Yuri Stepanov

Yuri Stepanov

Nacimiento : 1967-06-07, Moscow, USSR (Russia)

Muerte : 2010-03-03


Yuri Stepanov
Yuri Stepanov


A Pair of Bay
A young student Irina comes to a small sea shore town to spend some time with her grandmother.
No Need to Grieve
The adventures of the people living in a small village on a border between Russia and Belarus.
Alexey Kromov, a former Russian army colonel, is stuck in Paris with a huge sum of money which belong to the former Russian government.
Colonel Karas lives with his wife, Larisa, a gynaecologist and their son, Andrey in a large house in the city. Apart from his demanding job in the military, the colonel loves to hunt and fish, which takes him away from home for long periods of time. However, it is his love of other women that is the real cause of his absences and his marital problems. With this example to follow, it is no surprise that the children are also proving unlucky in love. Daughter Veronica has fallen in love with the wrong man while son Andrey is following in his father's footsteps and gaining a reputation as a ladies' man. When the colonel is told by his superiors that his family is to be relocated to a small flat, he decides the easiest solution would be to marry Andrey off.
Wild Field
доктор Фёдор Абрамович
A young doctor relocates to a remote region of central Asia, thinking his fiancee soon will join him ...
The Game
A funny comedy about the Russian footfall team and their adventures during the World Cup.
Red Pearls of Love
Maria is young and beautiful. Her life resembles a fairy tale, in which the wishes come true if by magic. She has a smart, loving husband. And all that can be bought for money. Maria wants a child but could not bear it. She lives, but does not feel life. She is very unhappy.
В Париж!
Иван Николаевич Новожёнов
The Actress
Викентий Иванович
The romantic comedy about a daily life of Anechka - a thirty years old actress.
Cargo 200
Mikhail, Colonel
Poco después del final de la era Brézhnev, un policía psicópata viola y secuestra a la hija de un miembro de la nomenklatura y se vuelve loco.
Alexander Petrovich Kutenko, policemen
A young man who lives in a small village finds a corpse of extraterrestrial creature. Or at least he thinks so...
The First After God
Boatsman Podoprigora
The film is based on the true story of Captain Marinesku and set in 1944 during WWII at the Russian Navy Base. Young and beautiful Tanka is in love with Aleksandr Marinin, the brave Captain of the Russian submarine. He is under the KGB surveillance, and his life is at risk. He takes his boat to fight the Nazi fleet, and he cannot come back home without a victory.
Dead Man's Bluff
Sergei and Simon have to deliver a suitcase full of heroin to Mikhalych or else they will be killed. There is one minor detail: the only problem-solving technique they are familiar with is a shot in the head.
The Stroll
accident participant
Today’s twenty-something Russians are the first generation in the country’s post-communist history to have grown up free. Their twenties are the age of freedom, of fast-changing events and intense emotions. Perhaps only at this age they can live a whole life in one day. A young girl and her two accident companions walk halfway around St.-Petersburg; they flirt and tease each other, and for ninety minutes they act out a real-time romantic drama. This stroll is full of laughter and tears against a backdrop of the hustle and bustle of the streets.
Shukshinskiye rasskazy
Синельников нов.бриг.лесорубов ( Ораторский приём, фильм №4 )
Spartacus and Kalashnikov
The story of street children and the dog who penetrate into the fast food restaurants at night and catching terrorists in spare time.
Guerra: Voyna
Aleksandr Matrosov
Guerra​ es una película rusa de 2002 dirigida por Alekséi Balabánov e interpretada por Alekséi Chádov e Ian Kelly. La película narra el cautiverio de unos soldados rusos y unos actores ingleses durante la Segunda Guerra
El cuarto ángel
La tragedia hace acto de presencia en la vida del prestigioso periodista Jack Elgin, un hombre inteligente e idealista, cuando su mujer y una de sus hijas son asesinadas ante sus propios ojos en un atentado terrorista. Horrorizado al comprobar cómo una política pusilánime impide que la justicia condene a los autores del crimen, Elgin se siente obligado a tomarse la justicia por su mano. Moviéndose en las altas esferas de la política y en los círculos de la mafia yugoslava, intentará atrapar a los asesinos.
Moscow, the 90s ... A city without a past and without a future. A city that doesn't forgive mistakes. Showing Moscow bohemia, the criminal business: nightlife, easy money, excitement and confusion form the surface of this life. The main characters of the film are businessman Mike and his friend and partner in smuggling Lev, a psychiatrist Mark and his school friend Irina who became the mistress of a nightclub, her two daughters - a crazy Olga working in the same club as a singer, and Masha - the “Moscow Princess” on the threshold of her thirtieth birthday. Love stories smoothly flow into a crime drama.
Snatch: Cerdos y diamantes
Franky es una ladrón de diamantes que tiene que entregar una enorme pieza a su jefe Avi, pero en el camino es tentado por Boris para apostar en un combate ilegal de boxeo. En realidad, es una trampa para atracarle por lo que, cuando Avi se entera, contrata a Tony para encontrar a Franky y el diamante. Pronto se descubre el triste destino de Franky, y la caza y captura de la gema desaparecida lleva a todo el mundo a un juego de locos que corre el riesgo de descontrolarse, donde el engaño, el chantaje y el fraude se mezclan de forma sangrienta con perros, diamantes, boxeadores y gran variedad de armas en una caótica merienda de negros.
Дом для богатых
Serafim Pukhov
His Wife's Diary
guest at reception
A tragic story of love and loneliness - this is the unknown life of the great Russian writer Ivan Bunin. The confused love story that involved Bunin, his wife Vera, the young poet Galina Plotnikova, opera singer Marga Kovtun and literary man Leonid Gurov. A work of great honesty and piercing psychology.
Привет от Чарли-трубача
Time of a Dancer
Valeriy Belosheikin
How can you continue to live when you are back from war which is still close?
The Jackal (Chacal)
Victor Politovsky
Un asesino sin escrúpulos, al que sólo se le conoce por el pseudónimo de Chacal, es contratado por un jefe de la mafia rusa para eliminar a un alto mandatario de gobierno de los Estados Unidos como represalia por la muerte de su hermano. El director del FBI, Preston se enfrenta al reto más grande de su carrera: con la ayuda de Valentina Koslova, una oficial de la inteligencia rusa, tendrá que desenmascarar al Chacal, descubrir quién es su objetivo y evitar el fatal desenlace. La única forma de conseguirlo es encontrar a alguien que piense como él: Declan, un antiguo activista del IRA.
Remember Me?
A domestic farce exposes the eccentricities of a "typical" middle class, suburban family who find their lives thrown into a crisis with the unexpected arrival of one of the wife's old flames.
Heads and Tails
To earn money for married life, a young engaged man takes a job as an engineer on a privately operated oil drilling rig in the far North of Russia. A friend's letter brings the sad news that his fiancée has already married someone else and in desperation he quits his job and flies back to Moscow. There all his vast efforts to win her back seem in vain...