Bohuslav Šrámek

Nacimiento : 1914-12-12, Prague, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary [now Czech Republic]

Muerte : 1984-07-31


The Hour of Blue Elephants
Special Effects
Two days before Christmas. Zuzanka and Tomás, friends from a kindergarten wander off during a walk. They admire toys and decoration in shop-windows. Zuzanka shall receive a sledge as a Christmas present and Tomás even a desired little brother. At a shooting gallery Tomás aims at a target on the trunk of a blue elephant which can call in Christmas. The impatient Zuzanka pushes to her friend and he shoots directly to the elephant's red eye. Things which the owner of the shooting gallery warned about happened: the sun popped on the sky, the snow melted and all Christmas shopping has stopped. Both pushful children decide to get a new eye for the elephant so that everything can be set right.
Strážce majáku
Punch and Judy
Two puppets, Punch and Judy, do battle to the death over the custody of a live guinea pig.
Special Effects
Archangel Gabriel and Mistress Goose
Taken from Boccaccio's Decameron, this lovely puppet film tells the bawdy story of the beautiful young Venetian lady who confesses her sinful passion for the Archangel Gabriel to a lustful monk, who promptly impersonates him in her bedroom with predictable results. Amidst the film's ribaldry, the hypocrisy and false piety of the monk are mercilessly mocked.
The Hand
A happy little potter is approached by a huge hand which wants him to sculpt its statue. The potter refuses, wanting nothing more than to be left alone with his only friend, a potted plant. As the hand's request gives way to bribery, demands, and threats, the potter becomes more desperate to escape its clutch, leading to tragedy.
The passion for high speed can nowadays almost be seen in the new-born. The film shows that such passion, if not controlled, is self-destructing and even suicidal. At least this is the way Trnka presents it in this satiric story. —
Červená aerovka
The Midnight Adventure
An old woodblock train meets its shiny new electric replacement one Christmas Eve in this glowingly nostalgic stop-motion toy story, directed by Bretislav Pojar and featuring gorgeous design by Trnka.
El sueño de una noche de verano
El primer kinescopio de títeres del mundo. Se basa en la famosa comedia poética de William Shakespeare . Tres mundos se encuentran en esta historia: el noble mundo de tres parejas de Atenas, un mundo popular común de comerciantes de teatro amateur y una felicidad de cuento de hadas de criaturas mágicas como elfos y ninfas. La película es considerada la obra más destacada de Jirí Trnka y un hito en la historia del mundo de la animación.
Magic skis
Puppet film-fairy tale in an entertaining form teaches viewers to ski correctly, to overcome steep hills.
Spejbl na stopě
Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka – Švejkova budějovická anabase
Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka – Švejkova budějovická anabase
Liška a vlk
Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka – Švejkovy nehody ve vlaku
Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka – Z Hatvanu na hranice Haliče
Viejas leyendas checas
Basada en el libro de Alois Jirásek, compuesto por numerosos mitos checos, narra la historia ancestral de la fundación de Checoslovaquia, una serie de episodios protagonizados por héroes, reyes y reinas. (FILMAFFINITY)
O světle
O světle
O světle
El príncipe Bajaja
Adaptación de un cuento popular checo. Cuenta la historia de un joven que, protegido por el espíritu de su madre fallecida, debe llegar al castillo del Rey y liberar a sus tres hijas de varios espectros malvados que las atormentan. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Merry Circus
Animación cut-out en stop motion en la que varios animales, artistas y personajes de circo, realizan algunas de sus atracciones.
The Emperor's Nightingale
Adaptation of a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, about an emperor who prefers the tinkling of a bejeweled mechanical bird to the song of a real nightingale. When the Emperor is near death, the nightingale's song restores his health.
The Devil's Mill
A barrel organ grinder meets the devil on a mysterious moonlit night in this haunted-house fable, which showcases Trnka’s atmospheric use of sound to conjure a macabre mood.
Song of the Prairie
An animated singing western short in which a cowboy takes on the villain to save his beloved.
Story of the Bass Cello
"Román s basou" is another short by master a stop-motion puppet-animator Jiri Trnka. The story is based on Anton Chekhovs story "Roman s Kontrabasom". Princess Bibulova decides to go fishing along the river while not far away a bass player leaves his two companions to go for a swim.
The Czech Year
The first full-length puppet film made by Jiri Trnka. Like the painter Ales who illustrated the national songs, Trnka depicts the traditional customs and tales of the Czech village in six separate sequences: Shrovetide, Spring, Legend About St. Prokop, The Fair, The Feast and Bethlehem." A Treasury of Fairy-tales" made Trnka famous all over the world and it is a masterpiece of Czech and world animation.
Vodník ve mlýně
Míša Kulička
El limpiador de chimeneas
Una historia cómica sobre un legendario deshollinador que, con la ayuda de un muelle, aterrorizó a las SS que ocupaban Praga durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.