1920. Georges Clémenceau just lost the french presidential elections to the unknown Paul Deschanel, an idealistic who wants to change the country. But, one day, Deschanel falls from a train and disappear. At daybreak, France is looking for its president, a great chance for the « Tiger » Georges Clémenceau.
Sophie, 28, just found out she landed that job at a famous Parisian publisher. Her dream? Not exactly: she would rather see her own graphic work printed… When she tells her boyfriend Jean she is pregnant, everything explodes. They break up and she must return to waiting tables like her friend Julia, an aspiring actress. How can one survive in the city under such conditions?
Max is single, ophthalmologist, and a real mama's boy. Until she suddenly dies. Max should be devastated, yet he seems to be coping well. Too well. He actually still sees her, talks to her. She is not gone, still here, still close to her beloved baby boy. Max knows she is dead, yet he holds on to this impossible reality. Until he starts sharing his office with Ohiana, a shrink who he slowly falls in love with. Mom is not going to like it.
A crossing guard has known too many misfortunes in his life to believe he is facing the on-the-run President of the Republic.
Un enigmático hombre de negocios en nombre de una misteriosa organización se pone en contacto con Duval (François Cluzet) para ofrecerle un trabajo sencillo y bien remunerado: transcribir escuchas telefónicas interceptadas. Duval, económicamente desesperado, acepta sin preguntar sobre la finalidad de la empresa que lo contrata. De pronto, envuelto en un complot político, debe afrontar la brutal mecánica del mundo oculto de los servicios secretos.
Additional Writing
Daniel is a former police officer turned debt collector. Now in his late fifties, he goes about his "dirty job" without emotion or sympathy. One winter's day, he stops at a roadside parking lot and is approached by Laura, an 18-year-old young woman who asks him to drive her home. He accepts, and on the way, she offers him "her services" in exchange for money. Daniel is furious, and throws her out of his car. But his feelings of remorse and the violence of his reaction lead him to turn around and retrace his steps, only to discover that Laura has disappeared...
Lou, a creative and dreamy 12-year-old girl, lives alone with her mother in an orange building with tons of little balconies that give access to the roof. Mina has been her best friend since kindergarten, and Lou has been in love with Tristan, one of her neighbors, since elementary school. Her mother has relinquished her own personal happiness of late so as to devote herself to her daughter, but their little bubble bursts when Mom meets a man and Lou at last dares speak to Tristan.
Clémence is pathologically jealous. Gabriel has asked her to marry him. To test whether he is faithful, unbeknownst to him she arranges that he crosses paths with beautiful Olivia...
Hervé, un adolescente de 14 años poco agraciado, no muy listo y bastante compulsivo, vive con su madre. En el colegio, gracias a sus amigos, se las arregla bastante bien. Su verdadera obsesión es salir con una chica, pero sólo cosecha calabazas; a pesar de ello, no se desanima y, un buen día, descubre asombrado que le gusta a Aurora, una de las chicas más guapas de la clase. A su alrededor pululan los más pintorescos personajes: Camel, un fan del metal con fantasías similares; Benjamin y Meryl, dos adolescentes complejos y acomplejados; los prepotentes Loïc, Anas y Mohamed; Mahmoude, el inevitable cabeza de turco; Mégane y Sadia, dos chicas de carácter débil; Aurore y Laura, las guapas de turno conscientes de su poder sobre los chicos.
Scenario Writer
An old man bequeaths his fortune to a television host, much to the chagrin of his own family.
Louise y Nathalie, dos amigas de la infancia que soñaban con ser actrices, se vuelven a encontrar después de más de diez años. Louise trabaja como técnico dental y Nathalie ha hecho realidad su sueño de convertirse en actriz. Entre ambas se establece ahora una relación basada en una intensa atracción y unos celos obsesivos.
Un hombre. Una mujer. Casados... pero no juntos. Están desempleados. Él desde hace algunas semanas, ella desde catorce meses. No tienen nada que hacer de sus jornadas. Se convierten, primero en amigos, luego en amantes. Es una amistad, que día tras día, sin que sea voluntario, acaba en amor. Un amor clandestino, insolente, despreocupado, imprevisto para días de desempleados.
Camille is an emancipated 30-something woman who has no desire to settle down and have a family, preferring to coast along on a succession of ephemeral relationships and one-night stands. However, her lifestyle fails to satisfy her fully, and in a moment of depression she runs into a complete stranger, Alexis, whom she instantly falls in love with. Alexis, alas, is married, with two children, and works for the Socialist Party. None of this is going to deter Camille though…