Anthony Dilio

Anthony Dilio


Anthony Dilio
Anthony Dilio
Anthony Dilio


Zombieland: Mata y remata
Matteo Bianchi
En esta secuela y empleando el característico sentido del humor del que hizo gala "Zombieland", el grupo de protagonistas tendrá que viajar desde la Casa Blanca hasta el corazón de los Estados Unidos, sobreviviendo a nuevas clases de muertos vivientes que han evolucionado desde lo sucedido hace algunos años, así como a algunos supervivientes humanos rezagados. Pero, por encima de todo, tendrán que tratar de soportar los inconvenientes de convivir entre ellos.
Chasing Bullitt
January 1971- After an unexpected confrontation with his agent, Hollywood legend Steve McQueen makes a reluctant deal. He'll choose his next acting gig on one condition: his agent has to help him locate the iconic Ford Mustang GT 390 from his seminal film BULLITT. On his journey across the desert and back to Los Angeles, Steve ruminates on his triumphs and losses. Through his memories, a picture of the man's reality is slowly revealed: a crumbling marriage, therapy, financial troubles, and a waning career.
El redentor
No es habitual que Gon, un experimentado asesino a sueldo, cometa un error; pero tras matar por accidente a una niña, le encargan eliminar también a la madre, una mujer envuelta en una peligrosa conspiración. Cuando Gon se enamore de su objetivo, su profesionalidad se verá terriblemente comprometida.
The Wrath of Cain
A former kingpin of the streets, Miles “Cain” Skinner is doing life in prison. He is feared and respected among the inmates. When Cain learns that his sentence will be shortened only by brain cancer, his urgency to change his ways goes into overdrive.
The Perfect Sleep
In a timeless city, a man with no name returns to the violent, brutal domain of assassins he left ten years before – back when they dubbed him The Mad Monk for his disregard for his own life and his intense devotion to one woman, Porphyria; a beautiful, luminescent woman; the girl he grew up with; the love of his life; the one thing he has ever wanted; the one thing he can never have.
Dangerous Worry Dolls
While serving time in a brutal women's detention center. Eva wishes away her troubles to a set of tiny Worry Dolls. The dolls crawl in her ear at night and soon Eva becomes possessed.
Cerco Aterrador
Guard #2
Cuando una brillante psiquiatra investiga el funcionamiento de una nueva técnica que se les va a aplicar a los presos condenados a muerte, averigua que van a ejecutar a un inocente. Ante tal injusticia, intentará desenmascarar al verdadero asesino.