Victor Sen Yung

Victor Sen Yung

Nacimiento : 1915-10-18,

Muerte : 1980-11-01


Victor Sen Yung
Victor Sen Yung


Los aristócratas del crimen
Wei Chi
Mike (James Caan) y George (Robert Duvall) son dos veteranos asesinos a sueldo a los que la CIA encarga trabajos muy peligrosos. Son amigos, expertos tiradores y los mejores en su profesión. Un accidente los separa durante cierto tiempo, pero el azar hará que se vuelvan a encontrar, aunque esta vez en bandos opuestos.
Kung Fu: The Way of the Tiger, the Sign of the Dragon
After avenging the death of his teacher, a Shaolin monk flees China to the American West and helps people while being pursued by bounty hunters.
Los indomables
Cuando el marino Whipple Hoxworth regresa a su hogar en Hawai, se encuentra con que la fortuna de su abuelo ha caido en manos de su odioso primo Micah Hale. Whip decide entonces montar su propia plantación de piñas para hacerle la competencia a Micah. Mientras tanto, su hijo Noel se enamora de la hija de Mun Ki, un granjero chino. La trama se desarrolla en la época anterior a la anexión de Hawai por los Estados Unidos (1898).
A Flea In Her Ear
Oke Saki
Suspecting that her husband might be having an affair, a wife plots to catch him in the act.
The Movie Orgy
Self (archival footage)
Clips from assorted television programs, B-movies, commercials, music performances, newsreels, bloopers, satirical short films and promotional and government films of the 1950s and 1960s are intercut together to tell a single story of various creatures and societal ills attacking American cities.
Confessions of an Opium Eater
Thomas de Quincey es un aventurero de comienzos del siglo XIX que ayudaba a esclavas fugitivas y a víctimas de la guerra tong en San Francisco. Vestido de negro de pies a cabeza, de Quincey narra sus aventuras. En la subasta de esclavos donde hermosas chicas orientales son expuestas en jaulas colgantes hechas de bambú, de Quincey se hace amigo de una ocurrente enana oriental...
Flower Drum Song
Frankie Wing
A young woman arrives in San Francisco's Chinatown from Hong Kong with the intention of marrying a rakish nightclub owner, unaware he is involved with one of his singers.
La saga de Hemp Brown
El ex sargento Jeff Givens y su banda roban al Teniente Hemp Brown dinero del ejército. Brown tendrá que afrontar un consejo de guerra acusado de cobardía. Western de serie B dirigido por Richard Carlson, más conocido por su profesión de actor("It Came from Outer Space"). El protagonista del film es Rory Calhoun que a pesar que los western en los que participa no son conocidos, Calhoun tuvo una larga trayectoria como actor en la que destaca "Río sin retorno" junto a Robert Mitchum i Marilyn Monroe. Aunque la cinta tiene un bajo presupuesto y un planteamiento pobre es, bajo un título olvidado, un buen entrenimiento para los seguidores del género.
Entre dos pasiones
Korean farmer
El mayor Saville, un veterano de guerra que encabeza un grupo de oficiales, se enamora de la esposa de uno de ellos. Tras una peligrosa misión, el marido cae atrapado en las líneas enemigas y Saville es el encargado de rescatarle.
Mujeres demonio
Sammy Ching
Un grupo de náufragos va a parar a la isla de un ex criminal nazi y su "SSecuaz". Allí el villano utiliza a bellas nativas para experimentos siniestros, convirtiéndolas a todas en monstruos.
La colina de los diablos de acero
North Korean Sniper Prisoner
Durante la Guerra de Corea (1950-1953), un teniente norteamericano curtido en cien batallas intenta reunir a los supervivientes de su batallón y llevarlos al cuartel general. Por otra parte, un hostil y poco respetuoso sargento de otra compañía quiere conducir a su coronel, agotado por el combate, a un sitio seguro. (FILMAFFINITY)
Aquellos duros años
Ben Mattews decide abandonar su azarosa vida de jugador a bordo de un barco para asentarse con su novia Zoe en Galena. Pero, cuando Ben es acusado de un asesinato que no ha cometido, se ve forzado a huir de la ciudad. Al cabo de muchos años, decide regresar para encontrarse con Zoe, pero, sobre todo para encontrar al culpable y limpiar su nombre.
Callejón sangriento
Cpl. Wang
El capitán de un barco mercante (John Wayne) ayuda a los habitantes de un poblado de la China comunista a llegar hasta Hong Kong para alcanzar la libertad. (FILMAFFINITY)
La mano izquierda de Dios
John Wong
Corre el año 1947 en China. Carmody (Humphrey Bogart), un piloto estadounidense, tras ser derribado su avión, cae en poder de un tiránico señor de la guerra (Lee J. Cobb). Cuando consigue escapar, se hace pasar por sacerdote y se refugia en una pequeña misión católica.
Cita en Hong Kong
Cuando el fotógrafo Louis Hoyt (Gene Barry) desaparece en la China comunista, su mujer Jane (Susan Hayward) contrata en Hong Kong a Hank Lee (Clark Gable), un simpático contrabandista, para encontrarlo. A partir de entonces, ambos vivirán una serie de vicisitudes que los unirán cada vez más.
Port of Hell
Detonation Ship Radioman
The new warden of a large American harbor raises the hackles of sailors and fishermen by his strict enforcement of all the safety rules. He takes the time, though, to romance the sister of his biggest rival.
Aventura en Shanghai
Sun Lee
Shanghai, China. Los últimos occidentales expatriados que aún viven en la ciudad son retenidos en un hotel por las autoridades comunistas con el fin de encontrar al espía que se esconde entre ellos.
Trader Tom of the China Seas
In this 12 Chapter serial the UN enlists trader Tom Rogers and Vivian Wells, to lead the effort to prevent the natives from starting a revolution in Burmatra and its neighbors.
Contrabandistas de Macao
Allan Chung
Pendleton Barney, un mafioso de Filadelfia, contrata a Eddie Darrow para que localice a su amante Christine Lawrence y la lleve de vuelta a casa. Eddie la encuentra en Macao, donde, además, le salva la vida a Keet Justin, el dueño de un casino; pero no tarda en averiguar que éste y Christine está a punto de casarse.
Gardenia azul
Una telefonista (Anne Baxter) se emborracha y se levanta a la mañana siguiente acusada de haber asesinado a un hombre. Un periodista (Richard Conte) que está enamorado de ella intentará descubrir al verdadero asesino.
Target Hong Kong
Johnny Wing (uncredited)
Yankee soldiers-of-fortune smash a spy plot aimed at seizing Hong Kong.
Era de violencia
Postal Clerk (uncredited)
El descubrimiento de minas de oro en un remoto territorio del Oeste hace que el lugar se llene de delincuentes y pistoleros que intentan apropiarse del dinero de los propietarios de las minas. Un sheriff se infiltrará en una de las bandas de forajidos para desenmascarar a sus jefes. (FILMAFFINITY)
El francotirador
En San Francisco, Eddie Miller, un modesto empleado, armado con un fusil de precisión mata desde un tejado a cuatro mujeres. A continuación se quema una mano para poder ingresar en un hospital y atraer la atención de los médicos sobre su estado mental.
Peking Express
A group of refugees fleeing Chinese Communist rule via train are beset by a gang of terrifying outlaws.
The Groom Wore Spurs
Pretty female attorney Abigail "AJ" Furnival is hired to keep high-flying cowboy movie star Ben Castle out of trouble in Las Vegas. Despite his many faults, Abigail falls in love with and marries Ben, with the hope that she can mold him into the virtuous hero he plays on the screen.
Grounds for Marriage
Opera singer Ina Massine tries to win back former husband Dr. Lincoln I. Bartlett.
La fugitiva
Sammy Chung
Frank Johnson (Ross Elliott) es testigo de un asesinato mientras pasea una noche a su perro. El inspector Ferris (Robert Keith) le pide que declare ante el gran jurado, pero Frank decide huir. Su mujer, Eleanor (Ann Sheridan), que además piensa que en realidad huye de un matrimonio fracasado, obtiene la ayuda de un periodista, Danny Leggett (Dennis O'Keefe), para localizar a su marido. Pero ellos no son los únicos que le están buscando...
Punto de ruptura
Mr. Sing
Basada en la novela de Ernest Hemigway. En Florida, el propietario de un barco con problemas económicos, acepta alquilar su barco a unos criminales para que huyan de la justicia. Las cosas se complicarán cuando un amigo suyo sea asesinado.
Billete a Tomahawk
Long Time
El dueño de una línea de diligencias contrata a un pistolero para sabotear el camino de una locomotora que representa una amenaza para su negocio. (FILMAFFINITY)
Las llaves de la ciudad
MC at the Blue Duck (uncredited)
Durante una convención de alcaldes de ciudades norteamericanas celebrada en San Francisco, dos de estos mandatarios acaban enamorados, con un pequeño problema: mientras que Clarissa gobierna en una pequeña localidad de Maine, Steve es el alcalde de otra comunidad al norte de California. Así que, cuando acaba el congreso, ambos parten para sus respectivos lugares...
Chinatown at Midnight
Hotel Proprietor
A young man who steals valuable Oriental objects for a lady friend who operates an antique shop gets mixed up in a twisted murder plot.
Oh, You Beautiful Doll
Period musical about a song plugger who vows to turn an opera composer's music into popular hits.
Luz roja
El hermano de John Torno, capellán del ejército, es asesinado en la habitación de un hotel. La única pista que existe son unas palabras escritas en una Biblia que ha desaparecido. John, en su afán por descubrir al criminal, sospecha del empleado de una fábrica de su propiedad al que él mismo acusó de desfalco.
The Sickle or the Cross
Reverend John Burnside, American missionary in the Far East, prepares to return home after twenty years to take up the fight against Communism. The Reds imprison him and send in his place a spy who is his double, but who is instructed to come out for Communism. The spy is accepted in Burnside's home town, and he reports to local Communist headquarters, where James John, prominent local businessman but in reality a Red agent, has instructions to assist him in all details of his mission. He does a series of personal appearances and radio interviews and talk shows, using an anti-Communist approach.
Tuna Clipper
Oriental Dock Worker
Hoping to become a lawyer, Alec (Roddy McDowall) becomes a tuna fisherman in order to pay a debt. This turn of events puts Alec on the outs with his taciturn family. Eventually, the lad proves himself on all fronts, and is welcomed back into the family fold.
Boston Blackie's Chinese Venture
Blackie is seen leaving a Chinese laundry where the proprietor has been murdered, and must track down the real killer in Chinatown.
Departamento de estado, Oriente 649
Johnny Han
Un funcionario del servicio de inteligencia estadounidense debe viajar hasta China. Una vez allí, su misión será tratar de evitar la ejecución de un grupo de rehenes norteamericanos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Rogues' Regiment
A post World War 2, US Army agent is assigned to join the Foreign Legion in search of high ranking Nazi war criminal who may have also enlisted.
The Feathered Serpent
Tommy Chan
In order to learn the location of a fabled Aztec treasure, a professor kidnaps his colleague, the only man able to read the ancient Aztec script that is supposed to reveal the location of the treasure. Charlie Chan and his #1 and #2 sons journey to the jungles of Mexico to find the victim and bring the kidnapper and his gang to justice.
The Golden Eye
Tommy Chan (as Victor Sen Young)
A gold mine in Arizona, that was formerly losing a lot of money, suddenly turns into a veritable money-making machine. However, the owner, instead of being happy about his now profitable business, insists to Charlie that something is fishy and that someone is out to murder him. Charlie and his "crew" travel to the mine, pretending to be tourists staying at a nearby dude ranch so as not to arouse suspicion, and discover that the owner may well be right--it looks like the mine is being used as a cover for criminal activities, and that someone is indeed out to murder him.
Shanghai Chest
Tommy Chan
Charlie attempts to solve a triple murder in which a dead man's finger prints show up at all three murder sites, and all three victims were connected with the conviction and execution of an evidently innocent man.
Docks of New Orleans
Tommy Chan
Detective Charlie Chan springs into action when top officials of a New Orleans chemical company begin dropping like flies.
Half Past Midnight
A detective encounters a woman in a nightclub. He finds that she is being blackmailed by a dancer who is murdered that very night. Of course, the woman becomes the main suspect. She and the gumshoe team up and begin searching for the real killer.
Un agente del gobierno se pone tras la pista del Kira Maru, un barco con dirección a Shangai cuyas extrañas maniobras han despertado sus sospechas. El agente descubrirá una espectacular operación de contrabando de drogas y conocerá a Ann, la mujer que puede ser la cabecilla del grupo.
Dishonorably discharged from the Army Air Corps, Brad Dunham (George Raft) disconsolately decides to try his luck with Shanghai's postwar black market. Teaming with the treacherous Tamara Baranoff (June Havoc), Dunham prospers in his newly-found illicit profession, much to the dismay of his best friend, reporter Mark Andrews (Tom Tully). When Tamara has the troublesome Andrews murdered, Dunham realizes the folly of his behavior and works overtime to squash the black market for good and all.
The Chinese Ring
Tommy Chan (as Victor Sen Young)
Soon after a Chinese princess comes to the US to buy planes for her people, she is murdered by a poison dart fired by an air rifle.
The Flame
George McAllister (John Carroll), the black sheep of a wealthy family who has squandered his share of the family inheritance, and lives in constant jealousy, hatred and resentment of his half-brother Barry (Robert Paige), who has been supporting him. George gets his girl friend, Carlotta Duval (Vera Ralston), a job as Barry's nurse with the plan of eventually marrying him. She does, but instead of going ahead with the original plan or getting rid of Barry, inheriting his money and marrying George, she finds that she is really in love with Barry.
The Crimson Key
Wing - Houseboy
Larry Morgan, a private detective, is hired by a woman who wants Larry to trail her husband. The husband is murdered and, shortly afterwards, the wife is also killed. Larry shuffles through a long list of suspects before revealing the killer...
Web of Danger
Ernie Reardon, the superintendent, and Bill O'Hara, the foreman, of a construction company crew working on a bridge to a remote valley, are constantly quarreling over small and minor matter, especially when it comes to Peg Mallory, whom both men are romancing and Peg enjoys the attention. Thed work is suspended when a worker is killed, but a flood is approaching and the valley citizens are in dire straits unless the bridge is completed - in a hurry.
The Trap
Jimmy Chan
When a troupe of showgirls with their impresario and press agent vacation at a Malibu Beach resort, two of them are garroted. Charlie takes on the case assisted by Number Two Son Jimmy and faithful chauffeur Birmingham Brown.
Dangerous Millions
Lin Chow
Eight strangers meet in Shanghai to stake claims to the fortune of a late shipping magnate, then must evade a murderer in their midst.
Dangerous Money
Jimmy Chan
A treasury agent on the trail of counterfeit money confides to fellow ocean liner passenger, Charlie Chan, that there have been two attempts on his life.
Shadows Over Chinatown
Jimmy Chan
In San Francisco's Chinatown, Charlie helps two different people search for their missing relatives and uncovers a murder for insurance scheme.
Traición desde el este
Poco antes de estallar la II Guerra Mundial, Japón infiltra en los Estados Unidos una red de espías y saboteadores. El militar Eddie Carter es tentado por uno de ellos, un espía llamado Kato. Pero Eddie no es un traidor y se convierte así en un agente doble.
Winged Victory
Pinky Scariano, Allan Ross, and Frankie Davis all join the Army Air Forces with hopes of becoming pilots. In training, they meet and become pals with Bobby Grills and Irving Miller, and the five struggle through the rigid training and grueling tests involved in becoming pilots. Not all of them succeed, and tragedy awaits for some.
Lost Angel
Una huerfanita es educada de manera que se convierta en un genio, pero un reportero provocará que se escape del instituto donde se haya recluida y le pida que le enseñe el mundo real...
Night Plane from Chungking
Captain Po
Without lights and in a driving rain, a bus is lumbering along the muddy Assam Road en route from Chunking to the Indian border. Passengers include a European of unknown nationality, a missionary a French officer, and a White Russian. There is also an ancient Chinese lady on an important diplomatic mission to Indian and her traveling companion. The trip is halted when Japanese planes bomb the road and hit a munitions truck and kill many Chinese soldiers. The Chinese commander puts the wounded soldiers on the bus and directs it to a nearby secret airport where the officer in charge is an American attached to the Chinese Air Force.
Lin Wei
Poco antes de Pearl Harbour, el oportunista americano David Jones y su socio Johnny Sparrow están en China para vender petróleo al ejército japonés invasor, sin importarle el sufrimiento de los chinos. Durante un viaje a Shanghai, Jones conoce a la compasiva maestra Carolyn Grant y las chispas no tardan en saltar entre estos personajes de fuerte voluntad. Pero cuando Jones es testigo de una atrocidad japonesa, sus sentimientos hacia sus clientes (y Carolyn) comienzan a cambiar...
Manila Calling
During WWII, a group of brave Americans spy on the Japanese after their invasion of the Philippines and became the first U.S. Guerrilla fighters.
A través del Pacífico
Joe Totsuiko
Bogart interpreta a un oficial de artillería del ejército nortamericano que, en 1941, tras un juicio militar, cae en desgracia y decide abandonar el país. Consigue un trabajo en América Central, pero cuando está a punto de irse descubre que los japoneses proyectan atacar el Canal de Panamá y las bases americanas en Pearl Harbor.
Little Tokyo, U.S.A.
Filmed in the months immediately following Pearl Harbor, 20th Century-Fox's Little Tokyo USA is 63 minutes' worth of speculation about prewar Japanese espionage activities. Los Angeles cop Preston Foster suspects that there's dirty work afoot in the city's Japanese community, but no one will believe him except for intrepid girl reporter Brenda Joyce. When the spies frame Foster on a trumped-up murder charge, Joyce does a little detective work herself. The enemy agents are rounded up just before they can do any real damage. Because of its strident insistence that most (if not all) Japanese-American citizens were secretly loyal to the Rising Sun, Little Tokyo USA is seldom seen these days.
Jimmy Takeo
After a drunken night out, a longshoreman thinks he may have killed a man.
The Mad Martindales
Jefferson Gow
A girl tries to pay the mortgage on a Nob Hill home and gets involved in selling her father's art treasures.
Secret Agent of Japan
Fu Yen
World War II espionage drama, starring Preston Foster and Lynn Bari.
Castle in the Desert
Jimmy Chan
Charlie Chan, with son Jimmy on a week's pass from the Army, takes up a request for help at a castle-home, miles from anywhere in the American desert south-west and inhabited by an eccentric, reclusive historian and his wife, a descendant of Lucrezia Borgia. Once there, he finds the request's legitimacy denied by all who are present, but still necessary as one houseguest has already been murdered, the other guests are at each other's throat, and the Borgia-related chatelain is suspected...
A Yank on the Burma Road
Wing (as Sen Yung)
A celebrated New York cabbie is pressed into service for a perilous journey through World War II China.
Charlie Chan in Rio
Jimmy Chan
In Rio de Janiero to arrest a nightclub singer on suspicion of a murder in Hawaii, Charlie Chan becomes involved with the Rio police in solving the singer's own murder.
Entre ladrones anda el amor
Gin Ling (uncredited)
Dos ladrones de joyas, Gerald Meldrick y Anya Von Duren, buscan en la India el mismo botín: un maravilloso diamante que pertenece a una duquesa y está custodiado por un inspector de Scotland Yard. Anya utiliza sus armas de seducción para tener bajo control al inspector, pero tras la invasión de Bombay por los japoneses, todo se complica.
Dead Men Tell
Jimmy Chan
Un mapa del tesoro en cuatro partes, el fantasma de un pirata ahorcado, un loro parlante y un barco lleno de pistas falsas complican la búsqueda de Charlie de un asesino a bordo de un barco atracado.
Murder Over New York
Jimmy Chan (as Sen Yung)
When Charlie's old friend from Scotland Yard is murdered when they attend a police convention in New York, Chan picks up the case he was working on.
La carta
Ong Chi Seng
La fría y calculadora esposa del propietario de una plantación de caucho en Malasia asesina a un hombre, supuestamente en defensa propia. Pero, de repente, aparece una comprometedora carta cuyo contenido echa por tierra la versión de los hechos de la protagonista.
Charlie Chan at the Wax Museum
Jimmy Chan (as Sen Yung)
A wax museum run by a demented doctor contains statues of such crime figures as Jack the Ripper and Bluebeard. In addition to making wax statues the doctor performs plastic surgery. It is here that an arch fiend takes refuge. The museum also houses a statue of Charlie. Frustrated number-two son kicks statue in rear; oops, number-two son wrong in his assumption
Charlie Chan's Murder Cruise
Jimmy Chan
On a cruise ship from Honolulu to San Francisco, the famous Chinese detective encounters four more murders while trying to figure out the murder of a Scotland Yard friend.
Charlie Chan in Panama
Jimmy Chan (as Sen Yung)
Charlie impersonates an employee of the U.S. government to foil an espionage plot which would destroy part of the Panama Canal, trapping a Navy fleet on its way to the Pacific after maneuvers in the Atlantic.
Escape to Paradise
An American tourist in South America finds love and unexpected trouble.
Undetermined Role
In China, a singer and a journalist meet while traveling on a train attacked by bandits.
20,000 Men a Year
Harold Chong
Pilot disobeys unsafe orders and loses his job. He then starts a flying school which receives a boost when the government launches a program which it hopes will produce 20,000 pilots a year.
Charlie Chan at Treasure Island
Jimmy Chan
Charlie Chan's investigation of a blackmail-induced suicide as a case of murder leads him into a world of magick and mysticism peopled with a stage magician, a phoney spiritualist, and a for-real mind reader.
Charlie Chan in Reno
Jimmy Chan
Mary Whitman has gone to Reno to obtain a divorce. While there she is arrested on suspicion of murdering a fellow guest at her hotel (which specializes in divorcers). There are many others at the hotel who wanted the victim out of the way. Charlie comes from his home in Honolulu to solve the murder.
Torchy Blane in Chinatown
Chinese Entertainer with Sword
Torchy Blane joins her police-detective fiance to solve a series of murders involving a set of Chinese grave tablets taken and sold to a collector and death-threats written in Chinese characters.
Charlie Chan in Honolulu
James Chan
While Charlie is distracted with the birth of his first grandchild, son Jimmy impersonates his father in order to investigate a murder aboard a freighter in the harbor.
Shadows Over Shanghai
A pilot carrying a valuable amulet is shot down over China by a ruthless Russian agent, who also wants the amulet.
Mr. Moto Takes a Chance
In the jungle near Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Mr. Moto poses as an ineffectual archaeologist and a venerable holy man with mystical powers to help foil two insurgencies against the government.
International Settlement
Bellboy / Onlooker in Street
In Shanghai amidst Sino-Japanese warfare an adventurer (Sanders) collecting money from gun suppliers falls in loves with a French singer (Del Rio).
Thank You, Mr. Moto
Mr. Moto Heads to China on a quest for seven ancient scrolls that reveal the location of Genghis Khan's tomb—a crypt filled with fabulous treasure! But Moto isn't the only one stalking the scrolls—so is a shadowy band of thieves. But when his ruthless rivals go too far, the mild-mannered detective's quest for antiquities becomes a passion for vengeance—because if he can't bring these villains to justice... he'll bring them to their knees.
Doble o nada
Un millonario moribundo da instrucciones a su abogado de soltar cuatro carteras en las calles de Nueva York. Cuatro personas honestas las encuentran y se las devuelven al abogado. Bajo los términos del testamento, a cada uno de ellos se les da 1 millón de dólares, los cuales deberán duplicar en los 30 siguientes días para reclamar todo su patrimonio.
La buena tierra
China, durante los últimos años del dominio de la dinastía Qing. El matrimonio concertado entre Wang Lung, un humilde granjero, y O-Lan, una esclava doméstica, soportará a lo largo de los años las muchas dificultades de la vida; pero las incontables tentaciones de una frágil prosperidad pondrán en peligro su amor y la supervivencia de toda su familia.