An exclusive all-new interstitial content for the first time in 15 years. See the Cryptkeeper take a blast through the past, decomposing the best of the '70s, '80s, '90s and '00s, on his way to welcoming in 2013.
What happens when old school games go face to face with new school characters?
Julia and William were married and soon separated by his snobbish family. They meet again many years later, when their daughter he has raised invites her mother to her wedding, with the disapproval of William's mother.
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Los soldados Paul y Jean son prisioneros en un campo de concentración alemán. Durante un intento de fuga, Paul recibe un balazo, pero Jean consigue escapar y va a ver a Marise, la mujer de Paul, para comunicarle la muerte de su marido. Jean está enamorado de Marise por todo lo que Paul le ha contado de ella mientras estaban presos.
Un veterano de la Segunda Guerra Mundial decide dedicarse por su cuenta al mundo de la publicidad, pero ve difícil compatibilizar el éxito con la integridad moral.
Van Johnson es un piloto de la Marina en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que ha sido derribado en el Pacífico en una misión de bombardeo. Él y un compañero herido son los únicos supervivientes de la misión y se pierden en el mar. A medida que esperan su rescate, Van Johnson relata la historia de su vida y el romance con su novia, June Allyson.
Segunda Guerra Mundial. Los valores y principios de una familia china se desmoronan tras la invasión japonesa. Los occidentales se alían con los chinos para luchar contra el enemigo común. En estas circunstancias, una heroica mujer china se pone al frente de una revuelta contra los invasores nipones.
A French Resistance fighter discovers he's a dead ringer for a Nazi official.
Después de sufrir un periodo de amnesia, un diplomático (William Powell), es acosado por un extorsionador que lo amenaza con revelar su pasado como maleante.
Candy Johnson es un estafador y timador de lengua viperina. Candy Johnson prospera hasta ser el jefe mafioso de Yellow Creek, pero el padre alcohólico de su esposa tratará de poner las cosas en su sitio.
Steve y Susan Ireland van a cumplir su cuarto aniversario de boda, pero su relación es bastante problemática. Cuando Susan descubre a Steve con su antigua novia, piensa que tienen una aventura y decide pedir el divorcio. Pero Steve ama a su mujer y está dispuesto a todo con tal de recuperarla...
Dos amigos que pretenden hacerse ricos con el negocio del petróleo en los campos de Oklahoma, comienzan a tener problemas cuando se enamoran de la misma mujer.
Bill Carey es un joven buscavidas que llega a Saigón en un yate propiedad de un millonario norteamericano. Pronto conoce a la exótica mestiza Manon De Vargnes, de la que queda totalmente prendado. Ésta, inicialmente, ve a Bill como una oportunidad para salir de Saigón y cumplir su sueño de llegar a París, lo que provoca que rompa su noviazgo con un noble rico de Asia.
A Harvard man fights a railroad baron with a disguise and the power of the press.
Durante su estancia en Shanghai, desde donde informa sobre la guerra chino-japonesa, Chris Hunter, un astuto reportero, conoce a la piloto Alma Harding. Ella no confía en Chris, pero él consigue contratarla como su asistente. Durante una aventurera expedición por las selvas de Sudamérica, su opinión sobre él empieza a cambiar.
Lee Sheridan, un joven americano viene a estudiar a la Universidad de Oxford, pero desde el primer momento cae mal al resto de estudiantes, por su actitud descarada. Tras varios encontronazos con los profesores y la mujer del librero local, se convertirá en un héroe cuando se una al equipo de remo, para batir al eterno enemigo: la Universidad de Cambridge.
Una joven le promete a su padre que va a dejar el juego y las carreras de caballos, pero no puede mantener su promesa, ya que ha hipotecado su herencia por culpa de un conocido jugador por el que se siente fuertemente atraída.
Cuando Loy, una diva social, calumnia al periodista Tracy, éste decide contraatacar implicando en el asunto a su prometida y al desafortunado Powell, un famosísimo pescador deportivo. El plan de Tracy incluye un matrimonio improvisado, una falsa seducción, la pesca de la trucha, puñetazos, promesas rotas...
Londres y París. Cuando Lucía viaja con su padre a Inglaterra, conoce a varios hombres que se enamoran de ella, entre ellos Sidney, un abogado inglés. Pero ella se casa con Carlos y ambos viven felices en Londres. Mientras tanto, en París, el caos y la agitación previos a la Revolución (1789) se adueñan de las calles. A pesar de ello, Carlos debe ir a París, pues van a condenar a alguien por su culpa y ha de impedirlo. Una vez allí, es encarcelado y condenado a morir en la guillotina.
Pa O'Shea
Musical performances set in a rooftop nightclub in Manhattan.
Foxhall Ridgeway, arriving in New York City from the West, stumbles onto a murder in the hotel room next to his. He gets tangled up into the affair, and with the aid of Phoebe, the hotel telephone operator who takes a liking to him, and also Countess Louise Browssiloff, who innocently had left some personal belongings in the murdered man's room and is most anxious to recover the incriminating evidence, Foxhall solves the murder mystery.
Mary wants to marry a gangster because that is where the money is. Unfortunately, the life expectancy and finances of a gangster are unstable.
Leaving Missouri to find a wealthy husband in New York City, Eadie Chapman becomes a chorus girl and soon entertains at the lavish home of millionaire Frank Cousins. Cousins proposes to Eadie, only to then commit suicide due to bankruptcy. Fellow millionaire T. R. Paige defends Eadie when the police question her for having Cousins' jewelry -- but when she becomes enamored with his son, Tom, Paige declares Eadie a gold digger.
Leaving Missouri to find a wealthy husband in New York City, Eadie Chapman becomes a chorus girl and soon entertains at the lavish home of millionaire Frank Cousins. Cousins proposes to Eadie, only to then commit suicide due to bankruptcy. Fellow millionaire T. R. Paige defends Eadie when the police question her for having Cousins' jewelry -- but when she becomes enamored with his son, Tom, Paige declares Eadie a gold digger.
In this fictionalized biography, young Pancho Villa takes to the hills after killing an overseer in revenge for his father's death.
An almost-retired jewel thief plans to marry Helen, his partner in crime. Their plans are shattered when Bascom, a gang member, arrives with a stolen necklace, putting their whole gang at risk.
On leave in Italy, Lt. Tommy Knowlton falls in love with Jean Standish, who's not only married, but is the daughter of his submarine's commander. Friction between the two officers becomes intolerable once at sea and after Commander Toler is forced to abandon Tommy's best friend topside while the sub dives to escape enemy planes, Tommy is no longer able to contain his anger.
Fast-talker extraordinaire Tracy gives one of his quintessential wiseguy performances as a conniving ambulance chaser who falls in love with Evans, unaware she's a special investigator for a streetcar company he's repeatedly victimized.
Lil trabaja para la empresa Legendre y hace que Bill se divorcie de Irene y se case con ella. Tiene un romance con el empresario Gaerste y lo utiliza para obligar a la sociedad a prestarle atención.
Los Clement viven gracias a la generosidad de una rica mujer. Max, el hijo, se fija en Lady Joan, una rica mujer con los pies en la tierra y encantadora. En su casa conoce a Rosine Brown, una viuda austriaca. Max se encaprichará con ella y la perseguirá hasta que ella ceda y se case con él. Sin embargo, el padre de Max pierde 4.500 libras jugando, por lo que Max pretenderá casarse con Joan para evitar que lo metan en la cárcel.
Arsène Lupin (John Barrymore), un ladrón que se hace pasar por el Duque de Charmerace, vive en París y su único objetivo es desplumar a los ricos. Después del robo perpetrado en la mansión del millonario Gourney-Martin (Tully Marshall), el detective Guerchard (Lionel Barrymore) sospecha que el culpable es el famoso Lupin. En una fiesta, en la que coinciden Guerchard y Lupin, éste decide actuar: un corte abrupto de la electricidad y el robo de varios invitados, que sólo se dan cuenta cuando vuelve la luz. Gourney-Martin invita a su residencia campestre a Charmerace y a Sonia (Karen Morley), que, en realidad es una ladronzuela que trata de rehabilitarse colaborando con Guerchard.
Sus parientes han concertado para un noble inglés un matrimonio de conveniencia. Va a un centro de veraneo europeo y se hace pasar por un gigoló, con el fin de conocer a su prometida y saber cómo es.
Laura, que se ha criado en una humilde familia, harta de la pobreza decide aceptar a Will Brockton, un hombre rico y bastante mayor que ella. Poco tiempo después, Laura se enamora del joven Jack Madison y deja a Brockton; sin embargo, cuando el dinero vuelve a escasear, vuelve con él.
New Moon is the name of the ship crossing the Caspian Sea. A young Lt. Petroff meets the Princess Tanya and they have a ship board romance. Upon arriving at the port of Krasnov, Petroff learns that Tanya is engaged to the old Governor Brusiloff. Petroff, disillusioned, crashes the ball to talk with Tanya. Found by Brusiloff, they invent a story about her lost bracelet. To reward him, and remove him, Brusiloff sends Petroff to the remote, and deadly, Fort Darvaz. Soon, the big battle against overwhelming odds will begin.
A trio of former sideshow performers double as the "Unholy Three" in a scam to nab some shiny rocks.
Atraidos por el encanto de las tablas, dos jugadores de béisbol cambian sus uniformes por carrerras en el teatro.
In her first Talkie, Joan Crawford plays Bingo, a jungle-raised oil heiress, who turns Manhattan upside down in her hunt for Andy McAllister, the man of her dreams. Unfortunately for Bingo, Andy is penniless and refuses to agree to the match until he can provide for the wild, rich girl. Andy's prideful position is more than encouraged by Bingo's Uncle Ben, who seeks to scuttle their love match.
Young vivacious Billie uses her charms on influential businessman Glenn Abbott in hopes of getting her secret fiancée Gil a diplomatic appointment. Meanwhile Gil's affections meander to beautiful ingenue Kentucky, Billie's best friend.
Young vivacious Billie uses her charms on influential businessman Glenn Abbott in hopes of getting her secret fiancée Gil a diplomatic appointment. Meanwhile Gil's affections meander to beautiful ingenue Kentucky, Billie's best friend.
An Incompetent insurance salesman sells a policy to Jesse James and has to protect his client until he can get it back.
A cocky, arrogant young playboy is expelled from his American polo team shortly before the big match with England.
A cocky, arrogant young playboy is expelled from his American polo team shortly before the big match with England.
The wealthy Jiggs is tired of being left out of the swanky parties thrown by his social-climbing wife Maggie and their daughter. He decides to teach them a "lesson" by faking his own suicide, but things don't quite turn out the way he planned.
A tough New York cop is determined to bring down a crook who has always managed to provide an alibi for the crimes he's been accused of, even though the detective knows he's guilty of committing them.
Jerry always wins in his rivalry with Red over women, gunrunning, and diamond smuggling. While running booze into the U.S. during Prohibition, Jerry seizes Jane's seaside home. When she tries to turn him in, he kidnaps her and her fiance John. Jane, now in love with Jerry, must watch as Jerry and Red shoot it out on board Jerry's boat.
Two men in love with the same girl are trapped with her in a forest fire.
Tom Brown (William Haines) es un joven de buena familia que se trasladará hasta Harvard para iniciar su andadura universitaria. Hombre jovial y despreocupado, su encanto le lleva a ser codiciado por las chicas, y esa personalidad arrogante y extrovertida le llevará a permanecer ligeramente enfrentado con los estudiantes más significados, intentar estrechar su relación con Mary Abbott (Mary Brian), y mantener una estrecha amistad con su compañero de habitación.
Thyra arrives in Chekia to wed its old and ugly king. The Duke falls in love with her. A revolution erupts and the king is assassinated. Chief revolutionary Gigberto also falls in love with Thyra. The revolutionaries plan to drown Thyra and Gigberto in a boat, but the Duke takes Gigberto's place. And the loving couple are rescued.
The Hunted Woman
Beautiful Felicity Arden, is forced by a storm to take refuge in Mad Marrat's dwelling on the South Sea Isle.
Rose Hillyer, the sweetheart of cowboy Tod Walton, is about to marry Edward Gordon a slick con-man and a bigamist. Tod has proof of Gordon's bad deeds but it is late in arriving and he has to resort to many tricks to keep the marriage from happening... including kidnapping the minister.
Tom Mix, the most popular screen cowboy of his era, played a lineman for a power company in this action melodrama which was a Western in name only.
Lucretia Morgan has been married to an old man for the past seven years. The marriage is loveless but the whole time Lucretia has been a devoted wife. Her husband Allen has been sick for some time. Lucretia thinks Allen is upset with her because she is going out to a charity ball and he has to stay. Allen understands she is young and she needs to socialize he is not upset with her for wanting to go out.
While traveling in Europe Philip Quentin encounters his former sweetheart, Dorothy Garrison, and finds that she is now engaged to Prince Ugo Ravorelli, whom Philip recognizes as the man wanted for a murder in Brazil.
Stationed at the Mexican border, a young lieutenant whose job is to capture a ring of narcotics smugglers, spies his sweetheart, the daughter of a U. S. Customs official, in a cantina suspected of being the headquarters of the dope ring.
To evade a gang conspiring to assassinate him, wealthy businessman Stuart Granger induces his unsuspecting, look-alike cousin, Jack Burton, to impersonate him for a month.
Harley P. Hennage, town gambler, takes under his protection Dana Corbaly when her widowed mother dies. He becomes suspicious of the motives of Bob McGraw, a young engineer who has come to town to investigate the mining claim of Dana's father, John Corbaly. But events reveal that he is only the tool of Corbaly's former partner, capitalist T. Morgan Carey.
Brother of Lorraine Leighton is falsely accused of rustling and murder and shipped off to jail. Desperate, Lorraine enlists the help of rancher Vic Collins and the two track down the real culprit, evil Pidge Walters.
Gilead is a lumber town that is dominated by two branches of the Kidder family: the puritanical, ultra-conservative side led by Enoch and his son John, and the hedonistic branch led by Enoch's brother Aaron. Aaron plans to sway John to come over to his side by using a young girl who has lost her memory to lure him over, but when he kidnaps her John sets out to free her. Complications ensue.
Gilead, Northern lumber town, has a line through its centre. On one side lives Enoch Kidder, his son John, and the rest of his puritanicql family. On the other are Aaron Kidder, vengeful brother, and his followers in pleasure and lust. An old feud culminates when Aaron tries to lure John, a clean-cut youth, over into the bad side of town, to revenge himself on Enoch (Moving Picture Weekly).
Jack Norman is an office clerk who falls in love with co-worker Kate Blair, a stenographer. He gets fired from his job but before this can really sink in, he suddenly inherits 80 million dollars from a financier who once loved his mother. The financier, Glyde, was murdered, so Norman also inherits a load of troubles involving the blackmailers who want to killed him. In his attempt to outwit them, Norman poses as a valet, and has a friend impersonate him.
When Eddie, the son of a police officer, gets involved with a criminal gang, his sister tries to steer him away from crime.
Forced into a loveless marriage by her mother, Joan Coolidge, a beautiful American girl, finds her husband a brute. She runs away to Paris and studies dancing and becomes The Rage of Paris.
At the harvest fiesta, Don Luis Baldarama, owner of one of California's great ranchos, expects to announce the betrothal of his son, Audre, to Isabella Chavez, the daughter of a neighboring don named Miguel Chavez. However, Audre plans to elope with Erolinda Vargas, the daughter of the ranch superintendent. When Audre confesses to Isabella that he loves another, she joyfully admits that she loves someone else, also. Audre and Erolina slip away during a feast and meet at a cabin, but they are surprised by Selistino Vargas, who, believing that his daughter has been dishonored, shoots Audre.
William Sanborn
Claire Adams as a girl forced to marry the man she suspects killed her father. When she refuses, she is virtually kept a prisoner along with kid-brother Frankie Lee until a handsome stranger (Jack Conway) rescues them.
Claire Adams as a girl forced to marry the man she suspects killed her father. When she refuses, she is virtually kept a prisoner along with kid-brother Frankie Lee until a handsome stranger (Jack Conway) rescues them.
A young soldier returns from the war to find his western homeland despoiled by conflict between the wheat farmers and a crooked lawyer.
Tito Lombardi a Fifth Avenue dress designer, causes his business to suffer by his generous dispensation of credit to clients, one of whom, Max Strohm, the manager of a musical review, has promised payment for his girls' lavish costumes as soon as the show makes money. To the dismay of Norah Blake, Lombardi's faithful assistant, who loves him, Lombardi proposes to Phyllis Manning, one of the showgirls, and presents her with his finest creations, while not even attempting to kiss her, as she puts off setting a wedding date and also accepts the attentions of wealthy bachelor Bob Tarrant.
Patricia Reynolds, the belle of the summer resort she is visiting with her friend, Amy Powellson, attracts the attention of Arthur Kirby, whom Amy loves. On an evening drive, Arthur tries to kiss Patricia , whereupon she leaps from the car and walks home. While Amy, disguised in Patricia 's clothing, accompanies Arthur to a roadhouse, Patricia , walking near the beach, sees her invalid friend, Jim Wheeler, jump into the ocean intending to kill himself. After rescuing him, Patricia persuades Jim to visit a specialist, but when she later is accused of spending the night with Arthur, she refuses to defend herself in order to conceal Jim's attempted suicide.
A secretary (Gloria Swanson) uses her boss to get money for her unfortunate sister (Ann Kroman) but eventually falls in love with him.
When stern Judge McClure gets into an argument with his younger brother John, a physical fight ensues in which the judge apparently kills John. In fear of the consequences, he runs off to the West and hires guide Cal Nelson to take him far into the desert. Along the way they meet Mary Jackson, and the judge, overcome by heat prostration, babbles out his secret.
Genuinely sweet natured, Ambrosia Lee loves to help everyone, soothing their sorrows with her cheerful spirit. Her charms are put to the test, when she tries to save her own Aunt Charlotte's marriage. Happily, all ends well, when her Aunt and Uncle are happily reunited.
David Clark
Three bachelor buddies, David Clark (Jack Conway), Dick Porter (Richard LeReno), and Jerry Mathers (George Webb) adopt three Belgian children who have been orphaned by the war. David winds up with Rene Lescere (Ella Hall), who -- much to his dismay -- comes with a pet goat and chicken. But Rene comes to love her foster father and vice versa. In fact, she's determined to find him a wife who will also serve as a foster mom for her.
Three bachelor buddies, David Clark (Jack Conway), Dick Porter (Richard LeReno), and Jerry Mathers (George Webb) adopt three Belgian children who have been orphaned by the war. David winds up with Rene Lescere (Ella Hall), who -- much to his dismay -- comes with a pet goat and chicken. But Rene comes to love her foster father and vice versa. In fact, she's determined to find him a wife who will also serve as a foster mom for her.
From a Montana mining camp, a young man progresses to the society heights of New York, making his mark publicly as a dancer, but secretly as a gentleman burglar.
Widow Martin struggles to rear her little daughter Nora amid the squalor of the slums yet imbue her with the refinement to which she had been accustomed in her girlhood.
Aside from the fact that Polly had red hair in abundance, she was not otherwise an exceptional child, save for one thing. She was willing to work and slave, if need be, to keep her baby brother, affectionately termed "The Lump," from being sent to the poor house. So she did housework and prepared breakfasts for John Ruffin, an attorney, and Hon. Gedge-Tompkins. John Ruffin's sister, Lady Osterly, has separated from her husband, and he holds their child. When Lady Osterly calls on Ruffin she is struck with the remarkable resemblance Polly bears to her own child. Ruffin and Lady Osterly formulate a plan to come into possession of her daughter, by using Polly as a substitute.
A girl who loves dancing more than anything must prove her identity in order to keep her inheritance.
Finding himself penniless, Lawrence Ashmore, whose late father was ruined on the stock exchange, obtains a position as a reporter. Ashmore is assigned to investigate the reported fatal illness of Jesse Craven, one of Wall Street's financial monarchs.
Divinity student John Fairmeadow likes his liquor and as a result is expelled from the seminary. He travels out West and lands in a camp where lumberman Batch has just died. He reads the funeral service and befriends the dead man's daughter Pattie.
While working in China for Nathan Goldberg, a New York Jewish importer, Chattfield Bruce comes to admire the Robin Hood philosophy of Wong Lee, who gives to the poor all the food, clothing and money that he steals from the rich. After Chattfield informs Wong Lee of a betrayal among his gang, Wong Lee gives him a ring that is guaranteed to give the wearer the allegiance of any Chinese throughout the world.
Second Assistant Director
Clásico del cine mudo que muestra a través de varios episodios históricos las injusticias provocadas por la intolerancia religiosa y social. La idea inicial de Griffith era narrar las sangrientas huelgas de 1912 en EE.UU. (un huelguista es acusado de la muerte de su patrón), pero después decidió rodar tres episodios más: "La caída de Babilonia, "La Pasión de Cristo" y "La noche de San Bartolomé" (sangriento episodio de las luchas entre hugonotes y católicos que tuvo lugar en París en 1572). De presupuesto y recursos desmesurados para la época -una sola escena reunió a 15.000 extras y 250 carros- aún hoy sigue asombrando por su espectacularidad.
Carter Raymond is a New York playboy who squanders his inherited fortune. All he has left is an abandoned mine in California, so Carter goes West to work it. "Big Jim" Helton and his daughter Mary have been squatters on the mine for years, and "Placer" Murray, from an adjoining camp, has been trying to run them off. When Carter arrives, Mary shoots him, thinking he works for Murray. Mary soon realizes her mistake, and she and her father agree to nurse Carter back to health.
Inheriting his father's alcoholism, Lawyer Tom Gallatin goes into the woods to rehabilitate himself. Once there, he loses his way and then meets Jane Loring, who is also lost. They are attracted to each other, but when Jane offers him a drink from a flask, Tom takes more than just a few sips, and then tries to rape her.
Shakespeare's tragedy of the Scots nobleman whose ambition leads him to betrayal, murder, and damnation.
Assistant Director
Clásico del cine mudo que narra los acontecimientos más importantes de la creación de los Estados Unidos de América: la guerra civil, el asesinato de Lincoln, etc. Ha sido tachada de racista por su glorificación del Ku Klux Klan, pero tiene el mérito de ser la primera película que cuenta una historia de modo coherente: hasta ese momento una película era un conjunto de escenas con muy poca relación entre sí. Obtuvo un enorme éxito en su tiempo.
Smoke Bellew
The Chechako is a 1914 adventure drama based on Jack London's Smoke Bellew
The Heartless Publisher
A picture from the short story of Ellen Farley in "The Cavalier," and screened by John O'Brian. The story is of a girl who tries to be an author and has the usual fate of such. The new interest comes when she enters the home of the publisher because the policemen won't let her sit on the park benches and she wants to hide out of sight of them. She is starving and there is fruit on the table which she eats, but when the "burglar" comes she feels in duty bound to protect the place from him; it is the publisher, and from this meeting the two young people fall in, it always happens in fiction, why say it? But even with this ending the offering has much to commend it. Able direction and good acting give it atmosphere and it will go all right.
Walter Gordon
Dorthea Gordon comes to a fishing village with her ill-tempered brother, Walter. She rows out to a rock to sketch the seals, but her boat drifts away and the rising tide sweeps her into the water. Her predicament is seen by Jack Livingston, the fisherman son of the village minister, and he rescues her. The pair begin seeing one another, but Walter thoroughly disapproves. When a gossip implies that Livingston's attentions are less than honorable, Walter confronts him and is killed in the ensuing struggle.
Joe Hines
Elam Harnish, known as "Burning Daylight," is a leader among the men of Circle City, Alaska in the days before the gold rush. Nell, a dance hall girl, loves Harnish, though he has never offered her anything but friendship. Harnish's hunch that the big strike is coming soon proves true, and he throws himself into the frenzy of activity that follows, staking claims and eventually accumulating eleven million dollars. Harnish leaves Alaska for San Francisco without knowing that Nell has killed herself because of his departure. -From TCM.com Database, powered by the AFI.
Clarence Morton
A play based on a famous English case of a man being executed wrongfully on circumstantial evidence.
The mother of a dead Union soldier attempts to convince President Lincoln to pardon a similarly condemned Confederate soldier whose unjust conviction was the result of her vindictive scheme.
Bob Madden returns home slightly intoxicated and his father angrily commands him to leave the place and shift for himself. The next morning he goes, leaving his father a note: "Dear Dad, I am going out West and try to make a man of myself. I hope some day you will be proud of me. Your son. Bob."
Bob Madden returns home slightly intoxicated and his father angrily commands him to leave the place and shift for himself. The next morning he goes, leaving his father a note: "Dear Dad, I am going out West and try to make a man of myself. I hope some day you will be proud of me. Your son. Bob."
Bob Evans, a telegraph operator, together with a group of soldiers gets ambushed by Sioux Indians. Wounded, he climbs into a telegraph pole and asks through the telegraph wires for help from the fort. Bob's fiancée Edith comes along with the soldiers. The soldiers find only dead bodies and decide to chase the Indians. Edith stays behind to search for Bob. She finds him and together they return to the fort. The Sioux then attack the fort, but when the situation seems hopeless, the army returns and the Indians are expelled.
Hal Benton
The Chief's son, Silver Water, returns from college and is met at the station by the tribe. The Indians make merry to celebrate his homecoming. Hal Benton, an easterner, rides on to ask his way to the hotel, where he is stopping with some friends, among them his fiancée, Veda Mead, and her father. Knowing that the Indian ceremonies will interest his friends, Hal obtains permission to come the next day and bring his friends. The Chief calls Morning Star, an Indian maiden, telling his son that she is to be his squaw. Silver Water is pleased with her. The next day Hal Benton and his friends arrive. While the others inspect the camp, Veda Mead amuses herself with Silver Water and ere long is thoroughly infatuated with him, while the Indian's vanity is touched by the attentions of the society coquette, and he promises to meet her the next day. Their little tete-a-tete is cut short by the entrance of Morning Star.
The Chief's son, Silver Water, returns from college and is met at the station by the tribe. The Indians make merry to celebrate his homecoming. Hal Benton, an easterner, rides on to ask his way to the hotel, where he is stopping with some friends, among them his fiancée, Veda Mead, and her father. Knowing that the Indian ceremonies will interest his friends, Hal obtains permission to come the next day and bring his friends. The Chief calls Morning Star, an Indian maiden, telling his son that she is to be his squaw. Silver Water is pleased with her. The next day Hal Benton and his friends arrive. While the others inspect the camp, Veda Mead amuses herself with Silver Water and ere long is thoroughly infatuated with him, while the Indian's vanity is touched by the attentions of the society coquette, and he promises to meet her the next day. Their little tete-a-tete is cut short by the entrance of Morning Star.
Kit Carson
Kit Carson, scout, hunter, trapper and soldier-of-fortune, has won the enmity of Azakah, the cruel chief of a prowling band of renegade Indians.
Stephen Moore
The scenes are laid in the Hudson Bay country in comparatively recent years and cover the life of a Hudson Bay factor, showing him as a young man assuming his business in the wilderness and, as was common in those days, taking an Indian wife that he had purchased of her father in Indian fashion.
"The Scarlet Letter" is a story of early Puritan days in New England. Hester, a beautiful young Englishwoman, is sent to America by her husband, with a promise that he will follow on the next ship. But he falls to keep his promise and Hester does not hear from him in years. In the meantime she is befriended by a young Puritan minister. Friendship ripens into love and Hester, thinking her husband dead, loves the handsome young clergyman with her whole heart. But when the baby is born the minister, fearing the wrath of the Pilgrim Fathers, denies it and Hester is condemned to wear the Scarlet Letter and to stand in the pillory. And it is only after several years of Hester's shame and ignominy that the little child finally reaches the father's heart. Then comes the great scene. The minister, on a fête day, ascends the pillory, places himself where Hester had been placed, and publicly proclaims his sin.