Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrad

Nacimiento : 1857-12-02, Berdichev, Kiev Governorate, Russian Empire [now Berdychiv, Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukraine]

Muerte : 1924-08-03


Joseph Conrad (born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski) was a Polish-born English novelist. Conrad is regarded as one of the greatest novelists in English, though he did not speak the language fluently until he was in his twenties (and then always with a marked Polish accent). He wrote stories and novels, predominantly with a nautical or seaboard setting, that depict trials of the human spirit by the demands of duty and honour. Conrad was a master prose stylist who brought a distinctly non-English tragic sensibility into English literature. While some of his works have a strain of romanticism, he is viewed as a precursor of modernist literature. Writing in the heyday of the British Empire, Conrad drew upon his experiences in the French and later the British Merchant Navy to create short stories and novels that reflect aspects of a worldwide empire while also plumbing the depths of the human soul. His narrative style and anti-heroic characters have influenced many authors. Films have been adapted from or inspired by Conrad's Victory, Lord Jim, The Secret Agent, An Outcast of the Islands, The Rover, The Shadow Line, The Duel, Heart of Darkness, Nostromo, Almayer's Folly.


Joseph Conrad


The Lost Valley
Mountain of Gold
The story of Almayer, a Dutch trader struggling to survive in Malaysia at the turn of the 19th Century. His dream of finding a mythical gold mountain is challenged by his scheming wife, the colonial authorities, the political machinations of the local chief and Arab traders, and his daughter's love for a freedom-fighting Malay prince.
The Young One
Zico has a thirst for elsewhere. He embarks on a cargo shop in Le Havre. Soon, tensions with the rest of the crew and repeated damages undermine his dreams of adventures.
An Outpost of Progress
At the end of the nineteenth century, two inexperienced Portuguese colonizers, with a vague intention of civilizing the colonies, disembark in a remote part of the Congo River in order to coordinate a trading post. As time goes by, they become increasingly demoralized by their inability to profit from the ivory trade. A mutual feeling of distrust and misunderstadings with the locals isolate them at the heart of the tropical jungle. Faced with each other, they begin a journey towards the abyss.
Lost Soul: El viaje maldito de Richard Stanley a la isla del Dr. Moreau
Self (archive footage)
Richard Stanley soñaba con adaptar al cine el clásico de H.G. Wells, La isla del Dr. Moreau. Finalmente, a mediados de la década de los noventa logró levantar el proyecto, pero su rodaje se convirtió en una batalla entre el arte y los intereses de la industria, que acabó con el director expulsado del filme. Este documental recoge la historia de una película que, pudiendo haber sido una obra maestra del cine fantástico, fue un fracaso estrepitoso. (FILMAFFINITY)
Almayer's Folly
Adaptación de la novela homónima "La locura de Almayer" de Joseph Conrad. Cuenta la historia de la ruina moral de Almayer, un joven holandés que va a Malasia en busca de un tesoro. Contratado por el rey de los piratas, se casa con su hija, pero a pesar de su buena suerte no renuncia a su objetivo, que se transforma rápidamente en una quimera destructiva.
El amor de Gabrielle y Martin se ve obstaculizado porque quienes los rodean los consideran distintos a los demás. Retrato de la lucha de una joven por conseguir su libertad sexual y su independencia.
El hombre que vino del mar
Costa de Inglaterra, 1888. Amy Foster es una joven sirvienta, bella pero introvertida, sin apenas relacion con sus padres y marginada por el resto del pueblo pues creen que tiene poderes de brujería. La única relación especial de Amy es la que tiene con el mar. Un día, a la casa donde ella sirve llega Yanko, el único superviviente de un barco de emigrantes rusos que naufragó cuando viajaba hacia América.
Axel Heyst is an American recluse with a dubious past living in the Dutch East Indies port of Surabaya circa 1913. Staying in a German hotel there, Heyst becomes entranced with a member of the hotel's all-female orchestra.
El agente secreto
Londres, finales del siglo XIX. Verloc es miembro de un grupo anarquista que tiene su sede en el Soho, aunque, en realidad, es un agente al servicio de una embajada extranjera. Un día, recibe la orden de traicionar a sus camaradas. (FILMAFFINITY)
El corazón de las tinieblas (TV)
Cuenta la historia de Marlow, un aventurero contratado por una empresa colonial británica. Realiza un interesante viaje por el río, donde oye historias sobre un tal Kurtz. Cautivado por el personaje que inspira terror y admiración a partes iguales, decide ir en su busca. Cuando lo encuentra descubre a un ser perturbado capaz de las mayores atrocidades. Adaptación televisiva de la famosa novela de Joseph Conrad.
The Secret Agent
1992 BBC adaptation of the Joseph Conrad novel of 1907 concerning the mostly inactive spy Alfred Verloc, who is ordered by his superior Mr Vladimir to carry out a terrorist act. Verloc reluctantly plans the operation, seeking help from The Professor. Verloc is also an informant for the police and the Assistant Commissioner and Chief Inspector Heat add additional pressure on Verloc and his attempts to carry out his plan. Verloc’s subsequent actions gravely affect his wife who is devoted to her mentally unbalanced brother Stevie.
Short film by Dagmar Knöpfel. Based on a story by Joseph Conrad.
Un reietto delle isole
TV-adaptation of Joseph Conrad's "Outcast of the Islands".
Apocalypse Now
Durante la guerra de Vietnam, al joven Capitán Willard, un oficial de los servicios de inteligencia del ejército estadounidense, se le ha encomendado entrar en Camboya con la peligrosa misión de eliminar a Kurtz, un coronel renegado que se ha vuelto loco. El capitán deberá ir navegar por el río hasta el corazón de la selva, donde parece ser que Kurtz reina como un buda despótico sobre los miembros de la tribu Montagnard, que le adoran como a un dios.
One woman lives waiting for her son who is a sailor. She hasn't seen him for years although he writes to her a lot. The woman shares the letters and her grief with a co-worker and friend. This last woman begins to idealize her friend's son.
Los duelistas
Guerras napoleónicas (principios del XIX). El teniente de húsares del ejército napoleónico Armand Dhubert recibe la orden de arrestar al teniente Ferand por haber participado en un duelo. Ferand, encolerizado, se enfrenta con Dhubert, lo que provocará un nuevo duelo, esta vez entre ellos dos.
The Shadow-Line
Andrzej Wajda's English-language film of a novella by Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, aka Joseph Conrad, about a young man in his first command as a sea captain. A series of crises prove incredibly difficult for his new authority, for the sea is curiously becalmed and the crew is weakened by feverish malaria. When the first mate's fear convinces many that the ship is haunted and cursed by the malevolent spirit of the previous captain, the young man must cope with their superstition as well as the conspicuous absence of much-needed medicine.
The Shadow Line
Original Story
Story of a young, inexperienced ship captain named Marlow, who struggles in solitude during the voyage with disease, insubordinate crew and vagaries of weather.
The End of the Tether
An experienced but aging captain in command of the Sofala must hide the fact that he is becoming blind.
Lord Jim
Basada en la novela homónima de Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), cuenta la historia de un oficial de la marina mercante que navega en el Patna, un barco de tercera categoría que transporta peregrinos musulmanes. Durante una tormenta y con el barco a punto de hundirse, Jim y el resto de la tripulación huyen del barco abandonando a los pasajeros. Pero, para su desgracia, cuando llegan a la costa descubren que el Patna ha sido rescatado.
Heart of Darkness
A trading company manager travels up an African river to find a missing outpost head and discovers the depth of evil in humanity's soul.
Laughing Anne
Story of love affair of captain who runs ship in Java Seas and a French saloon singer. From a story "Because of the dollars" by Joseph Conrad.
Face to Face
Two short films released together under a collective title. The first, "Secret Sharer", directed by John Brahm and starring James Mason, is based on a short story by Joseph Conrad. The second tale, "Bride Comes to Yellow Sky", directed by Bretaigne Windust and starring Robert Preston, is adapted from Stephen Crane's short story.
Desterrado de las islas
Prestigiosa adaptación de una novela de Joseph Conrad sobre un aventurero desesperado que vive en una isla malaya, donde desarrolla una actividad criminal. Finalmente, será víctima de una auténtica cacería humana.
The Golden Twenties
Himself (archive footage)
Feature-length compilation of 1920s newsreel footage, with commentary about news, sports, lifestyles, and historical figures.
Un inglés que vive retirado, lejos del mundanal ruido, tendrá que enfrentarse con tres peligrosos personajes para ayudar a una muchacha que se encuentra en una difícil situación.
Karl Anton Verloc y su esposa poseen un pequeño cine en un tranquilo suburbio de Londres donde viven aparentemente felices. Pero la Sra. Verloc no sabe que su marido tiene un secreto que afectará a su relación y amenazará la vida de su hermano adolescente.
Farornas paradis
A hotel in Surabaya, Java has some features of a brothel. Anita plays in a women's orchestra is exposed to the bandleaders invites. The owner of the hotel wants Anita to attract customers. They two become rivals over Anita.
Tropical Nights
"Tropical Nights" - The young violinist Alma comes to Simbali with an orchestra led by conductor Zangiacoma, hired for a series of performances at the Schomberg hotel. Both the conductor Zangiacomo and Schomberg are obsessed with Alma. One evening, when Alma is, as usual, forced to entertain the guests she meets Mr. Heyst from his island Sourabaya, where he lives in solitude. He takes Alma to his place on the island.
Dangerous Paradise
Heyst, a hermit on his own tropical island, plays unwilling host to red-headed stowaway Alma. Danger looms...
The Rescue
The English adventurer Tom Lingard gets involved with islanders on a South Seas island, and he also gets involved with Lady Edith and Mr. Travers, a sailing English couple. Tom has an unexpected love affair with Edith and while they are having this affair, Lady Edith husband's boat is destroyed and he is killed.
Lord Jim
Because he deserted his ship and passengers during a collision at sea, a ship's mate loses his certification. Unable to find work at sea, he takes a job at a trading post, and eventually works his way up to managing the business. He falls in love with the owner's daughter, and shares leadership of the local village with the son of the Rajah. One day, however, a band of pirates attacks the village, and the man is astonished to see that the pirates are none other than the tyrannical captain of his former ship and his crew.
Adaptation of Joseph Conrad novel about lust and violence on a South Seas Island.
Heart of Darkness
Based on Joseph Conrad's novel, Marlow, captains a leaky steamboat up the River Congo in search of a mysterious figure named Kurtz who has carved out a brutal kingdom in which he has power of life and death over his native subjects.