Frank Zieger


En el ojo de la tormenta
Road Worker
En el transcurso de un solo día, la ciudad de Silverton es azotada por una serie de tornados sin precedentes. Toda la ciudad está a merced de ciclones erráticos y mortales, mientras que los cazadores de tormentas predicen que lo peor está aún por llegar. La mayoría de las personas buscan refugio, mientras que otras corren hace el vórtice, poniendo a prueba hasta dónde está dispuesto a llegar un cazador de tormentas para conseguir esa foto única que sólo se hace una vez en la vida. Contada a través de los ojos y de los objetivos fotográficos de cazadores profesionales de tormentas, aficionados en busca de emociones y valientes vecinos de la ciudad, “En el ojo de la tormenta” te lleva directamente al ojo de la tormenta para experimentar lo que ofrece la Madre Naturaleza en sus momentos más extremos.
Devil in My Ride
Doreen is about to marry the man of her dreams, Hank, a mild-mannered guy who is equally as excited about marrying Doreen. However, Doreen's older brother, a wild man named Travis who's been estranged from her for several years, shows up to make amends, but instead he accidentally curses her. Doreen is now possessed by the devil. In Las Vegas is a homeless man known as Johnny Priest, who is the last known person to perform an exorcism in America. It's up to Travis and Hank to put aside their differences and travel from Chicago to Las Vegas to get Doreen an exorcism before it's too late and her soul is lost forever.
Betty Anne Waters
Betty Anne Waters es un ejemplo de estoicismo, solidaridad y entrega. En 1983, su hermano Kenny fue condenado a cadena perpetua por un asesinato que no cometió. Por aquel entonces, Betty Anne, que trabajaba como camarera en un bar, era una mujer de 28 años divorciada y con dos hijos. Completamente convencida de la inocencia de su hermano, se puso a estudiar derecho y cuando terminó la carrera se convirtió en su representante legal para luchar por conseguir su exculpación.
Tom Stewart
Alleged is a romantic drama based on events occurring behind the scenes and outside the courtroom of the famous Scopes "Monkey Trial" of 1925. Charles Anderson, a talented young reporter, feels trapped working for his deceased father's weekly newspaper and living in a tiny town (Dayton, TN) in steep decline. Seeing the "Monkey Trial" as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break into the journalistic big leagues, Charles manages to insert himself into the middle of the "Trial of the Century." Once in the midst of this staged event, however, he is torn between his love for the more principled Rose, his fiancée, and the escalating moral compromises that he is asked to make as the eager protégé of H.L. Mencken, America's most colorful and influential columnist.
Finding Preet
Chef Robert
Thirty-four divorced and INDIAN! Priti is a 34 year old Indian American physician and restaurant owner searching for preet (a hindi word for love). Her traditional Indian parents find her numerous potential husbands from "Indian Internet Matrimonial" sites and her over zealous girlfriends persuade her to join a ten thousand dollar dating service. She goes to extremes to find love when it just may be where she least expects it... Finding Preet is a romantic comedy based on the experiences of writer, Priti Chowdhury.
Street Thief
Rob Rodgers
Kaspar Carr is a professional burglar who lives and works in Chicago. Carr loves his job and is good at it, and two documentary filmmakers are granted access to his private world when he agrees to let them make a film about him.