Sgt. Doubleday
Military comedy about two sergeant buddies constantly getting into trouble.
Sgt. Dorian 'Dodo' Doubleday
Military comedy starring William Tracy and Joe Sawyer. 1951.
Al Little
A TV worker has fickle designs on an aspiring singer for whom she arranges an audition.
Billy Leighton
A once-famous concert pianist has had her career ruined by her alcoholism. Her husband and a member of Alcoholics Anonymous try to help her recover.
Charlie Richards
The first of Monogram's "Father" series was Henry, the Rainmaker, assembled in a fast seven days. Henry Latham is an average family man who is galvanized into entering a mayoral race over the issue of garbage disposal. When incumbent mayor Colton solves this issue himself, Henry turns his attentions to the current water shortage. His efforts to become a rainmaker prove cataclysmic, to say the least.
Cully Caxton
En 1908, en la pequeña localidad de Jericho (Kansas), Dave Connors, el fiscal del condado que está casado con una mujer alcohólica, se siente atraído por Julia, una compañera de profesión. Al mismo tiempo es acosado por Algeria, la mujer de su amigo Tucker.
Dorian 'Dodo' Doubleday
A blundering rookie reporter runs into some unexpected difficulty when he is assigned to cover the police beat.
Sgt. Dorian 'Dodo' Doubleday
Sergeants flirt with a nurse aboard ship and go fishing for a Japanese Sub.
Sgt. Dorian "Dodo" Doubleday
An Army sergeant's photographic memory puts him in conflict with a Nazi spy.
Johnny Dent
Crónica del típico niño rico de familia bien que se alista en los Marines y pondrá a prueba la paciencia de sus superiores hasta lo indecible. Al final se convertirá en un excelente soldado, al tiempo que intentará conquistar a una guapa enfermera.
Steve Eldridge
New Yorkers Bill and Connie Fuller have to move from their apartment. Without Bill's knowledge, Connie purchases a delapidated old farmhouse in Pennsylvania, where George Washington was supposed to have actually slept during the American Revolution.
Sgt. Dorian 'Dodo' Doubleday
Two Army sergeants disrupt a bar, a party and an Army-Navy dance.
Earl Tucker, alias Ivan Leslie
Young America is a 1942 American drama film directed by Louis King and written by Samuel G. Engel. The film stars Jane Withers, Jane Darwell, Lynne Roberts, Robert Cornell, William Tracy and Roman Bohnen. The film was released on February 6, 1942, by 20th Century Fox.
Sergeant 'Dodo' Doubleday
Colonel Barkley is very proud of his assistant, Sergeant Doubleday, who has a photographic memory. Doubleday shows off his book knowledge on firearms during a class given by Sergeant Ames, embarrassing him. Through a series of misunderstandings, Colonel Barkley thinks the gun shy Doubleday is an expert marksman, and he sets him up in a shooting match against Ames and Sergeant Cobb.
The Runt, a Cadet
Un cadete de West Point se enamora de una chica que canta en la banda de su hermano. Deciden casarse, aunque ello signifique que ha de dejar la academia, pero cuando el hermano de su novia escribe una balada patriótica, comprenderá que el deber es más importante que el matrimonio...
Sgt. Dorian 'Dodo' Doubleday
Chubby William Tracy starred as Dodo Doubleday, a feckless Army draftee blessed (or cursed) with a photographic memory. Inexplicably promoted to sergeant, Doubleday becomes the bane of topkick Sgt. Ames' (Joe Sawyer) existence.
While attending stenographer school, Tillie Jones meets office boy Mac, who falls in love with her at first sight. Though Tillie likes Mac as a friend, she continually throws him over for handsomer men.
Chorus girl and rich playboy want to marry but he'll lose his fortune unless his trustee approves of his mate. So she goes to work in the trustee's brokerage firm under an assumed name to get on his good side but complications ensue.
Mervyn Roberts
15-year-old Penelope (Penny) Wood has two great interests - Chuck Harris and the hope that some day she might become a famous,great writer. Chuck also has two interests - his home-made glider and the hope that some day he will go to Tech college. His indifference to Penny is her chief source of annoyance. Mervyn Roberts, Penny's uncle who is only five years older than she is, arrives home with a guest, Roger Van Vleck, and Penny falls for Roger's sophistication. Chuck, resentful, continues to work on his glider over his father's objections. His father wants it destroyed but Elmer Tuttle, their hired man, hides it.
Dude Lester
Jeeter Lester, un perezoso y pícaro padre de familia, es expulsado de sus tierras por no pagar la renta. Todo el que intenta ayudarle se ve abocado a la pobreza.
La única comedia norteamericana del maestro Hitchcock trata sobre las relaciones de amor-odio de un matrimonio (Carole Lombard y Robert Montgomery) que descubre que, debido a un error administrativo, no están legalmente casados.
Beefy Monrose
When a teenager's father is accused of murder, the boy and his high-school classmates set out to find the real killer.
Phillip Turner
Un grupo de jóvenes estudiantes forma su propia orquesta y consigue la fama gracias a su participación en el programa radiofónico de Paul Whiteman
Terry Lee
Dr. Herbert Lee, an archaeologist seeking to decipher ancient Mara inscriptions, is aided by his son Terry, Terry's pal Pat Ryan, and Normandie Drake. Jungle pirate and warlord Fang (Dick Curtis) plots to kill The Dragon Lady, Queen of the Temple of Mara, and seize the treasures of her ancestors. Both Fang and The Dragon Lady have sworn death for any foreign intruders.
Pepi Katona
Alfred Kralik es el tímido jefe de vendedores de Matuschek y Compañía, una tienda de Budapest. Todas las mañanas, los empleados esperan juntos la llegada de su jefe, Hugo Matuschek. A pesar de su timidez, Alfred responde al anuncio de un periódico y mantiene un romance por carta. Su jefe decide contratar a una tal Klara Novak en contra de la opinión de Alfred. En el trabajo, Alfred discute constantemente con ella, sin sospechar que es su corresponsal secreta.
Egghead Jackson
En la universidad de Middleton, controlada por un rico donante, el presidente de los estudiantes ha de destacar en algún deporte para conquistar el corazón de su amada. El problema es que todos son de pago.
Danny Regan
Father goes to an American Legion convention in Hollywood and the family goes along, visiting a studio a causing havoc on the set.
Jerry - as a Boy
Un sacerdote presencia impotente cómo los niños marginados de su parroquia sucumben a las malas influencias de un criminal que fue compañero suyo de la infancia. Sin embargo, con el tiempo los dos hombres siguieron caminos muy diferentes: uno abrazó el sacerdocio y el otro se convirtió en un gángster.
Misto Bottome
Story of three buddies at the Virginia Military Institute. Cadet Bing Edwards is secretly married and soon to be a father.