Andy Ho

Nacimiento : 1913-07-02, Singapore

Muerte : 1992-01-01


An Almost Perfect Affair
Un desconocido realizador americano viaja a Cannes para promocionar su película. Allí, la esposa de un productor se interesa en la historia y comienzan un romance.
Bésame y no me mates
Kelly, un agente de la CIA, es enviado a Río de Janeiro para detener los planes de Mr Ardonian, que posee un satélite capaz de producir la estirilidad.
Los robinsones de los mares del sur
Una familia que busca una nueva vida a través del mar, naufraga hasta una isla desierta. Todos los miembros intentar crear un hogar de lo más apacible pero la presencia de los piratas creará muchas complicaciones.
El mundo de Suzie Wong
Ah Tong
Un maduro pintor norteamericano que se encuentra en Hong Kong conoce a una joven prostituta china. Lo que parecía un encuentro ocasional se va convirtiendo poco a poco en una historia de amor.
Los dientes del diablo
Historia sobre los esquimales y su forma de vida en los bellos y fríos parajes del Polo.
La verdad al desnudo
Chinese Man in Pub (uncredited)
A causa de las graves presiones que recibe, un periodista ha intentado suicidarse en varias ocasiones. Pero ahora ha decidido fundar una publicación para contar la verdad, sin miedo a represalias. Para financiarla, recurre al chantaje de varias personalidades. Los problemas aparecerán cuando un presentador de televisión se le resista. (FILMAFFINITY)
Lady of Vengeance
When publisher William Marshall learns his young ward Melissa Collins has committed suicide, he sets in motion a plan to murder the man who drove Melissa to kill herself. Mistakenly believing that singer Larry Shaw is his intended target, Marshall unwittingly seeks help from the man who actually broke Melissa's heart.
James Prothero, forty-three years old and up to his ears in alcohol, is the skipper of a tramp ship due to leave South America for Britain – and he’s sick to death of carting goods back and forth across the world. Then he meets Manuela, a beautiful native girl smuggled on board by one of his crew, and comes to realise that she, too, is a lost soul. Gradually a love affair develops between them, and Prothero becomes dangerously blind to the responsibilities of his position.
The Beachcomber
Dispenser (uncredited)
Mr. Gray is the new Resident in Charge of the Welcome Islands in the Indian Ocean. The Islands are full of life, but the only other Europeans are the "sanctimonious, psalm-singing" brother-sister missionary team of Martha and Owen Jordans, and the Honourable Ted - a hard-drinking, womanizing social outcast whose English family pays him to stay away. Martha and Ted become an unlikely team when cholera threatens the islands and they must do their best to stop its spread.
Laughing Anne
Chinese merchant
Story of love affair of captain who runs ship in Java Seas and a French saloon singer. From a story "Because of the dollars" by Joseph Conrad.
The Planter's Wife
Wan Li
The wife of a rubber plantation owner must put her marriage problems on hold when her family is forced to defend themselves during a native uprising.