George Lloyd

George Lloyd

Nacimiento : 1892-11-05, Edinburg, Illinois, United States

Muerte : 1967-08-15


George H. Lloyd was a steady, faithful character actor, mostly appearing in Westerns.


George Lloyd


Iron Mountain Trail
John Brockway
Rex Allen and Slim Pickens are sent from Washington, D.C. to California in 1850 to speed up deliveries of mail to the goldfields, and find a destructive feud raging between two stage-line owners, Sam Sawyer and John Brockway. In their attempts to have their stages and drivers first on the dock to get the mail brought East by ship, the two have damaged each other's equipment and schedules to the point that no consignment of mail reaches the goldfields intact or on time.
Lucha a muerte
Tom Croker (uncredited)
Owen Merritt (Randolph Scoth) es un hombre de pocas palabras, extraordinaria puntería y principios firmes, que ha de tragarse su orgullo cuando la mujer a la que ama se casa con otro por dinero. Pero cuando el marido, celoso, jura destrozar el rancho de Merrit, éste tendrá que defenderse.
Government Agents vs Phantom Legion
Two federal agents battle a gang that hijacks trucks carrying materials vital for the security of the country and sells them to foreign powers.
Aviso de tormenta
Townsman (uncredited)
La modelo Marsha Mitchel aprovecha un descanso para visitar a su hermana pequeña recién casada, Lucy Rice, pero al llegar le sorprende descubrir lo poco sociables que son los ciudadanos e incluso el taxista se niega a llevarla a su destino, por lo que se vé obligada a ir andando de noche hasta el centro donde su hermana trabaja. Por el camino es testigo en secreto de un linchamiento y asesinato, finalmente huye y cuenta a Lucy lo que vió. Su hermana sospecha que la victima es un reportero que habia condenado al Ku Klux Klan.
The Pecos Pistol
Outlaw Leader Rocky
A partial remake of and using footage from 1941's "Rawhide Rangers" this Western short is about a ranger who pretends to turn outlaw in order to track down the gang who killed his brother, also a ranger.
San Antone Ambush
Croupier (uncredited)
Just after the Civil War a Texan and his men are fighting a ruthless Commissioner and his excessive taxes. After a Lieutenant is falsely accused of a pay wagon massacre by the Commissioner's men, he deserts the Army and tries to clear himself. At first he belives the Texan was behind the massacre but then learns it was the Commissioner and joins the Texan in his fight.
Bandit King of Texas
Thatch Dobson
The Jewel Land Company of Elko, Texas is selling Government land to settlers. Before any of the settlers can claim their land, they are being killed by McCabe's gang. When Rocky comes to Elko to find his friend Jim, he winds up in Jail on a charge of stealing money from the new Marshal. The only person in town that is on his side is Nugget, but there is little that he can do by himself. When Rocky escapes from the jail with another prisoner and the Marshal is shot, he has to find who is behind his problems and what has happened to Jim and Emily.
Outcasts of the Trail
Horace Rysen
Legendary lawman Pat Garrett wins the Fourth of July buckboard race in a small Nevada town against the unscrupulous Fred Smith and pretty Lavinia White. Lavinia blames Garrett for sending her father Ivory White to jail for robbing 100,000 dollars. White, who has stashed the loot away someplace, is about to be released and plans to return the money to the express office for the sake of his children, Lavinia and Chad. Nasty Jim Judd forces Lavinia to help him rob the coach carrying Ivory and the money, counting on the fact that White will keep quiet for his daughter's sake.
Sergeant Duff (uncredited)
A major Indian uprising is expected and Wyoming military posts are alerted. Colonel Dennison is meeting with Chief Eagle and his son Running Wolf when Chief Eagle is mysteriously shot. Steve Holden, an agent for the government peace commission, with the aid of a wandering shoemaker, Smiley, discover the troubles and the Chief's murder have been instigated by Cronin, the regimental scout, for personal gain for he and his gang of outlaws.
Frontier Investigator
Milton Leffingwell
Rocky Lane, out to find the murderer of his brother, runs into a battle between two stage lines for a mail contract.
Death Valley Gunfighter
Rocky Lane hits the trail when he gets word that one of two brothers in a partner-ship mining project has been killed by outlaws trying to gain possession of the mine. The other brother Nugget Clark wants no part of the law, and is particularly set against the young sheriff courting his niece Trudy.
Blondie's Big Deal
Fire Chief
In this, the 25th Blondie film, Dagwood accidentally discovers a non-flammable paint. Bad guys Dillon and Stack steal it before he can give it to his boss Radcliffe. To show off his invention, Dagwood paints Radcliffe's house with it and disgraced when the house burns down!
The Denver Kid
Sheriff Howie
When Border Patrol Lieutenant Roberts is killed, it appears that his brother Tim was the killer. To clear the Robert's name for his boss, Lieutenant Rocky Lane heads south of the border posing as an outlaw. He hopes to get in with the gang and find Tim who is using an assumed name. As always, Nugget is there to help.
Río Rojo
Rider with Melville (uncredited)
Terminada la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865) y después de haber sobrevivido a una matanza de los indios, el ganadero Tom Dunson (John Wayne) y su hijo adoptivo Matthew Garth (Montgomery Clift) proyectan trasladar diez mil cabezas de ganado desde Texas hasta Missouri. Nadie hasta entonces había intentado una operación de tal envergadura.
Un rancho en California
Pop Jordan
Roy, un vaquero, descubre que su caballo, Trigger, ha sido robado por una banda de forajidos. Inmediatamente se pone en marcha para recuperarlo.
French Leave
Captain Baker
Merchant seaman Skitch Kilroy (Jackie Cooper) and "Pappy" Reagan (Jackie Coogan)arrive in Marseilles, eager to resume their combative rivalry for Mimi. But they are ordered by their skipper Muldoon (Ralph Sanford) to remain on board and guard against theft of foodstuffs by a black market gang.
Pardon My Clutch
The stooge's friend Claude sells them his old lemon of a car so they can take Shemp, who is sick with a toothache, camping. The car won't work and the boys are apparently out a bundle, when a car collector happens on the scene and offers to buy it at a premium. Claude backs out on the deal and gives the stooges their money back, only to discover the "collector" is an escaped lunatic.
El callejón de las almas perdidas
Hobo (uncredited)
Un ambicioso aspirante a artista de circo (Tyrone Power) está dispuesto a todo con tal de alcanzar la cima del éxito. Cuando encuentra el secreto de un truco de feria, decide montar un próspero negocio con unas ayudantes...
Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome
Owner of the Hangman's Knot (uncredited)
A gang of criminals, which includes a piano player and an imposing former convict known as 'Gruesome', has found out about a scientist's secret formula for a gas that temporarily paralyzes anyone who breathes it. When Gruesome accidentally inhales some of the gas and passes out, the police think he is dead and take him to the morgue, where he later revives and escapes. This puzzling incident attracts the interest of Dick Tracy, and when the criminals later use the gas to rob a bank, Tracy realizes that he must devote his entire attention to stopping them.
Una vida y un amor
Sascha Barda
Terminada la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Matt Gordon regresa a Singapur con el fin de recuperar una fortuna en perlas de contrabando. Una vez allí, empieza a recordar a la que fue su prometida antes de la guerra, la atractiva Linda, y su desaparición durante el ataque japonés. Su sorpresa es mayúscula cuando, inesperadamente, la vuelve a ver: padece amnesia y está casada con el rico terrateniente Van Leyden. Mientras tanto, el siniestro contrabandista Mauribus planea quedarse con las perlas de Matt.
Swing the Western Way
Sheriff Morgan
Swing the Western Way
El huevo y yo
Farmhand Delivering Message (Uncredited)
Basada en la vida real de Betty MacDonald, que es encarnada por Colbert. Una mujer de ciudad accede a ayudar a su marido (MacMurray) a cumplir su sueño de tener un granja y, para ello, procurará adaptarse a las inevitables dificultades de la vida en el campo.
Sucedió en la 5ª avenida
Foreman of Movers (uncredited)
Un vagabundo neoyorquino se muda a una mansión y, por el camino, se va reuniendo con sus amigos a los que lleva a vivir con él.
Sucedió en la 5ª avenida
Head Moving Man (uncredited)
Un vagabundo neoyorquino se muda a una mansión y, por el camino, se va reuniendo con sus amigos a los que lleva a vivir con él.
Morena y peligrosa
George - Prison Guard Sergeant (uncredited)
El fotógrafo infantil Ronnie Jackson, cuenta la historia que le llevó al corredor de la muerte en San Quintin. Cuando se queda a cargo de la oficina de un detective privado vecino suyo, Ronie recibe a la Baronesa Montay; a fin de localizar al Barón que, al parecer, ha desaparecido. La trama irá complicándose y Ronnie tendrá que descubrir la verdad para salvar su vida mientras es perseguido por un crimen.
Vigilantes of Boomtown
The ranch of Red Ryder (Allan Lane) and his aunt, The Duchess (Martha Wentworth), is being used as the training site for "Gentleman Jim" Corbett (George Turner) for his upcoming fight in Carson City, Nevada for the heavyweight championship against Bob Fitzsimmons (John Dehner). Molly McVey (Peggy Stewart), the daughter of a U.S. Senator, crusading against prize-fighting in Nevada, complicates matters soemwhat when she conceives the bright idea of having Corbett kidnapped, thus causing the cancellation of the fight. The two men (George Chesebro and George Lloyd) she hires to do the kidnapping also add to the complications by kidnapping Ryder instead of Corbett. Meanwhile, a gang of crooks, led by McKean (Roy Barcroft), descend on the town intent on looting the town and also making off with the fight proceeds.
The Thirteenth Hour
In this drama, a trucker's business is nearly destroyed after he is wrongfully accused of killing a policeman with whom he recently quarreled.
Johnny O'Clock
When an employee at an illegal gambling den dies suspiciously, her sister, Nancy, looks into the situation and falls for Johnny O'Clock, a suave partner in the underground casino. Selfish and non-committal by nature, Johnny slowly begins to return Nancy's affection and decides to run away with her, but conflict within his business threatens their plans. As Johnny tries to distance himself from the casino, his shady past comes back to haunt him.
Home in Oklahoma
Sheriff Barclay
In this Roy Rogers entry, featuring a song written by Oklahoma Governor Roy J. Turner (making him and Lousiania's Jimmie Davis and Texas' W.E. "Pappy" O'Daniel possibly the only state governors to write songs used in a western), Flying U ranch owner Sam Talbot is killed by a fall from a horse. St. Louis reporter Connie Edwards comes to check a rumor that he might have been murdered. She goes to Roy Rogers, editor of the local newspaper, and he takes her to the reading of Talbot's will. The ranch is left to Talbot's 12-year-old ward, Duke Lowery, much to the dismay of Talbot's niece, Jan Holloway. After some attempts on Duke's life, Roy finally proves that Jan, Steve McClory and coroner Jim Judnick had Talbot killed and are conspiring to do the same for Duke, making Jan the last heir.
Esclava de un recuerdo
Man on Subway Platform (Uncredited)
La hermosa Joan Kenwood no puede superar la muerte de su marido en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Periodista de profesión, Joan tiene obsesivamente presente la imagen de su difunto esposo en todos los aspectos de su vida. El simpático ex soldado Jim Cameron la persigue con la esperanza, contra toda lógica, de que finalmente olvide a su marido y le preste su atención a él.
A Guy Could Change
A playboy is reformed by his daughter and fiancee.
Vince Conway, Ledger (uncredited)
Christopher Cross es un simple cajero infelizmente casado, pero tiene un raro talento para la pintura. En cierta ocasión, conoce a una aventurera de la que se enamora y le hace creer que es un pintor de éxito. La chica y su novio, un individuo sin escrúpulos, aprovechan la ocasión para explotar al pobre hombre, que llegará incluso a cometer un desfalco en su empresa para que ella siga creyendo que es un artista de éxito.
White Pongo
Suspecting that a safari guide is a wanted killer, undercover policeman Geoffrey Bishop (Richard Fraser) joins a safari led by the suspect for a scientist that hopes to find and prove that a fabled white gorilla is a missing link.
Amor por mal camino
Prospector (uncredited)
Duke y Chester son dos actores de tercera fila que huyendo de un apuro se embarcan rumbo a Alaska. En el mismo barco viajan dos asesinos, Sperry y McGurk, que tienen en su poder un mapa con la ubicación concreta de una mina que esconde gran cantidad de oro. La casualidad hace que el mapa vaya a parar a manos de los dos actores que aprovechan la ocasión para abandonar el barco adoptando la identidad de los asesinos.
The Royal Mounted Rides Again
Kent (Gold Raider)
In time-honored fashion, a couple of supporting players -- George Dolenz and Bill Kennedy -- found themselves elevated to starring roles in this minor Universal serial. They played Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers investigating the murder of a miner. The story, of course, was less important than speed and action, which directors Ray Taylor and Lewis D. Collins delivered in typical slap-dash Universal style. Starlet Daun Kennedy did not make much of an impression as the imperiled leading lady, and former star Robert Armstrong (of King Kong fame) was wasted in a subordinate role. Rondo Hatton, a non-actor whose grotesque appearance (caused by acromegaly, the so-called "Elephant Man" disease) was tastelessly exploited by Universal in the '40s, appeared as one of the outlaws.
Boston Blackie Booked on Suspicion
Blackie is implicated in a murder when he accidently sells a phony Charles Dickens first edition at an auction.
Frisco Sal
Sal comes to the Barbary Coast from New England to find out who murdered her brother. She gets a job signing in Dude's saloon, falls in love with Dude, then wonders if he might be involved in the murder.
Fog Island
Allerton, Butler
Leo, a former convict, is living in seclusion on an island with his step-daughter, the daughter of his late wife. Leo was framed by a group of former business associates, and he also suspects that one of them killed his wife. He has invited the group to his island, tempting them by hinting about a hidden fortune, and he has installed a number of traps and secret passages in his home. He is aided in his efforts by a former cell-mate who holds a grudge against the same persons. When everyone arrives, the atmosphere of mutual suspicion and the thick fog that covers the island promise a tense and hazardous weekend for everyone.
The Missing Juror
George Szabo (Uncredited)
A newsman tracks down a phantom killer of murder-trial jurors.
I Accuse My Parents
Al Frazier
Ignored by his alcoholic parents, Jimmy Wilson starts hanging around with some shady characters. After falling in love with a lounge singer, Jimmy tries to impress her by doing jobs for her shady boss. After one of these jobs goes bad, Jimmy ends up on the run. Eventually, he must confront the truth, his past, and his parents. The judge cites parental neglect in the case of a teenager (John Miljan) charged with murder.
When Strangers Marry
Hugo the Great
Una mujer comienza a sospechar que su nuevo marido puede ser un asesino.
Bride by Mistake
Ship Builder
The staggeringly wealthy Norah Hunter, a shipyard owner, too often finds herself the romantic target of gold-digging men. To attract a suitor whose main interest is not money, she changes places with her secretary, Sylvia Lockwood, and assumes the role of a young working woman. However, she then falls for recuperating fighter pilot Anthony Travis, who, in turn, is madly in love with Sylvia -- or, perhaps, with the millions he thinks she has.
The Whistler
Bill Tomley (Uncredited)
A guilt-ridden man blames himself for his wife's death and secretly pays an assassin to kill him. But then he finds out that his wife isn't dead at all. And now the assassin is on his trail, with no way to call off the hit.
Larceny with Music
A former bootlegger is now the prosperous owner of a popular nightclub. A hustling promoter manages to pass off a young singer as the heir to a fortune and gets her booked at the club.
Sergeant Moore (uncredited)
Un antiguo prisionero de la Guerra Civil Española, John McKittrick, llega a Nueva York con la intención de investigar la muerte de su amigo Louie Lepetino, pues sospecha que no ha sido un suicidio.
She Has What It Takes
'Shocker' Dodie
Fay Weston (Jinx Falkenburg), a radio singer of no consequence, pretends to be the daughter of a recently deceased Broadway stage star in order to hoodwink Broadway play producer in starring her in a planned-show that is a tribute to her supposed mother.
Murder in Times Square
An actor becomes a suspect in the murders of four New Yorkers injected with rattlesnake venom.
El Halcón a la defensiva
Brannigan (uncredited)
El Halcón es inculpado por el asesinato de un banquero y el robo de bonos de guerra. Escapa a las montañas, donde se esconde en una cabaña rústica. Desde allí descubre una operación de bonos de guerra falsos.
Hello, Frisco, Hello
Foghorn Ryan - Proprietor
In turn-of-the-century San Francisco, an ambitious vaudevillian takes his quartet from a honky tonk to the big time, while spurning the love of his troupe's star singer for a selfish heiress.
¡Qué noche aquella!
Jeff Troy escribe novelas de poco éxito y Nancy, su mujer, piensa que ello es debido a que viven en un apartamento poco conveniente para un escritor como él, por lo que decide acabar con la mediocridad de su existencia y alquilar un piso bajo con un jardín en una discreta casa de un barrio más tranquilo. En ella vivirán una experiencia tan extraordinaria como irrepetible. La casa entera tiene un aire siniestro, y los vecinos parecen hostiles y asustados. Jeff deberá entonces poner en práctica sus conocimientos detectivescos para resolver un asesinato cometido en su propia casa.
Incidente en Ox-Bow
Moore (uncredited)
El asesinato de un ranchero rompe la aparente tranquilidad de un pueblo del oeste americano. Ausente el sheriff, los hombres del pueblo deciden formar una partida para encontrar a los culpables.
Gentleman Jim
Harrigan (uncredited)
Biografía del campeón de boxeo James J. Corbett. Conocido como 'Gentleman Jim', Corbett se convirtió en el primer campeón del mundo de los pesos pesados en 1892, cuando derrotó a John L. Sullivan, tras la entrada en vigor de las llamadas reglas de Queensberry, que exigían la utilización de unos guantes hinchados para proteger los nudillos, un cuadrilátero con unas medidas determinadas y establecían la duración del combate... En Estados Unidos obtuvo excelentes críticas.
En el viejo California
San Francisco Sheriff
Tom Craig (John Wayne) llega a Sacramento (California) con el fin de establecer allí una farmacia. Pero la ciudad está dominada por Britt Dawson (Albert Dekker), y muy pronto estallará la guerra entre ambos.
Miss Annie Rooney
A poor girl falls for a wealthy young man. He invites her to his gala birthday party, but she doesn't have the right kind of dress to wear, so her family and friends band together to raise money to get her the proper dress.
Pat Esel
A newlywed tries to deal with her troubled stepchild.
Obliging Young Lady
George - Court Policeman (uncredited)
A woman attempts to shelter a young girl from the publicity surrounding her socialite parents' divorce.
Anillos en sus dedos
Susan Miller trabaja detrás del mostrador en unos grandes almacenes, y sueña con ropa bonita y el glamour que nunca puede aspirar a tener. Cuando un par de timadores que estafan a millonarios convence a Susan de que puede cumplir todos sus sueños, el trío se dirige a Palm Beach. Susan conoce a John, que dice que está buscando comprar un velero. Creen que él es millonario, los estafadores tratan de venderle un barco que no es suyo, y se apropian de sus ahorros. Hay una petición de boda y la trama se complica.
El valle del sol
Sergeant Melvy
En 1868, el explorador del Ejército Johnny Ware es obligado a ayudar a los indios contra sus opresores blancos, pero escapa y se encuentra en la pedanía de Desert Center. Allí se cruza con Christine Larson, que está a punto de casarse con uno de los malvados agentes indios... pero no si Johnny puede evitarlo.
Pacific Blackout
Falsely convicted of murder, young Robert Draper (Robert Preston) escapes custody during a practice blackout drill. Under cover of darkness, Draper hopes to find the real killer, who turns out to be a member of a Nazi sabotage ring. Completed shortly before America entered WW2.
Steel Against the Sky
Tired Counterman (uncredited)
Steel-worker brothers compete for the same woman.
La sombra de los acusados
Pipey (uncredited)
Un jinete es asesinado en los vestuarios, tras retirarse de una carrera a la que habían acudido Nora y su marido Nick. A pesar de elo la pareja vuelve a las carreras precisamente el día en que se comete otro asesinato.
Walt - Bartender
1866. Recién terminada la guerra civil (1861-1865), dos antiguos combatientes vagan por Texas en busca de dinero, comida o trabajo. Pero lo único que encuentran son problemas. Primero se convierten en profesionales del boxeo, luego presencian el asalto a una diligencia, consiguen arrebatar el dinero a los ladrones y horas después están frente a un grupo de hombres que quieren ahorcarlos.
Bad Man of Deadwood
Roy and Gabby fight bad guys to save the town of Deadwood.
El expreso de Broadway
Train Engineer
Un director de cine quiere que estrella se lleve un bebé en un viaje en tren, con el fin de conseguir publicidad. Ya en el tren, la actriz se encuentra con un joven médico al que conoció en el colegio, y del que sigue enamorada. Pero la presencia del bebé causará todo tipo de problemas y malentendidos...
She Knew All the Answers
Chorus girl and rich playboy want to marry but he'll lose his fortune unless his trustee approves of his mate. So she goes to work in the trustee's brokerage firm under an assumed name to get on his good side but complications ensue.
Las chicas de Ziegfeld
George, Speakeasy Waiter (Uncredited)
Tres mujeres sueñan con actuar en los musicales de Broadway de Florence Ziegfeld. Susan teme que su éxito apene a su padre, actor de vodevil en declive. Sheila se debate entre el amor a su novio y las atenciones de un millonario. Sandra está casada con un virtuoso del violín que no soporta que su mujer consiga el éxito en el mundo de las lentejuelas.
Tormenta en la ciudad
Steamboat Captain
John Reynolds debe ir a Nueva Orleans para investigar un juego de apuestas que está siendo un fraude. Allí conocerá a Julie, la hija del General Mirbeau, que está implicado en esta lotería fraudulenta, y ambos se enamorarán. Sin embargo, la historia sufre un giro cuando Mirbeau es asesinado. Entretenido film con el vaquero John Wayne metido de lleno en la justicia y enamorándose de quien no debe. John Reynolds, viaja a Nueva Orleans para acabar con una lotería amañada. En el proceso, se enamorará de Julie Mirbeau, que resulta ser la hija del General Mirbeau, quien maneja la lotería.
Strange Alibi
An undercover cop finds himself on the wrong side of the law when the mob discovers his true identity.
In Old Cheyenne
Smitty - Stable Owner
Roy is a newspaper reporter. He goes to Cheyenne to cover the activities of supposed bad guy Arapahoe Brown. Roy, of course, discovers who the real bad guy is.
Where Did You Get That Girl?
In this musical comedy, a motley band of musicians have only their extreme poverty in common. They end up writing a hit and getting a recording contract. The trouble is, the composer's works are never played without another band member doctoring them up to make them swingier. Fortunately, the composer isn't too averse to the changes as he has just won the heart of the beauty who sings his revamped songs. Songs include: "Where Did You Get That Girl?" (Harry Puck, Bert Kalmar, sung by Helen Parrish), "Sergeant Swing," "Rug-Cuttin' Romeo" (Milton Rosen, Everett Carter).
The Wildcat of Tucson
Marshal Jim
When his brother Dave is put in jail, Bill Hickok returns to help him. Dave has been charged with attempted murder when the other man drew first. Judge Barlow put him there and Bill gets the Judge to confess. Bill learns that Rance McKee is behind all the trouble and he forces the Judge into the decisions he wants. So Bill heads out by himself to face McKee in the showdown.
Gallant Sons
Rankin, a Gangster (uncredited)
When a teenager's father is accused of murder, the boy and his high-school classmates set out to find the real killer.
East of the River
Charlie, Man with Letter (uncredited)
Two troublesome boys grow into very different men, one becoming a hoodlum and the other embracing college but both are in-love with the same girl.
Ciudad de conquista
Nueva York. Un camionero (James Cagney) decide hacerse boxeador para ayudar a su hermano que se dedica a la música (Arthur Kennedy), pero a un gángster sin escrúpulos no le gustará la idea.
The Leather Pushers
Joe Johnson
A shifty boxing promoter places an amateur in fixed fights, then hands his contract over to an suspicious female investigative reporter as a raffle prize. He later regrets his actions, however, when the boxer becomes an honest champion.
Te quiero otra vez
Joe - Police Sergeant (uncredited)
Larry Wilson, un hombre de negocios, se recupera de un episodio de amnesia y descubre que en realidad es un estafador; pero, además, vuelve a enamorarse de su esposa de la que estaba a punto de divorciarse.
El capitán cautela
Sailor Drinking Emetic
Al morir su padre, una muchacha ayudará a un joven a tomar el mando del barco que luchará contra los británicos en la guerra de 1812
La pasión ciega
Barney (uncredited)
Joe y Paul Fabrini son dos hermanos que tratan de abrirse camino por su cuenta como camioneros. Tras unos duros comienzos, las cosas comienzan a ir bien, pero la ambición de Joe y la aparición de una mujer obsesionada con él hará que todo se complique.
Luna llena
Marianne de Beaumaniour está de camino a Nueva Orleans desde París para inspeccionar la plantación que heredó de su tío. En el barco viajan también algunos esclavos para ser vendidos. Charles, Duque de Villiers, un enemigo político del rey, también está a bordo haciéndose pasar por esclavo. El jefe de la plantación de Marianne compra a Charles y éste pronto la seduce con su encanto. Marianne descubre rápidamente la verdadera identidad de Charles y le deja en libertad, antes de que los oficiales franceses le encuentren. Marianne decide volver a París con el Capitán de Policía, a bordo del barco “Luna Llena”, pero deben hacer escala en la Martinica. Después de la Martinica, el barco es asaltado por los piratas. Marianne queda conmocionada al ver que Charles es el líder de los piratas. Esa noche, una dura tormenta les azota, y todo se hunde. Ahora Charles es el líder y la diversión acaba de comenzar….
The Return of Wild Bill
Matt Kilgore
When Matt Kilgore and his men frame and then hang an innocent man, Lige Saunders sends for his son Wild Bill who arrives to find his father shot by Matt's brother. When the brother is killed in his fight with Bill, Matt sends two fake Deputies to arrest Bill whom he then plans to hang. But Matt's sister, attracted to Bill, overhears the plan and rides for help.
A Fugitive from Justice
Bartender (uncredited)
Leslie is being chased by the gangsters, the police and the insurance investigators. He is on the run. Falsely accused of a murder, he embarks upon a life-and-death journey to save his family.
Marco Borelli
Set against the backdrop of WWI Europe, a man and woman of different classes are brought together by their love of Lippizan horses.
La Conga Nights
Taxi President
In this comedy, actor Hugh Herbert plays six different roles. Only one of the roles is a man. The story centers around a dizzy music lover, who has grown rich through real estate deals. Also figuring in the story are a cab driver/performer, and a down-on-her-luck, aspiring singer. They meet when she hails his cab as she skips out on her former boarding house because she cannot pay rent.
Gaucho Serenade
Gene Autry and sidekick Frog Millhouse depart Madison Square Garden and NYC heading west for home in their car and a horse trailer carrying Gene's horse, Champion. They discover that Ronnie Willoughby, a young boy just off the boat from school in England, has hitched a ride, thinking that Gene and Frog were sent by his father to meet him. Ronnie thinks his father is a big rancher in the west and doesn't know that his father, Alfred Willoughby, is serving time in San Quentin prison because of a frame-up by the officials of a packing company. To keep the father from testifying against them, the packing company officials, Carter, Jenkins and Martin, have arranged for the boy to be kidnapped. Along the way a runaway bride, Joyce Halloway, and her young sister Patsy join the troupe.
El hombre invisible vuelve
Miner at Radcliffe Colliery (uncredited)
Un hombre que va a ser ejecutado, acusado del asesinato de su hermano, recibe la visita del Dr. Griffin, hermano del científico que años atrás descubrió la fórmula de invisibilidad. El condenado huye gracias a que se hace invisible, y trata de demostrar su inocencia, pero la locura que va unida a los efectos secundarios de la fórmula para ser invisible harán acto de presencia...
Cafe Hostess
Mr. Brown
A dancehall girl meets a sailor and they fall in love, but the club’s owner doesn’t want the girl to leave.
The Green Hornet
Rocky Rockford (uncredited)
El editor de un periódico y su sirviente coreano combaten el crimen como vigilantes, mientras aparentan ser un gangster enmascarado y su cómplice. Primera entrega del serial de la Universal Pictures basado en el personaje radiofónico. Le seguiría "The Green Hornet Strikes Again!" (1940)
La torre de Londres
Moat Guard
En el siglo XV, Ricardo, Duque de Gloucester (Basil Rathbone), ayudado por su patizambo verdugo Mord (Boris Karloff), elimina a todos aquellos que se le enfrentan en la sucesión al trono, entonces ocupado por su hermano el Rey Eduardo IV de Inglaterra. Cada vez que lleva a cabo un asesinato, disfruta eliminado una de las figuritas que tiene colocadas en la sala del trono de su casa de muñecas, cuyo aspecto se asemeja a cada uno de los posibles sucesores al trono, hasta que queda sólo la suya. Después de la muerte de Eduardo se convierte en Ricardo III, Rey de Inglaterra. Sólo le falta derrotar al exiliado enrique Tudor para mantener el poder.
Otra reunión de acusados
West Indies Club Patron (uncredited)
A Nick y a Nora Charles, un matrimonio muy excéntrico, les apasiona ejercer de detectives aficionados. Un día, la familia Charles, después de pasar un fin de semana fuera, regresa a su casa en compañía de un industrial de Long Island que sospecha que alguien quiere matarle, e inmediatamente su temor se hace realidad. Lo peor es que Nick está entre los sospechosos, pero Nora tiene sus propias ideas sobre el caso y se escabulle dentro de un club para buscar pistas.
Los violentos años veinte
Singing Trio Member (uncredited)
Estados Unidos, Ley Seca, años 20. Relato sobre los diferentes caminos que siguen tres veteranos que se conocen durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Cuando regresan a América tras luchar por su país, tropiezan con el problema del desempleo y con grandes difícultades económicas. Uno de ellos (Lynn) seguirá con decisión el buen camino; otro (Cagney), amargado por la falta de futuro, no encuentra más salida que el contrabando ilegal de licor; el tercero (Bogart) se convierte en un implacable gángster.
Caballero sin espada
Hoodlum (uncredited)
Jefferson Smith, un joven ingenuo e idealista, que parece fácilmente manipulable, es nombrado senador. Ignora que en Washington tendrá que vérselas con políticos y empresarios sin escrúpulos que le harán perder la fe. Sin embargo, gracias a su secretaria, una joven que conoce muy bien los entresijos de la política, protagoniza en el Senado una espectacular y maratoniana intervención en la que, además de defender apasionadamente la democracia, pone en evidencia una importante trama de corrupción.
Five Little Peppers And How They Grew
Delivery Man
The first of four films in the "Five Little Peppers" series, based on Margaret Sinclair's popular book, about a widowed mother and her five children. In this one the family inherits co-ownership in a copper mine.
Torchy Blane.. Playing with Dynamite
Torchy Blane and Steve McBride try to nab a gangster by tracking his moll.
Mutiny on the Blackhawk
Ship's Officer
Story deals with slave-running between Hawaii and California in 1840, featuring a wild mutiny aboard a slave ship on the high seas, the bartering of natives for slavery in a tropical paradise, and battle scenes between enraged California settlers and the Mexican Army.
Behind Prison Gates
Convict Marty Conroy
An agent for the state attorney general poses as a convict to learn about bank loot.
Joe Becker
A hard-living dockworker finds religion until his brother is murdered.
On Borrowed Time
Chief of Police (uncredited)
Young Pud is orphaned and left in the care of his aged grandparents. The boy and his grandfather are inseparable. Gramps is concerned for Pud's future and wary of a scheming relative who seeks custody of the child. One day Mr. Brink, an agent of Death, arrives to take Gramps "to the land where the woodbine twineth." Through a bit of trickery, Gramps confines Mr. Brink, and thus Death, to the branches of a large apple tree, giving Gramps extra time to resolve issues about Pud's future.
Good Girls Go to Paris
Schultz (uncredited)
Jenny Swanson, a waitress on a college campus, is dying to visit Paris. Thanks to English professor Ronald Brooke, she manages to make her dream come true. Besides seeing the sights in the French capital she makes friends with a wealthy family there, the Brands.
Sweepstakes Winner
A scatterbrained waitress invests her inheritance in a broken-down race horse and a sweepstakes ticket.
El chico de Oklahoma
Bartender in Missouri (uncredited)
La banda de McCord (Bogart) roba el dinero que lleva la diligencia para pagar a los indios por la compra de sus tierras, pero el proscrito Jim Kincaid (Cagney), alias "el chico de Oklahoma", roba a su vez a McCord el dinero. Más tarde, McCord se hace con el control de los salones de juego en la nueva ciudad. Cuando el padre de Kincaid decide presentarse a la elecciones para la alcaldía de la nueva ciudad, McCord incita a multitud para lincharlo, ya que sabe que si gana su negocio se vendría abajo.
Nancy Drew... Reporter
Maxie, Gym Attendant (uncredited)
Mientras participa en un concurso del periódico local en el que se les pide a los escolares que envíen una noticia, la hija del abogado local Carson Drew, Nancy, intercepta una asignación de historia real. Ella "cubre" la investigación de la muerte de una mujer que fue envenenada. Nancy no cree que la joven acusada del crimen sea culpable y acorrala a su vecino Ted para que busque una evidencia vital y tropieza con la identidad del verdadero asesino.
Devil's Island
A French doctor sentenced for treason performs brain surgery on the prison commandant's daughter.
Homicide Bureau
Boat Captain
Un delincuente es detenido por presunto asesinato, pero es liberado poco después de una campaña periodística contra los métodos usados por la policía. Un agente sabe que es culpable, sin embargo, y continúa la investigación por su cuenta para tratar de descubrir la verdad.
Prison Train
Gangsters plan an assassination of a rival while he rides the train carrying him to prison.
Mr. Wong, Detective
A chemical manufacturer is killed just after asking detective James Wong to help him. So Detective Wong decides to investigate this as well as two subsequent murders.
Dad and Dave Come to Town
Dad and Dave Come to Town is a 1938 Australian comedy film directed by Ken G. Hall, the third in the 'Dad and Dave' comedy series starring Bert Bailey. It was the feature film debut of Peter Finch
Smashing the Rackets
Big Mike Leonard
Jim 'Socker' Conway, former boxer and FBI hero, is maneuvered for political reasons into a do-nothing job in the district attorney's office. Meanwhile, he meets wild debutante Letty Lane, girlfriend of mob mouthpiece Steve Lawrence; and Letty's much nicer sister Susan. Now the slot machine gang brutally beats Jim's friends Franz and Otto. And Jim finds a way to use his nominal position to go into the racket- busting business. But his success puts Letty in deadly peril...
Racket Busters
Truck Driver (uncredited)
A trucker with a pregnant wife fights a New York mobster's protection racket.
Air Devils
Two daredevil pilots go after the same girl.
Torchy Blane in Panama
Joe (uncredited)
Torchy, Steve, and Gahagan are on the trail of a bank robber aboard an ocean liner traveling from New York to L.A. via the Panama Canal.
A Slight Case of Murder
Little Dutch
Former bootlegger Remy Marco has a slight problem with forclosing bankers, a prospective son-in-law, and four hard-to-explain corpses.
Idol of the Crowds
Spike Regan
Johnny desea ganar más dinero para agrandar su granja de pollos. Para ello, juega al hockey, pero unos gangsters se interponen en su camino.
Thanks for Listening
Homer Tompkins, a trusting young musician with aspirations of becoming a radio star, is installed in a fine set of offices in Reno by a quartet of con artists who have bugged rooms and suites, with the title of "professional listener", and he passes off what he hears to his employers, Lulu, Trixie, Maurice and Champ and they use the information for blackmail purposes. They also so involve his sweetheart, Toots, that he can not withdraw even when he finally learns he is being used as a tool.
Girls Can Play
Phil Balter, escapee
Al escribir un reportaje sobre una jugadora de softball, un periodista descubre que el novio de la chica, que se hace pasar por hombre de negocios, es en realidad un gangster.
The Case Of The Stuttering Bishop
Peter Sacks
A Bishop from Australia comes to Perry to ask him to take a case of a woman wrongly accused of manslaughter 22 years before. The case would involve the wealthy Mr. Brownley and the fact that his alleged granddaughter may be an imposter. With that, the Bishop leaves and is clubbed in his hotel room. Soon after, he leaves on a boat and Perry meets the woman - Ida Gilbert. Perry goes to see Mr. Brownley, but gets nowhere. Later that night, Brownley is to meet Ida, but he is shot by a woman who drops Ida's gun. Ida is arrested for the murder of Mr. Brownley and Perry gets involved.
Men in Exile
An ex-con takes flight after he's framed for a jewelry store robbery and murder.
Champagne Waltz
Greek Proprietor
n Vienna, a new jazz club featuring American trumpeter Buzzy Bellew threatens the existence of its neighbor, the Waltz Palace, run by Franz Strauss and featuring his granddaughter, singer Elsa. Smitten by Elsa, Buzzy hides his identity and association with the club -- whose owner intends to buy out the Palace property. When Elsa accidentally learns who Buzzy really is, it appears he may have to return to America alone.
Smart Blonde
Pickney Sax
Ambitious reporter Torchy Blane guides her policeman boyfriend to correctly pinpoint who shot the man she was interviewing.
Night Waitress
Diner Discussing Helen's Past
Helen Roberts, who's on probation, goes back to work as a waitress at Torre's Fish Palace, a San Francisco waterfront dive. The customers are low characters trying to make time with Helen and ex-rum runners trying to make a dishonest dollar. Some of the latter, including Helen's unwelcome suitor Martin Rhodes, are after a mysterious, valuable hidden "cargo"; when violence erupts, Helen finds herself innocently involved, and is soon on the run from both cops and crooks.
Wanted: Jane Turner
Henchman Dutch Emory (uncredited)
Investigators set out to capture a gang of thieves transporting stolen cash through the U.S. mail.
Bulldog Edition
Manelli (uncredited)
Two rival newspapers are engaged in a circulation battle, complicated by the fact that a vicious gangster inserts himself into the middle of it. Also complicating matters is that one newspaper's editor and circulation director are competing for the affections of a pretty blonde reporter.
Grand Jury
Thug (uncredited)
When a grand jury acquits a gangster accused of murder, a retired elderly citizen decides it's up to him to see that the criminal is proven guilty and put behind bars.
The Big Noise
Chick Morelli (uncredited)
The Big Noise is retired textile manufacturer Julius Trent (Guy Kibbee). Seeking a new outlet for his entrepreneurial energies, Trent buys a half interest in a thriving dry-cleaning establishment. This gets him mixed up with a gang of protection racketeers, who promise dire consequences if Trent doesn't dance to their tune.
Balas o votos
Man (uncredited)
Con la pandilla de Al Kruger a la cabeza, los gángsters de Nueva York prosperan gracias a una administración débil que ha enviado al duro policía Johnny Blake (Edward G. Robinson) a un barrio de las afueras. Los cerebros de la banda son un triunvirato de banqueros cuyas influencias políticas, financieras y sociales permiten la existencia de los gángsters. Cuando Bryan, un editor que hace campaña contra ellos, aparece asesinado, un gran jurado designa al capitán Dan McLaren para que acabe con los malhechores. McLaren expulsa, aparentemente, a Blake del cuerpo de policía y éste, enfadado, se une a la banda como mano derecha de Kruger. Nick Fenner (Humphrey Bogart), el ayudante y asesino de Bryan, sospecha de Blake y desconfía de la presencia del ex policía en la banda.
Road Gang
Prisoner at Boone City Jail
A crusading young reporter planning a series of articles about a corrupt politician is framed for a crime and sentenced to serve five years at a prison farm.
Sutter's Gold
Story of the gold strike on an immigrant's property that started the 1849 California Gold Rush.
Bad Boy
Pool Room Patron
An unemployed loafer who spends his time playing pool decides he's ready to look for a job so he can secure his girlfriend's parents' approval for their marriage.
She Couldn't Take It
Prison Turnkey
The wealthy Van Dyke family are constantly in the media for outrageous behavior, much to the frustration of the patriarch, Dan Van Dyke. His self-centered wife has a fondness for foreign imports, including "pet projects" like dancers and such and his spoiled children Tony and Carol have constant run-ins with the law. When Dan himself ends up in the clink for five years for tax evasion, he becomes bunk-mates with ex-bootlegger Joe "Spots" Ricardi. Ricardi lectures him on being such a push-over for an out-of-control family, so a dying Dan makes Ricardi his estate trustee once he is released from prison. Ricardi is then thrust into high society and must do everything he once nagged Dan to do.
The Old Homestead
Elsie Wilson's Husband (uncredited)
A New York radio talent scout turns up at a barn dance.
Al Waters
A Mild Teenager gets a job as a timber guard.
Men Without Names
A G-man woos a newswoman and corners bank robbers with a hostage in a factory.
La llave de cristal
Hood (uncredited)
Cuando Paul Madvig, un político de éxito que lucha contra sus rivales para apoderarse de la ciudad, se ve implicado en un asesinato, Ed Beaumont, su amigo y mano derecha, debe decidir de qué lado está.
Circus Shadows
A phoney "psychic" ring tricks a pretty young circus performer into working for them.