Lesley Parker


Line Producer
After raising an unnervingly talented spider in secret, 12-year-old Charlotte must face the truth about her pet and fight for her family's survival.
Guardianes de la tumba
Line Producer
Un grupo de científicos encuentran la tumba de un emperador de la antigua China del año 200 antes de Cristo. El hallazgo de los restos momificados del regente parece que se va a convertir en el descubrimiento arqueológico del siglo. Sin embargo, con esta expedición, el equipo de científicos desata una pesadilla con más de 2.000 años de antigüedad y deberán hacer frente a un secreto que debería haber seguido oculto y enterrado hasta el fin de los tiempos.
Stevo is an observational documentary about a charismatic Māori security guard who lives between two worlds. Rooted firmly in his culture, Stevo Winiata divides his time between a tiny mid-city apartment and his family home on the shores of Lake Waikaremoana in the remote rainforests of Te Urewera deep in the north island of New Zealand. The film follows Stevo as he prepares for his next trip to Te Urewera. As he collects discarded city junk and transforms it into valuable household essentials, and trades trout for cab rides and wild pork for coffee sacks, Stevo builds a web of community and engagement in a unique, utterly appealing way. Stevo’s alternative economy draws on tradition but is perfectly suited to a modern world rent with economic and environmental hardships. This is an uplifting portrait of an inspiring, irresistible and finely adapted 21st century man.
Jack Irish: Black Tide
Line Producer
Jack Irish has no shortage of friends, but family members are few and far between. His wife was murdered by an ex-client and his father is a fading photo on the pubs football wall of fame. So when Des Connors, the last link to his dad, calls to ask for help in the matter of a missing son, Jack is more than happy to lend a hand. But sometimes prodigal sons go missing for a reason... As Jack begins to dig, he discovers that Gary Connors was a man with something to hide, and his friends are people with yet darker and even more deadly secrets.
Jack Irish Bad Debts
Line Producer
Jack Irish (Guy Pearce) es un hombre que recupera su vida juntos otra vez. Un ex abogado criminalista cuyo mundo implosionó, él ahora gasta sus días como un investigador de media jornada, cobrador, ebanista del aprendiz, jugador y algún día amante - el hombre completo realmente. Jack es un experto en el descubrimiento de aquellos que no quieren encontrarse - muertos o vivos. Echa una mano a sus compañeros evitando el pasado. Esto es hasta que el pasado le encuentre.