where he grew up, but this does not mean he is truly ready for adult life.
Mörderische Hitze
Hubert Hauwald