Marie Gruber

Marie Gruber

Nacimiento : 1955-06-11, Wuppertal, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Muerte : 2018-02-08


Marie Gruber
Marie Gruber


Schwarzbrot in Thailand
Hey Bunny
A misanthropist ex-hacker is suspected of sabotaging a famous happiness-research facility. He is forced to prove his innocence and stumbles into a wild adventure, during which he involuntarily becomes an idealistic activist, has to deal with strange, possibly supernatural rabbits and his crazy family - and regains a little belief in happiness.
Familie mit Hindernissen
Renate Koch
Katrin can only dream of a happy family. Because the patchwork constellation with several involuntarily connected families puts their nerves to the test. To kitten the fragile relationship with her 14-year-old daughter Saskia, she has invited all family members to their confirmation. But Saskia has recently moved to her father and his new family, while the son of Katrins new partner Philipp has moved in with them and since then devastated Saskia's room and Katrins life. It is impossible to think of a harmonious everyday life, let alone a peaceful family celebration.
Una amistad eterna
Ida Kästner
Una mirada biográfica a Erich Kastner y su mayor fan sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Lotte Jäger und das tote Mädchen
Frau Burundula
Magda Hoffmeister
Una pequeña ciudad alemana, poco tiempo después de la I Guerra Mundial. Anna va todos los días a visitar la tumba de su prometido Frantz, asesinado en Francia. Un día, Adrien, un misterioso joven francés, también deja flores en la tumba. Su presencia suscitará reacciones imprevisibles en un entorno marcado por la derrota de Alemania.
Tres padres
Oles Mutter
Jasper solo quiere conocer a su padre ... Para cumplir su deseo, su madre, Maike debe averiguar quién es . Kit y Caboodle Maike hacen una escala en su pueblo natal , el idílico Füdrum. Su hija Jasper Luise , conoce finalmente a su abuela Inge. Deciden pues acampar por unos días - hasta que puedan decirle a Jasper, quien es su padre biológico.
Mi Mayor Deseo
Mrs. Vaugh
Ann y Rick Withers son un matrimonio separado, con serios problemas. Sin embargo, para cumplir un sueño de Ann, el de adoptar a una menor, se presentarán en la oficina correspondiente como un perfecto matrimonio, unido y feliz. Agridulce comedia dramática, que explora los sentimientos maternales y las dificultades sentimentales en el interior de la familia. Adaptación televisiva de amables resultados, como corresponde a una novela de Katie Fforde.
Heimat ist kein Ort
The unemployed taxi driver Klaus, the gay dog sitter Uwe and the strict nurse Inge did not have an easy childhood. Her mother died too early, the father then gave her home. Now the old man has died and for the hated Kurbjuweits is the Notarbesuch on. Klaus, Uwe, Inge and their daughter Jule now hope to inherit money and real estate - but they are surprised by an unusual testament. They have to scatter the ashes of the dead in places in their East Prussian homeland, which were important to the father. Together with the young Polish notary Krzysztow, who is supposed to supervise the proper implementation, they are leaving for good or ill. It takes them almost to Polish prison and soon to a wedding, where they understand better not only the father, but also himself better.
El ángel de la justicia
Patricia Engel, abogada experta en negligencias médicas, se enfrenta a dos nuevos casos mientras descubre e intenta asimilar que su marido Thomas va a dejar a su familia por otra mujer de la que se ha enamorado. (FILMAFFINITY)
Krüger aus Almanya
Berlin widower Paul Krüger, a retired ex-GDR stone mason (66), hates foreigner immigrants, especially Muslims. When his beloved, doting granddaughter Annie plans to marry Deniz, an ambitious student and waiter in Ankara who needs a visa for Germany, backward Paul and his buddy, publican Karin, go on Turkish 'holiday' so he can talk her out of it. But Deniz proves her only choice and probably a right one, even if countrymen and family win Paul's heart, as well as a resourceful preteen-thief, who proves an orphaned Syrian refugee. Paul even promises to plead with his counterpart, Deniz's family patriarch, who opposes him marrying a Christian infidel at pain of expulsion from the close clan.
Franziskas Welt: Hochzeiten und andere Hürden
Lotti Bruns
Das kalte Herz
Peters Mutter
German TV adaptation of Wilhelm Hauff‘s fairy tale “Heart of Stone“.
Das Ende der Geduld
Corinna Kleist is a juvenile court judge who, after a leave of absence following the suicide of a convicted teenager, is appointed to a 'problem area' in Berlin. She now tries harder than ever to change the system in order to prevent troubled kids from being turned into vicious criminals.
Alleine war gestern
Die letzten Millionen
In a senior citizens' residence in Berlin, six residents are betting on the Lotto jackpot of € 30 million. But what should one do with so much money in his old days? Lebemann Conrad wants to hit the spot again, while the gay couple Otto and Jakob are fulfilling their dream of sailing. The good-natured Rosi is unabashedly exempted from her children, while the adventurous Karin finally wants to travel the world, if need be even without her sullen husband. But although almost all can fulfill their dreams, fate holds after the lottery luck also a few setbacks.
La bella y la bestia
Manteniendo la historia de belleza, ilusión y amor, esta interpretación moderna apora dinamismo y acción a la trama, sorprendiendo con una ambientación y un universo visual diferente. Una experimentación de estilo sobre la superficialidad y la ilusión con una lectura diferente de la fábula mundialmente conocida. La mágia sigue presente en este enfoque más adulto, reflexivo e impactante, adornando el ambiente de ensueño que la caracteriza.
El ángel de la justicia: El caso de las primas
Schwester Karin
La doctora Patricia Engel, abogado especialista en Derecho Médico, se enfrenta a su antiguo hospital, cuyo médico jefe es su padre, por dos negligencias: una mujer en coma tras ser operada sin necesidad y un hombre que defiende su derecho a la eutanasia.
El ángel de la justicia. Chapuza médica
Schwester Karin
Una mujer, es operada de urgencias. Cuando vuelve a la consciencia, descubre que ha sufrido una negligencia por parte de los cirujanos que la han operado: la han amputado ambos pechos. Decide entonces , demandar la Hospital por negligencia.
Papa auf Probe
Moritz Kaiser, good-looking single from passion, enjoys the carefree life in the fast lane. The successful chief designer of a furniture company lives in a luxury apartment and drives a thick sports car. The tide turns when he is fired after an affair with his boss's wife and finds no job. After unsuccessful lavatory cleaning, he lands at the small furniture manufacturer Toby Breuer, who wants to hire only a seasoned family man according to his alternative corporate philosophy.
Frau Schwartze
November 9, 1989, the day the Berlin Wall came down. A 10-year-old girl and her friends attempt to use their teleportation device to beam her uncle back to East Germany but instead, as they witness on TV, end up beaming everyone in their town into West Germany! They have to race against time to undo the experiment before the nasty border guards open fire...
Die Pastorin
Lotti Bruns
Nacht über Berlin
"Nacht über Berlin" follows Albert Goldmann, a jew and a member of the social-democratic party (SPD) in 1933. He witnesses the change in society around him and the rise of the Nazi-Party.
Porque te quiero
Sofía y Adriana son, respectivamente, una madre y una hija que esperan un bebé en las mismas fechas. Adriana sufre un accidente de tráfico que la deja malherida y su madre, que acude a visitarla al hospital, se pone de parto, de tal manera que los niños nacen el mismo día. (FILMAFFINITY)
Schmidt & Schwarz
Bella Australia
Margot Weller
Bella enjoys her life in Berlin after separating from her husband Martin. She buys her daughter Lena a dress for their Abifeier and proposes a joint trip around the world. However, Lena has her own plans. Why else would she drop a meeting at the mall with the handsome cop Sebastian Berg, who still raves about bubbly Bella? But Bella's mind is not on men - she has Lena, that's enough for her.
Komm, schöner Tod
Schwester Judith
Berlin sometime in the near future: Due to the demographic change, more and more old people are walking confused through the city. In order to avoid accidents and to protect the elderly, there are special task forces that pick up the pensioners and bring them back to the homes. The entrepreneur Sebastian von Werding recognized the potential of customers and developed a new business model.
Engel der Gerechtigkeit - Brüder fürs Leben
Schwester Karin
Die weiße Mücke
Frau Kallenbach
One day Little Red Cap’s mother tells her that her grandmother is sick, and sends her to her house to bring her a piece of cake, a bottle of wine and medicine. To arrive at her grandmother’s house the girl must cross the woods, and there she meets a bad old wolf.
Inklusion - gemeinsam anders
Andrea Strigl
Una voz del pasado
Renate Förster
Una mujer asiste a una cena en casa de un médico, colega de su marido, junto a otra pareja, pero nada más oír su voz reconoce al hombre que en su día fue el médico de la cárcel donde estuvo presa por motivos políticos en Alemania del Este. El daño moral y psicológico sufrido ha dejado una huella imborrable en su memoria y ahora cree revivir la pesadilla. Repentinamente decide visitar al médico en su consulta con la intención de desenmascararle, pero él niega ser quien dice y se muestra sorprendido, incluso preocupado. Por ello no duda en comentar a su marido su visita. (FILMAFFINITY)
El ángel de la justicia
Schwester Karin
Película protagonizada por Katja Weitzenböck. Ella interpreta a una abogada que lucha por la gente necesitada.
I Phone You
Homeless Woman
Ling, in his 20s, lives in Chongqing, the largest city in China. There she meets Yu, a Chinese business traveler who lives in Berlin. As a farewell, he has given her an iPhone. They start a tender relationship by phone. When Ling flies to Berlin to see Yu, another man, Marco, is waiting for her. He is Yu's German bodyguard. He should take care that Ling flies back again.
Meine Familie bringt mich um
Friseurin Petra
Berlín. Época actual. Hanna y Simon son una pareja que viven juntos desde hace años. El amor, el trabajo, el sexo y la vida cotidiana se entremezclan en una combativa armonía. Son atractivos, modernos, maduros, sin niños, cultivados y con los pies en la tierra. Pero Hanna conoce a Adam. Y Adam conoce a Simon. E inesperadamente los tres se enamoran.
Die Zeit der Kraniche
In the loneliness of the Lower Havel lowlands, one of the last bird paradise in Germany, twelve-year-old Lea lives alone with her father Lutz, a passionate environmentalist. She is on the cusp of adulthood, confronted with the challenges of the present and the pains of the past. She often feels lonely in the childhood-remote world in which she lives, in which schools are closed and people leave. Even the father, who has withdrawn from the world, is increasingly becoming a problem for Lea, who longs for fellowship.
Boxhagener Platz
Feature adaptation of adaptation of Torsten Schulz's novel set in East Berlin in 1968.
Auf Doktor komm raus
Hanna Galitzki
Actually, the young Berlin doctor Jan Büchner wanted to go directly to the Baltic Sea for a week. But a detour forces him to drive over land. And then his car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, just behind a small town called Marienhagen. The residents of Marienhagen take care of Jans Wohl and make the stay as pleasant as possible. A comedy about rural doctors and people who fight for their pride and self-respect and take their destiny in their own hands in their own hands.
Die kluge Bauerntochter
The Farmer's Daughter is given a riddle to solve by the king: "Come to me, neither naked nor clothed, neither walking nor riding, nor driving, neither by day nor by night, neither with gift nor without gift." If she solves it, she had proved her cleverness, the king promises not only to release her father from prison, but also to marry her...
My Words, My Lies - My Love
David, a waiter, finds an unpublished manuscript in a dresser drawer. To impress a girl, he claims to be the author. When the novel becomes a best-seller, the real author introduces himself and begins to take over David's life.
Tierisch verliebt
Dr. Ingeborg Kienzel
After the death of his wife, the veterinarian Sebastian Brunnen and his daughter Kira move from Berlin to a small Moselle town to try a new beginning there. Barely arrived, he is confronted with a dramatic case: Because Sebastian has been diagnosed with the pathogen of a dangerous disease in a broodmare on the equestrian farm of Katherina Mohr, the responsible medical officer will also take precaution to euthanize the healthy horses of the farm. While the two get closer to each other privately, Sebastian realizes almost too late how lonely and unhappy his daughter is.
Böseckendorf - Die Nacht, in der ein Dorf verschwand
Elisabeth 'Elli' Schmidt
Die Blücherbande
Delivery Woman
Ich steig dir aufs Dach, Liebling
Frida Steffen
Fuera de los caminos trillados se produce el fatídico encuentro entre tres personajes. Thomas, joven y fuerte, ha sufrido una deshonrosa expulsión del ejército. Ali, un afable hombre de negocios turco, ha atravesado momentos difíciles pero ahora su principal preocupación es asegurarse de que los empleados de sus bares no le engañen. Laura, una atractiva mujer de oscuro pasado, parece encontrar refugio a la sombra de su matrimonio con Ali. Thomas, Ali y Laura se vigilan mutuamente y guardan celosamente sus secretos. Quieren amor pero también seguridad y además se consideran independientes. Sin embargo, lo que desean sólo puede conseguirse mediante la traición.
Immer Wirbel um Marie
Elfriede Lemke
The Wall - The Final Days
Frau Kiesbauer
Küss mich, wenn es Liebe ist
The Reader (El lector)
Alemania después de la II Guerra Mundial. Michael Berg (David Kross), un chico de 15 años, pierde el conocimiento mientras regresa del colegio. Hanna Schmitz (Kate Winslet), una mujer seria y reservada que le dobla la edad, lo recoge y lo lleva a su casa. Entre ambos surge un apasionado y secreto idilio que se ve interrumpido por la misteriosa desaparición de Hanna. Ocho años más tarde, siendo estudiante de Derecho, Michael vuelve a verla, pero en una situación que nunca hubiera podido imaginar.
Zeit der Fische
Frau Pockrandt
Maria am Wasser
Alle Alle
Nimm dir dein Leben
Marlies Beutel
Wenn du mich brauchst
Meine bezaubernde Feindin
Kais Mutter
The successful lawyer Kai Brechtel is to sue his new client for custody so that his daughter Luzie grows up with him and his new wife. When he meets the enemy - Luzie's mother Johanna - he quickly realizes that he's on the wrong side...
Die Mauer – Berlin ’61
Eine Chance für die Liebe
Evelyn Voss
La vida de los otros
Frau Meineke
El capitán Gerd Wiesler (Ulrich Mühe) es un oficial extremadamente competente de la Stasi, la todopoderosa policía secreta del régimen comunista de la antigua República Democrática Alemana. Pero, cuando en 1984 le encomiendan que espíe a la pareja formada por el prestigioso escritor Georg Dreyman (Sebastian Koch) y la popular actriz Christa-Maria Sieland (Martina Gedenk), no sabe hasta qué punto esa misión va a influir en su propia vida...
Die Nachrichten
Frau Wolters
Jan Landers made it: Grown up in East Berlin, he quickly made his career after the turnaround: from the weatherman of a local station to the newsreader in Hamburg.
La última batalla (2005)
Atractivo documental que reconstruye los últimos días del III Reich, con mezcla de pasajes documentales y secuencias dramatizadas.
Liebes Spiel
The Family Jewels
Gabriele Schwarz
Martin is the ambitious one in the family. He is poised to start on his doctorate, when he is diagnosed with testicular cancer and all his future plans begin to unravel. The removal of one testicle reduces the most immediate threat, but the cancer has already spread and Martin's doctor argues for an operation that would save him, but could also castrate him.
Ein Schiff wird kommen
Spurlos - Ein Baby verschwindet
Liberated Zone
Inge Resser
A financially devastated German town receives an encouraging boost with the arrival of a popular soccer star, though a heated love triangle threatens to overshadow the good vibes in this sexually liberated comedy from filmmaker Norbert Baumgarten.
Lotti auf der Flucht
Hilde Hagendorn
Kubaner küssen besser
The Duck Shits Back
It’s country versus city in this darkly comic showdown between the wily inhabitants of a farm and its arrogant new owner.
Fernes Land Pa-Isch
Frau Krautwein
Zwei Mädels auf Mallorca - Die heißeste Nacht des Jahres
Nicoles Mutter
Einfach raus
Mutter von Hans
2 ½ Minuten
November 1990. Weekend. Three young turk men accompanied by two German women were taking the subway. They were in an exuberant mood and wanted to visit a discotheque. When a group of drunken neo-nazi youngsters entered the train an open confrontation arose. It ended bloody. The film follows the protagonists up to the event (and some time beyond) which took place in Berlin, Germany.
Einsteins Baby
Alles auf Anfang
Movie-making cliches are parodied in this German comedy which features to warring actresses, meddling producers, indulgent directors, and an ignored writer. Not only must they contend with each other, they must also deal with the bankers who have the power to shut them down at any moment. The story begins at the premier of director Viktor Rote's newest film "The Tin Cat," which stars his popular wife Riki Rote. The film's writer and Viktor's brother Richard is miffed when he is not allowed into the screening. Viktor's ambitious mistress and aspiring star the Nina is also not invited in. The film is a hit so Rote is allowed to begin his new film by producer George Kuballa. George is also head of the studio. His rich and frequently rejected wife is Lore, a major financial studio backer who prefers spending her time consorting with her handsome young chauffeur.
Go Trabi Go 2 - Das war der wilde Osten
Rita Struutz
Elated by the Italian attitude to life, family Struutz returns to Bitterfeld and experiences a shock: In the turmoil of the reunification her house must give way to a golf course. Hope Udo teacher, his wife Rita and daughter Jacqueline through the surprising inheritance of a factory near Dresden. But of market economy, the staid Saxons unfortunately have no idea. Help comes in the guise of adventurer and condoms dealer Charlie, who works as a "business consultant" and gives Udo a Rock & Roll crash course in capitalism - with unsurpassed success.
Go Trabi Go
Rita Struutz
Family Struutz lives in Bitterfeld (GDR). After the fall of the wall, they take the opportunity to go on holiday with their car, an old Trabant. They simply want to visit Italy. But there are some incidents during their journey. (IMDb)
Lord Hansi
Marion Paschke
Der Elterntauschladen
Der Traum vom Elch
The nurses and friends Anna and Annette grow desperate over men and love. At the hospital, Anna has fallen in love with Markus, whom she lovingly calls "moose", but they only meet twice a year, when Markus has time for her. In the meantime, she keeps afloat with flights of fancy. Meanwhile, Annette clings to the painter Ludwig who cannot stand such a close relationship. Through Annette and Ludwig, Anna meets an attractive married man but her high spirits do not last long.
Je t'aime, chérie
"Je t'aime, Chérie." These three words and a Bulgarian volleyball jersey is all Martina, a young working woman from Berlin, is left with after a night at the beach spent with a mysterious lover. But then she learns that she is pregnant, and once the baby is born, she starts for Bulgaria to search for her son’s father. The orderly yet diffident Thomas, an employee of the embassy of the GDR, joins her in order to provide diplomatic support. The quest, however, turns out to be rather difficult.
Ach du meine Liebe
The Arctic Is Calling
This children's adventure movie is a charming tale of a group of youngsters in Prague who hear that Soviet sailors abandoned their failing ship in the Arctic Sea before it went down, but no one had been able to find the sailors yet. Inspired by the efforts to save the men, the youngsters strike out on their own to help in the rescue attempt.
The Goat Horn
Two adolescents, Sauly and Mick, get to know each other while hitchhiking and stick together for the long haul. They both want to reach the ocean, which is some thousand kilometers away. An old car picks them up, but the trip ends shortly thereafter in a sleazy motel. At the bar, a man named Landolfi approaches them. He explains to Sauly that he must have sold his guardian angel to a man by the name of Miller in the city of Prince. Though the boys do not believe in guardian angels, Sauly slowly succumbs to his own fears. He would like to have his guardian angel back again. On their trip, Sauly becomes sick. Mick works on a farm to pay the doctor's bills. Once Sauly is well, they travel farther - until they reach Prince. In this mysterious city, all of the people are named Miller, and once Sauly and Mick finally are at the ocean, they meet Landolfi once more.
..schwierig sich zu verloben
Biggy is 18 years old and getting trained as a salesperson. She lives in a small town. In a greenhouse she meets Wolle, a 20-year-old locksmith. The two get closer and fall in love but their wild life comes to an end when Biggi tells Wolle that she is pregnant. Since Wolle dreams about freedom and adventures, he flees from the responsibility, starts to work in another town and gets involved with another girl. Thereupon, Biggi gets an abortion and starts to study at the university. She also becomes acquainted with another man, but soon breaks up with him. Since Biggi and Wolle are unhappy without each other, they get back together and start anew.